A Personal Update And An Invitation
If you’re a regular visitor here, you know that I’ve been on a ketogenic diet for a while, and this past June, I invited people to join me on a 60-day keto challenge.
Well, that challenge went great! We had an amazing group of people who saw all kinds of success — both weight loss as well as non-scale victories. So I wanted to share my own progress, as well as some testimonials from a few others (although I won’t be sharing names or other identifying information), because I have a new 60-day challenge starting this Saturday, and you’re invited to join!
Now I know you’re thinking, “Kristi, why share this here and not on your keto blog?” Well, the main reason is because this blog has an exponentially larger audience, and I believe that this information needs to reach as wide an audience as possible.
And that fact was driven home the other day when one of my favorite keto doctors, Dr. Ken Berry, posted a series of charts on his Instagram account showing the explosion of obesity in America. Just scroll through these and really let this sink in…
I scrolled through those with my mouth hanging open in total shock and disbelief. And of course, the explosion in obesity resulted in an epidemic of Type II diabetes, heart disease, and all other kinds of diseases and health issues.
Y’all, the health care crisis in America today isn’t about who’s going to pay for what. It’s about the exponentially increases costs of health care because of what we’re doing to ourselves by eating a standard American diet filled with sugar, processed carbohydrates and industrially-processed seed oils.
This madness has to stop, so I’m going to use my voice and my platform to reach the largest potential audience possible with this message. And I’m going to continue doing these 60-day challenges and issuing an invitation to anyone who is ready to make a change in their own lives.
So anyway, on to the results of the last 60-day keto challenge:
60-Day Keto Challenge Testimonials
These are a few of the successes the last group saw during the 60-Day Keto Challenge:
…what a life-changing time this has been! I have never stuck with a diet for 2 months before….Seeing the amazing results Kristi had with her Keto journey finally got my attention and motivated me to join in. I feel great, my wedding ring is way too loose, my knees don’t hurt, my blood pressure is down to normal levels, and the NSV’s [non-scale victories] go on and on! Instead of beating myself up for not doing this 20 years ago, I’m just going to Keto on and add more exercise and enjoy feeling good! Kristi, Matt and all of this group, thank you for all the support and for sharing your successes and challenges. Oh, yes, the SV [scale victory] is exciting, too. 21 pounds down from where I started on July 1.”
Kristi thank you for starting this group. Your (and others in the group) sharing of information has taught me so much. So much I did wrong the first time I did Keto on my own. Off of BP meds, sleeping better, hip pain and back pain that I suffered with for 30 years—GONE! Mentally I feel better, the sluggish brain is gone, I am happier and actually feel more content and I have more energy….In these 60 days I have lost 22.5 pounds… Physically the change has been so big in how my body feels that I don’t want to touch the “bad” carbs ever again.
I’m so thankful for this 60 day challenge to get a better handle on my health. Inflammation has decreased and my plantar fasciitis and trigger finger is better. My skin is better with my roscea on my face better and dermatitis. I haven’t been quite as strict about my carbs so my weight has plateaued at 15 pounds lost….All that to say, keto has been life changing for my husband and I. There’s no going back in our household!!!
Thank you Kristi and Matt for running this page!!! I’m looking forward to continuing with everyone! This group has been so helpful in my keto journey!!!
I will continue the gratitude fest – big THANKS to Kristi and Matt! You guys have revolutionized all of our lives. I will be forever grateful and so happy you are going to continue leading our journey….My progress has been terrific! I had lost 27 lbs as of two weeks ago, gained some weight, then lost it all again….I have completely reengaged in my Bikram Yoga practice (5 days a week). My body is changing back to something I recognize, leaner with muscle tone. I had a really nasty, constant nerve pain caused by a herniated disc in my lower back for the last 2 years and I can say its about 80-90% cured. The arthritic pain in my thumbs is pretty much gone. No headaches at all. I sleep better, my stress level is way down, my skin tone has dramatically improved and even my wrinkles have softened (w/o Botox!) Keto + Yoga! Life is good!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you to all my Keto compatriots! Looking forward to even more successes!
Thanks Kristi and Matt for starting the challenge! It was just the push that I needed. I’m down about twenty pounds with maybe fifteen or twenty to go. My husband also decided to try it and has lost twenty-two pounds! We remained committed to the diet changes and plan to continue on.
Kristi and Matt, I am SO grateful for this challenge…In total I lost 17.9 pounds, but wouldn’t have followed through without this group. I want/need to lose more, but I still need you all. I have learned so much and I feel like there is so much more to learn. I realize there are tons of different sites on the internet, but it is so comforting to me to get information from people I trust (this group). Cannot wait to start another challenge. I have never felt better in my life! Thanks to all of you!
