Watch Out! It’s Getting Personal In Here!
Well, I’ve about had my fill of “2011 Year In Review” stuff, so I thought I’d end 2011 on a random, non-decorating note. After all this time together, I know you know a lot about my decorating taste, my projects, etc., but you may not know much about me personally. So I’ve answered 45 questions that I’m sure you’ve all been anxious to ask me, but were too timid to ask.
Okay, I’m totally joking. These questions contain a pinch of seriousness mixed with a whole lot of nonsense that nobody ever wonders about, but I’m going to tell you anyway…
Here goes…
I believe my name, Kristi Michelle, was an original. If I was named after someone, I’ve never known about it! - WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?
I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m sure it was within the last week. I’m generally not a hugely emotional person, but this year has been so difficult for us, and I’ve cried more than I’ve ever cried before. - DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?
I love my handwriting. In fact, I’ve always wanted to turn my handwriting into a font, but I have no idea how to do that. - DID YOU GO TO COLLEGE?
Yep. I graduated from Dallas Baptist University in 1995 with a BS in psychology. (Yes, pun intended.) - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT?
Just the words “lunch meat” gross me out, because my mind always goes to balogna, which I find incredibly disgusting. BUT, if I’m going to have a sandwich for lunch, it will have thinly sliced deli smoked turkey on it. - DO YOU HAVE KIDS?
Nope, and the closer I get to 40, the more I wonder if I ever will. However, I’ve always wanted to adopt! - IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU?
Probably more than I should. - DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS?
I do, and I’m hangin’ on to them! - HOW MANY U.S. STATES HAVE YOU VISITED?
I’ve been to about 24 states. I’ve never been to the northeast U.S. - HOW MANY COUNTRIES HAVE YOU VISITED?
Besides the U.S. (which was kind of obvious) and not including airports, I’ve been to 11 other countries: Mexico, Canada, Morocco, Egypt, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece.
Bungee jumping used to be on my top 200 list (the bucket list I made long before I had ever heard of the term “bucket list”), but the older I get, the less interested I am in stuff like that. - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?
Oh, I love cereal!! Honey Nut Cheerios, Shredded Wheat, and Fruity Pebbles are my favorites. - DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF?
I know I’m strong physically. After all, I installed my butcherblock countertops all by myself! And I like to think that I’m emotionally strong as well. - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM?
I go back and forth between Buttered Pecan and Cookies & Cream. Interestingly, my favorite brand is the store brand from H.E.B. - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR?
I actually don’t have one single favorite color. I’m more drawn to color combinations. - WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF?
My weight. I’m an emotional eater, and after the year that we’ve had, my weight is out of control!! - WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?
My father. He died four months after Matt and I got married. - WHAT COLOR SHOES ARE YOU WEARING?
I’m not wearing any shoes at the moment. - WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?
David’s brand jumbo sunflower seeds right before I went to bed. One of my favorite snacks! - WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?
Nothing. I’ve always been one who needed “background noise”, whether it was the t.v. or radio, but this past year I’ve learned to enjoy silence. - IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?
Probably red…or turquoise. - WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SMELLS?
The air right before it rains, smoked meat, Gain laundry detergent (original scent) - DO YOU PREFER THE PHONE OR E-MAIL?
E-mail. Definitely. I actually hate talking on the phone, and don’t even know where my phone is. It’s lost somewhere with a dead battery, and I kind of like it that way. - MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY OR BEACH HOUSE?
Oh, I much prefer a beach house. One of our favorite places is a quaint bed and breakfast we found on the Oregon coast. I’d love to go back!! - FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH?
The only time I like to watch sports is during the Olympics, and I prefer the summer Olympics. My favorites are gymnastics and volleyball. I can’t stand football or basketball, and I’m so unbelievably thankful that I’m married to a man who isn’t addicted to sports!!! - WHAT IS YOUR NATURAL HAIR COLOR?
I’m a brunette. I don’t color my hair, and I’ll hold off for as long as I can. In fact, I might just be one of those women who goes naturally gray and embraces it. Maybe. I just can’t stand the thought of all of the maintenance that goes into hair once you start dying it. - WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR?
Generally green, but at times they appear blue. - DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS?
I started wearing contact when I was in the fourth grade, and I wore them until about three years ago. Then I ran out of the disposable contacts I was wearing, and just never made time to go back to the eye doctor, so I’ve been wearing my glasses since then. I really hate wearing glasses, so I’m going to make it a point in the new year to go back to the eye doctor and get new contacts. - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD?
Tex Mex, hands down. I love quesadillas, chimichangas, and fajitas. And chips. And quacamole. And fresh salsa. Oh my gosh, I’m getting hungry! - DO YOU PREFER SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?
I absolutely detest scary movies, so I would have to stick with happy endings. I love a good chick flick, but actually when it comes to movies, my favorites are action/suspense movies. - LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?
Bourne Supremacy. Matt and I love the Bourne trilogy, and we had a Bourne marathon just last week. - WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING?
