This Is A Very Big Weekend For Us!
Y’all, this is a big weekend. I’m doing something that I haven’t done in well over a decade, and I’m kind of nervous about it. I’m going away for an overnight trip.
I know some of you are thinking, “That’s big? Really, Kristi?”
But it is. It’s huge. As y’all know, Matt (if you’re new around here, Matt is my husband) has M.S., and it has progressed to the point that I have to do most everything for him. So I spend my days caring for him and working on house projects. And there are things I have to do for him all throughout the day, from the moment we wake up in the morning until I get into bed to go to sleep at 12:30am each night.
So the thought of actually going away and being away from the house overnight has not seemed possible in a very long time. In fact, I haven’t been away from Matt overnight in well over a decade.
The last time I was away from him, we still lived in the condo. I don’t remember the year exactly, but I had been invited by Rust-Oleum to go to North Carolina (I think) with several other bloggers for a weekend to test out their new products. I was so excited for the opportunity, and we hired a company called Visiting Angels to stay with Matt while I was gone.
Well, it was a disaster, and that weekend was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever endured. The company sent a man (as we requested) who as an RN to stay with Matt. We had filled out all of their paperwork, went through all of the intake interview requirements, and had gone over everything we would need for them to do while I was gone. One of those requirements was to feed our dog and take him out at least three times a day.
Everything seemed fine, and the guy showed up just was needing to leave for the airport. But somehow, the company had failed to tell him about our dog, and this guy as deathly afraid of big dogs. So I was trying to get out the door to head to the airport while the person who was supposed to stay with Matt was freaking out about our dog and saying that there’s no way he can stay in the condo with the dog.
I honestly don’t remember how that turned out. I’ve blocked it out of my mind, I think. I don’t remember if he worked through his fear, or if they sent someone else, or if our dog went to stay with my mom. It was probably that last option. But needless to say, I was going to pieces and completely freaked out, and that set the tone for the whole weekend, not only for me, but also for Matt.
I don’t remember a lot of details. Again, I think I blocked them out. But I do remember getting a frantic phone call from Matt at some point. I don’t remember the problem, but being several hours away via plane, in a state several states away from Texas, and being on a multi-day trip with non plans to return for another two days, I was absolutely frazzled.
After that horrible experience, I vowed to never do that again. That’s why I never went on blogging trips, or went to blogging conferences. While other bloggers were traveling, being invited by companies to go here and go there, gathering to network with each other and with companies, I just stayed home. I turned down every opportunity that came my way because the stress of leaving Matt with someone else overnight just wasn’t worth it to me.
So when my church announced their first annual women’s retreat a couple of months ago, I didn’t even give it a thought. My brain just automatically rules out anything that requires me to be gone overnight. In my mind, it just wasn’t a possibility.
But after I gave it some thought, and floated the idea to Matt, we decided to see if we could work out the details so that I could go. And today is the day! I will be spending tonight away from Matt for the first time in well over a decade.
I’m nervous, but he seems fine. 😀 And since it’s just one night, my mom will be staying with Matt. Since most of my time away will be in the evening and on a Saturday, Matt will actually be pretty low maintenance. She’ll just need to be sure his water cup is filled, and she’ll need to make him one meal. And Cooper is pretty low maintenance as well.
So this is a big deal. One night wouldn’t be a big deal for most people, but in our situation, it’s pretty monumental. I pray everything goes well, and my mom and Matt have a peaceful and stress-free 24 hours together. But if not, at least this time I’ll only be a one-hour drive away.
So here’s to new things, and to stepping out of our comfort zone.
As someone who’s been house-bound for some time, I understand very well how truly monumental this is. It’s a VERY big deal! May Matt and your mom have a very nice, uneventful week-end on the home front. And my you enjoy your retreat!
Whoops: That should have been MAY you enjoy your retreat!
Oh Kristi, this post brought tears to my eyes. You and Matt clearly have a beautiful bond and commitment. I hope you have a chance to restore on this mini get-away and you find a way to heal yourself.
Sounds great, and I know you can relax knowing mom is taking care of Matt and the dog without any drama. I’m sure she loves her son-in-law, and it will be perfect. You truly do need this once in a while…caretakers fizzle out too. Enjoy your time, and hopefully there is a way to do it a bit more often…it would be so good for you, and I am sure Matt is happy for you to do something for YOU!
How wonderful! Prayers that your spiritual and emotional cup runneth over this weekend!
I pray you have a wonderful, restful time away, and only wish it were the entire weekend! You certainly deserve to have time off, if anyone deserves it!!! And remember, just because it didn’t work out once, I think you should try again for a weekend trip. There must be a service that can supply you with a male nurse, and if nothing else, you could kennel your pup, maybe with his Vet. Keep it in mind, maybe for a fall trip! Have the nurse come for a meetup before hand, so no surprises will occur!
Oh Kristi I’m so glad that you’re stepping out and doing this. I’ll be covering you all in prayer. I’m praying this is a wonderful weekend for you all! Praying that God refreshes you on this retreat and that He speaks to your soul in a special, beautiful and powerful way. Also praying Matt and your mom have a great time 😊 Bless them both for encouraging you to do this. Blessings from NC
I would hope there is a kind and talented RN in your church who would step up and give you a much needed break occasionally.
That’s awesome. Having your mom there is an extra level of comfort for this first journey. Blessings.
I hope you have a wonderful time. And I am sure Matt is in good hands with your Mom. And Cooper too!
I hope everything goes really well – so well that you don’t hesitate about doing it again next time there’s a retreat. The physical, emotional and spiritual refreshment that you need shouldn’t be a once in a decade thing. Prayers for a total success!
Enjoy your retreat, Matt is in good hands, a person who knows him and you get to unplug that part of your life, even for just a little bit. Have faith, the time will fly by for both of you.
Cheers, Lori
Have fun, Kristi! If there’s anyone in this eorld who can replace you for a night, that’s your mom.
That is so huge! and amazing! I will be praying for you, your mom, and Matt.
I hope you have a spiritually uplifting weekend!
I so hope this works out for you, Matt and your Mom. May you have a grand time on your church retreat
I hope you have a wonderful time and you mom and Matt do too!
I am praying all goes well and you can return refreshed. This is huge! I hear you.
May this be a blessing for all of you. ❤️
I can understand the difficulty of leaving Matt overnight. But hopefully, having your Mom there will be a comfort so you can relax and enjoy the retreat. Praying a blessing for each of you!
Praying that you both have a refreshing weekend. God bless you! 🥰