I’m thrilled to report that I lost a total of 16 lbs and 17 inches on this Challenge! My journey has been amazing: My lipid panel results are astoundingly good so doc is titrating down my cholesterol AND blood pressure meds; I established a routine workout schedule that I love; I’ve learned how to navigate through the outside world with my new keto lifestyle; I continue to educate myself on health, nutrition, exercise, and biology; I’ve discovered the power of IF [intermittent fasting]; AND–best of all–I’m learning to love myself and my body again. Words can’t fully express my gratitude to everyone here for helping me find the knowledge, motivation, and support I needed to DO THIS! Thanks so much.
Aren’t those testimonials amazing? Yes, a change of diet (and getting rid of sugar, processed carbohydrates and seed oils) helps tremendously, but joining a group of people walking the same road who can hold you accountable is often the key to success for people.
So how did I do?
My keto progress…
During the 60-day challenge, I lost a total of 22.5 pounds! Since the challenge ended, I’ve lost a few more.
But the most amazing difference I’ve noticed is in my skin. Matt and I did more of a keto carnivore diet, rather than a standard keto diet, which means we focused on eating more animal products. I’ll share more about our reasoning and experience with that over on the keto blog in the future. (You can find my keto blog here.)
Before the 60-day challenge started, I had been eating a mostly-ketogenic diet for about year. And while I had seen success on it and had lost weight, I just felt like my face and my skin were looking so old. My skin was splotchy with rough patches and discoloration, I had droopy jowls, my skin had an almost gray undertone to it, my pores were getting larger with each passing day, etc. I was certain that a facelift was in my future.
So I focused on eating a more animal protein-heavy diet loaded with bioavailable amino acids, natural collagen, and healthy fat and cholesterol (yes, saturated fat and cholesterol ARE actually healthy — this is the type of stuff I’ll cover in the 60-day challenge group as well as on the other blog).
Here’s the difference I saw after eating a keto carnivore diet since June 24th.
Now let me explain these pictures before any naysayers start picking them apart. 🙂 First, these are pictures that I take for myself, for my own reference. I don’t retouch them because that would be stupid and would defeat the purpose of using them for my personal reference to see my progress. I take these pictures about every other day, always in my car, always with my phone propped up on the steering wheel. I generally (but not always) take them when I’m sitting at Sonic waiting for my iced tea to be delivered. And I never take the with the intent of sharing them. Again, these are just for my own personal reference, and I just keep them in my phone so that I can refer back to them when I need to be encouraged, or if I’m starting to feel down about a weight loss plateau.
So I take them at different times of the day, which is why the lighting is very different in all three. That first picture was late afternoon. The second picture was early evening. The last picture was early morning.
Also, I almost never have makeup on when taking those pictures because I’m generally working on projects and taking a break for my Sonic iced tea run. In the first picture, I have no makeup on. In the second picture, I have no makeup on except for the lip gloss that’s on my lips. In the third picture, I have on some foundation and powder on my face, as well as lipstick, eyeliner and mascara. And obviously, I have contacts instead of glasses. That picture was taken right before I walked into church. I also have a slight smile on my face, because for the first time in ages, the image I saw reflected back at me on my phone actually made me smile rather than cringe.
But here’s the thing. You can see the huge difference in my complexion in the first and second pictures. That’s a very big difference, and it’s only gotten better since then. And that third picture? Well, let’s just say that the woman you see in that first picture never could have looked like the woman in that last picture, no matter how much makeup she piled on that droopy and rough skin, or how much she smiled. I know, because I have photographic evidence of her trying, and the results weren’t impressive.
But, just for “fair” comparison, I took another picture. In this second picture, I had just rolled out of bed, brushed my hair, and put my hair back in a headband (same as the first pic). I don’t have any makeup on, with the exception of the lip gloss. I reached for my glasses instead of contacts. I didn’t smile, just like in the first picture. And the lighting is more comparable to the first picture.
My mom even told me this past Wednesday how amazed she is at my complexion now. She said that she had been very concerned at how my skin was looking before, and how large my pores were starting to look. She’s amazed at the difference.
For the first time in years (no, DECADES!), I’m getting in-person compliments on my complexion. That used to happen to me all the time when I was in my teens and early 20s, but it hasn’t happened in two decades. But now, I’m getting compliments again. That’s an amazing feeling!
Anyway, all of that to say that keto and keto carnivore diets are changing people’s lives, including my own. And we’re talking about both weight loss victories as well as non-scale victories. You can read my whole list of non-scale victories that I experienced right here. And for the first time in my adult life, I actually feel like I WILL reach my goal. I’m so motivated, and it’s all the more fun and encouraging traveling this road with friends who are on the same journey.
So I’m opening up this invitation to all of you. If you want to join us for the next 60-Day Keto Challenge, you’re welcome to come! Please note that this is a group for active participants only. I don’t want a group filled with a bunch of wallflowers and casual observers. If you’re going to join, please participate. We have weekly check-ins where we share our progress, our frustrations, and ask any questions we have so that we can cheer each other along and help each other out.
If you know nothing about the ketogenic diet, you can click here to read my quick start guide.
And if you want to join the next 60-day Keto Challenge beginning this Saturday, click here to join our group.
Here are the dates to remember.
