Why I’m Okay With Redoing Projects (Over and Over and Over Again!)
If you’ve read my blog regularly for any amount of time, you already know this about me. I have no problem starting over on a project if it’s not turning out like I had hoped. Heck, I have no problem doing it over two or three times. I’ll continue to do it over until I get it right.
I get criticism for doing that, but until recently, that criticism was elsewhere and stayed off of my blog, so it didn’t bother me in the least. But a couple of weeks ago, when that criticism reached the calm, peaceful shores of my internet home, it frustrated me. It was something along the lines of, “I’ll be surprised if you ever finish your house. You keep going back and redoing projects, and I wish you wouldn’t do that. You seem to waste a lot of money.”
I generally don’t let comments bother me, but for some reason, that one did. And I’ve thought about it every single day since I first read it. I’ve thought a lot about my house, my projects, the money and time I spend, and my blog. And you know what I’ve concluded? I’m not going to change a thing. I’ll continue to work on my house at my own pace, and I’ll continue to redo projects as many times as I see fit. And after giving it some serious thought almost every day for the last two weeks, I can actually articulate exactly why I feel that way. (And because written blog posts eliminate the benefit of voice inflection and facial expressions in communication, I’ll ask you to please not read “angry” or “defensive” into this post. I don’t need to defend my decisions to anyone other than Matt. So if I had to describe my attitude towards this topic, it would be more “contemplative,” and I simply wanted to share my thoughts with you.)
1. I’m perfectly content with what I have right now.
I’m painfully aware that I live in a house that’s horribly outdated and needs a ton of work in order to be updated and pretty. It’s what I chose, because I’ve always wanted to buy a fixer upper and remodel it, and this was my chance. This was the challenge I’ve been waiting for. But yes, for now, it needs a ton of work.
I mean, it’ll take a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of money in order to get this house like I envision it in my head. Just the front exterior of the house alone will probably cost about $20,000, and that’s with me doing as much of the work as I can do in order to cut down on costs, and that also doesn’t include landscaping.
(For the record, what I envision in my head doesn’t include Craftsman-style columns in the front porch. I’ll be aiming for a much more traditional style.)
But you know what else I’m aware of? The fact that I am blessed beyond measure. I actually have a house, with a roof over my head, while 100 million people in this world are completely without a home . I may still have one bathroom that is so awful that I can’t bear to look at it, and I keep the door closed when not in use. But I have two bathrooms in my house, when 60% of the world’s population doesn’t even have toilets. I have clean running water coming out of my indoor taps, while 783 million people in his world don’t even have access to clean water, much less indoor plumbing.
My point is this. So what if I never get my house finished? It’s fun to dream about, think about, and plan, but the fact of the matter is that I already have everything I need. Everything else from here on out is just icing on the cake.
2. Doing house-related projects is my hobby.
The thing about hobbies is that they don’t always have to serve an end goal. I think it would be less confusing if my hobby was buying and restoring old cars, or collecting artwork, or golfing, or fishing, or something else like that. There are some hobbies that cost people hundreds, and thousands, and tens of thousands of dollars, but because it’s labeled a “hobby” it’s perfectly acceptable, right?
Someone whose hobby is fishing may spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on boats, engines, fishing tackle and other gear, clothing, and on, and on. They don’t spend that money because there’s some great payoff in the end. They do it because they enjoy the activity. And even if they don’t catch anything on a particular day, they still enjoy being out in the boat on the water. Spending that money on all of that gear is perfectly fine and acceptable because it’s their hobby.
Well, my house is my hobby, and I’m perfectly fine with “wasting” money on my hobby simply because I enjoy the activity. In my case, there is an end goal. I would like on day to end up with a house that’s completely remodeled and decorated. But if that doesn’t happen, I’ll defer to reason #1 above and simply realize how blessed I am with what I already have. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the process — my hobby.
3. It’s MY house.
This should be plainly obvious, but this house belongs to Matt and me. What I do in this house has absolutely zero affect on anyone in this world other than the two of us, and if we’re okay with what I’m doing, then I have no idea why it would bother anyone else.
The other day, Matt and I had this conversation:
Me: Does my mess in the music room, dining room, and entryway bother you at all?
Matt: Ummm…no. Why would it?
Me: Well, I don’t know. I just though maybe the mess from my projects and the unfinished rooms might be getting to you.
Matt: Nope. I don’t care about your mess in there, or about the rooms being unfinished.
Me: So you’re not anxiously awaiting the day that those rooms are finished? You’re not anxious to get in there and spend time in the music room, or the dining room, or the entryway?
Matt: (looking at me like I’ve lost my mind) What the heck am I going to do in the dining room? Or the music room?
Me: I don’t know, but they’re rooms in our house, and I thought you may be anxious for me to get finished so that you can have access to those rooms.
Matt: I don’t understand. Are you planning on putting the t.v. and my video games in the dining room or the music room?
Me: Well…no.
Matt: Then I really don’t care. You do what you want to do. Make as much mess as you want to, redo things as many times as you want, and take as long as you want to. I don’t care. And besides, once you finish the house, aren’t you just going to start over again anyway? So what’s the rush?
The bottom line is that the unfinished nature of our house only affects two people, and one of those people couldn’t care less.
4. I have thousands of idea, and only one house.
I’ve been collecting house ideas for about ten years now — way before the advent of Pinterest. I have folders on my computer filled with thousands of ideas. Those ideas would easily fill 50 houses, but unfortunately, I only have one house. But that lack of space isn’t going to stop me from trying things and testing out ideas. Again, this may go back to the hobby thing, but so much of the fun of this for me is in testing out different ideas. And I have no problem spending money in order to test out an idea, and then throwing it away if it doesn’t work. My enjoyment comes from the process.
I approach many, if not most, of my projects like that. For example, just the other day when I went to Home Depot to purchase everything necessary to build my music room bookcases, I literally went there with the attitude that the bookcase idea was something I was going to try out, and if it didn’t work, then I’d tear it out and try to come up with another idea. I spent about $250 on a test — an idea that I wasn’t certain would pan out. Fortunately, that idea did pan out…so far.
Others didn’t make the cut.
I’m never going to stop trying out different ideas. Some may stick, others may get the axe, and others may stick around for a while before being replaced. And I’m certainly never going to make myself live with something that I don’t like just because it cost me time and money. Money can be replenished, and I have all the time in the world. In my mind, making myself live with something that I tested out but don’t particularly like just because I don’t want to take the time and effort to redo it is just laziness. I’ll be lazy when I die. Until then, I’ve got a ton of ideas to try out.
5. Remodeling my home isn’t my full-time job. Blogging is my job, and I have a monthly budget for that.
This is where things get a little muddy for most people who don’t write a blog as their full-time job (which, of course, is most people). My blog is our bread and butter, and I blog about interior design, interior decorating, and DIY. Blogging is my job, and it’s what brings in my income. For the time being, it just so happens that most of my blog posts are about projects that I’m doing in my house. Since Matt and I bought a fixer upper that needed lots of DIY work, it’s a natural fit for my blog. But if Matt and I had purchased a brand new, completely decorated and furnished home, that doesn’t mean that my blog wouldn’t exist. That just means that I’d be blogging about something other than my home, but still related to the topics of design, decorating, and DIY.
Blogging is my job. Blogging brings in my income. The projects I’m currently doing in my house simply provide the bulk of my content for my blog for now. But remodeling my house is not my job.
It may seem like I’m splitting hairs, or parsing words, but it makes more sense when you get down to the money part of the issue. Just like any other business person, I budget money every month that goes back into my business in order to keep things going. You’ve all heard the saying — you have to spend money to make money. In order to have a blog, I have to have content, and my favorite type of content is writing about projects. To that end, I have a budget of $1200 per month that I get to spend on projects for my blog. Because again, my blog is my job. Notice I didn’t say that I have $1200 a month to spend on the house. I have that amount to spend for my blog. I would have that amount regardless of where I live, and regardless of what I’m spending it on, as long as it’s benefiting my blog.
If I wanted to spend my monthly budget on creating 25 different decor-type craft projects that would all end up in the trash can after being photographed and blogged (and there are many craft bloggers who do exactly this), then it’s still money being spent on exactly what it’s intended for. If I wanted to spend a month demonstrating 25 various wall treatments with paint, and I painted the same wall in my house over and over again each time, that would still be money spend on exactly what it’s intended for.
For the time being, it just so happens that the vast majority of that money goes into home-related projects for my own home — projects that I photograph, write about, and use to demonstrate various DIY projects on my blog. But whether that money is spent on a project that will stay in my house for the next ten years, or it’s spent on something that will only stick around for a month before being torn out and replaced, it’s still money being spent on exactly what it’s intended for. Neither the time nor the money spent on doing that project is wasted.
