Living Room Updates — Purple Chairs & New Ceiling Light Fixture
My second purple living room chair finally arrived! The first chair and the new ceiling light arrived about two weeks ago, so I’ve just been waiting. And waiting. I was beginning to think I was never going to get that second chair, but it got here Tuesday. So here’s the progress on the living room…
These purple chairs are the Sandy Wilson Home Corina Accent Chair in Purple. They are gorgeous, and they are hard to find at a reasonable price.
I had originally purchased one from Jennifer Taylor Home. It was shipped immediately and arrived at the beginning of July. But they only had one in stock, so I had to find another one elsewhere. Every place I found these chairs in purple only had one in stock. I ordered the second one from Home Depot, but after ordering it around June 25th, and then waiting five days past the delivery date (after calling and checking on it three times and being told it was coming), I finally cancelled that order and ordered from Amazon.
I had previously checked the price on Amazon, and it was about $100 more than the Home Depot price. But then on the day I decided to cancel my Home Depot order and find the chair somewhere else, the price on Amazon was $200 less than the Home Depot price!! So I got it for about $390 with free shipping.
Now, for a reason I can’t explain, the price of this chair on Amazon, via the exact link I used to purchase mine, is $996.58. That’s $600 MORE than what I paid!! I have no explanation for that.
But anyway, I’m very pleased with these chairs, and Peeve has claimed one of them as her own. The purple is gorgeous.
This room is very close to being finished. Obviously, I need some finishing touches — pillows, lamps, etc. And I’ll still be using that floral fabric in here, so that fabric with all of its colors will bring all of the colors in this room together.
Here’s the view from the kitchen…
And I also still need to figure out what to do with that scalloped mirror on the left. I originally made that mirror for the music room, so the color was selected specifically for that room. It seems like a bit much for the living room, but it does coordinate with the shades on the entryway wall sconces, and the floral fabric has that green in it also. So I might wait and then make a decision about it after I get pillows made and other finishing touches in place.
I also need to hem the curtains. The whole puddling thing isn’t working out for me because Felicity (whose head you can see poking up behind the sofa in the picture just above) loves walk and run behind the curtains, lie down on the fabric, etc. It’s getting really annoying having to re-puddle them all the time.
So I still have some things that need to be done before this room can be called finished, but it’s getting there!
Stunning. The exact right color purple. I like the green mirror. It adds a pop of color. Well worth all the agonizing over the decesions.
I agree about the green mirror- I think it adds a spark!
Oh my gosh, that room is gorgeous
You often take the scenic route, but you do get to your destination. Looks great.
HAHA Scenic route is perfectly worded but destination is beautiful every time.
It’s just an awesome room. You must be so happy with the results
I love it! Although the green mirror popped to my eye immediately. I will wait for your final touches. Because somehow you always make a room perfect. May we see the view into the entry? I am so happy for you. I hope Matt and yourself can relax and enjoy this room in the quiet times between projects. (If such a thing exists! 😅) Stay safe my blog friend!
Sheila F.
Wonder how the mirror would look if painted like the art piece?
It’s really coming together! I’m glad I get to have vicarious house decorating fun through you. Also the curtains make such the room so grand!
Love the room those purple chairs add just the right touch to bring it all together. Can’ t wait to see the pillows.
So beautiful! I love everything! You always amaze me!
Love the progress. Purple chairs are beautiful. Think I would like curtains better shortened.
Green mirror is Too Much for me
I agree …. There is no feeling of unity now … Way too many colors
I sorta feel the same but waiting to see her vision come to life.
I agree. Something about that green color that puts my teeth on edge.
I agree, it just looks thrown up there to get it out of the way.
Me too…but Christie will find her answer!
I would try it the curtain color🤷🤷
The room is soft and relaxing and the mirror is bright and spirited, so I think there is another spot for the mirror that would spotlight it’s fun factor better. 😊😊
This is a room I just want to come and sit in…………and stay. Love it !
Kristi. It’s absolutely gorgeous! Stunning, love the mirror, too!
GORGEOUS chairs!!
Remind me where you guys watch tv? I think there’s a tv in the breakfast room, right?
So beautiful and such a happy room! I just could not stop smiling looking at the photos!
I think it looks wonderful and those curtains are amazing. I love their soft dreamy look.
I like the green mirror a lot. If you wanted to make it a little softer, you could do a wash, but I would make sure that green peeks through. The room is stunning. You have to post a before picture with it when it’s fully finished.
Your Living Room is STUNNING! So Lovely. BTW, I’d keep the mirror becuause of the scollops. Just decide on the color to paint it, after you finish with your accent colors: pillows, etc.
I am a frequent shopper on Amazon and prices change all the time depending on supply and demand. The purple chair was most likely in high demand so the price skyrocketed. Glad you got them at a good price as they look great in the room.
I’m not quite sure how you manage to do such colorful rooms in such a classic way. They look timeless and yet current. There isn’t a room in your home that I wouldn’t want for my own. I love your style and your creativity is off the charts!
Totally second Dina’ comments.
Good grief, woman! You’ve done it again. The room is absolutely fabulous. 🎉🎊🍾
If you are price shopping and patient set-up a email reminder there’s a site (“camel” 3x’s) you can use that will do this automatically for you. Sometimes the amazon product does change over time so be careful and read the reviews before ordering to gauge if a bad knockoff is listed under that listing.