- Saturday, September 21 — First day of the 60-Day Keto Challenge
EDIT: Oops!! Matt and I BOTH counted the days, and we BOTH got it wrong! 😀 The actual 60 days won’t start until September 28th, so we’re calling this first week our “soft start,” for people to ask questions, learn about keto, clean out their pantries, do their grocery shopping, and get prepared for the real start of the challenge next Saturday. - Tuesday, November 26th — The last day of the challenge
- Wednesday, November 27th — Final check in day for the challenge
- Thursday, November 28th — Thanksgiving (for us Americans) 🙂
So this is the perfect opportunity to get serious about eating right so you can look and feel your best before the holiday season!
PLEASE NOTE that membership in the group has a cutoff date of Wednesday, October 2nd. I won’t be adding new members after that date because I want this group to be a safe place where people can get to know each other and share openly. That’s hard to do when people are continually coming and going. So please don’t be offended if you try to join after that date and your membership is denied. You can always join us for a future 60-day challenge! 🙂
(UPDATE: Enrollment for this current challenge is closed, but if you want to join the next challenge, it will begin after the holidays in January 2020! Mark your calendar and prepare to join us!
I don’t follow a Keto diet, but I am low-carb. The diet is amazing and has real results. And you eat REAL FOOD. I think that is part of America’s problem. We eat so much food out and that is processed! Those maps are FRIGHTENING!!!
Congrats on your weight loss! I’m down 50lbs over 6.5 months. It’s amazing the difference. I didn’t think of it until you mentioned it, but my skin is way different!
Kristi, Congratulations on this new life you are creating! My husband and I changed to Keto about 2 and one half years ago when he was diagnosed Pre-Diabetic. We have enjoyed better health as you have. We are seniors in age, at 70 and 74 years respectively. Just one of our guilty Keto pleasures is pork chops bone in and fat on. We do them on the grill and enjoy gnawing the last sweet bites off of the bone like the good carnivores that we are. We do eat salads but bury them in a delicious blue cheese dressing, with zero carbs. Will be happy to share that recipe with you, if you want. We, too, are shocked at the obesity in this country today. I think it is truly our worst disease. Keep on preaching, sister. Many of us are with you and cheering you on.
I just missed the last group, so glad you are doing another one. I steer away from support groups because of the negativity. I feel safe with you though! I’m excited! can we subscribe to the keto blog? I’ve looked but couldn’t find a way….
Oh, I can assure you that there’s no negativity in this group. It’s an amazing group of people who are SO encouraging! We’ll have some veterans in the group from the last challenge, and they can lend some help to the newcomers. I think it’ll be an amazing experience for all involved!
I would encourage anyone with weight or health concerns to watch Forks Over Knives on Netflix and learn about the science supporting a plant based diet. My husband and I have lost over 200 lbs combined following Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s heart disease plan. We eat all we want, wonderful food, and have kept it off for almost 4 years. Dr. Greger on NutritionFacts.org also discusses the pros and cons, research based, of various diets including Keto.
Kristi, love your blog and you look great.
I appreciate the compliment, Mary. But no, no, a thousand time, no, to the suggestion of a plant-based diet. Humans are not herbivores. Forks Over Knives is a propaganda film created by two animal rights activists with the goal to promote a vegan diet that is NOT based on actual science. The psuedoscience they promote is based on epidemiological studies which have been substituted for actual, real, science which involves hypothesis –> controlled experiments –> confirmation or rejection of hypothesis –> repeatable results that can be replicated over and over again.
Nina Teicholz, a science journalist and investigative reporter, who herself was a vegetarian for 20 years, explains how these very erroneous “studies” have been substituted for actual science and have given us horrible results in her book “The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet.” After 20 years of vegetarianism, she has changed her ways (and feels much better, by the way) after incorporating animal protein back into her life.
And as far as Dr. Greger goes, he’s the same age as I am, and he looks old, sick, frail and weak. I’d never seek nutrition advice from someone who looks like that. I prefer advice from people who are thriving and full of life.
It is true that people who go on plant-based diets almost always feel good initially — possibly for years. Because ANYONE who eats a standard American diet and then cleans up their diet in any way, whether it’s eating a keto diet, a vegan diet, or another diet that isn’t filled with sugar and processed foods, will always feel better. But there’s a list of essential vitamins and nutrients that are not found anywhere in the plant world, and are ONLY found in animal sources. I know I’ll make vegans angry by saying that, but it doesn’t make it any less true. I’d be happy to provide a list for you.
Right now on YouTube, if you search “no longer a vegan”, you find that there is an exodus of LONG time vegans from veganism because of failed health. Eating an unnatural vegetarian or vegan diet will eventually catch up with you. Humans are not herbivores.