I’m sure there are plenty of other reasons that haven’t come to mind that all add up to this: I love doing projects. I love blogging about projects. And I have a budget for my projects. Whether I keep them for years to come, or enjoy them for a very short while, my satisfaction comes from the process. I’ll always be okay with redoing projects over and over again, as long as I’m enjoying the process.
Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 fixer upper that my husband, Matt, and I bought in 2013. Matt has M.S. and is unable to do physical work, so I do the majority of the work on the house by myself. You can learn more about me here.
You are fearless and I love that if it doesn’t work out you are not afraid to change it . Thing see in are head but don’t always work or look like we dream them to be. Don’t care what people say do what in your heart and what makes you and Matt happy.
Fair enough. Respect that. I hope you can understand that it is hard for others to imagine your way. Most people have other demands on their lives and just understand get ‘er done. Matt’s gaming and you’re hammering to your heart’s desire. Cool.
Hi Kristi, I agree with you all the way. But my concern is why do you have to explain yourself? It’s your house, your money and your life. We are just visitors that are following you and learn a lot in the process. I’ve been following you for a long time now. Every day I come to see your blog. In any way I would want to judge you or criticize your work or your thinking. When you ask for our opinion on options you provided, I tell you my choice and not expecting it to be what you will do. I really don’t get why people are giving you a hard time on that matter. Keep up the good work, and the rest isn’t important. Life is too short, right!
Sadly. when someone feels the need to justify …there is probably an underlying truth that hit home in a negative comment.
Posting this gave you reinforcement from your readers that you were OK.
At the end of the day, you do care what your readers think and say, and she did just have an opinion.
Stay the course..and live Your Dream! We all love seeing your design :0)
…or in this case, since blogging is her JOB…she’s blogging about her choices & decisions that others are critiquing…on her Blog. In this situation I dont see it as her being sensitive to it b/c there’s any truth to it.
I agree with Lizane, you shouldn’t feel the need to explain yourself to anyone. I understand why you wanted to explain your actions, I would have done the same thing and felt the same way as you feel. This is your home, your job/blog! you are kind enough to bring us into your life and make it extremely interesting & educational at the same time!!
I think many people didn’t realize that you doing projects on your home was also your job/blog and therefore felt it was a waste of money to redo things. No matter what, hang in there and keep on posting!!
Ditto to Lizane and Dale. You do you, Haters gonna hate, etc. Its all been said before, but I had to chime in to say I read your blog on the daily and I get a lot of great ideas from your do-overs (hopefully I get around to implementing some of them someday lol). I hope you feel better getting positive reactions from your followers, never doubt yourself, and keep up the great blogging!
You are an inspiration – keep going exactly as before – this is what we love! Cheers from Denmark
It frustrates me that you have to justify yourself like this. I certainly don’t agree with every choice you make or every thing that you do-over, but it’s your home, your blog, and your money. Why do people feel the need to chastise you for your choices? If they don’t care for the way you do things, why do they keep coming back for more?
And besides, even your do-overs serve a lot of value to your blog readers. Take the pony walls. You may have torn them out, but I (and a lot of other people) really really liked them and there was value in seeing how they were built and what they looked like. There’s a room in my home that I think might look great with pony walls and your post got me thinking about how I might do something like that. The same goes for the piano. I really really liked the two-toned piano. It had a certain character, but it wasn’t the character you were looking for. And you know what? I like the yellow one, too. That one got me thinking of my grandmother’s player piano in my parents’ basement with a water-damaged top (she kept plants on top of it) and how maybe someday I could just paint it and it’d look like new. Maybe there’s someone out there who will go out and make a two-toned piano because they saw yours and liked it. Maybe someone else will have the courage to “cover up that beautiful wood” as you did, even with some people gasping along the way that you’d even think of doing such a thing.
So keep doing what you’re doing. And I’ll sit here and keep reading and admiring your work as I’m surrounded with my own “fixer-upper” house with its ugly teal-painted kitchen cabinets and woodwork, granny flowered wallpaper, and at least a half-dozen unfinished projects. 😉
Justin, you have a way with words, nicely said, and ditto from me Kristi.
“If they don’t care for the way you do things, why do they keep coming back for more?”
I’ve wondered this myself. There are websites out there devoted to tearing down popular bloggers, YouTubers, etc. after wasting some time reading on one such site one day, I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter what they do, there will always be criticism from “the peanut gallery” (as my dad called it…and I don’t know why haha).
The more popular the person becomes, the more critical and often they will be torn down by the anonymous. (And I only use my initials on here because there is another Peggy who frequently comments. And I am nice. 😀)
Like my mom always said, if someone is mean, that is usually their way to help lift themself up. They probably have a problem going on in their life that they aren’t handling well, and unfortunately bullying others is their solution.
It’s also easy to not know the tone of a comment, like Kristi said earlier in this post. You can read the same comment about ten different ways of you change the tone and emphasize different words every time. The flaw of electronic communication I suppose.
WOW! Well said. Now I understand why there are so many ads on all the blogs I follow. (I’m assuming that’s where you get your income from, when writing a blog) There are always going to be negative people in the world, and I think you do very well at ignoring them. I love your blog, and when you post something I don’t care for or doesn’t interest me, I just skip over it. So, to all you people that just have to write something negative…….try this for a change…… just skip over what you don’t like! Is it really necessary to say something mean or derogatory?
And Kristi, Stay Calm and Keep on DIY-ing. Have a Blessed Day.
Bravo Kristi Bravo! I love that you know who you are and are strong enough to withstand the naysayer/complainers. I have said before it is your home the ones complaining are just jealous and since it is your home you could bulldoze it and it isn’t anyones right to comment on it…IT. IS. YOURS. Look at it as when you get to the pearly gates and St Peter asks your name he is going to say “ahh Kristi, you helped your fellow human kind so many times with your do-overs, helping them avoid major mistakes, here is your crown you may enter” LOL So keep ignoring those that have nothing good to say. Have a beautiful blessed day.
Ha, #3 is so my hubby as well! And your house is so cute. I’m excited to see where you go with everything 🙂
I understand you completely. Things don’t always work the way you want. You learn how to do things for the future even if a project goes another way. No one does everything perfectly otherwise people would never change anything in their homes. I picked a beautiful carpet called elk tan and had it installed. It looked mauve. Never would I buy a carpet without bringing it home to see it there. Lesson learned. I have learned to over think construction changes for a long time. I get so excited about ideas and then things come in my head to change and they never blend together. It’s nice to see others processes to let me know I am not the only one who changes in mid stream to make it better. You give many the courage to try things and see things in a different way. I am sure you would reuse things in a different way after they didn’t work in another project. Keep up the good work. Those who complain may never do this work in their homes. Some people just like to complain and they get enjoyment for negative comments. I see so many positive comments and the anticipation of your readers for the next step in any project. If they don’t like what you do,let them read another..
Sometimes you just have to say, “Bye Felicia” to some folks. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s your job, your blog, and most importantly your house and money. I personally like that you envision things, try them out, and if they don’t work, oh well. Then you reimagine it and start over. It makes for an entertaining blog.
I think your conversation with Matt summed it up perfectly. It’s not just your hobby, it’s your work and you are educating the rest of us. Just keep on doin’.
Amen! I love watching your talent and ideas unfold. And while I understand how some people might not love DIY projects or the mess of creative thinking…it is pretty clear to me that you LOVE it and I love watching the process and getting ideas from you! ANd to those who don’t, they can stop reading!!!
“I’ll ask you to please not read “angry” or “defensive” into this post.”
Is it okay if I feel that way FOR you?!?!
(Wow, what people will say to someone from a behind a keyboard!)
I, for one, appreciate learning from your decisions…new ones, old ones, wrong ones, right ones. Everything you try teaches me something and broadens my outlook, as I’m sure it does for most of your readers. It’s why I’m here, and frankly, it makes me feel better knowing YOU struggle with decisions, too! We ALL change our minds, and sometimes we “waste” money. but at least you teach us something in the process!
It was interesting to learn about your blogging budget even if it isn’t any of our business, but it offends me that some snarkball MADE you share it.
Okay, thank you for letting me vent, lol…I feel better now 🙂
Hi Kristi.
I REALLY appreciate your explanation of job/blog/hobby. It clears up alot of confusion:) I completely get it now!
And how I adore Matt and his attitude towards your work. Priceless! Love him.
Non-artists will never truly “get” artists. Artists have to learn to be OK with that. 😊
Our [artists] brains process things very uniqely, we are wired differently and wonderfully so! For without artists and what we create; food, photography, painting, textiles, ceramics, design, architechture, jewelry, clothing, etc… the world would be a far less fascinating place. After all, we were all created by a monumental Artist who knows no bounds on His creativity!
