Tell Me What You Think! (Master Bathroom Mural and Floor Tile Options)

Today I have one guy back at the house for one more day to do all of the finishing touches in the bathroom before they hand it over to me to do all of the pretty stuff. Since I always have them do the drywall smooth (i.e., no texture on the walls), the walls always take a bit longer and require a little more attention to detail than walls that get textured. But that will be finished up today, and the project will be all mine.

So naturally, I’m thinking through all of my selections so I can be confident that I’m 100% sold on everything I’ve selected.

And of course, I’m second-guessing some things. 🙂 So I’d love your input.

The first thing is about the wall mural. I’m FOR SURE using the wall mural on the bathtub wall. But one comment on a post last week got me wondering if I need to make a change to the mural. The good thing is that if I do need to make a change, the replacement mural would only cost about $150. But here’s the issue that the commenter brought up. She said that it’s a shame that my bathtub will cover the prettiest part of the mural.

Now since I’m a teal kind of person, I would disagree that the bottom part is the prettiest. 🙂 But I do see her point. The tub will indeed cover quite a bit of the mural. I guess my thinking is that it would give the impression that the tub is sitting in this forested area, and I thought that would give it a lovely feel. It would look something like this…

bathtub wall with floor to ceiling wall mural

The side walls will have white wainscoting on the bottom and teal Venetian plaster on top. So the tub does cover quite a bit of the bottom part of the mural, but is that a bad thing?

If I want the whole mural to show, I could continue the wainscoting on the bottom of that wall (and the wall-mounted faucet would be on the lower part with the wainscoting), and just use the mural on the upper part of the wall.

bathtub wall with wainscoting and wallpaper mural above

Of course, the mock up photos above only have plain rectangles of white, and that’s not quite what the wainscoting will look like. Actual wainscoting will have quite a bit more character to it than solid white rectangles. 🙂 But you get the point.

Anyway…thoughts? I’m actually torn between the two. The first whole wall option gives the illusion of the tub sitting in the forested area. The upper wall option is more like looking through a window. And quite honestly, I love it both ways. At one moment, I’ll really love the whole wall option, and then the next moment, I’ll love the wainscoting option.

So let me know your thoughts on that.

And then the next issue is the tile I’ve selected. I had selected a large rectangle (kind of) marble-look tile with very soft “veins” for the main bathroom floor. For the shower floor, I had selected a marble mosaic, and for the shower walls, a large white rectangle tile.

tile options for master bathroom remodel - 5

While I love that mosaic tile that I selected for the shower floor, I have two issues with it. First, I’m unsure how to transition from that floor to the main bathroom floor. Most showers have a curb around them, which makes using a different tile on the shower floor a pretty simple thing. But with a curbless shower that has no transition at all from the bathroom floor to the shower floor, it makes it a bit more challenging.

So I played around with using that dark tile that I bought (that came as a herringbone but I said I wasn’t planning on using it as a herringbone) as a transition strip between the two tiles.

master bathroom flooring options - large tile in bathroom and mosaic tile in shower

I don’t love it. 🙁 But I also don’t love the large floor tile right up next to the mosaic tile, either. So I’m not quite sure what other options there are. I think my only transition option would be to put a Schluter strip between the main floor and shower floor. Or I could even use a wider Schluter transition strip like this one. That might actually be very pretty.

The second problem is that I absolutely must have symmetry. Anyone who has stuck with me for a while knows this about me. If the shower and toilet area don’t look symmetrical (at least for the most part, but obviously not in every single tiny detail), then my head might explode.

In fact, after I came up with this floor plan (that was inspired by a new home tour by an Australian Instagrammer I follow), someone commented on one of my posts that the floor plan looks just like a bathroom by Three Birds Renovations on YouTube. As a side note, they’re also Australians, so I’m wondering if this is just a popular floor plan for full bathrooms in Australia right now.

Anyway, that bathroom (which you can see here) is absolutely, stunningly gorgeous. But the very first thing that caught my attention was the asymmetrical appearance of the shower with the tiled wall on the left, and the toilet area with the painted wall on the right. Had that been my project, the two areas would have been treated the same.

So upon seeing that video, I made up my mind immediately that in our bathroom, the two sides would definitely have to be the same. If the shower has white tiled walls, the toilet area will also (or they’ll be painted white at the very least). And that means if the shower has a tiled mosaic floor, the toilet area will also.

bathroom floor tile options

That tile is $14/square foot, so it’s about 10 times the cost of the main bathroom floor tile. And I just don’t know if I want to pay that price for something I’m just not sold on. It’s very pretty tile, but the main focus of this bathroom will obviously be the wall mural and not the mosaic tile.

A commenter on last week’s post said that when she couldn’t find a coordinating mosaic tile for her shower floor, she had her installer cut the large floor tile into smaller squares for the shower. The more I think about it, the more I love that idea. Since it’s the same floor, but just a different size, I wouldn’t feel the need for any type of transition between the to areas because they would look fantastic and seamless right up next to each other. I mean, it would be the same tile, so of course the two sizes would work together seamlessly.

And the good thing about that options is that I would only need to cut enough for the shower floor. I could use the larger tile in the toilet area. It would be a little bit different, but since it’s the same tile, I’m pretty sure my brain could handle it. 🙂

So that’s the direction I’m leaning right now, but I’d love to hear from anyone else who’s actually done that. Did it work out for you? Any pitfalls to be aware of when cutting large tiles into smaller pieces for the floor?

Alright, so gimme what you got. Wall mural (full wall or upper wall with wainscoting) and shower floor tile (original mosaic with some sort of transition, or large floor tiles cut down into smaller pieces).



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  1. Kristi, this is going to be so magical. I wish we had a bathroom we could do this with. I can’t wait to see the finished project.

    1. I would use the whole mural. The tub disappears on the white wall. The whole mural highlights the tub and leaves most of the blue/teal on the same eye level as the walls. Much more symmetrical! Cutting up the larger tiles may create a jumble, and not any kind of pattern, depending on the size you cut them into. Also my first reaction was the solid white tile looks too bright white. Nice job!!

    2. Hi Christi! Everting is just gorgeous so far / the progress so far reminders just bring it all home for me! It’s just WOW!! On the two questions here … 1 – mural floor to ceiling for sure. The view from within the bathroom is definitely different than the “pictures” show. On the floor, have you considered using the floor tile all the way along the outside of the shower to maintain a continuous uninterrupted visual from the perspective of standing in front of it; But then using you shower floor mosaic behind the wall where the bathtub is? This would give you break when you are “inside” the shower; but not break the line of sight from outside the shower. It could help with the slip factor fit you as well . Can’t wait fir the next reveal – whichever way you choose!!

  2. Drop the mural to the top of the tub, then use a compatible paint color (not white) for the bottom half OR USE TILE!!!! Tie it in with the rest of your tile. Use edge pieces along top of tile just below mural.

    1. I like the whole wall mural. The wainscoting makes it so busy and you are distracted from seeing the beauty of the mural.

  3. Floor to ceiling! You’ll be looking at it FROM the tub. it will be like sitting in the forest and it helps with continuity on that wall. It’s seemless and whole.

        1. Absolutely floor to ceiling mural. Tile I agree on cutting the larger floor tile for the shower. The bathroom will be beautiful ❤️, as is the rest of your home.

    1. I agree with floor to ceiling. It will be so lovely.

      As for the tile on the shower floor I love the appearance of the tiles you have chosen, but wonder about the care of them. I had a house cleaning business for awhile and found marble tiles, get damaged from bathroom cleaners such a tilex etc. . You might consider a non slip poured floor from a cultured marble installer or a mosaic tile that only appears to be marble.

    2. Absolutely agree! Sitting in the tub looking down at the beauty of the art is something so unique. Applying it floor to ceiling is beyond brilliant imo. 🙂

    3. Kristi….. who is actually going to sit in that tub??? YOU! I luv the idea of sitting in a meadow…. So…. Why ….WHY….would want to put that beautiful meadow….above your head!?….. this is YOUR master bath…. It is not for public viewing…. And as far as the tiles go…. I too am an “Obsessive Compulsive” for symmetry….. definitely would go with the same tile throughout…. Brilliant idea to cut in a different shape for shower floor…. Just remember,
      ….the less grout lines the less cleaning. Sending a virtual Hug….🤗…..

    4. I 100% agree. Floor to ceiling mural. I think it’s nice that part of the scene is hidden from view a bit. Like a secret.

    5. I agree totally. Thoughts of sitting in tub and putting a finger for the bird to land on. Call me crazy, but I would have to name her and tell her my stories whilst I lounge in bubbles.

