Is DIY Really A “Trend”?
Yesterday, a post on Apartment Therapy caught eye. It was called Been There, Done That: Designers Weigh In On “Worst Trends”. (It was a recap of an article originally from Elle Decor called Cleaning House: Five Tastemakers On Decorating Trends That Have Outstayed Their Welcome.)
I have to admit, I abhor these types of articles in the first place. Other designers telling me what I should be tired of, and what trend I should be embracing next really irritates me. You don’t like ornate garage sale mirrors painted in high gloss colors, Mary McDonald? Fine. Don’t buy them. Leave them for me, because I happen to love them and I want one for my office. I happen to think a high-gloss, ornate mirror in a bright color would look fabulous against my black walls.
I usually just shrug these things off, and move on, not giving a second thought to what some designer in New York City thinks about the things I use to decorate my home in Waco, Texas. But this comment really, REALLY rubbed me the wrong way…
The DIY craze has run its course, says decorator Sheila Bridges, who has seen her share of “earthy, handmade concoctions. Just because it can be reclaimed doesn’t mean it should be.”
Seriously? The DIY craze has “run its course”? I hardly think so! I want to think that maybe I’m reading her quote wrong. Perhaps she said much more, and Elle Decor took her lengthy comment and shortened it to this poorly edited quote that somehow changed the original meaning.
I would be able to shrug this off except for the fact that Sheila Bridges IS a very well-known designer, and people respect her opinion. I can just see cash-strapped people all over America (who, for some reason, actually care what these people have to say) reading that comment, and then feeling inferior because they can’t afford high-end items for their home, and have to rely on second hand furnishings and good, old-fashioned ingenuity and hard work to make their home beautiful. And you know what? They shouldn’t be made to feel bad about it because of some well-known, high-end interior designer with a well-padded bank account, who deals with the type of clientele who probably never even realized that there was a recession in this country.
I’m taking a firm stand against these ridiculous “what trends are in, and what trends are out” articles. And Sheila Bridges, if you happen to stumble across my little blog and read this, I certainly hope you’ll clarify your meaning. Because right now, all I can think is that you’re irritated that homeowners have realized that with a little money a bit of hard work, they can stencil their walls with gorgeous results instead of buying your $150/roll wallpaper.
P.S.–In now way do I mean to insinuate that the only people who DIY are cash strapped. I personally DIY because it’s what I can afford, but I also absolutely LOVE the satisfaction I get from completing a project and knowing that I created it with my own two hands. If I had a bank account filled with loads of disposable income, in all honesty, I probably would purchase a high-end item here and there, but I would never, EVER give up my DIY projects.
I read that article too and I’m glad to see I wasn’t the only one who took umbrage with that particular “worst trend” comment! Beyond the cash strapped, there are plenty of folks who enjoy the process and creativity of DIY, as well. Made me wonder if these well-heeled high-end designers are feeling the rough economy in their pocketbooks, as well, as people start to get a little more confident in their own abilities to create something beautiful and save some cash (and the environment) as well.
Very well said … THANK YOU for writing this post .. its so true … I hate to hear or read these type of comments.
There have been many times that I can afford to buy high end but too go out and find supplies and make the same thing with my Own Hands is so much more empowering I think it also helps make My HOUSE a Home.
Great Post
<3 Brooke
I totally agree with you! DIY has been around forever.. it isn’t a “trend”… and yeah, maybe its become more popular over the past few years, but that’s because more people are realizing how fun, affordable, and eco-friendly it can be! So poo-poo to those high-end decorators who scoff at DIY and crafting.
Well said!
Also, isn’t the whole point of decorating to make your home something YOU like… not something other people like? If DIY makes you happy, then it is NOT out of style… but what I do know… I just put the last coat of stain on my 35 year old kitchen table that I refinished (and looks AWESOME) and made a really big sign out of wood, paint and stencils for $35 that would have cost me more than $400 online…..