Your artistic expression, Kristi, isn’t what you do, it is who you are, and folks can just accept that … or find another blog to bother. 😉
I love your blog and I actually like that you change things you don’t like. I can’t tell you how many times that I have begun a project, realized half way through that it wasn’t turning out how I expected or I just didn’t like it, and then I finished it anyway. Only to live with it and hate it. In reading your blog, I see how you work through things in your head at all different times during the project, not just the beginning. It has helped immensely. Who’s house is ever really finished anyway? Keep doing what you are doing!!!
Now I understand. It’s like my hobby – gardening. It isn’t easy to rip out a plant that didn’t cut it but then I get to try something new. It is the process that counts. Enjoy yours and I will follow your journey.
What a great analogy! I am just getting into gardening and I see the connection with investing my time and money (and hopes and dreams) into plantings… that end up needing to be removed. It might appear wasteful to someone else, but it happens! The plant is too big for the spot, or the colors aren’t nice together, or the blooming is too concentrated in one area and lacking in another… It’s a much better choice to do the right thing than to settle for sort of okay but not really.
I didn’t really have any questions or problems about Krisit’s process, but I like having the familiar idea of being true and ruthless in the garden to compare it to.
Kristi, I love your work…the work you do in your house and the way you share it with us on your blog. And the best part of it is your fearlessness in trying things and re-doing them if they don’t work. And because of it, you are an inspiration to those of us who follow you.
Because of you, I try things, and am SLIGHTLY less freaked out if they fail. Recently, I painted the builder-grade oak cabinets in my in-law suite in the basement. When I was drilling holes in the cabinets for new knobs and lost track of where I was an drilled a hole on the wrong side of one door. In the past, I’d’ve freaked out completely, but I’ve seen you redo and correct so many times, my reaction this time was, “I can fix that.” Or, basically WWKD (what would Kristi do?) But that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t seen you course correct so many times.
Hi Kristi,
You’re a hoot! I’ve often thought that some people would take offense by your ‘re-doing’ of projects but I also knew it didn’t matter. Why not? Your house. Your time. Your money. Those are pretty fine reasons in my eyes!!
I see it this way. We’ve all seen that perfect dress hanging in the store window that we know is just what we want! We’d look stunning in it!! Then we take it back to the fitting room, adjust zippers, buttons, cuffs and collar, look up at ourself and scream! That perfect dress looks ghastly on us. How could we have been so wrong?
A house is just like that but on a much grander scale. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Take off the dress, change that wall or door.
You go girl!! Matt is a catch. My husband would freak out if I changed my mind too many times. I can slide some changes by him but not all!
OMG am dying laughing over the dress analogy! So very true. Great perspective
My thoughts exactly Len about being jealous. I guarantee you whoever wrote that has something in their home that they do not like and either they don’t have the money to change it, their spouse won’t let them change it, or they don’t feel like they can change it themselves. So they are jealous that when you do something that you don’t like, you change it. Ignore those comments. It’s your home and if you want to change everything in it that you have done I say have at it. If they don’t like it then stop reading your blog. I love reading your blog and actually kind of like when you change something. It let’s me see what works and what doesn’t and why. Peace and love from North Carolina.
Those of us who have to hire someone to do the work might be stuck with it. But since you can do the work yourself, you can redo anything at a fraction of the cost. Keep following your instincts. I admire both your carpentry and blogging skills.
Your attitude of “if I don’t like it, I’ll redo it” has been exactly what I needed to hear for my DIY projects. I’ve always felt that if I don’t get it right the first time, I’m totally stuck with it. You have liberated me to tell myself that I can redo it if I don’t like it and it has helped me move forward and not be paralyzed with making a decision (usually paint color). Keep up the great work Kristi – you’re knocking it out of the park!!
Love your house and watching all projects come together. You are an amazing person. Keep up the good work. I wish I had your talent. I look forward to reading your blog.
LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOGS! Please keep on keeping on….I use lots of your blog material in my renovation projects/hobby as well…..You have become MY “go to renovator” for ideas and I enjoy seeing your visions become realities. Renovating is my hobby and I just didn’t realize it until now. I love and NEED your step by step instructions, your photos and tool listings, where you get your supplies, what works and didn’t work…these are all VERY helpful to me….thank you for being you and sharing with all of us!
I LOVE your blog! You should not feel compelled to explain yourself, your home, your blog, or your relationship. That you do so is a great gift to us that follow each day.
I have enjoyed reading and following the changes you make. As I tell my children…you already know what you know…listen and watch to learn something new. And with each thing you do-whether you decide it’s a keeper or not-I learn something new. My hubby was loving your take on the pocket doors with the bookcases.
If I am jealous, it’s of the knowledge and talents you have. I have a similar home and am so inspired on what you are doing. I would be thrilled to have the ability to take charge and make those changes myself.
Brush the sawdust off your back, and give yourself a pat while you are there. Then, hit another project that is going to make my hubby lift a brow and say ” do you know how to do that?” When I want to dash to Home Depot, lol.
Normally I don’t comment but I felt that your mood needed to b commented on so …I too am someone who is CONSTANTLY redoing projects and buying used furniture and making it into something new. My girlfriend said a couple weeks ago that if I just bought what I wanted I would probably spend less money then buying used and fixing it up, although she is completely wrong about the money part her comment did bother me then I thought about it and came to this conclusion I would not b me at all if I went to a store and just purchased items from an isle, that’s not who I am and I love every minute of my projects even when I’m frustrated! Creative people need outlets, that is your personality and I think anyone who makes comments about how other people spend their time or there money just don’t get or understand someone who has so much creative energy , as u so obviously do. My long post is basically to let u know that from one creative person to another I wait in anticipation for your next post. Your doing a fantastic job! Keep the very creative out of the box ideas coming!
I suppose a lot of comments would be in the lines of “you don’t have to explain yourself” but I personally would like to say thank you for this post. It explains your thought process, and is very informative. I, for example, had no idea that you have a budget for blogging, or that some bloggers make things only for the purposes of their blogs and bin them after that. Posts like this distinguish your blog from the others and make it so interesting. Thank you very much Kristi!
People need to consider this: Because Kristi does so many amazing projects through her do-overs, she really offers more value here than the average decorating blog. In fact, A2D is the only one I read every post without fail. With the do-overs, there are so many options to use in a single space which is invaluable!
Kristi, please know that for every person who is spreading critical words, there are a dozen of us speechless at your amazing work! We should be more vocal to balance the others, perhaps. I love the fact that you do things over until they suit you. Why would you settle for something you don’t love when it’s within your ability to change it?!
The fact that you are not afraid of ripping something out and doing it again and again until it is exactly what you want is what gave me the push to start work on my house. You are such an inspiration. I know that if I don’t like it I can re-do it. Until I started reading your blog, I thought you had to live with a completed project even if you didn’t like it. Now I know better. I am moving my workshop from the basement to the garage. I rearranged, built shelves and organized everything. I hate it. So I am drawing up another plan and will start in on it again soon. And I will keep redoing it until it is the workshop that I want. You have taught me that I don’t have to live with something I don’t like. Bravo to you. Like Hetty says “haters gonna hate”. There are some people you just can’t please.
Now that you’ve explained yet again, I hope you’ll be able to move forward and ignore those “police” who seem to think their mission in life is to monitor everyone’s actions,spending, decisions etc. your blog is by far the richer for the many changes and new directions you are willing to take!
It’s educational and reassuring to the rest of us that not everything works out, or makes the final cut, even for a seasoned person like yourself. Carry on!
Kristi, I am sorry you feel the need to explain your position on your blog, but explain away if necessary. Please know that there will always be that small % of people who disagree with your choices on your blog / business / lifestyle. You work extremely hard and use your God given gifts 100%. Almost all your readers applaud you for sharing your projects. I read this blog everyday, and have tried several of your projects, and my husband and I are about to tackle your built in trundle bed design for our granddaughters. What you provide to the public is invaluable, and we greatly appreciate it!!! Who knows what your future holds with all the experience you are gaining through your home renovation projects. You are truly a “Home Artist” in every sense of the word! Kristi – You Rock!!!
Oh, Kristie! You don’t have to justify anything to anyone, but maybe Matt! The one thing that I appreciate about your remodelling story is that you are absolutely honest about the project, your successes and failures and the cost. I wouldn’t bother to read your blog if you didn’t change your mind about things. We all have made mistakes or changed our minds. You are refreshingly honest and I value that quality. You are the kind of person that I want to have lunch with cause I know we would have a ball.
I love your blog and keep following it precisely because you have a unique and fearless approach to design and decorating. You always have clear, concise well-illustrated process descriptions that I can follow. I love that you share your decision making process with photos as well. IMO, do it over, blog about and do it over again. The more the better!
You’ll always be my favourite DIY blogger. The jobs you tackle never cease to amaze me. You’re so detailed in the description of every step you take. I also appreciate the thought process behind your decisions.
I didn’t interpret your post as trying to justify your process as some have here. You were explaining the business that you’re in. I don’t think many of us understand that blogging really IS a business! Though it’s been around for many years, it’s still a relatively young business occupation. There’s a whole science dedicated to website traffic, marketing, etc. I never mind the advertising on blogs because I know that it’s the reason I can continue to read them for free!