Anyway, I’ll get off my soap box, but as a carnivore (my diet is 95% animal protein) who has seen tremendous results in my own life, in my husband’s health, and has read about and seen the amazing transformation in others’ lives (including MANY ex-vegans who were deteriorating on veganism), I just can’t let a pro-vegetarian comment go without response on either one of my blogs. I think vegetarian and vegan diets are dangerous in the long run, and I can’t support them. 🙂
Hear!, Hear!, Kristi! I totally agree with every single word you’ve written. . . here. 🙂
Kristi, it certainly wasn’t my intention to start a huge controversy. I realize you are committed to Keto and wouldn’t expect to influence your personal choices. My point in commenting was to suggest that others reading this blog inform themselves independently before making such a crucial decision. What we eat will, to a large extent, determine our fate.
Losing weight doesn’t mean a person is necessarily healthier. I won’t attempt to argue my point of view but will point out that many, many credentialed experts who have studied the subject have concluded that a plant based diet prevents most of the diseases that kill us. The 20 year China Study is just one source of this data.
My focus is heart disease since my husband was diagnosed with it in 2016. In his case calcified plaque from cholesterol in the arteries was viewed via a scan and given a score. The score should be zero. Anything over 350 is extremely bad. His score was over 2000. He was told to expect a serious cardiac event within 3 years. Google the subject and the prognosis for a score that high is far worse than that. He was 56 at the time, the same age my father was when he died from a heart attack. You can imagine that my reaction was one of pure terror. You and I have much in common, husbands with serious diseases that we don’t want to lose. In addition to that commonality, I have often found myself having to defend my dietary choices. I did not intend to put you in that position. But just as you want to share what you are doing and why, I also wanted to share a different perspective.
When it comes to heart disease, it’s a lot better to prevent it than to deal with it after the fact. Unfortunately even children have heart disease nowadays. This is caused by what they eat. Heart disease begins when the endothelium, the lining of the arteries, is injured. Certain foods injure the endothelium and certain foods can facilitate healing. In our case, we simply avoid foods which damage the endothelium and emphasize foods known to heal it. It has now been 3.5 years since his diagnosis. Not only have we beaten their prediction, he is thriving. The cardiologist is shocked and says he has done more for himself than they could ever do. I say this in hopes that it might help another person in a similar situation. Many people far sicker than my husband have experienced similar results from a plant based, low fat diet. In my opinion, if a person chooses Keto they should consider testing down the road to ascertain the calcium buildup in their arteries. A calcium scan contains a lot of radiation. There are other ways to test for build up.
Best of luck to both you and Matt. I have a relative with MS and have seen first hand the devastation of it. You are a remarkably strong woman to accomplish all you do as well as managing your caretaker responsibilities. I don’t know how you do it and I have nothing but respect for you. I hope we can agree to disagree on this subject. Time will tell, won’t it?
I totally agree with you that losing weight doesn’t mean being healthy. If that were the case, people who suffer from anorexia would be the picture of health, but we know that’s not the case.
The China Study is not science. It’s sociology, and it’s questionable, at best. There have been many researchers who have taken a deep dive into Campbell’s research and found some serious problems with it. For example, it becomes clear that his goal wasn’t to find the absolute truth, but rather to prove his hypothesis that vegetarian diets are the healthiest. That led him to conveniently leave out critical information (i.e., countries where people eat a diet heavy in meat and dairy, and are still the picture of health) that didn’t support his hypothesis. Again, that’s not science. It’s a “study” (and a poorly performed study) of sociology, and to base one’s dietary goals on a sociological study that was performed with clear bias is dangerous, in my opinion.
I agree with you about heart disease and the need to prevent it. I also agree that it’s become frightening how young children are being diagnosed with heart disease, type II diabetes, and other maladies at epidemic levels like we’ve never seen before. And I 100% agree with you that it’s caused by diet, but it’s not caused by meat.
Again, it’s because of sugar, processed carbohydrates, and processed seed oils. You can literally graph the introduction of processed sugary foods, increased availability of fast foods, soft drinks, etc., and the rate of consumption of those foods/drinks in America, and then graph the rise of childhood obesity, type II diabetes, etc. (or in the population in general) and they look like the exact same graph. Because they are.
Humans have been eating meat since humans have been on this earth. So pointing to meat as the source of the problems we’re seeing today defies logic, especially when these maladies like obesity, type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc., correct themselves when a person increases meat and fat consumption and stops consuming sugar, processed carbohydrates, and processed seed oils.
Heart disease and calcification in the arteries is a scary thing. But it’s not caused by cholesterol. Again, it’s caused by sugar. Blaming cholesterol for these things is like blaming your local fire department for fires because every time you see a fire, you also see firefighters. But the firefighters aren’t SETTING the fires. They’re there to put them out. In the same way, cholesterol isn’t CAUSING the problems in the arteries. It’s there to try to correct the damage that sugar is doing, and getting blamed in the process. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride explains this process very clearly and simply in her video “Heart Attack Through ‘Evil Fats’?” on YouTube.
