Friday Wrapup
Thank you, my bloggy friends, for hanging out with me here at A2D this week! We made it through the first week of 2011. I hope the year is off to a great start for you!
As I was thinking through the changes I wanted to make on the blog for 2011, there was one word that kept repeating in my mind…ORDER. Towards the end of last year, I just felt like my life…and this blog…had no order to it.
So this year, I’ve established some order. I’ve tested it out this past week, and it seems to work well, so now let me explain it to you. From here on out, I will have an “editorial schedule”. That way, you know what kind of post to expect on a certain day. Here’s the schedule (and I’ll eventually post it on the menu above under “A2D Blog”):
- YOC uo my TLC–I’ve deemed 2011 as my Year of Completion on my Tiny Little Condo. On Monday mornings, I’ll show you any progress I’ve made towards my goal.
- Out of Curiosity–I’m always wondering about different decorating questions and how people feel about different topics. I love getting your input!
- Before & After–Who doesn’t love a good furniture makeover?! Now I know that there’s no way I’ll complete one per week, so in the weeks that I haven’t done one of my own to show you, I’ll share my favorites that others have done. Do you have a furniture makeover that you’d like to share? Send me pics!! [email protected]
- Inspiring Designs–I’ll introduce the work of one of the talented designers from the A2D Interior Designer Directory.
- Client Project Update–I’ll share the latest on the projects I’m working on for clients. (Hmmm…perhaps the title was self-explanatory.)
- DIY Basics–I’ll pass along little tips and tricks that I’ve learned by trial and error on the how-to’s of d.i.y. This will span a variety of topics that I think will be helpful to those of you tackling d.i.y. projects around the house. Do you have a general d.i.y. question? Send it to me and I’ll see if I can help! Examples: How do you get a smooth finish when painting cabinets? How do you use a circular saw? Send your general d.i.y. questions to [email protected].
- DIY Project–I’ll share the step-by-step process for a new project.
- Room Reveal–If I’ve recently completed a room, I’ll share the before and after details with you. When I don’t have a room of my own to share, I’ll invite a guest blogger to share her favorite room with you.
- Wildcard–I don’t have a specific topic for this post. I’ll use it to share whatever I have to share that didn’t fit into a previous category.
- Friday Wrapup–Quick links to all of the week’s posts.
- Giveaway–If a company has offered a product for giveaway, the giveaway will start on Friday. This will be sporatic.
- I have a little something out-of-the-ordinary planned for Saturdays. Stay tuned for more info.
So that’s the plan!
Now on to the Friday Wrapup for this week. If you missed a post, just click on a thumbnail below.
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for my special, out-of-the-ordinary post. It’ll give you insight into my life, and it’s a topic I could definitely use YOUR expertise with!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Awesome, I love it! Of course, don't feel bad if you don't keep up with it, that's an ambitious schedule and honestly, I just love seeing whatever you post! 🙂
That sounds good, but I enjoy everything you post regardless of the project. Love your blog.