My Plan For A Resin Petri Art Wall In The Studio
I’ve had a change in plans for the big, blank wall in the studio. I’ll share more about that later, but what this change of plans means is that I needed a new idea for the wall next to my desk.

I’ve been thinking about it for a few days now, and I kept coming up with the standard ideas — shelves, large artwork, etc. I really don’t want or need shelves in this area. I also don’t want or need anything like a bulletin board or white board. I wanted something fun, colorful, and unexpected.
So yesterday, as I was trying to get some of these final projects finished up in the studio, I came across this box of resin petris that I made several years ago. I have 43 of them, and they’re in all assorted colors.
So now my plan is to use all of these as some sort of “art installation” on that wall. My initial idea was to do a whole collection of them arranged as a grid on a white background (probably plywood or MDF), and them frame them all together.
It would basically be the same idea I used for the hallway bathroom, but on a much bigger scale. I only used nine of them for the hallway bathroom, but I took this down months ago when I was trying to decide on wallpaper for that bathroom. I won’t be putting them back up when the new wallpaper is installled.
But again, my idea was to do something similar, except that instead of using only nine of them, I’d use as many as I could, like eight rows of five.
And if I did that, I’d put them in a simple white frame. I wouldn’t do a dark wood frame for the studio.
And I’d spread them out more than what’s shown here. This was the largest white background I had on hand, and I wanted to see what they’d look like. But I think they’d need a little more space, which means they’d take up more room on that wall, which is a good thing.
I really like how all of this color looks next to the cabinets.
But then I came across a stash of 5″ x 5″ gallery wrapped canvases. I absolutely love how this looks.
I don’t think I’d be able to use all 43 of them, or even 40 of them, if I mount each one on a canvas. But oh my goodness, I love how this looks!
I mean, if this isn’t “me”, I don’t know what is.
Of course, my main concern is that I’d be adding more squares. But you know what? At this point, I think I’m just going to lean into the repetition of squares and rectangles in the room. I love squares and rectangles. It’s the shape that I’m drawn to the most. (I’ll almost always choose squares and rectangles over circles and ovals for just about anything.) And if I like something, what better space to really lean into it more than my own studio?
So if you’re wondering about that big, blank wall, here’s the plan for it. That wall will now have the landscape design, the big colorful calendar, a TV, and some shelves. Yep, I’m putting all of that on the one wall. I just decided to go for it and throw everything at that wall. 😀 We’ll all have to wait and see if my “everything but the kitchen sink” idea for the big wall turns out.
Love the canvases. What if you gold leafed only the sides of them, to make them stand out from the wall even more? Many of your resin circles appear to have gold in them.
I like this idea. I was thinking how well the gold flecks in the resin pulls the gold trim on the cabinets. Gold around the square would look lovely and not “in your face”.
Sheila F.
Wholly agree with you! I love the canvases…not so much the white board. Will look great with the gold edges.
One of my favorite projects you have done to date. Love those! Perfect in the studio.
The circle shape of the resin disks will offset the squares/grid, so it will balance nicely. I wonder if they’d look good on thinner canvases. I’d worry that the weight would make the canvas sag after some time. Something like these:¤cy=usd&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk87_i8ECD81geEZMyHfcVAxjyNewLnMiiiNkanpiEFBCwt1N4H9xckUaAtZLEALw_wcB
Or what about mounting them on individual square blocks of wood?
I was going to suggest your resin art but I thought they were still in your bathroom. I think they’d look great on the wall. And judging by how happy you get looking at them on little canvases, I’d go for it. The squares are off set by the round resin art so there’s that!
I love those!! May I suggest something a bit different? Since those have a bit of translucentness to them, what about mounting them to say a white-ish plexi of some
sort so you could possibly back light it? So all the colors could really pop!!! You could turn off the light and it would give you the same white frame canvassed mounted effect but when its lit up….those colors would really look all together different and brighter for that ambient lighting effect? I love duel effect ambient lighting. Oh and all the colors!!
OMG what a great idea! Love it!
I really like the resin circles on the little white canvases but your backlight idea is even better.
Fab idea to light them from behind subtly with translucent plexi, I think that would look great
I came here to say this very thing! How can we light these up and make them glow! 😀
They look like the center of flowers. I was thinking a drawing/mural that’s a 3-d installation would be beautiful.
I like where you are going…doing things that please you in your very own personal space!
Love the idea of using the resin on the canvas. Maybe turn them on the diagonal to turn them into diamonds. I also like the ides of putting them in a light box on your wall!
I would love to see them inset within a surface – you could have a chunky white frame and core out the holes to put them in.
Maybe paint each of the canvases with the different colors of your cabinet swatches before mounting the Petri dish.
I Love Love the idea. I can’ty wait to see it when you are finished. I also like the idea that you are using something you already have.
LOVE THE RESIN PETRIS IDEA!! I love all of the color and know whatever you do with them will look spectacular! I can’t wait to see what you do with them and what your plans are with the big wall.
Kristi while reading l saw a partial picture of thr colors in a triangle. It was just the way hou took the picture or cropped it.. l think a triangle would we great eye rest relief fom the squares and straight lines. Your lights create rounds so theres that. Just speaking as a professional artist and years of teaching art. But, l know you will come up with something unique.
How about going wild and crazy and putting them up randomly instead of regimented rows?
This is so you!! Love it!
I love the idea you have here however, if you go with the square canvas’s. Is it possible to make the height of them different? Like rather than all the squares sticking off the wall at the same level it would create a more artistic vibe if they were different heights. I think if I myself was going to use them I wouldn’t use a backing for any of them. I would just randomly stick them to the wall for a more artistic effect. However, I do like some of the other ideas people are sharing about the gold leaf. I think it would really make the colors pop.