  4. Wall mural full wall going with the idea of the tub sitting in a field. I like the idea of your floor tile cut into smaller pieces for the shower floor. My 2 cents. 🙂

  5. I vote for the full wall mural – I love the look of the bathtub in the middle of a forest. I think it’s a great idea to cut the large tiles down. More work but symmetrical!

    1. From one interior designer to another, full wall mural. It will give you a real wow factor! It looks like you could sit in the tub and pick the flowers. Also, if your ceilings are 8′, they’ll look taller with the full mural. Schlueter strips work great to transition tile but I’d cut down the floor tile in the shower for a seamless look.important especially in a room that isn’t huge. But, all your choices are fantastic!!

  6. I don’t know about the tile, but I’m definitely on the full wall mural team. It makes a beautiful statement wall.

  7. full wall mural and cut tile. I would also check with the manufacturer if the tile is available in other sizes

  8. I personally love the idea of the tub being “in the forest” as opposed to the mural just being a focal point above the tub. As for the tiles in the shower and toilet are being smaller tiles like the other floor tiles I personally like that idea the best…..but then I am just a home owner and not a decorator. 🙂

  9. I definitely like the full wall mural. And that is a great idea to have the bigger tile cut down to a smaller size for the shower!

  10. I prefer the full wall mural myself. I didn’t care for the two tiles tiles together. I would use the same tile with perhaps smaller pieces cut for the shower. Could you do full tiles leading into the shower but in a different direction so they are like a path with small versions of the same tile making up the “working” area of the shower? Good luck – you’ll find a good solution.

  11. Use the entire mural on the wall. We don’t always need to see every detail, our minds have the ability to fill in what our eyes can’t see.

    1. Full mural 100% for me. I love the idea of the same floor tile but cut into smaller pieces for the slope. This will be beautiful. Focus will be on the mural! I think the geometric tiles would be a lot of fun for the shower head wall. It would be fun, not visible from the bathroom side and give visual interest.

  12. Wall mural – FULL WALL! I love the look of the bathtub sitting in the forested area. And think of how it will feel even more like that when you are actully sitting in the tub.

    Shower floor – like the idea of cutting down the large floor tiles. Will look more seemless and keep the focus on the mural wall.

  13. Kristi. Keep with your original idea floor to ceiling! Even if you loose a little of the forest visually the impact of an entire Mural wall will make up for it. Chopping it up will do exactly what the words say …….
    As for the flooring in shower and toilet area, I say invest in the extra mosaic – just looking at it every day will warm your heart and never make you feel like you had to compromise AGAIN.! Can’t wait to
    see final result! Xo

  14. I like the full wall mural. I vote floor tile cut into smaller pieces. Or another option is to run that into the shower and then use your mosaic and create a inner border pattern in the shower and then do the same in the toilet room.

  15. Full wall mural … it looks custom and elegant. Cut down the main floor tile for the shower and maybe even the toilet area. It will make this spacious room feel seamless and even more luxurious. I think creating a break where there isn’t one would look odd and “off.” If you go this route, I like the Schluter. There just has to be a “reason” for the separation; it has to look intentional. I looked at the bathroom (home) you referenced on you tube. I guess I have a need for symmetry too, because I immediately saw the same issue. I’m excited for you and Matt. As a retired teacher of special needs children, I know having extra maneuvering space and proper facilities goes a long way toward daily comfort and reduced stress.

  16. I think the wallpaper mural is a show stopper and requires the full length of the wall. You’ll get glimpses of the bottom as you pass through to the shower and toilet area…I love the look of the full wall. The half-wall mural takes on the look of a beautiful art piece – equally beautiful but in my opinion, not a show stopper.

    Although I absolutely love the mosaic tile in the shower area, I love the simplicity of the continuous floor tile idea – that will not compete with the wall mural.

    Love how you think things through before making any decisions…I’m sure whatever your final choices are, they will be beautiful!

  17. I like your original choice of using the mural over the whole wall. It’s like being in the woods. Nature all over.
    I like the idea of the shower wall being the same as the rest of the bathroom. Simple is best. Not too busy. Don’t over think.

  18. Floor to ceiling! It’s magical and unique.
    Love your idea about using small cuts of the larger tile in the shower. I have not done that but I would!

  19. I vote for using the mural on the full wall. Is there any possibility for using just the bottom part of the mural on the side walls where you plan to have wainscoting? This shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but I imagined cutting out the mural around the grasses and pasting it on top of the teal painted wall. I also vote for cutting the floor tile into smaller pieces for the shower or finding the same tile in a smaller size. I also like a plain narrow tile for the transition to the shower, maybe a lighter color than the one you pictured.

  20. I’m partial to the full wall mural you’d originally planned.
    Love the idea of using same tile but cutting it smaller for the shower! Genius! I may have to try that when we redo our bathroom down the road.

  21. Full mural seems 100% more special!

    I love the decorative tiles!!
    I tend to love tons of patterns together and busy though.

  22. Was wondering why you weren’t going to use the main floor tile in the shower area and I’m not sure why you’d have to have smaller tile in there but if you must then cutting the main tile into smaller pieces would be perfect. As for the mural, either would be nice although I would probably put wainscot behind the tub.

  23. I think your plan for using the tile cut down is genius. You will have the uniformity you prefer (I am of a similar mind) and I think your design is classic and timeless. I would go with the smaller mural only because I have a soaking tub (with wainscoting) and as careful as I am, sometimes water splashes on that wall. It would be a shame to have such a beautiful mural damaged by water when you can spare it and still have a beautiful effect with wainscoting. I think the full mural might look like the tub was added on, blocking the mural.

  24. Absolutely Team Full Wall Mural…it is stunning with the tub in front❤️ I have smaller tiles cut from the larger floor tiles in a shower and do like it but it is a bit boring. Absolutely love your mosaic choice and the dark tiles as the transition is spot on and I think works perfectly❤️❤️❤️

  25. I love the full wall mural, the trees feel more realistic due to the size and I really like the glimpses of the grass on either side. It looks as if you’re nestled amongst the scene.

    Great see solution for the floor tiles too.

  26. I would use the the full mural, it looks chopped the other way. For the floor I would use the floor tile straight through to the shower and powder room, no breaks no change, it would be seamless. At least that’s what my mind could handle.

  27. Full wall mural, and use the same size floor tiles throughout the bathroom, shower, and toilet area. Why go to the trouble of cutting it down smaller?

      1. Kristi,
        We have (had) 4 different tiles (types, styles. color. sizes) in our main floor bathroom and I’ve always disliked all the busy- ness. I suspect that an accent tile or even different size of the same tile is going to read to your brain and too busy.
        Also, with the different sizes in our shower I would not say that it is any more or less slippery having smaller tiles. The grout lines in ours are not a factor in keeping it less slippery. If and when we re-do it will be some kind of non-slip textured tile (we are getting older and have already had back, knee and leg issues), though I haven’t been shopping and I have no idea what is out there.

  28. The full wall mural instantly spoke to me.

    I do see why you’d want to see more of it though. I think someone else mentioned — possibly make the mural go to the top (or just below the top) of the tub – then a color (or tile?) of coordinating bottom mural color below? If not and it’s all or none – the full wall is quite an impact and looks great!

    Love seeing the progress!

  29. I’d definitely make the mural the full length of the wall. That is the focal point and it does make you feel like you’re in the forest. I’d do the same flooring throughout, even in the shower. You can try smaller cuts or leave the tile the same size. Since your need for a non-trip surface is a necessity, I think that keeping the tile large with a lack of division from the main floor is best. Be sure you use slip-resistant tile on your flooring. Keep all details minimal to let the mural shine!

  30. Beautiful mural. One thing to consider is the view you will have hen in the tub. Will your point of view be the wainscoting or the peaceful scene? I think I would opt for the peaceful scene for my soak 🙂

  31. I definitely prefer the mural go all the way to the floor. My brain can’t parse the ground and base of the plants to be above eye level when I am sitting in the tub. Or hovering above the floor any other time. Sure, the tub blocks part of the mural, but you will see that as you pass in and out of the shower and toilet areas…and you might see it when you are in the tub and lean over and look over the side. As for tile…I have no preference. But the mural, yeah…take it to the floor.

  32. First, I love the wall mural to the floor and yes, it feels like tub is on the forest floor. Keep it.
    Secondly, I watched the three birds renovation video. Gorgeous home, bedroom, walking robe and especially the bathroom……however, having the bathroom so far from the bedroom and having to walk through and around the robe island is too far for this “old lady” 🥴 in the middle of the night. I like your thoughts on the floor tiles. You’ve got this!

  33. Hi Kristi,

    Just an idea-Buy another wall mural take the bottom floral that is being cut off by the tub and cut strategically the same floral and stack on top of the other floral.