Amen!! And of course a high end designer would say something like that, they don’t want to talk themselves out a job. But yes, I think with the invent of pinterest this craze is just getting started.
Well said Kristi! Thank you. Love your blog. I have much to learn from you.
Best regards from Australia, Shirley xxx
What some might not realize is that DIY isn’t just done by those who are strapped for cash, but by those who have discovered that they can get exactly what they want by doing it THEMSELVES. Love this post!
Can I get an AMEN?!! Good post!
Amen and amen….I’ll take the Restoration Hardware candlesticks I found at the Goodwill for $12 over the EXACT SAME ONES still in the store for $150.00!! Give me ingenuity, creativity and a little elbow grease over a high end room put together by a high end designer any day! Great post.
Very well said, indeed! Individuality is a good thing – I agree with Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations, perhaps they are starting to feel the pinch.
You go, girl! I completely and wholeheartedly agree with you! I am a partner in a design firm and we LOVE it when we get a client who is willing to pitch in with DIY projects or who will allow us to use reclaimed pieces in their space. The Habitat Re-Store and the salvage yard are two of our favorite places to shop. We love creating one-of-a-kind pieces that no one else in the WORLD posseses from things that you can find at these places, as well as keeping one more thing out of a landfill. Rather than seeing the DIY trend as a threat to designers, at Fluff Your Stuff, we embrace it and help our clients add personality and create more of a sense of ownership through coming up with ways they can be more involved in the process. I say the trend that needs to go is snobby designers who want to dictate to the rest of the world how our homes should look. News flash…it’s MY house and you’re not the boss of me!
the designers can’t make money when everyone knows how to do their job themselves! 🙂
I think that as long as there are people in the world who want to create beautiful and functional spaces to dwell and work in without spending unrealistic gobs of money, there will be a DIY movement. Personally, I don’t see DIY as a trend but more a way of life. I’m picky, frugal, and quite enjoy using what I have on hand to create beauty and function for myself and my loved ones. I’m not a trend.
Also, as a professional, she should have known better than to forget who her audience was. I’m hoping that her quote was a bad edit….
Thanks for being honest, Kristi!
Anna K.
You know, this isn’t the first time I’ve read that the “DIY Trend” is “over”. I think it was sometime last year, and I can’t remember where, but I do remember thinking the exact same thing you wrote in this post. You know what I think it is? Designers are pissed that Regular Janes (and Joes) are stealing their jobs! Now, I know that most of their clientele can afford to hire them at whatever rate they charge. But it sure must get under their fancy gilt-covered skin that the peons of the world are picking up their glue guns and making homes pretty. It doesn’t have to have a giant price tag to be worth something. I am in love with our coffee table that we made from an old door and some walnut barnwood. And who doesn’t want to promote being less wasteful? If it can be revamped, remade, or reimagined into something else, why NOT do it? The worst that can happen is that the project flops and you throw it out, which is what was going to happen anyway.
All you have to do is look at the rising popularity of DIY blogs to see that this “trend” isn’t going anywhere. It’s a movement. It’s a revolution. People are finally realizing that you really can do it yourself, and it will still be awesome. Ana White (my DIY idol) gets over a six thousand hits A DAY from Pinterest alone. People want to learn how to build their own furniture, and stop buying it. I’m sure that puts the scare into people who make a living out of buying.
I read that article last night too and a lot of the comments that went with it. My feelings about it ranged from irritation, to sadness, to downright amusement!!! Most of these people wouldn’t know a great DIY project from a pricey boutique piece if they had the option to compare side by side. The snobbery that MM is so well known for, just had me shrug. Most of those people are so out of touch with with how real Americans want/ need to decorate, I don’t give much credit too. Decorate with what makes you happy! And be creative!
Kristi, you’re right on. I don’t think the DIY trend will EVER fade because, frankly, a lot of us can’t afford that $150 wallpaper and see it as more sensible to just do it ourselves!!! Not to mention, I do get a sense of satisfaction when I do something on my own. It’s kinda like “boom baby! I didn’t need your thousands of dollars to buy that mirror, I just made one JUST LIKE IT for $20! and you’d never know the difference!!”