And by the way. ….I can’t wait to see the finished music room. ….our rather, finished version #1!
I’m so glad you wrote this, I’ve been beating myself up over my tiled entryway, it was the first time I did any tiling and I was so proud of it at first, then I did my father-in-laws kitchen backsplash & then did mine helped with a friends and now I see all the mistakes I made and it looks awful, but I couldn’t get myself to tear it out simply because I spent money on it (probably a total of $35 since I got the tile on a close out, seriously I’m freaking about $35!) I love the process too and you have inspired me to not live with what I’ve done but to do it over and if I still don’t like it I’ll do it again!
Thanks Kristi you are my idol!!!
You go, girl! Your issues are my issues which is why I return to your blog for every post.
What many people don’t understand is this is the way the creative mind works…constantly evolving …I sometimes get a project done that has taken me weeks and suddenly I don’t like it and start over…like you say…it is YOUR house, YOUR money and YOUR time….(and the results are certainly interesting!!) Carry on !!!!!…..:)
People can be very thoughtless with their words but I’m glad you can see beyond the words and do what you want. It IS your home and what you do is your business. I’m just glad your are sharing all these ideas and your remodeling adventures with all of us via your blog. Thank you.
Thank you again for one of your amazing thought processes! What I don’t get in other people (the ones with the snarky comments) is this: I loved your pony walls and am very grateful for your idea and execution of them. If I find a spot for something similar in my home, i can then go back to your entries on them and follow your instructions. Perhaps I also will like to do something similar to your new installed indoor windows which you replaced the pony walls with. Them I’ll find another set of (great!) instructions for that, too. Meaning: To me all you do is virtual anyway, as I don’t come round your house to look at it in person (and how I would love to do that one day – but don’t fear, i live in Germany, not so very likely :)); but with every project you provide us with new ideas and instructions, so we shouldn’t care whether they have been executed in the exact same spot in your house! To us, they will always (as long as your blog exists, that is) be available online!!
What I particulalry like about your blog and what makes it so very special is the way you post about your projects: The in-depth insights into the constructions as well as into your thought processes and even glimpses into your life. Perhaps some people just don’t get it that this latter is an additional benefit to us readers and one we should feel honoured about – and definitely not one that is open to snarky comments!!
Thanks for being so candid and so introspective and to share your thoughts and creativity with us!!!
I love your style!! And you seem to do things EXACTLY like I do—over and over again. I told my husband this morning, as a matter of fact, that I’m changing out our living room. He looked at me like I had 2 heads, shrugged his shoulders and said “have at it”…
It’s just how I roll. My house will NEVER be finished and I’m totally fine with that. YOU SHOULD BE TOO!! And I’m glad you are!!
Hi Kristi, the first words that come to mind are “who the hell cares”?
But then I realize that you have revisited this topic more than once….so I have to say that you care. You do not like people putting your ideas and trials and errors down, and therefore you feel a need to defend them. Stop. Just stop. Most of us don’t care how many times you change something, we just care about stuff getting done. I for one am tired of you having to defend your position everytime someone makes a snide remark. I am as guilty as the next person. Those dirty floors make me insane. But you way of thinking is why bother to clean them, they will just get dirty, while my way of thinking is clean them so they sparkle, cover them with the heavy duty paper and get on with it. This way When the walls are done, and ceiling finished and the painting wa la….you can rip back that paper and say ta da! But you won’t do that. You like living in the chaos. You are young, you don’t have kids, and you have a husband who limits himself to one room during the day playing games and watching tv. For those of us who raised families while doing DYI, it was 9 to 2, cleanup, pick up kids, deal with them, dinner, homework and if you were lucky, you got another four hours in from 9-1. You do not have to work like that. So keep on doing what works for you and what makes you and Matt happy. You will get the house done (I hope) because I have already sensed a huge procrastinator in you. Ignore the nay sayers, and enjoy your heat and ac. Blessings
This doesn’t read as a comment of support, but more like a way to criticize under the guise of support.
Amen, Sister, Amen! Like you, I love interior decorating including construction changes to improve my home. I have tons of ideas but not the DIY skills you have to do construction myself. So, my projects don’t move forward as quickly as I would like. Nonetheless, I have completed some and it makes me so happy to do so. My house is my hobby and artistic expression. I redid kitchen counter tops and sink last May. Thought my choices were perfect but alas… I loathe the new stainless sink. It is ways spotty and looking like a dirty mess. It has been a source of irritation from day one. Yesterday I made arrangements to have a new white cast iron sink installed and will donate this one to Habitat for Humanity store. I am tired of being a “sink slave” cleaning it constantly in trying to keep it shiny and pretty looking. It is a high end sink so $$ lost to me but I am going for the peace of living without it. Others think I am “too picky” but who cares. My husband is in agreement so other opinions don’t matter. God bless you and keep doing what you are doing… you are an inspiration.
Very well said! Thank you for taking the time to write this post and sharing those thoughts with all of us out here.
I love the way you write. The way you blog, the way you tear down a project and do something completely different.
I loved the way you answered my question when I asked why did you paint the piano if you are dry-walling the room?
I love all that you do, because I am almost like you in decorating, remodeling… but I am afraid to “waste” my money, I don’t have a lot of it, and certainly don’t have a decorating budget. I find your blog fun, I just wish I had an amount of money I can spend on doing whatever I want to my home. But I don’t. I kept some things in my head that are important to me from your blog so when I do have money I can grab it from my memory bank, like the molding, painting techniques, a YELLOW piano! Like WOW!
thanks for being YOU.
I remember reading that comment and thinking, “What a nasty human being that person must be.” Like, who says things like that? To what end?
And because you can never have too much Teddy Roosevelt: “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat,” and “It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that, in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things.”
I like this. Pffffft to the nay sayers!
Here is something to make you laugh…
Beautiful post!! There are so many reasons why I visit your blog every day. Some people obviously don’t even realize they are making snarky comments and will continue to do so. Good thing we all can make choices- to read or not to read! Have fun, I love your hobby and your job!!
I personally find your “testing” and ripping out and redoing inspiring. Sometimes the biggest thing holding me back is, “well, what if it doesn’t work?” You show, “well, hey, sometimes it doesn’t…no biggie…just try something else.” Others call you fearless; so true. Getting over the fear of failure is a big hurdle for many, and I think your process and train-of-thought in tackling things (I love those posts, btw) doles out some courage for those of us with that struggle.
And I like how you call it a hobby–perfect description! Yeah, I so don’t understand those people that spend thousands a year on golf! I mean, golf?! Hello! At least at the end of your fun hobby you’ll have a gorgeous house and maybe even some equity! Ha!
How can you be ‘wasting money’ when you are clearly spending it; several times over, at local businesses and helping to boost the local economy to boot? We should all be ‘wasting money’ on DIY materials that bring us joy and satisfaction for a job well done . . . mostly 😉 Keep wasting!
Kristi, please don’t feel the need to answer to people who can be so nasty in their comments. It seems like you felt like you needed to explain how the blogging business is handled and I do think that was important for a lot of people to understand but in the end, every design decision or redo of a project is between you and Matt – ONLY! It is your house, your money, your time and to your taste.
I, and I think a lot of other people, don’t mind it at all when you redo something because if nothing else, we’ve now seen how to do a new project and learned something. While I may not personally like every design you do, I still learn something by reading your blog. I don’t fell the need to comment if I disagree with it. If you ask our opinion on something, then I will try to give an honest opinion in a nice, constructive manner.
To whoever made that comment that inspired this post: Who ever totally “finishes” their house anyway? Unless you have the money, time, resources, etc… to finish it up very quickly and live with it like that for a while, styles change, your own likes will change and you will get tired of it at some point. Somewhere down the road you will want to change it or change something in it. For most of us, it is never truly finished. I’ve lived in my house for 21 years and have never had it anywhere near finished. Some of us enjoy the process alone.
Keep up the great work, Kristi! I love reading your blog everyday!
Wow! Just wow! Wow at the commenter who made THAT comment. Wow at the articulation of this post (even though as a subscriber – and a person with common sense – I already knew most of this.) Wow at the strong comments! Wow!!
You did forget one major point about this blog and your projects – no matter where they happen…that point is this: YOUR AUDIENCE. Many of us come here, not only for inspiration in design, but also for education for working with various tools, How-to’s, building “rules”, new ideas (I mean, seriously, who knew that hand drawn wallpaper was a thing?!?!?), in a nutshell, we come here for education. We are feeding our brains. Many of your projects are not exactly what I’m looking for in my house, but they have become the building blocks, the impetus, the inspiration for what I do want. And through your attention to detail and sharing that detail, have learned and acted in my own home. Something I have been afraid of before. And that’s another point, GIRL POWER!