    The seam (if one even shows )will be covered by the tub, it will give you the illusion of the tub sitting in the forest with the grass & floral grown up taller around it. That way you get the best of both 🙂

  34. I absolutely love your design for the bathroom. Personally, I like the tub having the larger mural behind it so it appears the tub is in the forest. As for the floor, I am wondering if that large tile is slippery. I spent a small fortune buying tile I loved for just inside my front door and you literally can’t walk across it if your feet are wet at all. I have to cover my beautiful entry tile that I splurged on with a rug for safety reasons. I am sure whatever you decide for your floors will look great but I just wanted to mention that. You do such beautiful work! ❤️

    1. This particular tile has a very matte finish and is rated for indoor and outdoor use. It also comes in a shiny, polished finish, but it seems like that one would be a slip hazard when it gets wet.

      1. Just be careful…indoor and outdoor use doesn’t always translate to appropriate for a full wet area. We have a matte tile rated for a bathroom that is slippery as all heck, and some on our front porch that is matte and even textured and still is like ice skating when wet (thankfully welcome mat covers the bulk of it). I’d hate for you to get a tile and it not be safe. I think there is supposed to be some numerical rating of tiles as to the slickness when wet? Maybe check for that?

  35. I’m a tightwad, but I think the full mural is better. And I’d cut the larger tile down rather than buy new.

  36. Floor to ceiling for sure! This particular mural loses some of its beautiful effect when you shorten it. I love the tub on the forest floor look. You will see the bottom from other angles, like going in and out of shower and toilet area. What a fun little surprise to get a peek at!
    For the floor, when does the slope start in the shower? Can you tile in regular floor tile inside the door and start the small tile on the other side if the opening? That way the floor tile will be symmetrical/same on both sides from outside in the room.

    1. I like this idea for the tile, changing the size only in the area of the shower where you are “under the water” would keep the look clean/uniform from the main part of the bathroom and match the floors in the toilet area. FULL mural on the tub wall for sure!

  37. I really enjoy your blog and following your decorating decisions. My two cents worth:
    Take the mural to the floor as you originally planned. It is such a statement walk and draws the eye to the tub area. I understand the concept of covering up the lower part of the mural but it does draw me in to want to take a peek behind the tub. And it does look like you are soaking in an outdoor tub.
    I would keep the tile floor the same Throughout the entire floor. Like you the awkward transition would bug me.

    I’m sure whatever you decide will be beautiful!

  38. I vote for floor to ceiling mural. It just looks better. I think that cutting up the floor tile into smaller pieces is probably a good idea, you may just want to see how sharp the edges of the cut pieces will be. They may end up nicer if you use a wet saw as opposed to a tile cutter, but I feel like a wet saw would take sooooo much longer.

  39. Love the wallpaper on the full wall. the tub appears to be floating amidst the forest!! keeping the same floor tile will look FAB and cutting it down for the shower floor is brilliant!

  40. Love the full wall mural, it’s too pretty to cut any off – sort of draws your eye into it. Also cut up the large tile for the shower floor – keep it simple.

  41. I definitely vote floor to ceiling on the mural. It seems like a feeling of being ‘in’ the scene, where just above the tub feels more like being on the outside looking at something in the distance. I love your tile selection and like the look of the floor and shower tile butting up against each other without a line between them stopping your eye there instead of flowing from the main bath to the shower. But if it doesn’t feel right to your ‘eye’…stick with your gut. If you cut down the main floor tiles for the shower, you could possibly leave them full size going in to the shower and start the cut-down ones at the line where the shower starts to slope. That way you could leave the full size in the toilet area without ruining your symmetry (or having to cut the toilet area tiles). One last thing, look at your two remaining tile elements (without mosaic) and make sure you like the look of just those two tiles in your shower. Is this going too look too plain to you if you kick the mosaic? Or is it going to remain the peaceful beautiful space you’ve envisioned. If it’s good, that’s perfect. If you feel like the shower is then missing something maybe you could use the mosaic in a vertical band on the shower head wall. You would only see it when in the shower so you wouldn’t have to duplicate it in the toilet area for symmetry

    1. I agree, floor to ceiling! The white wainscoting would tend to hide the tub and break up your beautiful mural.

      I also totally agree about using the full size floor tiles as you enter into the shower and use the smaller pieces beginning at the slope. Then you can use the full size in the toilet area and there is no break at the entry in the tile in either area. That would provide the symmetry you crave so much. Even if you decide to use a different smaller tile in the shower, I personally still love the idea of using the full size floor tile going into the shower. (That tile, btw, looks just like the tile I used in my master bathroom!) I know whatever you choose it is going to look fabulous! I can’t wait to see it!

  42. When we tiled our tub wall with large pieces, we had to cut some pieces to fit and had a terrible time getting a clean edge even with a wet saw. Perhaps our blade was not top notch? Lowes did no better but I’m not sure of their saw blade quality either. I would definitely have your tile person cut the tile you’re considering so that you’re assured that it will work well. You (and he/she) will be oh so grateful. Nothing worse than being in the middle of the job and run into those kinds of complications.

    1. PS – Full mural! Do not doubt your original plan. The other way says “here’s wallpaper.” Your plan says “SPECIAL.”

  43. I love the mural both ways, so I’m torn! Leaning towards top to bottom though. My parents’ shower has larger tiles there were cut into smaller pieces and it worked well and was probably a lot cheaper than special tile.

  44. Don’t change the plans for the wall mural. I think the shrunken mural looks like a piece of art work rather than the statement factor you were going for. I love the idea of soaking in the tub and feeling you’re in a garden. If you put a chandelier over the tub I feel it will compete with the smaller mural.

  45. Mural wall…add the wainscoting!

    Shower and toilet room floors- use the same size and same tile in both. You will not be happy with it any other way.

    It’s a BEAUTIFUL room.

  46. If you love the mural both ways, install the large mural since you have it. If you live with it for a while you can always re-do that wall and install some wainscoting. Sure, it’d be easier before the tub is installed, but not impossible after it’s installed.

    Could you do a large “transition strip” between the two tiles. Like a large threshold? I don’t love that brass strip but I’ve seen tile transitions which could work I think. Using your floor tile, cut down in width a bit and installed perpendicular to the rest of the main floor could work nicely I think. Good luck on your decisions, glad your getting closer to the fun parts for you!

  47. Floor to ceiling, gets my vote.
    What a creative solution for the shower floor, I think there will be better flow using the same tile. I can’t wait to see what you decide.

  48. I vote for using the whole wall mural – to me it will retain it’s airy, magical feeling that way as opposed to having it enclosed or having moldings or straight lines under it – that (to me) would take away from its “nature-y” feeling. Is there a way to hang the mural on the whole wall where the top is more cut off and the bottom shows more but without cutting the wall in half with moldings or trims? It seems like there is a lot of the cherry blossom so that the whole thing could be shifted up without losing too much of the beautiful pink? Along the same line of thinking, I like the idea of using the one tile, and cutting it into a different shape for the shower if necessary, to reduce visual interruptions in the room and allowing the beautiful mural to shine.

  49. I prefer the mural on the entire tub wall. And I love the idea of using the bathroom tile in both the shower and toilet areas (whatever sizing you choose). I think the mosaic shower tile would have competed with the mural and venetian plaster walls.

  50. I love the full wall mural and I love the idea of using the same floor tile but a different size. Good luck and I can’t wait to see the finished project!

  51. I love the full wall mural! I think having white wainscoting behind the white tub would make the tub disappear. If you want more of the lower part of the mural to show, could the image be manipulated to bring the lower part up a little more? That’s not very clear, but hopefully you can understand my poor description! I don’t mind the mural as is!

    Love your idea of cutting the floor tile in smaller pieces!

  52. I like your ideas about symmetry and flow of the floor tiles, so using same tiles for the floor but different pattern to designate the shower sounds nice. What I’m distracted by is the lack of symmetry and flow of the blue side walls to both back rooms. The flow of half a blue wall then cut off by white tile and/or paint in the back rooms seems blocky. I thought wainscoting was used to make tall rooms appear more intimate. On an average 8ft wall in a small area it seems like the blocks of blue would visually close up the room instead of appearing open and airy. Maybe do the tiling and then decide if cutting the wall in half horizontally is the right feel for the room. As for the mural, I’d leave it covering the full wall for the same reasoning that it would take away the beautiful vastness of the mural design to just cover half the wall. But most importantly, you have a great eye, so trust your own judgement because you can feel the space in person better than we can through pictures. I love all your projects in the end even if I don’t understand where your going in the planning stages. You rock!

