Celebrating The Journey (DIY Is Supposed To Be Fun!)
Are any of you DIYing your way through a major home remodeling project? A project that feels like it’s actually growing larger with each passing day? If you are, I’m sure you can relate to my state of mind last night. For anyone tackling a huge, years-long DIY remodeling project, it’s bound to happen at some point…or at many points…along the way.
I didn’t get to do much work on my Roman shades (or any other house project) yesterday, so it wasn’t until pretty late last night that I was finally able to finish up the little valance for the first Roman shade that I showed you yesterday. When I started working on it around 9:00, it had already been a long day, and I was tired. That’s never a good idea to start working on a project when I’m tired, even if it’s a simple one, because that’s when I make stupid mistakes. And those stupid mistakes lead to frustration. And frustration leads to discouragement.
Once discouragement takes over, the thoughts started creeping into my mind like, “I’m never going to get these done! These are going to take forever. And then after that, I have a ton of upholstery to do. And then I still have to do this. And then after that I have to do this other thing. And I still have four rooms that need drywall! And I also still need to figure out how to do this. And I haven’t even begun to think about that other thing…”
And then that small list of projects starts growing bigger and more overwhelming. That small snowball rolling downhill turns into a huge boulder-sized snowball that keeps rolling, keeps gaining speed, keeps growing in size, and then at some point it causes an avalanche that comes crashing down on top of me. And then I want to throw my hands in the air, and yell, “I’M DONE!! I GIVE UP! IT’S TOO MUCH!”
Of course, in hindsight, I know that the entire episode was brought on by the fact that I started a project late in the evening after a long, frustrating, exhausting day. It’s just never a good idea for me to do that. I should have just come home, had dinner, spent a relaxing evening with Matt, gone to bed early, and awakened this morning refreshed and ready to tackle those Roman shades.
But again, those episodes are inevitable when tackling such a huge project. And it’s in those moment that I have to climb out from under the avalanche and redirect my thoughts and energy.
First of all, I have to remind myself that this process is supposed to be FUN! 😀
I’ll never forget the first time I brought my mom over to see this house before we bought it — the look of concern on her face that she seemed to be trying to hide with a polite smile, her eyes that were screaming, “Kristi, RUN AWAY NOW!” while her mouth was saying, “Hmmm….well, I’m just not sure, Kristi.” I knew she had serious doubt and concerns. At one point she asked, “Are you SURE you want to do this? You see how much work this is going to be, right? Are you sure you CAN do this?”
“Of course! I’m sure!” I responded.
To be quite honest, I wasn’t sure at all. I wasn’t sure that I could do any of it.
I wasn’t sure that I wouldn’t just crash and burn with the very first project I tackled. I wasn’t sure that I was capable of tackling big construction projects, or that I wouldn’t make some huge mistake that would bring a load-bearing wall crashing to the floor. I wasn’t sure that I wouldn’t completely burn out after a year and totally regret my decision to purchase and live in a fixer upper.
I was completely and totally UNsure of everything, except for one thing…
I was absolutely, positively, 100% sure that I wanted to try, and that I wouldn’t be satisfied until I did. If I had a bucket list, purchasing and remodeling a fixer upper would be at the very top of my list. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was in my early 20s…maybe younger.
So here I am, two-and-a-half years later, still putting one foot in front of the other, making my way slowly but surely towards the finish line. And if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that you have to enjoy the journey. When tackling such a huge project, the focus can’t always be about the end goal. It can’t always be about the race to the finish line. That type of mindset can be so discouraging (at least for me). When the only focus is the finish line, but you know it’ll be three, or four, or five years until you reach that finish line, it just becomes so overwhelming.
Instead, I have to refocus. The ultimate goal is the finish line. That much is true. But along the journey, there are thousands of other, smaller goals. And the path may not always be a straight shot from the present to the finish line. In fact, it’s anything but! Sometimes I get off on a rabbit trail for a few days and have to circle back around and find my way back to the main path. But sometimes those side adventures are the best and most memorable parts of the journey.