Keep doing what you do!
I’ll keep reading!
Come on people , be honest. Is your house ever really “done.?” Don’t you see a picture in a magazine and say,”Hey, that would look great in my house,” only to find it doesnt. LOL
Kristi gives us the courage to just,”do it.”
Love the blog.😊
I agree with the many others that enjoy learning from you. 🙂 I am thankful that you changed out the pony walls. I am going to be using the french door idea in my home, and appreciate the detailed information on how to do it.:)
Kristie…you should be proud of all that you are doing. Its your house and your design. If you dont like it, try something different. Its no different than someone trying different foods or clothes…some you like and some you dont. But you have to try it to find out. I am that same way – dont know how many times I have repainted my laundry and 1/2 bath just because something didnt look right. But it my house (well my hubbys and mine) and we live there, and we have to do what makes it feel right for us.
Kristi, I live through your blog, you are such an inspiration to me. As I have said in the past If I were only younger , and had someone like you to give me the courage to try , i would be doing the same things, My husband and I have done many thing in our home, and still we are not done, we are at a stage to accept the fact that they probably wont get done, but I can still dream, and live those dreams through what you do.and I absolutely love the Bookcase / pocket doors, I keep looking to see if i have a place to do it. not sure who would do it though LOL. keep up with what your doing, you give us ideas that we may or may not be able to use in our home , but I love reading about what you are doing,,
One of the things I really appreciate about your blog is that you’re not afraid to rip something out that you’re not satisfied with. I myself, in the past, would have felt like I had to live with it and that I’d failed. Knowing that it’s OK if it doesn’t turn out makes it feel less intimidating to try. This is an important lesson that I’ve learned from you. 🙂
Agree. She has helped me to feel less afraid tackling our own projects!
Go girl. It IS a home for you and your hubs to live and love together in. Everything else floating around the inteweebs is noise. 🙂 🙂 🙂
It’s hard when someone makes a negative comment to ignore it. If you & your husband are OK with everything. Don’t worry about the rest of us. I enjoy reading your blog & seeing what you come up with. Your kitchen is so beautiful!! I feel how hard you work on your house by yourself. I know Matt can’t help you. I don’t know how you do it!! Make sure you enjoy all the good comments & ignore the bad ones!! I look forward to seeing everything come together or change☺
I have a quote taped to my kitchen wall that reads, “You’re always going to find new things – it’s not like you decorate it and it’s done. Nothing’s ever done.” – Annie Selke
I think this holds true for you, me and most every person reading your wonderful blog!
I certainly wish I could go back and change things. I thought I had drawn up the perfect house plan when we built 6 years ago. There were things I was ready to change after living in it for a month. Sometimes what is on paper,or in our heads, doesn’t always work out the right way. I loved your pony walls and the tone on tone stencil for dining room and the black and white horizontal striped walls. I think you have scrapped all those. Guess what I didn’t love……..your first pans for the rolling doors,,,,,,and those are absolutely PERFECT now. We used to joke that after my mom had wallpapered each room at least 3 times she would find a new house to move to. Some people need to quit raining on other people’s parades. You aren’t dipping into their pocket or their time so just ignore them. I love seeing the changes. Not always my taste but I’m positive my house isn’t your taste either!!!
I just had to chime in with the others. I wish you didn’t feel the need to explain and I think you and your creative processes are awesome. I’m so happy to have found your blog and love following your ideas and changes. Unfortunately in the cyber world there are always people with negative comments it seems on just about everything. I hate that people can’t figure out that if they don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all. I was raised with those values and am dumbfounded that others aren’t. I hope that by getting it out there in print, you can now let it go and enjoy what you do, and what you do-over. I love it all! Personally I think it shows that it’s okay to change what you don’t like even if it was great to begin with, so that it can become what you love. By the way, I’ve changed paint colors multiple times in my own home. I am not brave enough to take on large projects like you do, but tastes change, ideas flow in, and changing my colors adds to other creative ideas and projects I can throw into a room or two at a time.
Hi Kristi, IFor many years, I tried to please other people and worried about what they thought of me. I am now agee 66, and it doesnt matter as much to me. I am pretty comfortable in my own skin perse’. The thing is, is your home is an extention of you. Do what you love. Its where you spend all your time, and to heck with others opinions. You are extremely talented and creative. It gives you comfort to create and try. It soulds like you are blessed with a wonderful man that loves and accepts you are you are and isnt bothered with unfinished projects, it doesnt matter to him at all. So great!! We are blessed. No matter what you do in life Kristi, you will never be able to please everyone.It just wont happen. There is always someone/some people whom will rain on your parade, make rude comments and make hurtful remarks. So WHO CARES? Its YOU, YOU OWN IT! To heck with what they say. Its so important that YOU feel good about it and are happy. Getting bugged by rude peoples comments are stressful and you dont need it. Just be YOU and do what makes YOU happy! You go girl….I admire you because you are like me. We will try and try, and thats not good enough, we will try again! Thats Great, Thats Life!! Good Luck Girl.
Wow, I can’t imagine someone bitching about how much money or however many hours you spend making your house into the home you want…that person has major problems! I really look forward to your posts to see what you have been working on…I am just so in awe of what you have accomplished in a relatively short time. I wish I was young, creative and talented as you…it would be fun to start over! I loved Matt’s responses to your questions, especially: And besides, once you finish the house, aren’t you just going to start over again anyway? So what’s the rush? He is a very smart man.
Your home is beautiful, Kristi…don’t let jerks get under your skin!
In addition to what I said before, I am a Shabby Chic kind of girl. I absolutely just love the Racheal Ashwell design. I was in a very bad divorce at that time, (yr 2000) and I felt like I just wanted to die. Out of work and too much time alone. I followed Racheal on all her projects and fell in love. I would go to Goodwill and yard sales and pick up things that had character, some scratched, scarred, ugly colored, I got it cheap and turned it into a piece of beauty.Everything I owned was white, then I used colorful accents to bring out my personality, (pink roses, white lace curtains, crystal vases, mismatched dishes with roses on them, etc) My daughter painted one of my walls pink as an accent wall , and my place was adorable, and I wasnt affraid to experiment. Women loved it, men hated it. (too feminine) Something that can look ugly to one, can be beautiful to another. I grew up in the 50’s so I seem to look for things that are from that era.I am internally comforted by these things. So what I did was, add color through my collections, pillows, throw rugs, and so on. Then when I got tired of the pinks, I put that stuff away and went to lavenders and purples. So by haveing the white furniture, I could change my look whenever I wanted to with half the price. So anyway I wanted to throw in my comment for you what I did with my place. If it wasnt for Racheal Ashwell, I couldnt have made it through the long road that was ahead of me going through my hellish divorce. It was so theraputic. I would get involved in a project I liked and forget the day, the time,everything …I just loved it. It was great therapy.When friends and family come over and make rude comments about ” HOW CAN YOU LIVE IN SUCH A GIRLY PLACE? He says, “Its the woman I love, and this is part of her. so it doesnt bother me one bit!! “
You know I can’t even read your blog today. I get so angry when people think they can say anything they want to because they are not face to face. I would rather do something over 100 times than to live with something I HATE! There is nothing worse than walking into your home and seeing something that actually makes you cringe. If people don’t like it – don’t read it but keep your mouth shut. I wish I had your guts and your talent because you have a knack of putting things together that I can’t even think of doing. Please don’t listen to the naysayers because they don’t count.
I am always amazed when you re-do something, simply because of all the work involved and not because it bothers me! I don’t have the energy to re-do things and have a couple of rooms whose paint colors I’ve settled with because I’ve been too lazy to paint them again. Even if blogging wasn’t your job, it’s nobody’s business what you spend your money on. It’s between you and Matt, period. Besides, with all of the money you continually save on doing your own labor, you are still way ahead with your do overs! Love your tenacity and talent and will continue to cheer you on from afar. God bless!
I guess in our Pinterest perfect world it is hard to conceive of someone doing something twice or three times until they get it just the way they want it. It always makes me wonder when I see these negative comments about bloggers living in a construction zone or not doing things in order (whatever that means). I wonder what these people’s houses look like and if they do everything perfectly without any mess the first time. It is refreshing to see a real blog with real projects and real re-dos in real time. So keep on trucking because most of us appreciate exactly what you are doing exactly the way you are doing it.
I admire you for the dedication and the hard work you put into your home. I just wish I had half the energy that you do. I follow your blog hoping that you will keep inspiring me. Thanks for sharing.
I love your blog. I love your projects, no matter how many times you make changes or switch directions. Do not allow others to make you feel bad about your method. I find your fearlessness impressive, it is what keeps me coming back.
Amen Sista! If I lived in your town, you and I would be great friends – we have the same attitude toward life! But believe me, your blog AND your home projects inspire me here in NYC! Keep up the wonderful work and thank you for sharing your personal world (frustrations, do-overs, conversations with hubby, etc.) with me.
