So, I Got A Little Sidetracked (But Check Out This Progress!!)

You know how yesterday I said I was going to spend one more day working on my room, and then show you the progress? Well, I didn’t lie to you, but I did get sidetracked. It’s just something I do…often.

You see, in order to work on my bedroom, I really needed to go to John & Alice’s house to pick up a couple of tools. But once I got there, I decided to inspect the newly-painted cabinets that I finished up on Friday. Then I decided to go ahead and attach the rest of the drawer and door pulls. Then I decided that I really was in the mood to use my tile saw, and wanted to get the rest of the tiles installed on the backsplash.

You get the picture.

So after leaving before noon to just pick up a couple of tools, I ended up getting back home after 5:30. But I did snap a few pictures before I left so that you could see the progress. The “big picture” is really starting to come together.

First, here’s a peek at the “before” of the left side of the vanity area…

The “before” vanity area, with white cabinets, brass knobs,
cultured marble countertop and backsplash, and massive mirror. 
Of course, you can see the wallpaper reflected in the mirror.

And here’s the current state of the vanity.  It’s not finished, but it’s much improved.

The cabinets are now an earthy green, the brass hardware has been exchanged
for drawer and door pulls straight from nature.  The cultured marble countertop
is still there, but a new backsplash freshens up the look.  And of course, the wallpaper
was replaced with a hand-troweled wall treatment.

The tile still needs to be grouted, and the faucet needs to be updated, but it’s getting there!

You can move your pointer back and forth over the picture below to see the “before” vanity and the current vanity area.

So, since the rest of my week is shaping up to be pretty busy, I guess my bedroom will have to wait until next weekend.  But that’s okay, right?  That just means I’ll have even more progress to show you next Monday!



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  1. That little before/after deal at the end is too cool. It looks great! I'm still super excited about your bedroom, though… 😉

  2. Looking good! Please tell me about the tiles…were they easy to install? I want to do those around my fireplace (maybe)…just trying to get the courage up to do it!

  3. I love that tile! You are so clever. Now please tell…how do you do that little before/after picture thing? Now I've got to get off the computer and back to my fireplace makeover.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  4. I know, Ashley. I'm excited about it, too. And a little nervous. 🙂 I think this weekend, I'll be building the closets on either side of the bed. I did all of the built-ins in my eating area by myself, so I know I can do it, but it still makes me nervous!!

    Price, tiling is quite easy, although it can get messy. The hardest part is cutting the tile. I bought the $90-ish tile saw from Home Depot, and have been quite pleased with it. But really, the process of tiling is not difficult at all.

    Sherry, I tried to write the code here that you'll need to do the before and after switcharoo pictures, but it wouldn't let me post the comment with the HTML code. Sorry!!

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  6. Hi kristi, nice blog & good post. overall You have beautifully maintained it, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

  7. Looks great. Did the cultured marble vanity counter have an integral backsplash, and if so, how did you cut it off? I’m trying to do something similar in our upstairs hall bathroom. Our 71′ cultured marble vanity top has an integral backsplash I’d like to trim off so I can run a tile backsplash around all the sides.