My home would have nothing in it if it wasn’t for Craiglist, KMart, and me doing things myself!!!!!! 🙂
I will happily be considered not trendy.
That poor woman is probably scrambling to justify an over priced job, more than likely living in an over priced home, driving an over priced car and wearing over priced clothing.
Love your commentary on the whole thing. Well said.
THANKS for your post! I believe my desire to make our home aesthetically pleasing with the need (and desire) to do so without breaking the bank, has stretched me to think creatively. There isn’t a cash value on the satisfaction I find when I complete a project myself. My DC Subway art dresser is a one-of-a-kind that gives me as much pleasure as owning a piece by Drexel Heritage.
Here, here! I wholeheartedly agree! Since when did DIY become a “trend”? I’ve been doing forever it seems, it’s in my blood, as it is for many of us. I think the internet has allowed DIYers to come together, to share more and inspire others, but it ain’t a new thang. There’s something soul-satisfying about creating something yourself that has meaning to YOU, and turning something seemingly old and worthless into something beautiful and useful again. And the fact that I can manage to save enough money to do other things like take a vacation every once in awhile? Well, that’s a win-win! I’ve known people to be a little backhanded about things I’ve made too and say, “who has time for that kind of effort, I’d just go buy it instead if I want it”. Go with your snobby self then! Welcome to the real world, Sheila Bridges. Thank goodness no one else’s opinion matters in my house except my own and my family that lives here.
Really, Ms. Bridges? Run it’s course? Then how do you explain the staying power of Martha Stewart?
Thanks for the rant Kristi!
[email protected]
Hear Hear!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about interior decorating – that’s what makes it so fun and interesting – to see what other people like and put together in a room to make it their own.
While I admit to liking the look of the rooms in the decor magazines, I’m usually quite put off by the prices of some of the pieces they use ($10,000 for a sofa? Really?) I beleive the best rooms are the ones wher eit looks like you spent an obscene amount of money buy really didn’t, and if you can acheive that with used furniture, thrift store makovers, and DIY projects more power to you!
Hi Kate and thank you for writing thispost…you are spot on girl. You ignited a fire in me to write my own post on the idea of DIYing being a “trend” designers think is fading away!. I also happily referenced your post!
I remember my Mom recovering furniture and crafting things for our home when I was a kid. Is DIY decorating really that new? Can it even be called a fad? Isn’t it just more evident because of the growth and popularity of blogs like yours and Donna’s? Not to mention shows like Nate Berkkus that brought it more mainstream? I’m not very good at following trends either. I had a “tangerine” family room about 10 years ago…I’m not ready to be there again!
Kudos, Kristie! Very well put and I totally agree with everything you said!!!!!
Well said!!! I don’t think DIY will ever be a finished trend- I think that people will always want to try to achieve an expensive look for less- Who doesn’t like saving money and getting that fabulous look at the same time? It’s not a trend- it’s something that creative and resourceful people use all the time and always have. I would venture to say that it is fairly easy to achieve a gorgeous, high end looking room with a fantastic high end amount of money in your budget. To achieve a similar look on a dime (so to speak) – Awesome.
I totally agree with you. What kills me the most though is that they bash looks that people have just finished achieving like mid century and hollywood regency. I just finished my powder room and then read an article about how it was formula and dated. Reclaimed dressers are out for powder rooms, along with my statement piece mirror, specialty wall treatment (oh no cause I went for marble wainscoting which I can’t exactly tear down easily) and chandelier. I just finished and now I need to start over? Why did I bother at all? Like most magazines they are selling insecurity; “I am not pretty enough and my house looks like crap”, is the mantra they want every American woman to chant so we will all rush out to buy whatever it is that they sell. Of course they hate DIY because it cuts them out of the picture. God bless you and what you do for your clients and readers. A decorator who cares more about the finished product than the bottom line is rare. You are a true artist and an inspiration.