And of course, when things do get discouraging, it’s always nice to look back at how far I’ve come. It’s a good reminder that while things do seem like they’re creeping along at a snail’s pace, at least I’m headed in the right direction. Things are, in fact, getting done. Hundreds of small goals along the journey have already been accomplished. I’ve learned new skills along the way. I’ve purchased new tools and learned how to use them. I’ve come to thrive on that feeling of challenging myself to move beyond my comfort zone — to learn new things, to try things that might scare or intimidate me, to experiment with different ideas, to value the process of trial and error, and to not be afraid of making mistakes and having to start over. All of those things have helped me learn and grow, and I wouldn’t have the skills and knowledge that I have today if it weren’t for this amazing journey.
That finish line is out there. I know it is. And while I’m still so far away from it that I can’t really see it at all yet, I’m confident that I’m heading the right direction. But right now, that’s not my focus. It can’t be. Right now, I’m just trying to remind myself to enjoy every moment of the journey.
Dear Kristi,
I know this feeling very well, too, and it doesn’t only come with creative processes, I think! I find that life itself sometimes gets completely overwhelming and makes me want to crawl back into my bed, to just make the world and its demands go away. I think that your response is very mature, though: You’ve realised what a situation you’re in just now and analysed the reasons for it very well. Your solution is right: Taking your time, enjoying the small (and big :)) steps and letting yourself relax every now and then instead of forcing yourself to do things at 9 in the night after an already stressful day.
I hope you’ll find your balance soon again in order to enjoy what you’re doing wholeheartedly!
Along with those hundreds of things you’ve learned and accomplished, please don’t leave out the fact that you’ve encouraged many – MANY – of us to learn and accomplish our own projects and achieve our goals. Thank you for sharing all your finished projects along with all the ideas, insights and discouragements. You are amazing!!
So true, you are a great inspiration! I look forward to your posts everyday! Hang in there! 💚
Yes this is so true!! A great inspiration for me well! Thanks for keeping it real!
Hang in there baby! Now if I could just put in here a picture of a cute cat hanging off a tree branch, I would.
Well said! It has been amazing to watch you tackle what I consider to be huge challenges and then so aptly succeed. I remember my amazement when you installed a new beam in your kitchen ceiling. I mean, how many women would do that on their own? I sure wouldn’t! I have buckled and gotten disheartened on projects minuscule in scope by comparison. You are a role model for so many of us. I can well imagine that discouragement would creep in on occasion but thankfully you realize that it’s only human to feel that way and you don’t give up. I look forward to each and every project you tackle and appreciate them all. In a way it will be a little bit of a let down when everything is “finished” because it’s so much fun watching the process. Congrats Kristi on everything you have accomplished so far!! Thanks for sharing the journey😀.
I understand the feeling. I’m in the middle of a kitchen and master bath remodel after 18 years in the house. (We tackled the exterior, removing wall paper, refinishing floors, etc first so now we are finally updating the 80s style kitchen and baths. (the second upstairs bath will eventually be a full gut). My first floor has been a construction mess for weeks while we rip up the old ugly tile and plywood, replace some rotted subfloor planks and put in hardwood. Then I plan on adding molding trim, close the gap to the ceiling on the upper cabinets, paint the cabinets, then replace counters and add a new backsplash. Already repainted the wall, but also have to paint all the stained woodwork in my house white.
The bathroom still needs a new tile floor to replace the old pink tile, the new vanity installed and then a stacked stone accent wall around the shower stall added to replace this weird cedar planked wall that was there. Then I plan on adding wainscotting to my dining room and living room and changing the wall color again to give both rooms a fresher look.
It just never seems to end unless you built it new. Otherwise its one project after another to update or change the previous owner(s) styles. LOL
DIY is definitely a marathon, not a sprint! The finish line is out there, thanks for taking us along with you!
Like Deb said – you have encouraged, inspired and taught us so much throughout your journey so far! I look forward to your posts so I can see what the next amazing thing is you’ve tackled. I’ve certainly enjoyed watching your home’s transformation, and feel like I can actually accomplish some of my own goals as well. Thanks for being who you are and sharing with the rest of us!
I so needed to hear this, this morning as I sit here in the midst of self made chaos! I have a dozen started but not finished projects and it’s easier to just sit than to try to figure out what to tackle first. Some days I’m fearless, some days I just want to hide under the covers 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for all your inspiration and keep doing what you are doing!! Your posts have been an incredible source of help, guidance and inspiration for me, both personally and professionally!! I appreciate everything you do and follow you every day in your projects and adventures. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all you do!!!
