I Love My Home
Is it okay to say that? 😀 Because I do. There are times when I walk through my house and think to myself, “I can’t believe that I have a house that is so reflective of me!” I didn’t design and decorate this house for everyone, and not everyone loves it. That’s perfectly fine with me. I designed and decorated it for me. (Well, I did design it with Matt’s needs in mind, but I didn’t decorate it with him in mind because he truly couldn’t care less about the décor. 😀 ) But everything in this house — the colors, the artwork, everything — is so perfectly reflective of my love of color and my personality.
During the month of June, I was in a book club that met weekly. Our last meeting was last week, and we met at my house. There were eight of us in the group. One of them is a dear friend who has been to my house countless times, but the other six had never been to my house before.
The previous week, one of them mentioned that she was excited to meet at my house because she had seen my blog and looked forward to seeing the house in person. A couple of others were curious and wanted to see the blog as well, so I told them how to find me online, and they immediately commented on all of the color in my house.
So last week, we met at 7:00pm, and while our normal schedule was to meet from 7:00 to 8:30pm, last week we spent about an hour touring the house before even getting to our book discussion. I’ll have to admit that it was so much fun for me. I always love showing new people my house and seeing their reactions to the various projects I’ve completed. And every time I get to do that, it gives me a renewed love and appreciation for my home. It also makes me so thankful that I’ve had the the time and opportunity to create a home that truly reflects me and my personality, while accommodating Matt and his needs.
Getting to this point where I have a home in which I love to host people has been a long journey, and for many years, I thought I’d never get here. For so many years, the main “public” areas of the house were under construction, or were in various stages of completion (or more accurately, non-completion) that I would cringe every time someone came to the front door. I would hope it was just a salesperson or a delivery person, and that I wouldn’t feel obligated to invite anyone inside.
I think back to those early days in this house when I just tried to make do with what we had…
And when what we had didn’t quite work, I tried filling in with some thrift store items.
But regardless of the stage the house was in, I’ve been thankful for this house every day for the last ten years — thankful for the fact that we had a roof over our heads, and thankful that we had a mortgage payment that was low and didn’t make us house-poor. But there’s something so different about being thankful for a roof over our heads while also cringing when someone knocks on the front door, and finally having this house where all of the “public” spaces (and even the more private areas, like our bedroom, home gym, and master bathroom) are all finished, usable, and tour-worthy when new people come over.
There’s something very different about having the “just make it work” living room that we started off with in the photos above, and having the “this truly feels like me” living room that we have now.
It’s just such an amazing feeling to hear a knock at the door or have people come over and not feel that panic or dread because they’re going to see this…
But instead, to feel excitement that they’re going to see this…
And having a house that is finally presentable, and a home that I truly love, has also helped me learn more about myself. I’ve never thought of myself as hospitable. I’ve always been convinced that other people have that gift of hospitality, but I just don’t, and I probably never will.
But it turns out that I love having people in my home! I love to see people using and enjoying our home. I never knew that I had a love for hospitality before, but as it turns out, I was just being held back by the fact that I’ve never lived in a home that I felt comfortable bringing people into before.
So what’s my point? I don’t know. 😀 I just had that experience last week, and wanted to share. But really, I want it to be an encouragement. I know that there are many of you who visit me regularly who are also doing long-term renovations and remodels. Some of you have mentioned living in your “in progress” homes in the midst of construction and renovations for years, and for some of you it’s been ten years or longer. I just want to encourage you to keep going. I’ve been working on this house for almost ten years now, and it’s just been within the last couple of years that I’ve finally felt like I love my home, and I love having people in my home.
So keep chipping away at those projects, no matter how long you’ve been at it. Keep working towards having that home that you love and that truly reflects you — a home that makes you feel excited to swing that front door wide open when you hear an unexpected knock, or a home that makes you excited to volunteer when your book club needs a place to meet. It felt like it took me forever to get here. There were so many times that I wanted to give up, and so many seasons when it felt like I’d never reach the finish line. But now, being on this side of things, and ending up with a home that I truly love, I can see that it was all worth it. And it will be for you, too! So keep going!