  53. Cut the tiles smaller; use the upper wall/wainscoting. I’m incredibly ‘must be balanced’ and I think the bottom of the wallpaper is brilliant. One lies in the tub, imo, and therefore the side glance up to see the entire mural from recline in tub will be beautiful. I can see I’m terribly outvoted but those are my votes; beautiful choices, btw.

  54. Full mural behind the tub. Imagine that it’s a floor to ceiling window looking out to the forest.

    As for the tile I agree that using the same floor tile throughout. Just cut the tile into smaller pieces. As for symmetry I would do the extra step a cut down the tile for the toilet area. It will give each section its own definition. I prefer balance.

  55. So happy to get to follow all the progress, it will be beautiful. And I’m team full mural! When it comes to the tiles, wouldn’t it be possible to continue completely seamlessly from the main area into the level part of the shower area and place the tiles so that a full tile (and also the half tile, if you’re doing a half bond) ends exactly where the slope begins? And then shift to pieces cut down in size in the sloped area? Or would you prefer more grout lines also on the level part and therefore want to have smaller pieces there too?

    1. Matt will use a shower wheelchair, and I have a feeling that cause water to get everywhere and not just on the sloped part. I think it might be safer to have the smaller cut tiles on the whole shower floor rather than just reserving them for the sloped part.

  56. Leave the mural as you originally planned—floor to ceiling. It’s a little unexpected and I love it!! Your right on your tile option with the first choice. Does your large tile come in different sizes so you can mock it up? I suppose you could cut one up to make sure it’s what you are imagining.

  57. I love the full wall mural. To me, when you enter each side, it will be like entering the beautiful photo. If you cut it off, I guess only your upper body will be entering the enchanted wonderland and the ” bottom” is now in an odd place. I also love the idea of using the same tile, cut down.

  58. how about surrounding the shower mosaic tile with the larger tile or a half length wise section of the shower tile? you could do the same in the toilet area.

    I also like the idea of keeping the mural full size. When sitting in the tub you can enjoy the view around it and I love the feeling of sitting in a meadow.

    1. Love the idea of making a border around the mosaic tile in the shower section. Would work fantastically.

  59. I like the full mural on the wall. It gives the feeling that your tub is actually outside in nature and creates more relaxation and tranquility. For me raising it completely takes that feeling away. With the full mural you can see the grass on either side of the tub but raising it just cuts the wall and makes it awkward for me and less pleasing to the eye. As for the flooring I like the tile for the shower better than the large tile but I think over all it would look better to keep the tile the same throughout without the transition.

  60. I think part of the problem with the transition strip picture is that the transition tile is so dark. I think it would look better with a gray color that’s in the shower and floor tiles. That said, I think the cut down floor tile would like very nice. A transition between the 2 might look nicer than just changing sizes though.

  61. Definitely love the mural all the way to the floor and not floating above the tub. Can’t help you with the floor tile as I would have not problem seeing the mosaic only on the flooring of the wet area.

  62. Mural to the floor. It would be easier to take it down and install wainscoting if you don’t like it (as opposed to putting it halfway up and then having to rip out wainscoting, refinish the wall, and install a full-sized mural), but I think the sky part is the nicest part of the mural. It would really seem strange to have the ground area at waist height.

  63. Wall mural: full wall, definitely. It’s very soothing, like you say giving the impression of being in the scene. If you use white wainscoting under a partial wall mural, you might as well just hang a large painting instead of mural. Which isn’t a bad idea, but I would enjoy seeing the entire wall versus broken up by white on the bottom. The mind can fill in the blanks of what is hidden by the tub.

    Floor tile: same tile throughout that area would be just fine. The mosaic is lovely, but that is a hefty price tag.

    Does Matt have anything to add?

  64. I like the mural in the larger scale. i do like seeing the bottom of it, but not if it means it has to be on a smaller scale. i just love the look of the giant flowers.

  65. Full wall mosaic vote from me. Can’t wait to see the finished project! I’ve cut tiles for a large floor project, it works fine, but you will lose tile, I don’t know how many pieces you plan to cut them into, but you lose quite a bit of width to the saw and you always chip some corners and have breakage. Probably still cheaper than the mosaic tile though. And as a poster above said the edges won’t be quite as clean as a factory cut edge, probably not noticeable once you add grout but just be warned it won’t be perfection.

  66. I think paper version 2 is better. Wainscoting with paper above it. I agree most interesting part of mural should not be hidden by tub.

  67. Full wall mural, definitely! The upper part looks like a Windows wallpaper just clicked in and the top to bottom version gives a nice perspective from the tub.
    The floor would be better with the tiles cut in smaller pieces, although I do not quite get the idea of having different/smaller tiles in the shower. Why not all of them the same size? This would be more consistent and symmetrical and would not steal the attention of the mural.

  68. TUB IN THE FOREST… is going to be pinned by sooooooooo many people!
    I wonder if you have seen any tile on line that is not in stock at your local Lowe’s or Home Depot that you could order samples of that you may like better. Then if you find something that makes your heart flutter more you could just order it and pick it up at your local Lowe’s or Home Depot.
    You are spending a considerable amount of money on this dream bathroom and doing a tremendous amount of work yourself so even if it sets you back a few weeks …..find the tile that makes you really happy.
    We all know it is gonna be beautiful no matter you decide.

  69. I think, since you already have the mural, use it as is! You’d have to cut off some of the design or have it reprinted, and I think the full mural is like an oasis!!!

    For the tile, I’m not a fan of the mosaic either. I think it’s a lot of contrast for such a serene room. What about something similar like white penny or a honed marble mosaic?

  70. I vote for mural on upper wall. It is a pretty mural, seems wrong to cover any of it with a tub that blocks. Floor….I have no opinion on that, not experienced in that. Good luck with your choices.

  71. Do you care what your plumbing for the tub looks like against the mural vs. the wainscotting? That’s the only thing I don’t see in your examples. With the full mural on the wall, your plumbing would blend in, but with the wainscoting, it would stand out. Does that matter or affect your vision? Just a thought! Keep having fun!

  72. Ohhh. Keep the forest floor at the bottom of the wall. As you walk around The bathroom you’ll be able to see the pretty stuff at ground level.

    This bathroom looks like a movie set it’s beautiful.

    I like the idea of cutting up the big tile in the small tiles for mats shower.

  73. Kristi, I love the full wall mural. The half-wall mural just seems squeezed in – not the Diva it is on the full wall. It seems you solved your tile issue and using the same tile just cut differently is a great answer to both the transition and symmetry issues. Way to go!

  74. Full mural! It’s a great look! I’m for cutting down the tiles, but the additional grout spaces mean they won’t perfectly line up with the uncut ones. What will that do to your perfectionist self? Would annoy the daylights out of me… just saying.

  75. I agree with the full wall mural and cutting the tiles. The shower floor mosaic tiles would be distracting from that beautiful mural.

  76. We’re in the middle of a master bath reno and, like you, I too must have symmetry and products must flow together in a satisfying way! I love your whole mural wall with the tub – a stunning focal point! Stay with your original plan, it’s gorgeous. I actually got excited for you when you came up with the change for your bathroom/shower floor using all the same tile just different sizes. Really think you will love the continuity of the same product in the space. Can’t wait to see your finished space. I’m sure it will Beas beautiful as the rest of your home.

  77. Oh I like the original idea for the mural… extend all the way to the floor. The other option makes it look odd, floating above the wainscoting….more like “art work” and much less impressive in my opinion.
    Whatever you decide will be lovely. It always is. 🙂

  78. Kristi….. who is actually going to sit in that tub??? YOU! I luv the idea of sitting in a meadow…. So…. Why ….WHY….would want to put that beautiful meadow….above your head!?….. this is YOUR master bath…. It is not for public viewing…. And as far as the tiles go…. I too am an “Obsessive Compulsive” for symmetry….. definitely would go with the same tile throughout…. Brilliant idea to cut in a different shape for shower floor…. Just remember,
    ….the less grout lines the less cleaning. Sending a virtual Hug….🤗…..

  79. Full mural and I love the shower tile. I would not use a transition between the shower and the main floor but I know you do not love that idea and the Schluter transition does look nice . IF you go with using the floor tile, I’d cut them for both the shower and the toilet area. I do think your brain might explode if you don’t. I’m looking forward to watching you bring this space to life.

  80. Love the full length mural.

    As for the tile, I love the idea of using the same tile on the floor throughout the entire bathroom. Cutting the large tiles down will be more work but will be visually seamless and cohesive. I think the smaller size will give it a subtle variation in the shower.