Good job, Kristi. Very well said and a great reminder for everyone regardless of our particular “journey”. I’m afraid I’d have been like your Mother….Lawsy, just looking at those pictures of what you were up against would have probably stopped me in my tracks. But you go, girl!
Our DIY kitchen renovation has been dragging along for a while now, and it definitely helps to stand in the doorway where many of our “progress” photos have been taken and use the iPad to flip through the album of shots taken from that vantage point and remember just how far we’ve come. Oh god the days (months, really…) when we literally didn’t have walls or a ceiling! Luckily I’ve blocked those from my day to day memory, but sometimes it’s good to briefly relive them to appreciate where we are all the more.
We’ll get it all done… eventually. =)
Sometimes is easier to set goals, when you also set limits. I know you do not usually work on the DIY stuff on the weekend, but I am curious as to why? With Matt home all the time, and you working at home, why not break up your week? Take Wednesday and Sunday off instead of Saturday and Sunday. You can still write a filler blog like this one, or the one about the painters you like and post that for Wednesday. Then you have a day in the middle of the week to stay in bed, if that is what you want. Or you and Matt leave the house and go somewhere you can enjoy yourselves. Clearing you mind of the clutter, sometimes will give you a better picture of what you want to do next. You are not someone who ever does things in an orderly fashion. You like to jump around from job to job. If those things that you are making for your window are dragging you down, stop making them. If privacy is an issue tack a sheet up at night and take it down in the day. You will eventually get to the windows. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed because the window covering does not ring you bells. They are just plain white and made to cover the windows. I could see how that could be boring. Switch it up, start on a chair. Like you always said, it is your house and your timeline and you can do what you want. So stop making the window things and do something with some color. That will probably make you feel better. Here’s a thought You could always repaint the piano! How about a black and white harlequin pattern with a thin gold line between the colors. Now I could really feel that and get the connection to the music room and the dining room and kitchen. Food for thought.
I find your blog so honest and inspiring, Kristi, and I thank you for taking us along on your journey. Years ago a friend’s mother gave me some great advice that I reflect on when I hit a low spot; it’s all a roller coaster, hang in there for the uphill climbs because the thrills always follow.
Yup, know the feeling, it can happen with many things, especially when tired and hit by only a minor failure or obstacle. What I think helps is to stop working on the project and go spend time with something finished – in your case, maybe go inside the pretty, pretty, completely finished bathroom, admire the details of all you’ve done, and why not, offer yourself some silly little luxury, like taking some wine and soaking in the bathtub… The wow! factor from that usually helps with the hopeless feeling.
And sleep. Lots of sleep. That also helps! And you rule, most of us think so (i.e. all of us except the trolls, lol)! 😀
Roman Shade DIY to me is buying them in a store and hanging them myself! Yesterday, when I opened your blog in my browser, there was an ad for Roman Shades from several sources. $29.99. I wondered how much your DIY ones cost. However, I know the store $29.99 ones probably weren’t the right size or shade of white you wanted, etc. Just doing ANY Roman Shades from scratch to me is a MAJOR accomplish. and then there’s your kitchen. Girl, you just don’t get how talented you are. A little masochistic maybe 🙂 or just very frugal (many things you do yourself I’d pay for, and I’m on a tiny fixed budget!). But you are teaching hundreds (or more) of people along the way. Plus, this isn’t a job from which you’ll be fired if you don’t go to work EVERY day. What’s the rush? We’ll wait. Reminding yourself you’re supposed to enjoy the process is perfect. If someone isn’t enjoying the DIY process, why not hire it out? Chin up, Kristi. We’re right there with you. Only you keep on going, and we falter……that’s the diff.
You inspire me every time I read a post. Your words today are ones i needed to hear. This is a journey. Enjoy the ride. The end will be here soon enough. 😃
The only thing that you’ve done wrong is not gone out for enough lunches with your Mom. I’d be willing to bet if you set a bi-monthly date with her she’d even pick up the tab for lunch. 🙂 You seriously have a problem with taking breaks for you. A day where nothing really gets “done” because you get up, go get your tea, snuggle with your cat and husband, leisurely shower, put on clean clothes and go meet your mom for lunch. Then come back home and do some gardening or laundry or something just don’t work on the house or even think about it for a day. Probably Matt would agree. 🙂
On top of all the mammoth projects you take on and achieve marvelously you also have the added pressure of writing an informative, interesting and humorous blog. I for one, admire all your many talents and think you have already made so many improvements to your house and it just keeps getting better!