And finally, I would encourage you to research the other side of this topic. I get worried every time I hear someone talk about a plant-based, low fat diet. The human body is literally made of about 50% saturated fat and cholesterol. The brain is made of 40% saturated fat and cholesterol. Every synapse in your brain is made of cholesterol. The myelin sheaths surrounding your nerves are made of saturated fat and cholesterol. The marrow in your bones, which is responsible for creating blood cells to fight off infection, is largely made of cholesterol, and it pulls the cholesterol it needs to do its job from your blood. If you have low blood cholesterol, your marrow can’t do its job, and your body can’t fight off infection. The membrane surrounding every single cell in your body is made of cholesterol.
Again, if you add up every part of the human body that is made of saturated fat and cholesterol, you’d come up with about 50%. How in the world are some of the main building components of the human body then labeled “dangerous” to the human body? It defies logic. We’ve been lied to for DECADES about low fat diets, and that, in part, (along with the standard American diet filled with sugar, processed carbohydrates and processed seed oils) is why we’re seeing epidemic rates of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia in this country. We’re literally starving our brains of the cholesterol and fat that it needs to function properly.
We will definitely have to agree to disagree. 🙂 I do wish you and your husband the best of health.
By the way, Dr. Shawn Baker just posted the results of his coronary calcium scan. He had a score of zero. That’s after three years of living on a diet of beef, shrimp and eggs. Many other long-term carnivores have posted the same results as well. Meat is not your enemy. Sugar is.
Very very well said . ☺️🍗
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride succinctly explains the functions of both plant and animal foods in our diets here: http://www.doctor-natasha.com/feeding-versus-cleansing.php
I also recommend watching “The Magic Pill” on Netflix or reading “The Vegetarian Myth” by Lierre Keith (who was vegan for 20 years)
My son has completely recovered from autism using (primarily) a modified keto diet
Kristi I can hardly believe it’s the same person… wow… just wow… WELL DONE YOU 🙂
I would recommend “The Magic Pill” on Netflix
You look at least 15 years younger! WOW.
Kristi – I am looking at the pictures and I cannot hardly believe the change to your skin. Can you tell me why this happens? It certainly isn’t just the weight loss that made such a difference. Your look alive and just glowing – the last two pictures truly tell a story. I do not understand anything about the Keto diet, but if I can read up before Saturday I would join you this time.
Holy smokes, you look 20 years younger and your skin, well just fabulous!
I started this in November of last year. Even though I was not what anyone might call obese, I don’t believe my body was meant to carry excess weight. I’m in my mid 70’s and remembered times in my life when I felt better; more comfortable. I went from 155 to 115. I feel great. I lost my husband a year and a half ago and continue to carry on farm work on our little place. I take care of quite a bit of various livestock on my own. I’m considering moving into town to my daughter’s just because it’s lonely out here. Because I feel better than I have in a long time, I’m looking forward to enjoying the last chapter of my life. I do have “cheat” days because I’m a sucker for gooey sweets, but have discovered that I look forward to the next day and my keto meals. I’ve come to believe that keto is not a diet..it’s a lifestyle. And you are looking amazing.
Kristi, you look FABULOUS!!!!!
Great job 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
I am amazed at how different you look! But I’ll add that it radiates how good you feel. Your eyes tell it all!
Is it possible to do the keto diet and not lose weight, but to feel and look better? I know folks don’t want to hear that, but I’m only 5’4” and I weigh 132. If I lost any weight I’d look sick.
But I sure would like to feel better, sleep better and not be in as much pain every day that I could!
If you want to feel better but are not concerned about losing weight, eliminate all processed foods. Do only healthy carbs(lentils, beans, quinoa, bulgar, sweet potatoes etc. ). Focus on clean eating. Do organics as much as you can. Also, use natural cosmetics and cleaners as often as you can. Be watchful of any supplements you are taking. Sometimes supplements that are supposed to help us, don’t agree with our bodies. I always try one thing at a time, that way if I have a reaction, I know what is causing it. I am of average weight and in good health, so I do a healthy carb conscience diet along with intermittent fasting.
All the foods you listed are high in oxalates, compounds that are like little shards of glass that are stored in our bodies and cause pain and inflammation. I was vegetarian for years, faithfully drinking my almond milk/spinach/kale smoothies and juice fasting. I developed insulin resistance, arthritis, and gained 30 pounds. When I asked my doctor what to do to lose weight, he replied, “eat low carb”. I adopted the keto diet, lost 25 pounds, and lowered my triglycerides. A plant-based diet is not the healthy diet promoted by Dr. Esselstyn et al, who insisted that all of his patients take sta tin drugs.
This is incorrect. Dr. Eesselstyn does not insist everyone take statins. You can read his advice on page 74 of his book, or go see him in person as I did. He also has a website.
From Dr. Esselstyn’s own words: “In 1985, I embarked on a program to help a group of patients with severe coronary artery disease….
These patients (1 woman and 23 men) agreed to adopt a plant-based diet with fats making up less than 10% of calories. They ate no oils, fish, meat or dairy products (except skim milk and non-fat cheese and yogurt). The patients also took cholesterol-lowering medication as necessary to maintain their total serum cholesterol below 150 mg/dL.