  81. I like the full wall mural idea and cutting the main floor tile smaller for the shower. Because you were looking at using contrasting tile in your bathroom have you considered using it in a rectangle pattern under your tub that would carry the look of sitting in the forest? If you go with using the large tile in some form over the rest of the room this could really add to the main focus of the tub/mural. Maybe?? Really looking forward to following the completion of your bathroom! Have I told you lately that you’re my hero?

  82. Full mural and as for the floor: consistent with the other areas and so as simple as possible. Plus, less grout to maintain, as well. (The mosaic complicates the serenity of the space.)

    Question: would that surface be slippery when soapy water hits it? Not a concern for Matt but for you, yes.

  83. Full on with the mural and full on for cutting the tile into smaller sizes to co-ordinate with the main floor. Sometimes when we over think something, we lose sight of our original idea.

  84. I love the whole wall wallpapered as it looks like the tub is sitting in the meadow. My shower has 2” tiles the same as the 24×24” floor tiles on the floor of the rest of room and as the 6”x12” shower wall tiles but idk if they cut the smaller ones out of the biggest or if my tiles came with all those options. My shower sits like your shower and toilet room does behind the tub but mine is one big space with two openings (toilet is elsewhere in room) so it looks symmetrical in each side. I also do have a 2” drop from my main floor to my shower floor.

  85. I like the full wall mural look, like you are bathing in a forest.

    I like the idea of using the same floor tiles in the shower, but why couldn’t you use them as the size they are?

  86. The ceiling to floor looks like there is a passageway into a fantasyland from the bathroom. The wainscoting makes it look like there is a window looking into the fantasyland. Personally, I like the floor to ceiling because it looks more “open” vs the half wall. It draws they eyes away from the tub and makes it look more confined.

  87. Hi Kristi. I love how you process! I’m just wondering why the shower tile has to be different. I’m new to remodeling projects, but if the whole floor is tile, why not just use the same tile, same size throughout?

  88. I have the same (if not, then almost identical) floor tile and we did a smaller version of it for the shower (2×2.) I think it looks good, but we all know someone out there will disagree 😜

    And thanks a lot, I now want to completely rethink my walls and add your mural!!!! Floor to ceiling, all the way.

    1. p.s. we integrated a few 3×12 pieces as a transition to the floor tiles. We almost used them as a border around the whole floor but didn’t have enough. They were left over from a pattern/mural thing we thought we wanted in the shower then nixed, so I combined the rest with leftover floor tiles and redid my foyer in a…let’s call it imaginative/creative pattern!

    2. Clearly I can’t stop thinking about this bathroom since this is my 3rd reply lol – we were able to order this tile in several sizes/formats (12×12 made up of 2x2s with mesh backing so they were bendy enough for the shower floor/drain slant, 3×12 for borders and the herringbone mural we nixed, 1×12 border pieces for the mural, 3×12 bullnose for edging the shower opening and for baseboards, then 12×24 for floor to ceiling shower wall and bathroom floor.) All that to say there are ways to minimize tile cutting! Maybe I missed where you mentioned the manufacturer of yours – ours is Vallelunga & Co. in Carrera.

  89. 1. Floor to ceiling mural. You can still see the forest on both ends as the tub is shorter than the wall.
    2. NO! to cutting the tile for the shower floor! I had a similar idea once to cut large tile down (but not for the shower floor), and the guy said no as his tile saw would leave jagged edges that don’t look finished. I later heard that you can do this is the tiler can do a bevel edge cut. Tiles for wet slippery shower floors need to be pretty small (I used 2′ square gritty, nonslip tiles) but you can also go a little larger. You need those grout lines to provide a surface for your feet to grip; it’s a real safety issue. And you wouldn’t want your tiler to make many, many small cuts that might jagged; imagine the increased time and cost for that, especially if he also has to bevel them which I assume is another step.

  90. Floor to ceiling mural for sure. Don’t keep second guessing yourself. Your good! Go for it. Mosaics on floor Looks great

  91. I love the full mural. You can see enough of the bottom on both sides of the tub to be aware of what is there. With the wainscoting, you would have white tub against white wall. In our shower, the large floor tiles were put around the the sides and in the middle the mosaic. The wall tiles, same as the flooring, go up to the ceiling with a mosaic border a bit down from the top.

  92. I like the mural on the entire wall.. I guess I would confirm if they can cut the tiles into small squares really cleanly and perfect. I had a transition section cut from larger tiles and it took off some color at the edge. It was a just a 3 foot opening at a door so not a huge problem. Probably the tile person not doing a very good job or their saw but might just confirm that it would be close to perfect if they did it. Can’t remember if you were going to do tile work yourself.

  93. Definitely love the full wall mural!
    Love the idea of using the main floor tile continuing into shower and toilet area! The other mosaic tile seemed to me to clash with the mural… Great room!!!

  94. I really love the look of the full mural that gives the appearance of sitting in the forest when you are in the tub.

  95. Team FULL MURAL! Honestly this master bath is one of the projects of yours that I’ve been looking forward to most. (But I love them all.) That tub in the forest is so lovely in the mock ups. Also, I’m all about the “cheaper chicken” with the cut floor tiles, and ditch the mosaics (unless there’s a problem with slipping, then keep it). I do not like the gold transition. I would rather see the white wall tile be the “quiet” transition before the gold. That’s why I’m leaning toward floor tiles being cut- quiet transitions.

  96. We had our tile installer cut our 12×24 floor tile into small rectangles to use for the shower floor tile. The repetition of the tile and the rectangle format has worked well for us.

  97. I definitely prefer the whole wall mural.

    As to the floor tile, check the cost for the added time to do all the cuts, and make sure it is a good/safe tile for in the shower. Otherwise, I think sounds like a great solution!

  98. Full wall mural. I love the feel of the tub being in the forest. Cut the larger tiles to accomplish what your brain needs. 😀

  99. Floor to ceiling wall mural, if you don’t I totally see you redoing it to the way your originally planned! I think sitting in the forest is great. And I like the idea of cutting the e large tile to match the rest of the floor.

  100. My two cents: (1) Keep mural ceiling to floor. You are going to sit in it and you are going to feel like you are in a meadow. Wainscoating will make it too busy – we want peace and calm. (2) Why not use the vein tile on the entire floor of the bathroom, including the shower and on the shower walls?

  101. I prefer the full wall mural instead of making that wall look shorter with wainscoting. Your idea of cutting the tile smaller for the shower sounds like a perfect transition.

    1. I agree! Especially as to my eye, the pretty part of the mural is the huge expanse of teal sky with the blossoms! PS. not many Australian bathrooms look like the ones on these shows … most of us do our own cleaning and have much more utilitarian sized and finished bathrooms. Who wants to spend hours more doing the cleaning? Your size looks damn near perfect! Enjoy it!

  102. Whole wall mural, makes a statement.
    I have used the schluter strip, makes an unobtrusive transition.

  103. Regarding your shower floor tile: I don’t know if you ever color your own hair, but marble tile will absorb the color. Also, I love to clean with white vinegar, but after we installed our shower’s marble tile, I could not clean it with vinegar because it will damage the marble. One more thing, you should consider that smaller shower floor tiles will require more grout which will be effective in preventing slippage. Hence, if you do cut the bathroom tiles, think about the size in regard to yours and Matt’s safety.

  104. I think that you should do full wall. Maybe another suggestion also for the walls on either side of the area? Maybe do more of a quarter wall with the wainscotting so its highter? and a different color on the top portion? and maybe you could paint your ceilings another color beside white? I dont know, just another idea.

  105. If YOU don’t LOVE it, don’t use it! You will end up ripping it out and starting over, we have seen this scene this before!

  106. I vote for the full wall mural. It is magical and makes a statement. It loses something when you only put in on the top of the wall.

  107. Full wall on mosaic. It looks like it is sitting in front of a beautiful meadow. I think your idea about cutting the tile into smaller size would be fine! JMHO

  108. I love the full wall mural. It looks like while bathing you’d be in more of an area to relax/escape instead of just “looking through a window”. I’m curious as to whether your marble floor tiles are non-slip? Marble, in my experience, is quite slippery when wet—and in a bathroom (around the tub/in the shower) it will certainly be wet. I’m afraid you and Matt will slip and fall! As far as cutting a larger tile down into smaller pieces so the look is more cohesive—love that idea.

  109. I’m thinking the white looks very stark. I’d try reversing and doing the wainscotting and trim in the beautiful turquoise you’ve chosen and do the upper walls either the white or a soft colour from your mural. I would stay with the large tile on all the floor including the shower and maybe do a niche in the shower in the smaller pattern. Whatever you decide, it will be lovely.

  110. Full wall mural. You won’t regret it when sitting in that beautiful tub, imagining a field of flowers. About the shower floor tile: is the rectangle tile smooth? Could mean a pretty slippery floor when wet in the shower, no matter what size the tiles are cut.