You taking the time to do-over when you aren’t in love with something, only. Helps me in the end…. When I’m trying to replicate something you’ve done. That being said, can you do a post on making back-tab curtains sometime? TY
I will add that to my list of project to tackle and blog about! 🙂
Keep doing what your doing what your doing I am learning a lot from you! And thank you for allowing us to share the ride.
One more voice from the chorus of “YOU GO GIRL!!” I love all your re-do’s and new directions. They are all very informative and I learn so much, and it is freeing to know, “Yes, I can change this if I want! Kristi showed me how!” Your description of doing projects on your home, to me, translates to JOY. I’m very grateful that you share this JOY with your readers. Many times when I’ve wanted to start a new project, I’ll check your blog first for ideas, because you may have done it already and I can do one like yours – 🙂 Satisfying the creative urge is joyful for me as well. So many people forget to find joy in the journey of life and focus on the “destination” (whatever that is?) You won’t ever have look back and say, “Wow, I wish I had done/re-done that project”. You’ll be able to look back with a joyful heart and say, “Wow, I’m so glad I DID/re-DID that!” Thank you Kristi!
Very well said Kristy. Nobody is forced to read your blog. They make a conscious choice to read it. I for one look forward to your projects (even if it takes you more than once to get it right). Isn’t that what life is all about? Don’t change a thing Kristy stay true to yourself and don’t conform to what others want. As far as the criticism I don’t have any advice on how to deal with that except that there are those of us that appreciate your honesty and thank you for sharing your journey.
I used to read another blogging couple who were on their third home. They completed projects so quickly it was rediculous and unrealistic. The thought in the back of my head was will they have to buy another house just to have more material to write about? Or when/how do they make decisions or change their mind or have unexpected drama in their lives like the rest of us mere mortals do? That is why I love your blog. I love your honesty about your projects, how your decisions evolve/change over time and how you share the struggles you are dealing with. You are just a real gal who works out of her house and in the process is renovating your house into your dream home one project at a time. Keep it up Kristi!
Hey all I know is that I now know how to build a pony wall!!! Thanks it is appreciated!
Kristi, you need to keep the link to this blog post handy somewhere, and whenever you get those nasty comments (because they’re like the seasons, you can count on them coming around again sometime!), just reply with the link. That’s all the negatively opinionated commenters should get from you, if that.
I too appreciate that you’re not afraid to re-do something that you feel hasn’t worked out for you. I’m a perfectionist, and a procrastinator (the two oddly go hand-in-hand), meaning I can’t get started on any project because I’m afraid the end result won’t be “perfect.” You’ve made me see that sometimes it’s OK to re-do something, and that the important thing is just getting started with a vision.
“keep the link to this blog post handy somewhere” – Exactly what I was thinking!
Hi Kristi, I’m sure some people have just been put on this planet to annoy and naysay everyone and everything that doesn’t revolve around them. Ignore them. I love your blog, love your ideas, love your projects. You are such an inspiration to many others. Jackie
Well said!!
I never comment but intended to when I saw your shelves built for the pocket doors (then had too after seeing this post!) I was totally blown away. I just thought How does she come up with these ideas? And more importantly pursue them with such perseverance!! Those doors and shelves are really spectacular. While I cannot imagine redoing my hard work, I give you so much credit for being able to keep going until it feels right for you! I think it is really a special talent and you shouldn’t let anyone deter you from pursuing the exact right solution for you and your house. And you shouldn’t have to explain your reasoning. Good for you! Your house is progressing amazingly!
I love your blog, check it everyday! Even when your projects wouldn’t work for my home they always give me a jumping off point to figure out something that will, in other words, they inspire :). I also always wanted a fixer upper, bought one last year, yay! My dad helps me with some of the bigger projects I dream up and when we get stumped during a project he always says “check that gal on the internet, see if she’s done this” ( awkward phrasing, lol, he doesn’t grasp the whole blog thing). Anyway, love seeing your journey. Love seeing you take a room from meh to wow! And LOVE that it’s always with a reasonable budget, that’s hope on a page right there 🙂
I am so glad you posted that explanation. I journey to your blog every week or so and love seeing your progress AND your changing of direction. I am so impressed you do things all on your own and you inspire me to keep working on our house. thanks!
Yeah…um… I’m here to follow along on this journey called your thought process. I thoroughly enjoy it. The good, the bad, the ugly. I will never understand the people who speak so maliciously under the shield of the internet. It’s one thing to share an opinion for the heck of it- but to stick your business where your business don’t belong. I’ve seen it on several blogs- it’s ridiculous. Get over your dang selves people. If you don’t like how someone generously shares the details of their life- MOVE ON. It’s a blog where the owner GENEROUSLY SHARES at NO COST wonderful information- to empower the DIYer. So to that sad pathetic impish harpy who has to stir the pot to see if they can and gets satisfaction for thinking they are pushing buttons- you are irrelevant to this equation. Get over yourself. Just because it’s not YOUR reality- doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
I am buying a house. Wow. I didn’t think I would EVER in my LIFE own a house… but my fiance and I have put in the offer, it’s been accepted, the inspection done, and now we wait for the USDA to approve it so we can sign the papers and get the keys. I am packing like crazy, hoping that nothing will come up to mess up this dream…
It is move-in ready. Turn-key is what they called it. Beautiful home, and I can’t wait to get out of the fifth wheel we’ve been in for 8 years.
I wanted a fixer-upper, to try out some of your ideas. There was a WAY cute split-level that I would have bought if the USDA would have gone for it. What they want is turn-key.
You know, I don’t always like all of what you do…. but you know what? That’s OK, I still learn from you, and I still read it all, because I learn stuff. So our tastes are different… Wouldn’t the world be boring if everyone liked the same stuff?
I’m sorry people were mean. It seems like that’s the world we live in now, people on the internet being mean to other people behind the safety of the keyboard and monitor.
I followed a guy for awhile (until one day I got tired of the preaching) who explained the whole blogging thing. Since then, when bloggers post links to products, especially when they ask me to go to the site, I DO. I click on stores, and look through the products, and if I know I’ll be back to that site, I save it and when I order something I try to mention who sent me to that site. Blogging cannot be an easy job, and if I can help, I will. I admire people who, like you, sit down and tell me how to do something or express an opinion, day after day after day.
Not sure if anyone else mentioned this…..but those comments remind me of some comments made to another blog (Young House Love). Read them every day…and then one day they wrote an entry about taking some time off to think about whether or not they would continue. Gracious people that they are, they did not blame the person/persons making unkind comments……but it is maddening to me that people ….who take no risks in their own lives….can be so judgmental about other people. I looked forward to reading whatever they wrote, same as your blog. Sometimes it was what I would have done, sometimes maybe not…..but still I looked forward to each new entry. I think you are great and you have great skills…and take risks. You shouldn’t have to waste your good energy explaining why you do what you do…..we who appreciate you…understand. Barb
I have been periodically following your blog as it comes up on Facebook. Your latest blog about your project being a “process” was inspirational. I got separated about 5 years ago and moved 4 times in those 5 years – each time the landlord allowed me to repaint and do minor renovations. I am now living in the home my grandfather built and I am doing a full on renovation while I live in it. It’s been a process and I was beginning to feel guilty that it’s been over a year and I’m still living in a mess. I’m thrilled that I’m not the only one and in good company. I have now accepted mine as a process – a healing process even – and the feeling of guilt is gone. Cheers!!!
Love love love your blog! Love your projects, your personality, your re-dos and your ideas! Do you know how many people play golf at the same golf course hundreds possibly thousands of times?! They don’t consider it a waste of money, they consider it fun. You’re situation is the same.
You are amazing and I am privileged to have a peak into your diy life. I learn so much from you – and love the fact that when something doesn’t feel right you modify it until it does. Thank you for NOT settling. Thank you for NOT embracing mediocrity. I look forward to your posts each and every day!
Hi Kristi,
Yay for you!
Kristi after reading your post. It no wonder that we all admire and love following you. Your honest approach is so darn refreshing. After all its yours and Matts home,and you are both happy. Thank you for inspiration and sharing as we learn so much from you along the way. Love the way you describe you projects. Keep going and look after yourself. Love from Australia.😍
Hey, I hate you’ve had to explain, but I’m sure that this post should be sufficient for any one who questions any thing you’ve done. Glad to get an idea of how blogging works.
I love learning how to DIY and your blog is excellent. Even the do overs are a learning tool, and usually a big improvement. So now I’m the proud owner of several of the tools and compressor you’ve recommended, and would not have had the gumption to go out and just buy without at least being shown how to use them. Love the kreg jig, and hope to make my own butcher block counter top. I’m a bit more on the rustic, but not very shabby side, so simple things are good for me. I’ll soon be tackling framing a shed roof, and hope I can handle the big framing nail gun! And you’ve solved the problem of the ceilings that have water damage, also! I love the bead board look, but you idea is by far the best solution.
