DIY Light Fixture For My Hallway
The great thing about having someone help me with the construction part of the hallway closet is that I get to concentrate on the pretty parts. So today, while Jerry is running the wiring for the new hallway light, I’m working on the actual light fixture.
It’s not often that I copy other bloggers’ projects. Oh sure, I’m inspired by others on a daily basis, but I try not to copy them outright. If I use someone else’s project as inspiration, I generally try to change it up and put my own spin on it.
But every once in a while, I see a project so ingenious that I must copy it exactly. Enter Mandi, the creative genius behind Vintage Revivals. When I saw her first Epic Room Makeover, I just knew right off that the light fixture must have been her “splurge” item for the room. I was sure that it had cost a small fortune.
Come to find out, it was an old light fixture and wire hanging garden baskets to make a cage around the fixture.
It just so happens that I had an old light fixture sitting in my office. Remember this light from John & Alice’s house…
…that I turned into a decorative candle holder?
Well, I still had the light fixture, so I decided to put it to use.
Last night, I added the “cage” consisting of two wire garden baskets, so as of right now, it looks like this…
The great thing is that the baskets come with the clips and chain, so all I needed were the two hanging baskets, which were $8.48 each, one can of spray primer, which was $3.77, and one can of spray paint, which was also $3.77. So for a total cost of $26.52, I’m going to have a fabulous light! Not too bad, right?!
Today I’ll get it painted, and hopefully before the end of the week, Jerry can get it hung in my close-to-being-finished hallway to light my close-to-being-fabulous utility closet!
That is amazing! I love it!!!
Love it! Can't wait to see it hung in the hallway.
Dana @
This idea is pure genius and I can't wait to see how it turns out! Maybe I could try this…hmmm…
I love this! I really like how you took the old light frame and used it as a candle holder. I have an old light fixture like that and I want to use this idea in my home! Really amazing!
I like the transition of the candle holder. It looks like a brand new piece straight from the shop. Genius!
Impress with innovative ideas
You are sooooo creative finding a new purpose for everyday objects… LOVE the new light fixture.
Great idea. Congratulations !!
I really appreciate your idea !!