Kristi, you’ve already crossed many finish lines with your home renovation. To recap just a few: Your kitchen, the hall bath, the music room, the basics with the entry and dining room. Even while you have it in your head that there are things still to be done in these rooms, you’ve accomplished so much already. You’ve accomplished things that readers like me wouldn’t even contemplate—let alone have the tenacity and means to complete. As you well know, sometimes it’s just a good idea to sit back, breath, and appreciate what has already been done. Then you regroup, reprioritize, and get back into the swing of things. Meanwhile, the rest of us will happy to remind you of your achievements to date.
Don’t let mean, evil people steal your energy and joy, and make you question yourself and your journey!!! The insecure try to make themselves feel better by attacking and trying to bring down those they see as successful. Look at the negativy as quite a compliment because at its source that is indeed what it is. Don’t forget to take time for yourself along the way!!!
First your doing a great job. Then I can make a small suggestion, it wouldn’t be so terrible if you didn’t completely finish everything for each room. I know you are a blogger and feel the need to post your “reveal”, but if its for your health and happiness let it go. As an example, those host and hostess chairs that are a huge project, let them wait. The room will look great for now with just the side chairs. You never know with time and new inspiration you may do something even better! !
Good luck and keep up the good work
I can relate to everything you’re saying. I’m replacing all my kitchen cabinet doors (beaten up plywood with unattractive routing). It seemed like a fairly straight forward job, but it has turned out to be harder than I thought. First of all, they are inset doors, which made fitting a nightmare on a couple of sets. (This trend away from inset doors is definitely a good idea.) Then, the Ben. Moore Satin Impervo that was so easy to use years ago has been reformulated. It’s now too thick for good results, yet the can says, “Do not thin.” Thanks to tips from Rickknowspaint on Yahoo.com and Addicted2Decorating, I’ve learned to make it more like the old Impervo by adding thinner plus Penetrol. Now, the top half of the cabinets are done. The doors are shaker, topped by smaller doors with 4 panes. So much work, but such an improvement. And I’ve saved lots of money vs. a total kitchen redo. Blogs like this have been so helpful. Thanks, Kristi.
I can’t believe you deleted my comment. Everything I said has been said by someone else in the posts today. It was all about taking time and doing something that gets you excited. You probably deleted it because I made a suggestion about your piano and further down the road you will be doing something similar, oh yes that’s right, you said you might change it. Since you insist on deleting my comments I will ask this, how many of your followers have sent you gifts? How many have offered you barely used tools? You do not like that I have your number. Fine, there are plenty of other bloggers who don’t waste time with filler blogs like you do. Ever since you finished your kitchen you have used more repeat stuff and “informational” stuff that anyone can look up on the internet. Wasting all that energy to make shades for your windows is crazy when, as someone pointed out today, you can buy them for a lot less. No one but you cares if they are made to perfection. You blog because you like to talk and you love the adulation. It is a sad state of affairs when you have to get your praise and adulation from strangers on the internet. Yesterday a window blind specialist critized you for not making your blinds in compliance with standards set up for safety of children. You went completely off the rails at her. You sounded like a pissy little bitch. If someone spoke to you like that you would be furious and you would find a way to get even. You are a nasty person and you know it. I wonder how many people who read this blog think Matt is a figment of your imagination? There are never any signs of him, or you for that matter. Maybe you are a guy doing an experiment to see how many gullible women you can get to follow you. Wouldn’t that be a hoot. I would bet money that you don’t delete this post. I don’t care one way or another. As far as your followers are concerned don’t even think about emailing me, or I will report you to FB, Good riddance to bad Texas rubbish.
