Layered Sand Flower Vase
I’ll be the first to admit that I stink at flower arrangments. I’m not sure why, but that’s one creative area where I can guarantee you that I don’t have the touch…at all.
BUT…yesterday my photographer (a.k.a., Mom) and I went to take photos of a kitchen remodel that I did last fall, and I still needed a centerpiece for the table. It was a challenge, because the table (which was actually the impetus for the whole remodel), was one of those quintessential 1950’s chrome, Formica, vinyl sets that Julia had inherited from her mom. And Julia’s table/chair set is red. You can’t put just any type of arrangement on a table like that!!
So I decided to try my hand at a flower arrangment. And this time, it actually worked out!! I think it turned out pretty well, and it looked great in the kitchen. Here’s what I did.
Doesn’t that just look like a happy little arrangement?
The bummer is that I actually did a video of the process. But as you probably know by now, I have been having problem after problem with my video camera lately (which actually turned out to be a defective SD card), so it gobbled up my video. Technology can really be a pain, can’t it?! It’s awesome when it works correctly, and a real nightmare when it doesn’t. That was my FOURTH failed video on ONE WEEK!!!
I was, however, able to wrestle a screenshot of some of the supplies that I used from the SD card…
Sorry for the poor quality. Like I said, it’s a screenshot from a video.
I started with two square glass vases. The large one was about 8″ square, and the little one was something like 4.5″ square. I got them both at Michael’s.
I placed the little one inside the big one, but because it was shorter than the big one, I needed something to build up the height. So I gathered up four spray paint lids and taped them to the bottom of the little vase with the brown packing tape. Then I taped the whole thing in the middle of the big vase.
Next, I used decorative sand (also from Michael’s) in black, red, and white, and poured it the space between the little vase and the big vase. Each wide stripe is one 1-pound package of sand, and the little red strip was about 1/2 of a package.
I had never done anything like this before, so I was using the end of a spoon to try to smooth the layers and make them level. When I got to the last two layers, I finally realized that the easy way to level the sand is to just give the vase a gentle shake.
Once the layers were in place, I put plastic wrap over it, took it to the grocery store, and selected some cute little daisies. It took about 20 daisies, which of course, went into the center smaller vase, along with the water.
A couple of things I learned along the way:
1. At first, I cut an envelope to use as a “funnel” on the bottom layers of sand. I finally realized that a funnel wasn’t needed. If I just cut the opening in the package of sand small enough, I was able to pour it with accuracy.
2. When working with sand, it’s imperative to cover the work surface with a protective cloth. I didn’t, and because some of the sand got on the table, and I was continually moving the vase around, it scratched my table.
It’s certainly not perfect, but I think it looked great in her kitchen!
For now, the arrangement is still living over at Julia’s house, but when the flowers are gone, I’m actually going to keep these vases for my own breakfast table. I’ve got some other ideas that I want to try!!
Anyway, I’ll be showing you the before and after of Julia’s kitchen remodel on Thursday. I’m so proud of how it turned out!!
And just to pique your curiosity, let me show you how the kitchen started out…
It was certainly time for some updating, wouldn’t you say?! 🙂 I’ll show you how it turned out on Thursday, so stay tuned!!
The arrangement looks great!
OH MY! can't believe that before pic, and can't wait to see the after! Love the idea of sand for the arrangement!
Cute idea! just one question…how do you dump the water/clean it out without dumping the sand everywhere?
The actually simple idea you had about creating this flower arrangement turned out really nice.
It's amazing how it is possible to make out some really simple things, something so nice looking.
So again I can say, Kristi, you did another good job!
Ha! Interesting question, Jennie! I hadn't thought that far ahead. 🙂 Honestly, when these flower die, I'm planning on dumping out the water AND the sand, because I'm going to use another decorative accent for my own home. So really, I hadn't planned on it being permanent.
But if you wanted it to stay, I suppose you could wrap that part with plastic wrap (perhaps the kind that actually sticks rather than just clings), and then pour the water out. Or use the siphon method with the vase sitting on the kitchen counter and a rubber tube going into the kitchen sink. That would probably be the easiest.
Oh My Stars! Love this idea; how funny to think about how to empty it…never would have crossed my mind 😀
I just love the red, white, and black. GOOD SHOW!
Clever idea, Kristi! Another thought to make it permanent: Melt some parafin wax over the top. Maybe?
Clever! I am putting that on my list to try…I am thinking for easter with my tulips!