In my household DIY is a way of life. Yes, mostly becasue we are cash strapped, but more importantly because we LOVE it! There is no greater home decor satisfaction than looking around my home at the things we love most and feeling that accomplishment of knowing we did it ourselves and typically under budget!
So fad or no fad, a trend that has run it’s course or not, I will keep on DIY-ing. And there is not a single thing these high end, well known designers can say to make me feel inferior or change my stance on DIY! I know the stuff I create blesses my family and even more, it honors my husband when he says buying brand new isn’t in the budget.
Dear Sheila Bridges, I challenge you to pick up a hammer and give a DIY project a try. You will probably be surprised at how much you love it! 🙂
A DIY-er for LIFE!
Whoohoo! I love punchy posts like these.
DIY isn’t going anywhere, at least in my home! I hate having something that everyone else has. Maybe my decor might be similar, because I saw a great tutorial that I fell in love with somewhere on the interwebs, but it’s not identical! It’s unique in it’s own imperfections created by my hands, not some shoddy manufacturing process.
Bravo! I love and agree with everything you said in this post. Sounds like someone feels threatened that smart, creative types can recreate high style on a shoestring budget without the use of her services.
Also, with the rise of Pinterest, I would say DIY just got an ENORMOUS boost. It’s not going away anytime soon. And trend or not, I myself won’t be stopping anytime soon either.
Sing it, sister!
If you think about it, people have been DIY-decorating since we first made cave-paintings in the Stone Age. If anything, it’s purchasing pre-made furniture and home decorating items that is the “trend.”
Second, the DIY “trend’ is this woman’s direct competition – why WOULDN’T she pan it? Methinks someone is feeling the heat of both the recession and people realizing that there’s more than one way to get a beautiful home.
Sound like snobbery for sure! I’m glad you have a different idea of decorating! Who wants to pay full price for something that has no meaning! Who wants a house decorated with stuff that doesn’t really reflect the personalities of the people who live there! I love that everything I own has a story!
I like this rant. I’m also tired of being lectured on what’s “out” – it’s wasteful. Tell me what’s new, sure, but don’t rain on my parade. I don’t think DIY is a trend – it’s something humans have done since we doodled on cave walls. And I think it is gaining momentum as we re-apply the DIY mentality to our food, too. Yay for DIY.
I want to be as anonymous as possible because I’m going to say that there have been times when our household has had an income of $200,000+ and never anything below $100,000 but I DIY at least half of our decor. I enjoy it! I love how it looks! Maybe our income isn’t anything huge, but my point is that we could run out and buy nice furniture if we wanted to. I don’t want to!!! And high end designers who say that DIYing is out are completely wrong. I love your rant!
I read about this on another blog, and let me say that I completely agree with you! I also want to add that as much as people try to hide their financial issues, there really is no shame in needing to budget! Much of what is going on in this Country with the recession is beyond our ability to control. A Senator stated on the news the other day that one out of every 2 Americans now live in poverty. Many of the middle class are now experiencing financial issues that were once completely alien to them.
Even if you are doing well, some of the wealthiest people budget, in fact, I watched a news special where most American millionaires lived in neighborhoods like I grew up in as a teenager, and drove Toyota Camrys. The point of the news cast is that is why they were rich, they lived below their means!
I had a step father who makes 6 digits a year, and you would never know by what he drives or where he lives and he DIY’s everything!
You have your uber elite, who would like us all to think that we need to buy this or that cause they do. But as far as I am concerned, they will not dictate what goes on in my home! And to be honest, I can’t afford 150 dollar wallpaper, and I could care less who knows. When I’m done with my home, in my opinion, it will look beautiful and it will look high end and it will be done extremely thrifty.
And I agree completely that I would do this even if I the economy was doing well! There is something so satisfying and challenging about coming up with beautiful things on a budget or making them with your own hands, which stimulates creativity! You would be a healthier person all around from DIY’ing.