You are an inspiration to all of us who follow you, just be you and keep on keepin’ on.
Matt is a keeper and so are you! No need for apologies since we learn and relearn with your projects. Thanks for keeping it real.
We humans are God’s only creation that He allowed the gift and responsibility of “Free Will”. Everyday we have many choices to make. What DIY project we will start, what words we will use, and hundreds of other seemingly minor things.
There was a time when we were much more civilized. We exercised good manners, and realized the areas where we should control our tongue knowing our opinion was not requested. Somehow it seems we have lost our ability to rightly judge what we should TYPE, thanks to social media
I am past the time in my life when I see a DIY thing and want to get up and do it, but I truly enjoy rrading your blog and watching you do it. It reminds me when II did have great plans for some project I was working on.
Don’t let the nay sayers get to you, continue to enjoy the journey it will be much shorter than you can imagine.
You GO, girl! I learn something whether you decide to use it in your home or not. Screw the haters!
Thanks for such an interesting post. I knew the response would be so mixed because, as we all know, the internet is the social space where people say horrible things to one another in the name of ‘honesty’. Things that might get them told off or punched in real life. Some of your readers excel at putting the most negative spin on what you write. A post like this where you explain your philosophy of the blog and your lifestyle becomes ‘justifying’. Kristi, it’s not justifying. It’s exploring your ideas and discussing. Somehow I think we all live in houses that are works in progress and have elements we regret and want to do over. I think there is a more than a little jealousy involved here that you have the ability and lifestyle to do that. Your blog is so honest about the challenges and triumphs of a fixer upper. I admire what you do, and I suspect that even (or especially) the most critical or snarky admire your work too. You have built a good business with your blog that is sustaining the lifestyle you want. I bet the critics can’t say that about themselves. Keep on inspiring us!
I always learn something here, and you always have great explanations for how to do something. I enjoy your blog a lot.
Keep do what your doing! I love following your blog and watching you tackle project after project! Your house is your canvas! Kudos to you for doing what others only wish they could.
I like that I’m always learning things here. Like for instance, the term “pony wall”. And the fact that when I casually mentioned that term to my husband (who built houses for 12 years – part-time job on his days off from firefighting and has had tons of remodeling experience even since then), he had no idea what I was talking about. I had to show him. It made me look really smart!
14 years ago we took on the project of removing all the outside log walls from our 10-year old log home (improperly built by someone else and rotted). Could not find a contractor willing to take on the job, so we just did it ourselves. I often think what wonderful blogging material that would have been but had never heard the word “blog” back then. I can only imagine the criticism we would have gotten because we were sure the talk of our neighborhood for a long time, they all thought we’d lost our minds. It took us 10 months, we lived in the basement for the duration, surrounded by heaps and mounds of our belongings. But today, we have a wonderfully unique home that we can be proud of and know that we did it all ourselves.
Keep up the great work so I can keep learning new things and keep impressing my husband with my amazing builders vocabulary. 🙂
Um, I think all the naysayers are disappointed with your process because, I mean, HGTV stars can get a whole house done in half an hour and it’s always perfect. And you take several days, and sometimes it doesn’t come out perfect. And you want to change it? What’s up with that? Like, how can you even call yourself a DIYer?
I guarantee you that the rude people making comments about your progress and process have absolutely zero experience in design. They don’t realize how much thought and time go into any kind of design, whether it be fashion, buildings, graphic arts, or interior design. The final product is usually never your very first idea, at least not entirely. I enjoy seeing your process and look forward to the finished products. If they’ll ever be finished, gosh… 😉
This post makes me sad and mad. Sad that it bothered you enough that you felt like you had to justify yourself again. Mad because if she doesn’t like what you do then don’t follow you. I live by if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. I love your work, I love reading your posts. I too go from one project to another and change it if I don’t like it. You keep doing you. Merry Christmas!
I have always thought of your site as a type of decorating/designing laboratory. There are people out there though that can’t handle disorder and probably get stressed when things don’t move quickly enough for them and truly think that it is up to them to say “chop! chop! get a move on!” These are people that are probably like that in most everything they do in life-its about getting it done;enjoying the process never enters their mind. However, that garners the question-why do they keep coming back?
I’m in awe of you in that you even attempt to do your own projects! Then to see how you design, construct, tweak and even have the patience to re-do them blows my mind! You are doing what I only wish I could attempt! Don’t worry about the others – as you said, this is your life!
Well stated!!! Anyone who has an issue with what and how you do what you do should unsubscribe and refrain from posting unproductive comments that upset our favorite Blogger!!!!!!!!!
A few thoughts on your thoughtful post:
!. Thank you for bringing thankfulness into the picture – we don’t think of this often enough.
2. People often say mean things on the internet that they wouldn’t dare say in-person.
3. One of the things I like about your blog, which I think you do differently from many people, is that it’s about process just as much (if not more) than results. I like it that you show the false starts and missteps on the way to achieving what you really want. That’s the way of real life, after all.
4. And I think that most people aren’t accustomed to being presented with process or real life in blogs or aspirational lifestyle things. We see perfectly staged, exquisitely lit and cropped photos which hide the mess behind the making of the subject, and if it’s dysfunctional or a misfire, we will never know, because all that will have been edited out before the presentation. It’s all very pretty, but it’s a construct. Not all that useful to those of us who look deeper than the surface.
5. So don’t you worry. We value you what you do.
Yes! I was thinking the same thing! I’m sure there’s a wide range of economic status represented by Kristi’s followers. However, we have SO much, materially, compared to much of the world, but we don’t always realize how blessed we are. Better to have little, and be thankful…than to have much, and not appreciate it. Love your work and your blog, Kristi!
Totally agree with you, Kristi. This is very similar to comments I get from people about having chickens; I have to stress that it’s not about saving money, because I don’t. Truth be told, my eggs probably cost me at least 10-dollars a dozen! It’s about the fact that I get a great sense of satisfaction from producing eggs in my backyard from a flock of happy chickens.
It is insane to me that anyone could possibly say that any money you spend on your house even if you have redone the project over is a waste of your money. Everything you do and spend on your house is an investment into it. Everything you have done is an improvement and adds value AND you are freely sharing all of this teaching and insight and tools tips and product information with me for FREE. Incredibly valuable blog. Poo poo on any naysayers they are just jealous!
Your blog is my fav! Keep doing things your way. I love that you take risks, do things over, and show the whole real deal. DIY on the level that you do it is messy, strenuous work. But your results speak for themselves. The fact that you take time to read our comments is amazing. But please don’t let the negative, clueless, waste of words comments of a few stop you from doing what you and the majority of your readers love. You empower us, inspire us, and teach us. Those that feel otherwise can just stop reading and unless asked by YOU for an honest opinion everyone should keep their negative thoughts to themselves.
When there is an elephant in the room you can choose to ignore it or address the elephant. It feels much better to address an issue than to pretend it does not exist. It’s enlightening to understand where Kristi is coming from. Forget justification! It’s about clarity of who she is and the amount of passion she has for her craft. Kristi is essentially an artist. Some people will get her art and others will remain naysayers and fall apart at the seams. That visual is priceless and not in a mean way. Art is up for interpretation as are the choices of the artist. However, this should really be communicated in an articulate way that informs, applies curiosity, and opens up a healthy conversation. Remember that art evokes emotion. People are not always as rational as they would like to be when their emotions are stirred. Thank you Kristi for your magic, redo’s, and ability to share your personal and professional growth in a public forum. No guts…no glory.
You go girl. Change away to your liking. At least you are doing the work. The contractor finished my kitchen bead board ceiling, the crown moldings were gorgeous; the painters painted it. Absolutely stunning. Everyone agreed.
But the refrigerator/pantry unit. EEEEKKKK. I want to change the design. It just wouldn’t look right any other way. So right now it’s being changed. Cutting out part of the newly installed moldings, backer boards and all, height of unit increased to the ceiling which hides some of that gorgeous bead board.
I didn’t ask how much. What’s the point? It had to be the new way. You don’t have that angst…you just do it.
It’s gotta be right, to your liking and sometimes one doesn’t see that until it’s in their face no matter how planned it all is.
So keep on keeping on! Good design rules!
You go girl! Love your mans attitude & all the inspiration you give me! We’re painting that grand piano cranberry after Christmas!!!
hi Kristi,
i’m a long time reader and admirer and occasional commenter!
i love your work.
may i just say – as someone who grew up in Africa with those stats you mentioned in your first paragraph very up close and personal … i do find the waste of the West hard to deal with. BUT this is not your current reality. You stopping to acknowledge this and bring it to everyone’s attention is important. Even the poorest people in the west – have no idea how much they truly have.
ignore the bad apples. delete their comments and move on honey – you are raising a huge following and inspiring many.
thanks from a very grateful & avid reader
Claire x
I wanted to add my thoughts to this. I was a regular reader but have stopped checking in as regularly because of some of the frustration I have felt lately as well (hence, that’s why I’m just seeing this post now). I have only left 1 comment before – and it was a nice comment! – so I’m not one of the people that has been writing you nasty things. Instead, I have just stopped reading as often.