  111. Love the full wall mural, you will see it while in the tub and also when walking past it. As for the tile, I’m afraid I have no expertise with cutting down the larger tile into smaller sizes. One thing I know you can do if you haven’t thought of it, is to ask for minimal or no grout lines. Our floor tile (same as yours) was laid with the smallest grout line recommended, and it made a world of difference from the sample in the showroom. I still think they could have laid it with no grout line at all, but they were worried it could shift. With a smaller grout line, the size won’t be so obvious.

  112. I love the full wall mural. I think you need to stick with the original idea regarding the mural. It is a much prettier ( in my opinion) vision and it makes it obvious that the mural is the focal point and not just an after thought above wainscoting. Knowing that you love symmetry, I think you should get rid of the mosaic tile and go with the other tile cut into small pieces. The transition will be pretty and it will make a more cohesive impression overall in the room.

  113. Great stuff you’re working with here!! I say stick with the full wall mural, and do the same floor tile cut up instead of the spendy one (though I have a hard time believeing you can’t find a small mosaic that is pretty much the same color as the very common colored marble look tile!)

  114. I’m so glad most people are choosing floor to ceiling! That’s my choice too! A mural is just that…..a mural. Otherwise it’s just wallpaper ☺️

  115. I agree with so many others – that mural is amazing, and when you soak in the tub it will feel like a beautiful meadow – don’t cut it down – full wall! Coming and going through there you will see the whole thing – it is for YOU! The tile – I think you are on to something…the simple would be elegant – Can you buy the same tile in large and small or do you have to cut? I know NOTHING about that, but I know you do, and I do think it is the way to go. Let the mural, and accessories bring contrast, color and texture…the shower floor and toilet floor would be great with the same tile…from floor to back wall. (I actually liked the mosaic but thought it was too much pattern) Sometimes simple feels great! I know you will make it wonderful! Already love the colors of the walls!

  116. For me, having less than the WHOLE wall as mural behind your bath dilutes the impact and beauty of the mural. Quite honestly, having it cut in half would be such a shame. I LOVE that the bath will look like it’s nestled amongst the foliage …. it was my first thought when I saw your mock-up.

    Tiles: The marble mosaic tile is so pretty. If it was me, I would swap out the black transition tile to a white toned one so it would give you a more seamless look.
    Not sure how cutting up the larger ones for your shower would work visually. You would have straight grout lines that won’t match up with those on your main floor and THAT is what would do MY head in. I think it would ruin the seamless effect you’re wanting and would look, … well …. amateurish – and that certainly isn’t you. 😉
    In the scheme of things, I.e. $ (and I know well that conserving hard earned cash is important), the extra outlay in the toilet room to placate your OCD is not too much of a stumbling block for a perfect outcome – is it?

  117. Wow, too many comments for me to read so not going to read any.
    1. DEFINITELY whole wall mural. The magic (for your bathroom) lies not in the bottom portion of the mural. Also, your mock up of wainscoting makes the partial wall mural just feel like a big frameless painting hanging on the wall. Nice, but not nearly as special.
    2. I’ve had a tile person cut tiles for a fireplace surround and that was fine. But the natural bevel of a tile is removed along every cut edge, so for me that would be a no-go for a shower floor. Plus, your tile person would have to cut them quite small to accommodate a floor slope and he may want to strangle you and then Matt would be a widower, so there’s that too. How would you feel about running the main floor tile onto the walls and eliminate the one white medium sized tile? And then shop for a different shower floor tile (at a tile shop, not a big box) that you like a little better than what you’ve got and that will be less of a headache to transition? Although I like your Schluter idea well enough.

  118. I’m Australian and that bathroom layout is currently very common. But for good reason, it’s great! I notice 3 Birds used the same large tile for the floor throughout. I wonder how they handled the slope to the drain? I prefer the mural full length. You will notice the bottom scene when you enter and when you walk around the room.

  119. Definitely full wall mural! Otherwise it just looks like wallpaper, and not as fantabulous or magical. I don’t know about the tiles. I like the idea of the same tile running into the shower and toilet areas for cohesiveness, but cutting them smaller doesn’t give you the same look. You’ve got more grout lines and the veins won’t be the same. I know you will come up something terrific though!

  120. I think the mural needs to be the whole wall. It looks chopped off with wainscoting. Also I think your idea of smaller tiles is spit on. The tiles you originally picked seems too busy compared to the other tiles.

  121. I vote full wall mural! I like the idea of bathing in the forest.
    As for your tile dilemma, I definitely do not think the metal divider will work for you.It doesn’t hold up and get pretty yucky in the shower area after time. Cutting down the big tile seems like the best solution for your resting brain. what I like about that is you then do not have an abrupt stop at each opening with the pattern change, but a flow into those areas.

  122. I agree with your first instinct concerning the mural. The whole wall option feels like you are there in the mural. It’s amazing.

    The charm of the mural is completely lost when it’s broken up with wainscoting, I think.

  123. I like the full wall mural a lot more, but perhaps that’s because I like bathing outdoors (best experience ever: outdoor shower in Botswana with baboons in the tree next to the walled patio when an elephant walked through the dry River bed on the other side of the wall).

    My master bath in my 1985 house has different sizes of the same tiles. It has 8” floor tiles on the diagonal on the floor. We have a tiled shower/roman tub combo with the same tile, except the vertical surfaces are 4” sq in a stacked grid and the shower/tub floor is 4” sq tiles on the diagonal. I like it. My bathroom originally had wall paper, but after a few years, I took it out and Venetian plastered the walls in there. It’s been several years since I did that, and I still like it.

    My other house, which we are just about finished renovating after completely gutting the interior, has Schleuter Kerdi in the master bath. That house is where my husband grew up. It was built in 1938, and almost all the reno was done to make the house ADA compliant (we kept the original Crystal door knobs, but those can be easily switched out if it ever becomes necessary). I. The master bath, we ran the same floor tiles into the curbless shower as in on the rest of the bathroom floor.

    Curious about your tile finish. Between our two houses (about an hour and a half drive apart), we have 5 bathrooms. All of them have tile floors. We went with rougher textured tile floors in the master bath in the 1938 house after my mom slipped and really hurt her shoulder on the tile floors in the hall bath in the 1985 house. If you use the marble tile on the walls and on the floor, will they be the same texture? Will it be smooth? Our new master bath in the 1938 house has marbled tiles on the walls, but they’re smooth and shiny. I would not use them on the floor for safety reasons after my experience with my mom. When we redid the guest room bath in the 1985 house, we used the same tiles on the wall on the walls and floor, including the stall shower (also Schleuter Kerdi), but the tile in that bathroom is travertine stone tile, and it’s not polished. We’ve got a glass tile accent on the shower wall in that bath and a polished granite stone countertop with a vessel sink that are more reflective.

  124. I love the mural full wall. I am
    Like you I think it ground things better and it feels like you get the whole experience when you are in the tub. I would want to enjoy it while I am soaking.

  125. I like the full wall mural. It’s a more interesting layered effect. For the floor transition, what if you made dark strip look more intentional by carrying it up the wall as wall? Just a thought…

  126. Full wall mural for sure. And I think I would do a similar or cut tile from your main floor. Installed in a herringbone pattern or some other pattern would give you some interest but keep color and flow into the shower. Can’t wait to see what you decide and watch it come together!

  127. I think the mural only needs raised a foot or so. You would be a better judge of that. Paint the bottom part of the wall the dark green or greenish brown of the grass. Your tub will look like it is in the middle of the woods and you will get to see a bit more detail of the bottom of the mural.

  128. Use the mural on the entire wall! It’s GORGEOUS! It makes a GLORIOUS STATEMENT. And, as another comment says, the Wonderful Tub disappears against the white wainscoating. Keep your Statement Wall! Then, cutting the large floor tiles to floor the shower area seems like a brilliant idea. And helps with your desire/need for symmetry. You want your mural to be the focus, not the light-dark of the mosaic tile, IMHO.

  129. I personally love the look of the full length mural. I agree you need a transition strip. Can you do a 3”- 4” wide shower wall tile. Or how about a different color, grey? The Schluter strip is great and unique too. Everything will be stunningly beautiful when complete.

  130. I like the full wall mural as well. The half mural/half wainscoting seems a little busy, and not in a good way. 🙂
    Why not just use the same tile throughout the entire bathroom? Like you said, since there’s no curb into the shower, you don’t actually need a different tile, right? Might make everything look more balanced… and would certainly bring the attention to the mural where it belongs.