I mentioned this on the other blog that wrote about this, too, I can’t help but feel that this is money motivated. We can create beautiful designs ourselves, and therefore the bottom line is their pocket book is being hurt from this!
I’m not sure what offends me most or first……
a) the idea that DIY is a “trend” and it has overstayed its welcome…..?
b) the insinuation that all DIY is “earthy and handmade.” I’ve seen tons of very fashionable and well made DIY.
c) the projection of her idea that you should feel “untrendy” if you engage in DIY.
I agree with you—if I won the lottery, I might not think twice about dropping some cash on a piece here or there, but would never do over a room to the tune of thousands and thousands of dollars. I personally enjoy the satisfaction I get when I know I did the work myself and the result is all my hard work! Perhaps she’s a bit threatened that some “amateur” decorators can produce results not too different than her pricey, high end designs?
Hi Kristi-
DIY is here to stay. High end interior designers just need to feel like they are taste makers and have to remind us of that from time to time. I am older than most DIYers and have been using my DIY skills for decades. Plus my mom was a DIYer and that was back in the 60’s. If you go to any used book store there are hundreds of book on DIY that date back to the 50’s. DIYing has been around for a long time and is a way of life, not a trend. It is one way of decorating – just like high end is one way of decorating. We all have our methods. In the end we all just want to make our homes perfect for our life and style. DIYers feather their nests with what they can find, High end designers feather theirs with the latest manufactured goods. Both methods follow trends – but DIYing in itself is not a trend.
My best- Diane
Very well written. I agree with you, Kristi.
Just today I told my husband that I enjoy when we have less disposable income. I have
been gathering stuff for the AFC Championship game and had a blast finding deals to
make a centerpiece from and bought a sheet to use as a table cloth. I think many of us
find great pleasure and satisfaction in “making do” or, maybe in doing with what we can
put forth for the least cost and best result. I hope no one takes that designer to heart. She,
unfortunately for her, is clueless. Thanks for all you teach us and inspire us to do, Kristi.
My parent and grandparents were DIY’ing it long before the term was even coined! It’s not a fad and this economy – DIY will be around for a long, long time!
I do agree with the general notion that some DIY projects are better executed than others… but that argument can hold true for any project! Execution is everything. Money can’t buy good taste… that inherent ‘eye’ for balance and proportion and color comes naturally to some, regardless of the cost.
I love it when I can create something myself… and to share it with my readers so they can replicate it is icing on the cake! DIY and DIY blogs are here to stay, in my humble opinion!
I love your rants, Kristi! DIY is a hobby (and a profession!), not a trend. Maybe we should have a new trend we’re tired of: designer’s opinions. ;D
Okay, so I worked yesterday so I am just reading your post, and I can not believe it! I have been a DIYer since before there was a term for it…at least 25 years. I have always loved to make something out of “nothing”. My tastes have changed over the years, but I will NEVER stop my dumpster dive decorating!!! I respect the opinion of many decorators, but on this point they are just plain wrong.
the article in elle decor ticked me off, as well. i wrote a blogpost about it myself a couple of weeks back:
I agree – I dislike judgmental opinions disguised as fact. I liken that article to a fashion stylist in NYC saying that jeans are soooo over. Um, no. They will never be over.
Most of America has yet to embrace the trends that those experts said were over. Maybe they are over if you have to have of-the-minute decor. Maybe if you are a professional interior designer for fashionable people, they’re over. I would wager to say that if you are designing for “real” people, then a lot of those trends will still serve you well.
I’m all for DIYing and think it’s a great way to save money. However, it seems like some people are more talented than others at pulling off a look-a-like. I like buying things from Etsy when I don’t have the time to DIY my own project, but don’t want to spend the money on designer goods.
Of course these designers are sick of the DIYer’s, they’re not making any money from them. They’re so used to living in the rich world that their not used to the real world. Lets not let these designers ruin our beloved trend.