“As necessary”
Not all patients require statins in the long term. He specifically says on page 74 that some patients will eventually go off statins with the diet. You said he “insisted”. Statins don’t kill. Heart disease does. Studies show that total cholesterol under 150 will prevent heart attacks. It’s not a random number. LDL should be under 70. My husband is 112/61 and requires 10 mg Crestor to stay in the desired range.
You do understand that the patients in his study had been sent home to die by their cardiologists??? These were the sickest of the sick. Statins and surgery cannot fix that. A person must change, must participate in the healing of the endothelium. Most of them lived healthy lives for many, many years as a result of his plan. I’m sure they were OK taking a low dose statin if necessary to get within that range and to go on to live decades instead of weeks or months.
Eat what you want. Don’t take statins if you don’t want to. No one cares. I only care that you are misrepresenting something which has been proven to save lives and continues to do so. I have no idea of your motive for doing so.
Statins actually do kill. They also cause Type II diabetes, increase risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and lead to other health issues. Plus, they’re useless. Cholesterol level does not have an effect on heart health. Cholesterol HEALTH has an effect on cardiovascular health, and what determines cholesterol health is whether it’s oxidized and glycated. The way one’s cholesterol becomes damaged via oxidation and glycation is with a diet high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, and processed seed oils.
Dr. David Diamond debunks all of this cholesterol and statin nonsense in his talk “Demonization and Deception in Cholesterol Research”. Statins are a scam — the pharmaceutical industry’s hugest moneymaker ever (a multi-billion dollar a year drug) that does absolutely nothing to increase health.
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride also covers this issue, explaining how dangerous statins are, as well as how and why the body NEEDS saturated fat and choelsterol, in her three-part series called “Heart Attack Throuh ‘Evil Fats’?” After all, about 50% of the human body is actually MADE out of saturated fat and cholesterol, so it’s a bit absurd to call these things dangerous for the human body. She explains in detail here.
Dr. Esselstyn also says not to drink your food, not to drink juice and to avoid nuts and almond milk. If you don’t want to follow Esselstyn don’t do it. But don’t misrepresent what he advocates. He would never advise what you did, for the very same reasons—insulin and triglycerides. This is spelled out in his book.
I did not say that Dr. Esselstyn advocated drinking green smoothies, I said that was what I did as a vegetarian. I did say that he gave his patients in his program statin drugs, as you can see from his own words: “In 1985, I embarked on a program to help a group of patients with severe coronary artery disease….
These patients (1 woman and 23 men) agreed to adopt a plant-based diet with fats making up less than 10% of calories. They ate no oils, fish, meat or dairy products (except skim milk and non-fat cheese and yogurt). The patients also took cholesterol-lowering medication as necessary to maintain their total serum cholesterol below 150 mg/dL.” http://www.dresselstyn.com/site/study05/
How do I get on the email list for the Keto blog? I haven’t been able to figure that out. 🙁
I’m so excited that you are doing these challenges and although I signed up for the first one, I was unable to participate because of an unexpected house buying venture and subsequent move. I also got very off track with my keto lifestyle by eating out and snacking way too much during that time…Thankfully, all has settled down and I’m totally READY to start this next 60-day challenge and to fully participate. I’m so excited for it to begin! Thanks Kristy!!!
Wow. You look like the daughter of the woman in the first picture!! Gorgeous skin! I’m struggling so much with my skin. I have aging and acne concerns. Fun combo, huh?!? And I’m only 36. I really need to join in on your next challenge.
I was going to say that, but didn’t know how withoutbeing disrespectful. Kristi, your skin is nothing short of amazing! I’ll try to get in on the next challenge. It scares me because my Fella eats whatever he wants and is the picture of health. But I can do anything for 60 days, I’m sure!
I requested to join the group but won’t be able to start the diet till Tuesday as I am leaving today to take my son back to college and get home late Sunday. Will grocery shop on Monday and begin on Tuesday if that’s ok. I need this push to hold me accountable.
WOW…your skin looks amazing!!!!! so much more full of life!!!!
Kristi, I’ve been following your keto journey as I’ve been on my own journey since June 2018. 117 lbs down. Do you have a page on IG for your keto journey?
My husband and I decided to eat keto after a watching a friend and her husband do it. It was hard at first, not gonna lie but when the weight starts to come off it is so very encouraging. Your skin does look great and healthy! And, I agree with others that you look younger. Keep up the good work! P.S. My blood pressure lowered and I no longer have to take medicine for it!
Kristi – I just noticed…you have to be on Facebook to join? I dropped it a long time ago because of many reasons…so is there any other way to participate?
I rejoined just for this group. I ignore all other invites. None of my friends comment on that. I have followed a few resin and art ed groups but they’re all private. My only complaint is that it can be a time suck ;-). I agree facebook is weird.
I agree. No Facebook for me. I cannot participate if it is contingent on joining a company that sold our democracy to an adversary simply for profit. Kristi, please reconsider and provide another method for us to join?
Ummmmm. O. M. G.