  131. Dear Kristi,
    My take is that the full mural is perfection. I wouldn’t mess with perfection 😉 On our recent master bath renovation, we had 24×24 porcelain tiles laid diagonally; and since we were planning a full glass door and sides enclosure, the shower’s a neo-angle, I hated the thought of changing tiles for the shower floor.
    We have a linear drain and our entire bathroom floor is slightly sloped towards it, even the floor outside the shower. Anyway, our tile gentlemen (who is amazing) was able to slope for the drain in such a way that he only had to cut a couple pieces of the 24″ tile to make it work.
    I’ll try to get some photos for you because I’m sure it’s really hard to imagine. All that to say, I think you should be able to go a lot larger, maybe even use the floor tiles as is, and possibly only have to cut a few of them near the actual drain. It would take an expert tile layer to do it, especially if you weren’t planning it beforehand and the slopes for the drain were planned for tiny tile.
    We also bought a product that puts a clear grip on the tiles (brush on, dries invisible), so they are not too slippery. However, we found that with our slightly hard water, the water left enough of a hard water deposit that we didn’t need it. But that might be an option for you to make the floor tiles super-safe for you if you opt to go with the full tile size.
    Whichever way you go, your bathroom is going to be completely amazing and such a wonderful retreat for you and Matt.
    Take your time and enjoy the process. Before you know it, your house will be completely finished!
    YHWH Bless You : )

  132. XO Love your original mural plan. Definitely do not raise it!

    Hmm… I wonder if the Schluter would take on a rusty appearance? Would it stay clean an brassy forever? Would it be hard to maintain?

    XO The idea of cutting tile into smaller pieces for seamlessness sounds marvelous!

    We’re all getting so excited for you!

  133. The mural should cover the entire tub wall to give the bather a special view of the whole effect. This is your main bathroom so it is for your enjoyment, not your guests.

    As for the tiles: The mural wall is the focal point, the floor tile should not detract from it. Thus, I’d have one tile choice for the entire floor. I also love symmetry and the various floor tiles shown are distracting. But it is your bathroom. If you go with the mosaic on the shower floor, the wide Schluter transition is ideal; especially if the finish matches your faucets.

    This hexagon tile with white grout throughout would look nice and the grout lines keep it from being too slick.

  134. I love the floor to ceiling mural. It’s beautiful and fully encompasses the tub area, making it look more like a spa/retreat.

    Here is my general advice on the tile, speaking as an occupational therapist and certified aging-in-place specialist with many years of experience in home modifications:
    1) Be sure that your tile has a COF (coefficient of friction) rating greater than .60
    2) Tiles should be water resistant and easy to wash
    3) Grout should also be moisture-resistant
    4) Grout lines should be kept as thin as possible, to maintain a smooth surface and avoid creating grooves that can catch toes and wheels
    5) Smaller tiles in the shower will lessen the chance of slipping even when wet or soapy, as the closer grout lines add more traction surface

    I don’t know whether Matt will be doing any standing in the shower, like to rinse off, but these slip-resistant factors are especially important if so. Aesthetically, I like the idea of making smaller tiles out of the larger floor tiles, but it sounds like a lot of work when you could probably find existing small tiles that match the color and pattern of the large tiles. If you want a transition strip, you could make one out of some narrow strips cut from the large tiles. Good luck with whatever you decide – I have no doubt it will be gorgeous.

    1. Thank you, Jane, for your post and the important information in it. We are planning a remodel of my nearly 93-year old mother’s bathroom so she can stay in her home and be as safe as possible (in addition to the fact that it is the original bathroom from 1970). I will be referring to your guidelines as we pick out surfaces.

      1. That’s great, Adele! My suggestions about floor tile are just a fraction of the things to consider when doing the remodel for your mom. Doorway clearances, thresholds, dimensions of and access to shower area, placement of grab bars, shower seating options, wall-mount and hand-held shower head options, placement of shower controls, optimal lighting, toilet height, etc. are all important to think about. Hopefully you will be working with someone experienced in Universal Design or aging-in-place remodels. Some contractors say they follow ADA guidelines, but those are not always the most appropriate options for a specific individual, and do not have to be followed in a private residence.

  135. Full wall mural, no question.

    As to the shower tile, my biggest concern far and away would be safety. We really don’t know Matt’s physical needs like you do. I sense that he’s perhaps not weight bearing and thus is probably always seated and not a fall risk in the shower. If you think the current tile is safe, I’ll take your word for it. I don’t love the mosaic tile anyway. But if you wish a smoother transition, could you do a wide border around the area and just do the center in the smaller or mosaic tiles for extra grip?

  136. Team Full wall mural. Why would you only want 1/2 wall of that gorgeousness when you can have a full wall of it? It’s the star!

  137. Kristi, I just found your blog recently but I really, really like it and your decorating style. Regarding the mural, I personally prefer the full-wall mural. I think it flows more organically. To me using the 1/2-wall version appears more abrupt and squished; I wouldn’t be happy seeing that every day. Just my preference; neither good nor bad either way.

  138. Kristi- I agree the mural is very pretty at the bottom, but I prefer the white tub against the mural to the white tub on the white background. Just my opinion. I like the idea of cutting the tile down for the floor, but we have never done that so I can’t offer any experience about it. Just try not to make a decision based on cost alone. This is your “dream” bathroom and you want to love it when it’s done. And you just don’t sound like you love the mosaic tile. It’s going to be fabulous. Can’t wait to see the choices you make here!

  139. Full wall mural!
    And, I love the mosaic shower floor tile, but it seems a little geometric for the mystical, storybook wall mural…
    Maybe a white penny round (so many different borders and designs)would be nice(also not as slippery)

  140. On the mural front – use the whole thing and bring it right down to the floor. I think that is the whole point of a mural – otherwise why not choose a more conventional wallpaper. I think the mural will be striking and I don’t think the tub in front is an issue at all.

    On the tile issue – I get your need/desire for symmetry but I think you are overthinking the floor. A shower is a shower and the rest of the room is the rest of the room. I love the mosaic but I don’t think it marries well with the larger tile you’ve chosen for the rest of the floor.

    I think I might look for a smaller version of the large tile – or perhaps a small marble tile with no mosaic pattern. I think the dark tile makes too harsh a transition line and you will be happier with a more subtle transition. The brass strip is fine – I’d prefer one with a brushed aluminum finish – but that’s a subjective thing. I don’t like yellow metals.

    While we are on the topic of tile I don’t know what you are intending to do with grout colours but I’ll share my experience – I made a big mistake with my floor tile in my large bathroom – I chose a white grout to go with the white 2×2 square tiles. BIG mistake. The grout has acquired a grubby grey look in the areas that get regularly wet while the rest has stayed white. No amount of grout cleaner or bleach gets rid of the grey. Hindsight is 2020 and I would love to go back and choose a soft grey grout for the floor. The white grout with the subway tiles on the walls of my shower has not been an issue.

  141. I would lower the wainscoting behind the tub by half thereby giving it more visual depth and in a way having your way both ways.

  142. wow! so much to think about. I think the mural will lose its impact if you make it smaller. that is the focal point of your design. as for the tile, I doubt that you’ll be able to handle the shower floor being different from the toilet floor. we do not want your head to explode.
    what if you used the same tile on the entire floor? you could even create a design with the big tiles but maybe you should head back to home depot and take another look. there are some 6 x 24 inch tiles that would offer more grout lines for the shower.
    by the way, the Australian bathroom doesn’t hold a candle to your design. yours will be more beautiful and better arranged.

  143. Whole wall. It’s the bathroom, so for the most part it won’t be seen in the background of pictures on a regular/normal basis. Whole wall does give the feeling of a more natural/realistic feel. I don’t know about the tile, but I know it will be great when you get it figured out and finished.

  144. I prefer the wallpaper to the floor. I think it makes a grander statement with the wainscoting it is too busy. I like the mosaic tile. If you decide to cut tiles, will the edges be rough? Would they need to be filed, ground, or tumbled?

    1. The edges would be very straight and not curved at all (there are names for those profiles on tiles, but I can’t remember what they are). I thought the straight cut would be a problem, but there are actually lots of mosaic available right now that are the same straight cut. The small gray squares that I shared in a previous post had the straight cut edges, and it’s for use on floors or walls. So I think if they’re cut really well and don’t have any actual jagged or broken edges, they’ll be fine.

  145. I love the full wall mural and wouldn’t cut it down. The tiles are trickier, there is no doubt that the floor tile extended into those areas would be seamless and beautiful (assuming the tile will cut nicely…). I guess my problem is that as soon as I saw the mosaic for the shower floor I fell in love! I think that, FOR ME, the shower and toilet area would lack interest. With white tile walls and nearly white floor tile there just isn’t a lot going on, I think the mosaic with the Schluter transition strip would be my choice. I DO agree that the floor should be the same in both areas – but I prefer the mosaic for both. No matter which direction you go I’m absolutely positive it will be stunning!