She is trying to influence people into not trusting themselves and thinking they HAVE to have a designer. Balderdash, poppycock, and dipsydoodle to her;)
Frankly, when the show ‘Trading Spaces’ was on, I found 90% of the designs were really UGLY and some were appalling in that they were just designers showing off to themselves,it was not about creating something useful (feathers glued to the walls, REALLY?) or toilets made into a bench(no possible way!) but the designers wanted to show ‘THEY’ could make something original. Originally ugly as SIN maybe…I have seen amazing decorating done by everyday people as well as some dogs, but I trust my instincts. I look to designers for ideas but I also look to the hearty amateurs and friendly pros who respect those of us with a paintbrush and a dream…you go girl;) I agree with you:)
I encourage all your readers to leave a comment on the Elle article online. I just did 🙂
Great post!
Kristi, I must say you are becoming one of my favorite bloggers. DIY isn’t a trend, it’s a way to embrace trends to fit your budget. Sorry but I’m not spending hundreds of dollars on a piece of new furniture where there is a chance a $20 craigslist score, that’s real solid wood could be made into the same thing.
Rebellion in the ranks, eh? What? Everyone is not applauding Elle & Ms. Sheila,, and rushing to follow their lead? Why, I’m just shocked! (I’m being sarcastic, of course =)! Loved your heartfelt rant, Kristi and I say Amen and double Amen. I attended a Laguna Design Center presentation about 15 years ago and I still remember the then editor of BHG announcing that Shabby Chic was dead. It’s still alive and well and evolving as far as I can tell. I have often wondered why she said that. . .I think I have a clue now.
I am a silent blog stalker who rarely posts anything, but this post really irked me. I am an Interior Designer, with a degree and lots of years working in the field behind me and I hated it. Don’t get me wrong I love the thrill of design from the beginning of planning to the end result, but I couldn’t stand working in the field of ID. You see I just felt as if it was a world that couldn’t color outside the box and it was confining.
I have realized over the years that there are a lot of Interior designers who are incredibly talented and some who need to find another profession. I learned a long time ago that there are women (and men) who are amazing at designing a room/home who have no “formal” training and in an industry that fights constantly for recognition that just pisses them off. I would rather be considered a DIYer than an Interior Designer. It so much more rewarding to do it yourself than to hand your construction documents and FFE to someone else to bring your room to life.
So when someone like Shelia Bridges waltzes in stating DIY is a trend, I have to wonder what planet she just fell from. DIY has been around since well forever. I remember as a child watching Carol Duvall on Good Morning America teaching us how to make our homes beautiful, Kitty Bartholemew (sp) did the same thing in the early 80’s, then there was Martha Stewart in the late 80’s teaching us to be prefect, the 90’s we were hit with HGTV and all their programming on how to decorate a room under $500, and then fast forward to the 2000’s and hello the blog world is full of all of us sharing our dreams to make a house into our home one project at a time.
DIY is not a trend, it is the joy of making nothing into something. I think Shelia is out of touch with the world we live in. I also believe that DIY will be around when Shelia is replaced with someone more trendy than she is. SO I say, keep on DIYing because it isn’t going away.
I didn’t read all the comments so if it’s been said already I apologize. These top designers are feeling the DIY craze. Business is down for them and they are trying to shift the trend so business is good again. The DIY is really hurting them. So I just would take what they say with a grain of salt. When doing your DIY decorating, after it’s all done and you walk in the room does it make you smile? Yeah so I think that says Job Well Done!
I totally agree with you! I am an Interior Designer who has been practicing for for 30 years.
I have designed homes and interiors for people who have an ‘unlimited’ income and have wanted to start from scratch, as well as (many more) people who pay for my services – but need to economize every where else. In all cases I work within the parameters of my client.
DIY has been around for a very long time – and as long as their are creative people in this world (me being one of them) it will be around for a lot longer!