You look amazing, girlfriend! Keep it up!!
You have really trimmed down in your neck, and the sides of your face! Your skin is absolutely fantastic! I bet you eve notice a difference in your hair, too. Wonderful progress. You go girl!!!!
I’ve been dabbling in Keto since early summer. I have lost nearly 35 pounds but my weight loss seems to have stalled. I am so excited to be doing this challenge! It would be awesome to get the next 15 pounds off by the holidays.
How do you subscribe to your Keto blog I could not find it. Maybe I am overlooking it somewhere.
All I can say, you look spectacular! You are a great motivator and congrats!
Love your decor blog! I’m not quite ready for keto, but I have a friend that is doing it. I told her about the program you are doing. Every little bit of support helps!
I’m excited to get back to feeling like me. I’ve gained some weight in the last several years and am struggling with life choices which I can’t “undo”. I know weight loss can’t fix everything I’m struggling with. But weight loss can and will help my (negative) outlook towards the other parts of life which I can’t change. I’m a physically active person, but I’d like to be a healthier, happier and lighter weight person. I have a whole wardrobe of “cute” clothes I’d like to wear again. There are some foods which I just can’t eat (never did like cheese or beans), so I’ll have to make some changes, but I’m game to give it a try. I’ve always done better with an accountability partner, so thanks for providing a whole group of them!
I’m working to lose weight and be healthier and I love love that you posted this here! I know people will pick apart any diet, any photos, anyTHING and all I can figure is hat they do this to try to make excuses for themselves.
I’m not doing keto, but I wish you and the group great success! Again kudos for posting this here, it IS an epidemic!
I also would love to sign up but gave up on Facebook. I do like the more private Instagram, if there is a way to participate that way—I would love to be a part. I have been doing Keto for about 3 months and have lost 22 lbs.
Reading through some of the discussions on this comment thread has been pretty interesting. I appreciate the details that the keto supporters have been providing. I do very much believe that animal products are an important part of our diets.
One thought I want to add to the conversation tho is that our meats of today are not the same as the meats of yesterday. I did not see it mentioned anywhere about the differences between conventionally raised (aka confined feed lots) livestock vs biologically appropriate (aka pasture raised) livestock.
I am a firm believer that you are what you eat eats. As time as we invest in making sure we are eating correctly, we need to make sure our livestock are eating correctly so their systems are operating ideally. I’m going to pick on beef because honestly it’s one of the worst offenders….at some point in history it was discovered that corn and grain will quickly fatten up a cow and is super cheap to produce — that’s the whole reason corn (or one of it’s many bi-products) is in our cheap processed food. It would be one thing if cows were being given the grain as a little treat on occasion (moderation and all that), but when their entire diet has been replaced with this feed it’s creating all sorts of havoc with their systems. Their entire digestive system is designed to eat grass, did you know much of their nutrition actually comes from the bacteria that feeds on the grass, not just the grass itself? So what happens when you starve that bacteria…..another bacteria will take over. At this point we should all be familiar with the concept of bacteria imbalances and the myriad of problems that can bring. Even more basic than that…..look at the change in the fats in the meat. Grass is full of omega 3, corn and grain is heavy in omega 6. So we are changing the cows diet from being heavy omega 3 to instead being omega 6. Recent science had said that it’s not the AMOUNT of fat you eat, it’s how balanced are your fats. Ideally omega 6 and omega 3s should be balanced. We get a lot of omega 6s already from our diets, eating a grazing animal SHOULD be giving us our omega 3s….but instead, they are just giving us more omega 6s.
I’m trying to not write a novel here, haha! but i do feel very strongly that much of the complaint against meat really stems from the way our meat products are being raised. If you haven’t already, I would really suggest those interested read/listen to the Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. The book walks through the various food chains and compares them – industrial complex vs local sustainable/pasture raised vs hunting and gathering.. If you haven’t looked into our broken food system, it’s a real eye opener. Highly recommended.
Anyhow, there is TONS of information out there if you want to investigate more into the health of your meat. It was terrifying enough for us, that my husband and I have opted out of the industrial market and instead we raise our own poultry on pasture and healthy grains (and whatever bugs they find!), and we purchase our red meat from farmers who have similar values to us – meaning pasture, healthy grain and protein fed pigs and all pasture raised cows. This has led us to a very ‘local’ diet and seasonal eating where our protein intake remains high, but our carb and fat ratio will fluctuate with the seasons.
Yep, I agree with everything you said. Matt and I eat grass fed/grass finished beef. I definitely should have made that distinction. I do buy mine from the grocery store, but I’d love to find a local supplier. I strongly believe that we should make some major changes to the beef industry. I’m a big proponent of regenerative agriculture. Get cows out of warehouses and into their natural environments, and there’s a natural symbiotic relationship between the cows and the grass that they eat that restores the soil, increases biodiversity, which then pulls methane and CO2 out of the atmosphere to be used by bacteria in the soil. It’s the perfect symbiotic relationship, almost as if nature knows exactly what it’s doing. The problem regarding cows isn’t that they’re damaging the environment. It’s that we’re damaging both the cows and the environment by removing them from their natural home and raising them in warehouses.