Oh, for the love…you CRAZY, PSYCHOTIC LUNATIC!!! I didn’t delete your comment. Your comment was held for moderation. Want to know why? Because ONCE AGAIN, you tried commenting with YET ANOTHER username/email combination (Phil’s wife), and my blog didn’t recognize that you were a regular, pre-approved commenter, so it held your comment for moderation…which I hadn’t gotten to yet BECAUSE I WASN’T HOME!! I think this was username number five, right? Phil’s wife, Maryanne Looby, maryanne, mare, you know who i am, and I’m sure there are more. How many usernames are you going to comment under to try to hide the fact that you’re the same old lunatic Maryanne Looby?!
But thank you for this comment. It’s a reminder to me of exactly why I said you were no longer welcome to comment on my blog. I went soft and started feeling sorry for you when you changed your username and attempted to be civil in your comments. But this is the last straw. This is just proof that your mental instability causes you to be nice one minute, and then turn on someone in an instant like a rabid dog. You’re done. Any future comment from your IP address will be deleted, regardless of what clever username you come up with, and this comment will stand as a reminder as to why I made that decision.
So congrats on being the first and only person in my entire nine years of blogging to actually be insane and disruptive enough to get blocked from commenting on my blog. Good riddance, Maryanne Looby, you crazy old bat. Go inflict your lunacy on someone else. We’ve had our fill of you here.
YAAAAAAY, WOOOHOOOO, HAPPY DAY, DING DONG the Mare is gone, witch o witch, the mare is gone… Thank you Kristi :)!!!
Holy Crap! What a riot!!! She has been so nasty, you did your best to let her hang on but this is just too much!!! Honestly I will kinda miss her barbed compliments and God blesses. What a loony tunes. I’m willing to bet that a new IP address will be next method of trolling. Lordy, what did you do to deserve this?????
Anyway, thanks for the laughter this morning. And it’s Friday, you and Matt (should he exist) have a great weekend.
I know, right? I mean, I’ve seen internet bullies and trolls, but this woman takes it to a whole new level that I’ve never personally encountered before! I mean “insane raving lunatic” just barely scratches the surface! 😀
I’ll definitely be on the lookout for any indication of comments from Crazy Maryanne coming from a new IP address/username/email address. Her writing style is hard to miss.
But in the meantime, I’m going to go spend some time with my imaginary husband. 😀
Wow! I can see why Kristi does delete your posts …. Who appointed you Blogland monitor? This is nasty personal stuff and you are a bully. Keep pushing the delete button Kristi! No one needs this crap in their lives.
OMG this very thing happens to me with my sister. I dont know what insane asylum has let these people out but they seriously need to go away. They arent even reasonable in any way. They definitely have some serious mental problems and cant be trusted by anyone. These very people claim to be such victims who no one likes, none of their family members or old friends want a thing to do with them, gee I wonder why. So glad you have put an end to this foolishness Kristi. Nobody needs to be treated that way. Hang in there, I know how you feel, you just push and push because you want to see results, but we all get tired from time to time and our creativity needs some rest.
Kristi you are such an inspiration to all of us and speaking for myself, you have shown me the way to accomplish many things I would have never dreamt I could possibly do. You’ve given me so much confidence to do DIY tasks now. I always think, ‘if Kristi can do it own her own, I can do it too’. I absolutely love your blog and love following everything that you design and accomplish. If I had a superwoman hero, you’d be her!!!! You should not doubt yourself and the projects ahead, as you are doing an absolute remarkable job and I take my hat off to you. I’m in total awe of your vision, abilities and progress. Go Kristi.
I once noted down everything I needed to do in order to prioritise what exactly I needed to do next. The very long list scared the life out of me, I never did it again!
I feel the same way at times. I can list four projects that are doing their level best to get the better of me. I’ll spare you the details and just say I’m living with a stained and oiled SUBFLOOR throughout my entire house for two years and bathroom tub that is only half tiled! And they are all on hold now as we need to renovate our rental unit for my mom who is moving back to our area.
I’m glad to know I am not alone in this struggle.
My husband is always telling me to find the joy in everything I’m trying to do. And if I’m not able to, then stop. While that easier said than done, it’s what I aim for. Sometimes that’s after the breakdown 😫
Kristi, I don’t know why you have a reader who is giving you the gears, I’m sorry about that. She obviously thinks she knows best (I believe it started out well intentioned a while back and then went off the rails). But what I love about you is that you do things differently than I would. If you did things like me or every other reader, what would the point be? What would I learn? I’d stop subscribing because it would be so boring! We all jump in at times because we want to be heard (guilty), recognized (guilty), right (guilty). But what a small world it would be if we don’t appreciate the way someone else does things (like make their own Roman blind, which btw I would try just to say I could do it, cheaper or not, perfectionist or not!).