I agree. I think what is changing design and forecasting trends are blog writers! No longer are we at the mercy of magazines that “style” all their pictures. We now can see real people and how real people decorate and live in their homes. My husband and I are major DIYers and I’m pretty proud of how we have changed our house into our home. We are also smart enough to know when we need to call in the experts like electricians and plumbers. Have we made some mistakes or changed our mind on things we have done? Yep, but that’s the beauty of doing it yourself! You can always change it again!
Kristi I so agree. DIY is not a trend it is a way of life for me. I love it. It brings me satisfaction. It is also relaxing. The fact that I can save money by doing things myself is a plus for sure but not my only motivation.
What I find most interesting about this article is the fact that Mary McDonald thinks that Hollywood Regency and lacquered pieces are so terrible – she was one of the instrumental designers to bring these styles into mainstream design anyway. And I’m sure an antiques dealer would prefer people to use a mix of styles and eras; he won’t get any business if everyone only buys new or mid-century pieces, will he?! 🙂
…….is DIY just a ‘trend that’s about to die’.?….actually, some of us are just not happy with everything made in China and have the talent to do our own thing………..
I read that article, too, and it really bothered me at first. However, I chalk it up to overly bloated egos like those of Mary McDonald. They live in a different world than the rest of us, and what they say about design trends may resonate with their clientele, but not the real world. The creative design process of DIY, re-purposing furniture, crafting beautiful objects for the home, etc., is an exciting way of designing our homes and lives. I love to look at photos of beautiful rooms that have been created by their owners, and not a designer.
So, as long as there are creative people in the world, there will be fantastic ideas for making our homes more beautiful, comfortable and enjoyable without having to look to those high end designers whose ‘design trends’ are as superficial as they are.
I couldn’t agree with all of these comments more….except the part about all high end designers viewing things this way. I am an interior designer and with the recession I have been hit hard with the lack of client’s willing to spend money on things they may have just a few years ago. However, I design for ALL client’s! I don’t care about the size of the budget as long as the client is happy and proud to call their house a home. I do a lot of DIY for my own home becasue despite working for wealthy client’s I do not have their same bank accounts. Is it easier to design with money? Maybe but it’s not as fun! I love trying to figure out how to make a home look like a million dollars on a budget. It’s more satisfying. That being said I don’t agree with making things unsafe or that won’t last becasue that is a disservice to the client as well.
So I say let the DIY keep going! It is good for the environment and even better for our wallets!
My sides are hurting from laughing at that arrogant quote. Poor Woman. How out of touch is she with America? We are in the middle of a recession. People are down. They are broke. They need DIY now more than ever. It is practical and it makes people feel better to make something themselves.
I enjoy DIY very much. It is a creative outlet and I will always be impressed by people who can make something new out of something old. It shows intelligence and talent. Buying a lot of expensive items shows nothing except you have some money to spend. I am rarely impressed by that. There are plenty of folks with a lot of money, but no taste (or class really) so that doesn’t mean much to me.
Enjoyed your article discussing this quote so much. I completely agreed with your position. Btw, my sister and I are new bloggers. I found your site and we’re going to follow you now. I live in Austin, so we’re neighbors! LOL.
I was into IKEA-catalog-lookalike furniture and room design until I bought my first New England house. Not just that it is much much smaller than the room shown in the catalog and laid out in a typical New England style, but it is also pretty cloudy most of the year in Mass. So guess what, my style changed… The pretty painted older pieces go with the style of the house and brighten up what other wise would feel like a cold gray room with the IKEA pieces.. And hay, I have to say after having owned a few IKEA furniture in the past, it is not as well made as the older wooden pieces! So yey to the painted furniture not being a trend!!
DIY might have been a trend back in 2012, but is it a realistic thinking. DIY means you invest your efforts, knowledge, time and money into something you can never ever be as skilled for as a professional is. So when deciding to go DIY on anything, first ask your self how much time you will invest and can you expect the same quality as a professional would provide.
I don’t build furniture like you do but I have a lot of pictures on my walls that I have bought at goodwill and framed/reframed myself. I have remade frames and painted them and switched pictures in them. That is one of my hobbies. May we all have our variety.