Your house is just lovely and how rewarding it must be to have new eyes admiring it! Mine’s always under some kind of process, though not nearly as in-depth as your projects. I’m always making excuses when someone comes over.
What a wonderful feeling. I can see why you’d be super happy to have people see all of the amazing things you’ve done.
I Love This Post!
Same, same, same!!!
While I absolutely don’t have your incredible vision, I do have the same desire to make our house look like “us.” And even though we have completely dismantled/demoed the back half right now, I just had a houseful of company over the weekend and was really happy and comfortable with how things are, even the dismantled part.
In your shoes, what a thrill to have accomplished SO much! In mine, hey…progress is afoot and we only answer to ourselves.
Maybe it’s age and maybe it’s accepting myself as is, but I love my home, too (and yours is stunning!!)!
Awesome perspective. I’ve found that people don’t care about the state of your house (unless it’s a serious health risk!) but just welcome your generosity of hosting.
I love your house, too!! It’s amazing what you’ve done with it!
The way you work through the decorating process is as inspiring as the outcome. I think your house is so amazing because it is, as you say, completely reflective of you. It is the exact opposite of generic — it’s filled with personality and wonderful color.
Amen! I absolutely relate to this. I love having people in to see my personalized, handmade home too! It’s just… fun!
I needed to hear this message today. Going through my old stuff, that of other’s in my basement. Culling, moving it to gain access to plumbing for our last remodel…. our old owner bathroom. It’s invigorating AND soul wrenching at the same time. We’re near retirement…. sorting out childhood things of our kids, deceased parent’s, our things, so many bins of photos and just plain yuck (old financial records, etc). Yet when this bathroom/closet owner suite combo is done our house will be as WE want it for this chapter. Having just finished a major refresh of kitchen, flooring, porch, garage we know our much our souls lifted to improve the flow & lightness of our home. We haven’t even done much with the decor elements like paintings, etc yet but our life at home has improved enormously.
I get what you’re saying….. joy, pride, comfort, peace are the rewards of DIY’ing our homes.
ONWARD to all of us!
I feel joy for you that you love your home, and feel so comfortable in it. You have put so much thought and effort into making it what it is. Winston Churchill told his country he would offer “blood, toil, tears and sweat”, and sometimes I think of that line when I read your posts about your home projects. So glad that you have finally reached this stage!
Thank you for your words of encouragement! It’s just been in the last few years, and after finding your blog, that I’ve discovered what I really want to do in my own home and not be influenced by other peoples’ homes and designs. I love my home as well and I LOVE the never ending home improvement projects to make it better! Thanks, Kristi!
What a nice, nice thoughtful post. So happy you are comfortable in your home, love it, and feel good about sharing it with others. In addition, it is so functional for you and your family. This post is an encouragement!
Thank you Kristi!!! I really and truly needed that word of encouragement from you today! I’ve been overwhelmed and ready to give up on projects, have taken a bit of an extended break but now I really think I can jump back in. I can’t wait to finally feel “at home” in my home and able to welcome others. You are always an inspiration ☺️ I’m so happy for you and very excited to see the finished studio and other upcoming projects. Blessings to you and Matt
I also am grateful to read these words of encouragement today. Feeling discouraged, not sure of where to turn next, overwhelmed by how much needs fixing or needs to be done, but realizing our slow (very slow) journey in this home is making it OUR home. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in writing this, and looking forward to more colorful Kristi projects!
Wonderful post!!
I came in when you were making the living room a dining room… maybe 2016-17ish? It’s a joy to watch your progress and read your reflections. Thank you.
I can relate to you comments. I have been in your situations several times. It is always so satisfying to come out on the other end of the process!
Thank you, that is indeed encouraging! It is almost 1 year since we made a cross country move and every room needs serious updating not to mention decorating. Several of the spaces are in progress, but we have a lot of other irons in the fire so the progress comes in fits and starts. I am only nervous that we will move in a few years before finishing – again. I would love to enjoy the fluffing of a completed home someday, one where there is nothing major to be done and just have fun with tweaking the final layer.