  146. I’ve been reading your post for years and have never commented but I felt I had to on this subject, Leave the mural FULL LENTH! Other wise its’s going to look choppy and further more this is your accent wall adding to wainscoting to that wall makes it look like the other walls with wallpaper. I have a step in shower in marble and the tiler took the 12by12 tiles and cut them to 2by2’s and tiled the bottom of the shower and it looks great and have not had any problems with it.

  147. It’s a win, win on ALL the choices and will be beyond beautiful!

    If the mural goes to the floor, it looks like the birds are diving into and all around the tub and looks so perfectly placed to me, but the other way is gorgeous, too.

    The grey border tile between the two different tiles is a nice transition.

    The edges of the smaller cuts of the larger tile may look different and be sharp (and need the grout to be high enough to cover it). You could cut a tile and see what you think. Might be a perfect solution, though.

  148. I absolutely love the full wall mural with the tub in front
    of it. I don’t even feel it blocks that much of the image, and when you’re in the tub you’ll be able to look over and see the rest of it and feel like you’re in a garden.

    I think cutting the same tile for the bathroom floor is a great idea and will look really good.

    1. Also, I know you definitely have the patience to cut all those
      floor tiles into smaller pieces, but maybe there is a place
      you can take them to be cut on a professional machine?
      If it’s not too expensive the cost might be worth the reduced
      waste and breakage.

  149. I love the FULL mural behind tub. And yes to cutting larger tile( or finding same in a smaller size)
    BTW…Put same tub in our Master last year( covid remodel) LOL. …ANDLove it.
    We turned the tub around since it has center drain so I could not see the overflow when you walk into bathroom. Really love this clean look for my OCD self. Just a thought!

      1. I think in addition to concealing the silver finish on overflow ,you will love the sleek clean look! Cannot wait to see it done!

  150. I can tell you that if this was mine to do, I would absolutely put the mural right where the bathtub height ends. For instance, if the tub is 24 inches tall, then I would start the mural on the 25th inch and you will be able to see and feel like your in a garden. The floor tile under the tub should come up the wall to 24 inches. It is a focus wall that needs a special treatment. You have symmetry with the others walls with the wainscoting and the teal top, which I have mentioned before is my favorite decorating color.

    The transition, I would use a gray pencil tile or the schluter transition. I love the tile you selected for the shower floor so I would absolutely keep it. You could also use a two line strip of mosaic tile and you will have a huge selection or gray or white. Metallic could look interesting but again a lot of choices.

    I wanted to know what is the brand of tub you selected? I will be redoing my bathroom next year and I want a freestanding tub and I love yours.

  151. I love the full wall. I do agree the wainscoting gives a window like appearance but it feels like it cuts into the wow factor of the full wall and hides the tub. Also, who wouldn’t want to have a meadow bath in private?!

    I would do the mosaic tile and transition plates! I do not think it will compete for the eye with that stunning mural and your eventual lighting will also pull eyeballs off the floor. But when you’re in the shower or bathroom, the mosaic is a treat for the eyes that your mural isn’t present for.

    As for cost, I’m a frugal person but have found that when my heart is set on something and I opt for a wallet compromise, I regret it.

    Tile is a long lived change that will carry you for decades with love – its worth it to splurge in small spaces for a long lasting return on investment. Especially in a space you’ll visit multiple times daily.

    Looking forward to seeing it all come together regardless of your final picks.

  152. I like the full mural on the wall. I also like the mosaic tiles on the shower floor and the floor before it and the toilet room.

  153. Late to comment, so I don’t know if you will see it. If you are ordering new mural, perhaps change the cut points or stretch the design a bit so that the grass part becomes tall enough to show over the tub? Some wallpaper companies allow you these choices. Otherwise, I would leave it as it is, it kind of loses the “statement” part if it’s not over the entire wall.

    Regarding the tiles, I’m a bit confused, but maybe you make tiles differently there? When we cut (our) tiles, the edges are raw, sharp, imperfect, to the point we have special end pieces (either plastic or metal) for finishing the edges of the rooms. If cutting pieces is an actual technique possible with your tiles, it does sound like a perfect solution!

  154. Full wall mural for sure. The effect will be much more dramatic and the viewer can step closer to see more of the mural. It leaves some of the view as a mystery. Kinda like a Secret Garden 😊
    Also, cutting the tile into smaller pieces will add interest and texture. The transition will be obvious, yet subtle.

  155. The mural should definitely go to the floor. It’s too choppy to cut it off, and the white wainscoting behind the white tub makes the tub look bad.

    Have you considered extending the bathroom floor tile into the shower room and only using the mosaic tile from the slope down? I would really want the continual line going from the bathroom into the shower room rather than have that transition in the door opening. Maybe instead of the larger mosaic with the busy design, try to find a tiny non-busy mosaic that matches (as close as possible) the design of the main floor tile?

  156. I love the mural taking up the whole wall, it would definitely feel like you were bathing in nature. And if it was really in natural you wouldn’t see the bottom area either if you were sitting in the bath. I also love your idea of cutting the larger tile into smaller mosaic size

  157. I can see by the plumbed area it is too late to warn you about a center fill in the tub and a center drain. I hate both of mine although it looks good functionally it sucks. Adding water after you are in the tub lands on your body and if you are adding hot it is very uncomfortable. The center drains are push button and if you slide down in the tub to relax you push the button and the water begins to drain. There is definitely a reason drains and fills are put at the end of tubs. I have your exact tub or very similar . I love the shape and everything about it except the center drain and where I fill my water

  158. Hi I love the idea about the floor tiles cut down for the shower floor. I’m going to copy that idea. Personally I like the half wall mural I think you do see much more of the mural that way! Love your home.

  159. Since I’m late to this party I can’t possibly go read the previous 263 comments, but here’s my input….
    Definitely the full mural behind the tub! It just has so much more wow factor without the wainscoting.
    And I really like what you described doing with the tile from the main floor area. I suspect you will be very happy dropping the mosaic tile if you do that.

  160. I would choose another tile that has a suite of different sizes and a mosaic for the floor. Cutting tile is a pain and can be quite dangerous- especially if you want smaller sizes for a mosaic floor. OR I would use the tile you chose and do an inset of it in the shower, like a rug-look. Definitely go with the full wall mural. If you only put it on the top of wainscoting decrease it’s visual effect and it will just look like wallpaper.

  161. We have black and white marble basketweave mosaic tile and a curbless shower with a channel drain and full glass. You will appreciate doing your shower that way for many reasons. I personally find the different tiles more distracting from the mural than just the mosaic ones and would lean towards one type of tile. Your idea of cutting the larger ones down could help. I also prefer the floor-to-ceiling version of your beautiful mural 🙂

  162. I would put the mural smaller so you can see it all, plus the wainscotting will provide some splash protection from the tub.

  163. I’m the commenter who suggested that you cut the lovely marbled floor tile into 4″ x 4″ smaller pieces for the shower floor when you hit the slope transition. I stand by that, because it flows visually so well. I am sorry I don’t have a photo to send you of our cottage bathroom-to-shower floor, but you will love it if you do it. It is not visually distracting.

    The very handsome gray and white squares, if you really want to use them, could be placed as a large square feature piece on the wall of the shower, if you like, framed with white tile molding. (On the wall between the shower and the room with the toilet.).

    Regarding the mural, the full sized mural that you have will be perfect. It allows you to sit in the tub and look up, to the mural’s sky and the pink blossoms. I think it would be lovely and feel very restful.

    If you shrink the mural and put in the wainscoting, your bathroom will feel vertically squished. I think the look will be better to have your lovely teal blue walls on both sides, and let the eye settle on the mural, with its similar colored sky.

  164. I have a tub similar to yours with a hand shower attachment on the faucet. I’m ok using it, but any time a guest uses the tub, there’s water everywhere — especially on the wall. An antique cabinet beside the tub even has water spots in the finish. I have bead board with a window behind it. So, as much as I love all the pattern, I would suggest the wainscot. I’ve never had much luck with wallpaper near a water source… not much luck with wallpaper long term, actually. It always releases somewhere.

  165. Full mosaic! I love the lighting of the image and I think the tub placement looks beautiful in your original plan. I think the small one takes away from the impact. It’s more like artwork on the wall and just doesn’t give the impact that the full image does.

  166. Definitely large tiles cut smaller. Keep the mural all the way down to the floor. What a dreamy design! You always amaze and inspire. My goodness you are a design queen! Been loving your blog for years and years!