Thanks for expanding Kristi! I couldn’t possibly agree more on all accounts!!! 🙂 I appreciate you sharing!
I’ve been a long time lurker on the design blog, and now you’ve gained keto interested subscriber. Hubby and I will discuss joining you 60 day challenge!
Kristi you def look like you are a Benjamin Button in the pics. The skin difference is quite astounding!
You look so ALIVE Kristi! Wish I could join your challenge, maybe next time, too involved in other projects and not enough time. Good luck to all of you who have decided to do the challenge!
I’ve loved reading all the above comments…very educational! I appreciate so much the way those who disagree can be civil and respectful to one another.
Kristi, you look stunning in your most recent photo!!!! You should be so proud of yourself! I am looking forward to getting back on a disciplined track after being away from my own kitchen this past month and so appreciate the 60 cay challenge!
I tried to join the group via the link, but it tells me the content isn’t available right now “The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in” 🙁
We did Keto last year & loved it… just need motivation & support to get back in the groove, especially before the Holidays!
So strange! I clicked it and it went right to the group, so I’m not sure what the problem is! 🙁 Go to Facebook and search “The 60-Day Keto Challenge” and see if you can find us that way.
Click this link and see if it works: https://www.facebook.com/groups/344058139581605/
I tried joining the Facebook group by clicking your link but it wouldn’t allow. Am I doing something wrong?
Well, I clicked it and it went right to the group, so I’m not sure what the problem is! 🙁 Go to Facebook and search “The 60-Day Keto Challenge” and see if you can find us that way.
Click this link and see if it works: https://www.facebook.com/groups/344058139581605/
I’m not finding a way for the link either:( I followed from here, searched Facebook and also tried following a link from your other blog. I’ll keep checking back though:) I’m so very excited to have this get me back on plan. I lost over 50 pounds adapting a low carb lifestyle and the past 3 months have NOT been low-carbing and have quite frankly been eating out-of-control. I haven’t weighed myself…I’m bloated, clothes tight, inflammation pain is back, etc. Time to get back on this proven to me effective lifestyle. LOVE what you do, are doing and have done!!! THANK YOU!
Click this link and see if it works: https://www.facebook.com/groups/344058139581605/
Looks like that link worked…thank you!!!
You look absolutely amazing! Keep up the amazing work. I really can’t over how much your face has changed. I am so proud of you.
WOW Kristi!
You look MARVELOUS!!!! And those charts are frightening1!!
I considered joining your last 60 day challenge, but thought, “no, I really don’t have any more weight to loose”. Now, keeping it off is a whole other story. Don’t get me wrong, I’m keeping it off, and like you, I’m not doing strict Keto (i.e., I’ll eat a fruit here and there – I’m especially fond of summer fruits, and I’ve eaten plain (full-fat) greek yogurt to which I add monk fruit sweetener occasionally over the past month or two. But, I could use the support. Would I qualify to join the group?
Of course! Come join us! 🙂 Of course, I may kick you out of the group one day on a whim just out of sheer jealousy that you’ve already reached your goal and have no more weight to lose. 😀 KIDDING! Come join the fun. You can cheer on the rest of us!
kristi, I just wanted to say that I always enjoy coming here (I’m not a daily reader but I like to show up every few months and catch up on your life and your house!) and I have ALWAYS appreciated your honest, no nonsense, and playful personality online. You make bold choices with your house and you arent afraid to take chances. To see you doing something so bold to take care of your health brought tears to my eyes this morning.
I got married over a decade ago and I’ve put on 30 or 40 extra pounds. Each year I put on a little more and I’ve really struggled to lose that weight. Most of my old clothes are not fitting right (not even just a little tight, they dont fit anymore). So I might join you in your next 2020 challenge even though I’m a little afraid it will be too hard and not work for me- I hope you’ll continue to do little keto updates on this blog from time to time to include those of us who are thinking about it.
But no matter what I do, I am so proud of you for doing more of what you do- for keeping on and taking care of yourself, and for continuing to be honest and bold and putting yourself out there to stretch and grow in new ways. You do it with your house, and now you do it with your health- YOU are one inspiring lady to me!
faithful (but not at all handy and a little bit overweight) reader for several years now,
Never believe government data or “data” furnished by the diet industry. thee is no obesity epidemic. BMI is all but useless. The guy how came up with it, Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, was a mathematician, not a doctor. Bone density, muscle mass and other factors render BMI meaningless. The boxer Mike Tyson weighed 220 in his prime. at 5″10 his BMI would have been 31.6. well above the number that indicates obesity. According to BMI half of all NBA players are overweight or obese. https://www.foxnews.com/story/athlete-study-exposes-flaw-of-bmi-obesity-measure
While all of that may be true, all you have to do is go to any public place and watch people. It’s very obvious that we have an obesity epidemic in this country.