So keep going, do what you want, the way you want and in your own time. And, I don’t mind the “filler blogs” because I wasn’t here for the kitchen remodel (although I’ve gone through the archives to catch up for the most part).
Yeah, FWIW, I agree with what many others have said—take a break from those “must-do” projects and do something that makes your heart sing. Especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, and just plain worn out. It’ll all get done. It amazes me that you write long posts nearly every day—while at the same time building, sewing, painting, gluing, sawing…. Oh, and because we gain so much from your blog, we’ll all keep on reading it no matter the frequency. Except for Loopy Looby, of course. 😛 Sorry, it just came out my keyboard….
Another FWIW: I enjoy your so-called filler blogs. They’re always interesting thoughts and ramblings that add substance and color. And gives us an idea of how your brain works. 😀
oh yes I can relate to being overwhelmed, we went to Fla,for two months and to go on a cruise for our 50th ann, but while we were gone our basement flooded twice, our kids were able to save our furniture, but for the last two months we have been tearing down walls (the basement was finished),getting rid of the mold and trying to put it all back together, I so understand the snowball effect, we had to replace the bottom cupboards , the tops were fine, but didn’t match the bottoms, I then remembered that you turned your doors around, and I said if Kristi can do so can I,so I have started taking the doors off, and during the destruction my dining room furniture was all scratched, so I have to paint it, and while I’m at it ,might as well recover the seats, so got the material. so much more to do But at least my plans are to work on it on bad days, I don’t want to loose what little bit of summer we get, so keep it up girl and know you aren’t alone, and someday we can start all over again LOL
As I was looking at that first picture in this post, I was thinking to myself: “Wow, I remember that picture from before she started, of the windows with the curtains, and the A/C in the window, and who would think that ONE little woman could change it into THIS!!”
I know you had a little help with the drywall, and window installation, but YOU pretty much did all of it and it looks awesome! Wish I had the talent, gumption, etc., to accomplish a fraction of it. It’s gorgeous, and you deserve a HUGE pat on the back!
PS: Thanks for the info about the hardware, etc., for the Roman Shades.
Hats off Kristi! Goodness Gracious. Your creativity and perseverance paid off in the end. Those pics speaks volumes. As a matter of fact I am planning to do some renovation for my house. There seems to be so much planning which has to be done before embarking on my new mission. I am planning to go with Canglow windows and doors inc for my window and door installation. Would like to see more of your posts and pics. Your post gave me a clear idea about the expense I may have to bear for the renovation. Before plunging into any venture it is always judicious to sit and plan the requirements, the expenses it would incur and the time span. In your case, had there been more planning, expense would have been much lesser. As a novice in DIY projects, I guess this venture helped you kickstart your dream chase in the most opportune way . Best of luck for your future plans. I often scan through your posts for interesting experiences. Keep inspiring 🙂
I used to think I wanted a fixer-upper too; now I’m too old to handle it. But I LOVE seeing them done on blogs and TV. I’ve only started following you in the last few months, and I never would have guessed your home was a fixer-upper, as the parts I’ve seen look so fixed up–by you, of course. You seem to have boundless energy and lots of terrific ideas. It’s always fun to see what you’ll come up with next. And you’re right about starting projects when you’re already tired. It gets me every time. As I’ve gotten older I’ve even had to talk myself into actual implementation, even though I know I want to do it and I have all the materials. Makes me start some things a little later than I’d like (or my daughter, who some of the projects are for), but in the end it pays off.
I really needed this post for myself. I bought a fixer upper four years ago and while I don’t have as much extensive work as you do there is a lot of work to be done. Currently we are working on the stairwell to the upstairs. We pulled up carpet and the wood stairs are in desperate need of some work. Sanding filling more sanding figuring out how to fill in the space between the wall and the steps. Painting the treads. Wallpapering the risers. The treads and the risers are built out of two different materials. It’s overwhelming and there is so much to do. And that’s just one stairwell. It will get finished eventually and I just have to keep reminding myself of that and that it will all be worth it in the end!