I find reading it has become similar to an experience I had with a friend lately. She is 40 and has never worked in the same place for more than a year. That’s fine- it’s her life. But, the hard part is that she would ask for advice and we would all support her, talk through the pros/cons of this school or that job, and then she would finally go with one of the decisions. Then a few months later, she would ditch it and move on to the next thing. Obviously jobs and decorating are not the same. But I do get frustrated when I’m asked to participate in things such as vote on the color of this table you like or what should I do with the walls in this room when I know that ultimately, the plan will be ditched in a few months anyway. Hence, my readership and investment in this blog has changed to a more casual approach. I’ll check in every once in a while and see what’s up and reference it for tutorials, which have always been very helpful. But I find it too frustrating to be going in one direction and then have things switch up again. I honestly would find it so much easier to read if you showed us how to build a pony wall in someone else’s house (like one of your clients, provided that it wouldn’t also be torn out) rather than seeing you build it and then rip it out. It does feel wasteful to me, even though it’s your hobby. The fishing or golfing analogy doesn’t quite work- it would be frustrating to have someone talk for months about buying a new club or rod, have everyone provide input on it, then buy it to only throw it away after using it for a month. That’s a more accurate analogy.
So, that’s my 2 cents. Hope that the message comes through the way I intended. Best of luck!
Katie, I do understand your viewpoint from the perspective of an occasional reader. But if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to share the view from my side of the blog, and I think you’ll see that your comparison of me to your friend really doesn’t hold up.
First, my blog posts get an average of 172 comments per post (on the blog and Facebook) and I’m certain that I’m the only one that reads every single comment on every single post that I’ve written. And I do read every single one.
So let’s look at an example. In August, I wrote a post entitled something like “What Color For My Piano: Yellow Or Green?” And then seven days later, I revealed a piano that was neither yellow nor green. Now the casual reader might be frustrated and think, “Why the heck does she ask us our opinion if she’s just going to ignore us?!” But if you had taken the time to read all 494 comments on that post (which, again, I’m sure I’m the only one who did), you’d see that MANY commenters urged me to not paint the piano, but instead to refinish it. I liked the idea, so that’s what I attempted to do, although I found that certain parts weren’t worth refinishing because of the type of wood. But nonetheless, I tried.
That idea came from many readers. It did not come from out in left field. But after a few days, I changed it, and I went with yellow, which was the overwhelming winner out of the 494 comments. You may show up one day and find that I’ve painted my piano blue. Is that out of left field? Nope. That suggestion has come from several readers lately who are convinced that my yellow piano will not look good at all in my black and white music room. And you know what? They just may be right, and I just may end up going with their suggestion. If I end up with a blue piano, it’ll be because I’ve listened to my readers’ suggestions, NOT because I’m ignoring readers’ input and doing my own thing out of left field.
My buffet was the same way. I wrote a post with about six paint colors that I had narrowed it down to. But a few days later when I revealed the color, it was none of those colors. Again, a casual reader would think that I ask for opinions and then just ignore them. That’s not true. While the majority of the 682 comments on that post were people voting for one of the six colors I presented, there were also a lot of commenters who voted “none of the above,” and several suggested that the color needed to be less red and more orange. That’s what I ended up with, and it was at the suggestion of readers.
I can’t think of any project that I’ve had people “vote” on, that has later been “ripped out.” In fact, the only project I’ve done that I would consider “ripped out” are the pony walls and columns. That was not a project that I asked for reader input on. I simply wrote a post one day saying, “This is what I’m going to do,” and then got started building on that very day. A lot of readers liked them, but I’ve had commenters (not many, but a few) throughout all of this year tell me that I did a good job building the pony walls and columns, but they just weren’t right for my house. Those commenters ended up being right, and it was even a commenter several months ago who suggested the idea of the French door panels.
I talked for a long time about doing hand-drawn bird and branch wallpaper in my music room, and I’m sure that I asked for input somewhere along the way. Now I’m doing black walls. Is that completely out of left field? Is that me shrugging off readers’ input? No. On every single post I’ve written about my plans for the hand-drawn wallpaper, there have been readers who have said that it’s a bad idea, or that it would look too busy, or that I would go to all of that trouble and then not like it in the end, or that it’s just all wrong for that room. There have been readers all along suggesting that I use a solid color instead (with several suggesting black), or a stencil, or this, or that. So yes, I changed directions completely, but many commenters have been suggesting this very direction for a long time now. This is not me totally shrugging off readers’ input and doing my own thing completely out of left field. But again, unless you’ve been on my side of the blog, and have read every single comment on every single post where I’ve talked about my music room walls, you probably wouldn’t know that.
I could go on and on. The point is that I never pull an idea completely out of left field, or change directions and completely ignore the input of readers after I’ve asked for it. Everything that I do comes from readers’ “votes” or suggestions, but it’s just not always the majority vote that wins out in the end. Sometimes it’s the handful of readers shouting among the noisy crowd, “No! Don’t do that! Do it this way instead!” who win out in the end.
So from my side, I see no similarity between me and your friend who you described. But again, as a casual reader who hasn’t taken the time to read the nearly 32,000 comments that I’ve received on posts during this year alone, it might be difficult to see that, and easy to have a skewed view of what’s going on, and a perception of me asking for input, and then completely ignoring it to do my own thing. But I can assure you, that’s not what’s happening.
So to end with the same analogy that you did, but from my point of view, it’s more like this:
I’m often like a golfer who asks for input from everyone at the country club about what set of clubs I should invest my money in. While 50% of the crowd says to go with Brand 1, and 45% of the crowd says to go with Brand 2, there’s the remaining 5% who have different opinions from the majority. A few recommend a third brand, while a few more recommend a fourth brand. I may start out trying one of the first two brands based simply on the suggestions of the overwhelming majority of the people that I asked. But after a while, I might find that these two brands just aren’t quite right for me. In the end, I might find that Brand 4 that was suggested by only 2% of the people who I asked is actually the brand that’s perfect for me. Yes, the first set of clubs might be “thrown away” (or probably given away in this case), but they’re replaced with a set that was also recommended, even if it was only suggested by 2% of the people asked.
Sounds like your friend was genuinely searching for her passion. It’s sad to hear that asking for input and advice from friends is now seen as something that is unwelcome in friendships these days.
Advice does not equal commands. Asking for someone’s opinion is not the same as handing over control of your life.
I just found your blog and was reading down through some of the newer posts. I’ll be honest, I probably won’t stick with you for long- Not because it isn’t a FABULOUS blog, because it is, but because I am fickle and way too undisciplined to read one blog religiously. I’m sorry. I am like the blogger’s worst nightmare!
Anyway, I didn’t read the comment that inspired this, but I kind of see the person’s point of view IF they are not looking at it like a hobby/business. (Again, I have no idea what the person said).
It’s discouraging to see people who are living in poverty all over the world and then look at the “haves” and see how much they truly do have. It’s heartbreaking. I think (and this is why I said I can kind of see their view) it is incredibly easy to be so disheartened by all the bad in the world and to want everyone to stop wasting their resources for their own pleasure and give them to those who really need it.
Now, before I become the most depressing commenter ever, I have to say why that doesn’t fly. First, the people who are usually so negative about ways others spend their money are usually the last people to give up their own. I meet lots and lots of people who complain about the injustices of the world but rarely DO anything about it other than complain.
Second, I know you say that the renovations aren’t your job but that blogging is, but in a way they are your job, too. This is what you use for the material of your blog and this is why your blog is so successful. People read a blog for the dream. So, yes, this IS your job and it gives you material for countless posts and that is amazing.
Because despite how crappy things are in a lot of the world, we all have to earn a living. If you are fortunate to earn a living doing something that you love and are passionate about, I am jealous, quite frankly! Good for you! I wish I would be able to do that (This is where the being fickle thing comes in… I’m only passionate about things for about a week and then I get passionate about something completely different.)
Anyway, I might not stick with your blog for its lifespan, but I will sure enjoy it for the time that I do. 🙂 You might even hold me longer than most if you have a tendency to jump around to different things!
And seriously, what is with some of these comments? Most are supportive, but for pete’s sake, some of them sound like school marms pursing their lips and shaking their heads that anyone might strive for some joy in their lives.
Wow! Some people have a nerve. It is one thing to think you redo way too much, and another thing entirely to write to ‘please do not do that’. It took a lot of strength for you to explain all of that because you did not have to. I’m amazed at the amount of work you do on your own.
Matt’s question asking whether you were moving his stuff was really funny. And so was his recap! 😀