Navy blue…with paint splatters on it (of course). - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON?
I love spring and fall, but spring is probably my favorite because summer follows. Fall is tainted a bit because I know that winter follows, and I absolutely detest winter. - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT?
A freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream on top. A close runner up would be freshly baked brownies. I like ’em dense and gooey rather than fluffy and cake-like. - DO YOU PREFER THE COMPUTER OR TELEVISION?
Definitely the computer. In fact, Matt and I turned off our television on July 19, 2010, and haven’t turned it on since then. After realizing we could live without t.v., we had our cable disconnected a couple of months later, and haven’t regretted it since then. If we watch anything, like a movie, it’s on our computers. - WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW?
I’m not reading anything at the moment. The most recent book I read was called Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and George Barna. - WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD?
Van Gogh’s Starry Night. But I have no idea where my mouse pad is. I don’t use a mouse anymore, so I had no need for a mouse pad. - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SOUND?
The rumbling and clashing thunder during a Texas thunderstorm. There’s nothing like it!! - WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF MUSIC?
Pretty much the only kind of music I listen to is Christian contemporary. My radios are set to K-Love. Every once-in-a-while, I do get a hankerin’ for some country. - WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME?
Hmmm…I lived in Turkey for a while, but I’ve also been to Egypt. I’m not sure which is farther from home. - WHERE WERE YOU BORN?
Right here in Waco, Texas. - WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HOUSE?
Well, I live in a condo building, and it’s a very drab brown brick building. When Matt and I first came to look at the condo that was available, I almost had him drive away as soon as I saw the outside of the building. I’m glad he talked me into staying and looking at it! But I do wish the HOA would put some money into updating the exterior. - WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU DRIVE?
I drive a silver Chevy Cavalier that’s usually piled high with tools and stuff from Home Depot. A nice luxury car would be wasted on me, but I would love to have a pick up!
That’s it! Do you feel like you know me better now? What was the most shocking thing you learned? Probably the tonsils, right? Most interesting? I know. Tonsils, again. Most personal? Right. Tonsils.
Well, I’m signing off for the year. There won’t be a link party this Friday. Since we’ve already had three this week, I figure that’s enough. They’ll be open through December 31st, so feel free to link up if you haven’t already. And definitely take some time to look at the things others have linked up. There’s some good stuff in there!!
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend, and I’ll meet you back here in 2012!!
What a fun way to end the year. I do feel like I know you better! And yeah, that tonsil thing! SCANDALOUS!!! LOL Happy New Year!
Have a wonderful weekend – wishing you only the best in 2012.
I’m currently enrolled at DBU!!!! 🙂
Oh wow! Small world!
You have to have a website to comment here?
I guess not! LOL! Sorry about that, I thought it was telling me I had to enter a website, so I used yours and it posted (whereas it didn’t post before). Must have been a glitch. Anyway I was commenting to say you actually can turn your handwriting into a font! I’ve done it. Check it out at
Thanks for taking the time to fill that out, it was a fun read! And I feel like we totally have a lot in common! (I haven’t had a TV in over 15 years, love action movies, have green/blue eyes, and don’t have a favorite color [I was worried I was the only one!] and oh yes, STILL HAVE MY TONSILS!) Thanks for the great year of blogging, I’ve really enjoyed reading all your great tutorials and seeing the wonderful house remodels. 🙂
Wow, 15 years without a t.v.?! Impressive!!
I do feel like I know you better! We actually have quite a few things in common, although I do enjoy tv! I avoid watching the news, scary movies, or anything having to do with violence. I like to keep my head filled with gumdrops and rainbows! I know it may not be reality but my brain cannot handle bad,sad or ugly information! Oh, in case you are wondering, I still have my tonsils as well! 😉
That was fun!
Well, now I know why you seem so familiar to me, lol. I’ve lived in Baytown all my life. We’re both just good ole Texas girls. winkwink
We’re practically neighbors! 😀
That was so fun! But I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Death, esp. of a parent, or someone in your immediate family, and if it is unexpected, is truly one of the most difficult things to deal with in life. On a happier note, I love gooey Chocolate Brownies. Who are these people that make them cake like? Really, if I wanted to eat that, I would just have piece of cake.
Thanks for letting us in on who the gal behind this cool blog is. I am fairly new to your blog, but I have really enjoyed the fresh spin you put on decorating and blogging. Happy New Year to your and your husband. -K
I loved this! Loved learning a bit more about you and I borrowed the idea over on my blog. Giving you full credit of course! 🙂
That was fun! I hope 2012 is better for you than 2011. Thanks for doing your blog. You are an inspiration!
Oooh! This was fun! I just realized I think I live down the street from you…Happy 2012 to you and yours!
I just found this web-site and already have a few ideas! (Can’t wait to go home and create!).
Anyway, I too have made the “health” resolution every year. This year is different for me because our church started a bible study based on a book “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst. I noticed by your questions above that this Christian based book might be something you would take an interest in.
Wishing you blessings for 2012!