Camera Ready
Happy Monday! I hope you had a fantastic weekend!
Mine was busy, and hectic, and fun. From Wednesday to Saturday of last week, I worked my little fingers to the bone finishing up little projects around my condo, and then the photographer, Ben Sklar, came at 5:30 on Sunday evening to take some pictures for the New York Times article. It was really fun, and I was so proud to show off my camera-ready kitchen and breakfast area.
Of course, I didn’t come even close to finishing up all of the projects I have planned for the breakfast area, but it was mainly about just finishing up the ones I had already started, like putting up the quarter round around the tiled areas, touching up paint, painting the rest of the grout, installing the outlet covers and switch plates, painting the wainscoting (FINALLY!!!), and on and on.
Oh, and I even painted the floor in the kitchen and breakfast area! Through all of the kitchen remodeling and construction, the floor had gotten pretty beaten up, so I just whipped out my paint brush and went to it. That’s the great thing about having painted concrete floors!!
And I even recruited my mom to help me. She made the cushion for the banquette seat. Moms are the best. Thanks, Mom!!
So here’s my camera-ready breakfast area. Too bad I didn’t have time to finish up my chandelier!! Oh well…
Both of my cats did a great job during their modeling debut, but my calico Peeve seemed to really enjoy the attention.
This picture cracks me up, because again, look who’s front and center. My little Peeve seems to be quite the attention hog. And true to her personality, my little flame point Siamese, Powder, is over in her own little world.
And finally, the photographer was gone, and the work was finished…my little models could get their beauty rest.
When all was said and done, and the photographer was gone, my oh-so-clever and somewhat smart-alecky husband looked around our super clean condo, looked back and me, and said, “Is there any way we can schedule the photographer to come once a week?” Haha…isn’t he clever? Of course, he may have a point. Perhaps that is the only way I will ever get this place finished!! 🙂
If you want, I'll come take pictures next week. 🙂
Nice Pictures Kristi. Love the tree! The kitty's are so precious. Happy for you both.
this caught my son's eye! this is one beautiful kitchen. Calico's are awesome too aren't they?
Oh it looks beautiful!! What fun the photo shoot must have been. You've done a wonderful job!
Kristi – I always say I need to invite people over every week or two so that I will clean up the clutter at least that often. Your place looks GREAT…
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Love it! It looks great and I can't wait to see when you add the chandelier. Once again, congratulations and I love your kitties.