This has brought tears to my eyes. I know exactly how you feel. We have spent the last 15 years renovating our 1840 home from head to toe including an addition. My husband like you did it all. We had no help whatsoever. He worked nights when he got home from work and every weekend. He retired 3 years ago and it became his new full time job. We still have to put down our living/dining room floor and finish some bedrooms upstairs but the rest of the house is finished. I’ve tried to explain to people how amazing it is to be able to open the door all the way now, have people over without explaining what it will eventually look like, always having to make excuses as to why “we” can’t do it at our house. Unless they’ve been there I don’t think people can fully understand the sheer relief and pride I feel when I can finally open my home to people. Kristi, you can though and you explained it so beautifully. You should be so proud of your accomplishments. You are truly a gifted designer, carpenter, builder and hard working individual. Your home is stunning. Enjoy the accolades!
Such a beautiful and vulnerable post, thank you. Your home is lovely 🙂
Good for you!
What are some of the books your book club is reading?
This was a Christian women’s book club, and we read None Greater by Matthew Barrett. It was very challenging to read in four weeks. It’s not exactly light reading, but it was a great book to read with others and discuss.
This was my first one to participate in, and I loved it! I’ll definitely be participating in others in the future.
You are such an inspiration to me in more ways than you know. God bless you.
Congratulations! Your home is spectacular!!! I have been following you for years now and I feel we are old friends.. lol I have one question, Did I miss the addition for the master bedroom? And of course the closets and laundry room? Or are you keeping that as your private areas? Just curious..
Crazy in North Texas
The addition is still in our future, and as of now, we’re don’t have a scheduled start date. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about it, though!!
Oh Kristi, I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished in 10 years. True, I don’t like every choice you make, but we’re all different, right? But beyond that you did this yourself!!! I am in awe of your talent and tenacity. I’m also jealous of your ability to do whatever you want. I’m in a situation where I’m living with my Fella a wonderful man or I wouldn’t be with him, but I’m not used to asking for input in the form of “would you like it if I did X Y and Z?” Truly I wish he didn’t give a hoot much like Matt. But here we are and I’m maki g the best of it.
I love your home Kristi. I love looking at your in-progress stages, and all of your ‘change you mind about that’ stages. I love the way you decide to switch to a completely different project for a while before returning back to what you were working on before. I love it all. I’ve never seen a remodeled home that looks so professional….or a new home that looks as good as yours either. Your home looks warm and inviting and just perfect. I only discovered you about a year or so ago, but I wish I had discovered you from the first. I’ve looked at your photos and showed them to my friends and family so many times. So glad I stumbled onto “Addicted to Decorating”.
I love your home too !!!!
It is most definitely OK to say you love your home. It shouldn’t be any other way. And you deserve to say it even more because you have literally created your home from the floor joists up to the ceiling. It’s beautiful and it is Ok to be proud of your accomplishments and love your home. You are discovering a new side to yourself…entertaining! And it can be so fun especially when you have a beautiful home. I love just walking through mine when everything is dusted and mopped. It feels so good!!! ENJOY! 😊🌺💜
Thank you for the encouragement! I’ve been fixing damage from renters for 2 1/2 years. Honestly I’ve been in a slump for 2 months. I only have small things like moldings and such to do but just can’t seem to do them. I follow your blog faithfully and it helps. So my goal for this month is to get the paint i need and finish this house before next year!
Awww, that’s such a sweet post. Funny thing is that I’ve been to Waco twice in the past six years and had to fight the urge to find your home, knock on your door to see all the great projects for myself 😂😂😂
I can’t tell you the things I’ve successfully tackled because of the confidence I’ve gotten following you.
Love this blog!
Thank you for this blog! I love your ‘can-do’ attitude!
Your home is so beautiful, and so very different from where you started. I’m happy for you!
I love your home too! You have all of my favorite colors in your home and if I moved in your house tomorrow I would feel like I’m at home. I am so proud that you never gave up and you have so much on your plate. So tonight have Matt give you a pat on the back and thank the Lord Jesus that He has given you the ability to see them through. My husband also does not interfere with my designs and dreams but he helps put my plans into action. When I’m attempting to do projects I think what would Kristi do, I think my husband is tired of hearing me talk about you.