LOVE LOVE LOVE! The purple chairs are exactly the right choice. I’m so glad you didn’t go with one of the gray or teal options. I also love the green mirror. It ties in the greens and mimics the spoon art piece over the fireplace. I’d keep it just as is.
Can we get a shot from the fireplace looking at the entry wall? I’m curious how the chairs look with the entryway purples too!
The room looks great! Perfect choice on the chairs. I agree with hemming the curtains given your style and the way the room is coming along. I think the green mirror works. Though, I would love to see you play with the idea of softening it up with an ombré maybe. So not all 3 rows of scallops are that shade but it progresses to it. After following you for so many years, I don’t think a wash technique is your “thing”! lol! As always, cannot wait to see the final product all come together!
Love this room! It has a combination of elegance and comfortable. Super crazy about the color combination. Obsessed with the rug and curtain colors. The gray sofa is a good neutral and those purple chairs are so pretty. They all seem to work together to highlight the fireplace. I actually love the green scallop mirror and love how it pulls some green out of the art over the mantle.
The ombré idea for the mirror is an awesome idea!! Whatever she decides it will be gorgeous!
Sooooo pretty!!!
Where did you find the rug? Just beautiful!
Love, love the chairs. Can’t wait to see all the other touches you will add to the room.
I think it looks great and I like the green mirror. It ties in with the artwork above the fireplace and transitions the entry colors. I might consider painting the frame part just around the mirror in gold to tie in the other gold accents, but it is one of those that could work really well or be a dud.
Are the chairs comfy to sit in?
I’d love to see how your living room relates to your entry also because of the purple on your upholstered stools. I’ll bet that is gorgeous. About the scalloped mirror: I really like it where it is. The scallops repeat the piece above the fireplace and it is unexpected. I like that about it.
Absolutely love these purple chairs. They are gorgeous and are perfect in your living room.
Love the chairs but my eyes get distracted by the green mirror. Then I only focus on the mirror and not the rest of the lovely room.
The one thing that jumps out at me is the scale of the sofa. It seems to take up 1/3 of the room. I really like it though….
That’s what I’m focusing on as well. The legs on the pretty chairs are too delicate for the sofa. I would also like to see the fireplace toned down as pretty as that color is. Decorating is such a difficult process. I admire your fortitude and your energy! The green mirror has so much texture that it doesn’t need a powerful color such as that green. You have the best website as far as I’m concerned because most of us (I speak for myself) are doing this on a budget and without an interior decorator. Keep up the DIY!
I love how this room has come together. These are colors that together would normally not float my boat, but you have masterfully managed to make it work. Those purple chairs not only have a gorgeous shape, but the color is beautiful. I agree with others that the mirror seems to work, and picking up what looks to be some of a green in the art over the fireplace. Looking forward to seeing how pillows and other items you select complete your vision. Really fabulous!
I think if you are putting those floral pillows on the couch, it will definitely provide some balance to the green mirror. Right now, it is very eye catching in the photos, but I completely agree that you should wait to see how it works out! This is a beautiful room!
Regarding the Amazon price, I actually had something similar happen on Wayfair. I bought a beautiful pair of curtains that were about $60 for the pair. I happened to see them in my “previous orders” and they are now over $70 per panel. Must’ve been a popular item and now they’re price gouging! :-/
Love this! But the green mirror might need a new home.
As to the curtains, I guess I’m old and boring. I never got on the “puddling bandwagon”, I like mine to kiss the floor. Well done!
Would you consider painting the mirror the same color as the fireplace ?
Very pretty room .
I’m still having a problem with the “over the fireplace” design. The piece seems too heavy at the top. My eye is always drawn to that piece & I don’t see the rest of the room. I love the sofa, the drapes & the purple chair. Not a fan of that green mirror….maybe paint it a dark pink?
I loved her gold starburst over the fireplace. It was stunning.
I love that your pets are hanging out in your living room. In our old house, our three small dogs and a cat had the run of our den and it was always so welcoming to come home, sit down on the sofa and have a pet cuddling up with us. We ended up buying leather covered furniture, which they still fatigued, but it eliminated our pet fur issue. Worth it, all the way, it’s such a homey environment with the fur babies.
I love the green mirror in there!!! it was the first thing I noticed and how I could see the green in your spoon art and how it accents the purple, pink, and gray colors!
Lookin good. I’d paint the mirror the same pink as the curtains to carry that color around the room. I think it draws attention away from the piece above the mantel with the green. Of course, it may make more sense with the entryway, but from the point of view in the pics it competes.
My jaw absolutely dropped when I saw the first photo! The room is stunning. Everything works together so well. I think the green framed mirror looks great in there. After reading through the comments, I’m intrigued by the idea of doing a gold edge or an ombré effect on it though. Can’t wait to see this room with all of the finishing touches in place!
Boy, do you love color and boy, can you pull it off!!!! I can’t wait to see the finished product.
So glad you’re so happy with the purple chairs. They are a beautiful shade of purple and tie in with the rest of the room really well. Looking good! 😀
Looks beautiful. My eye goes to the green mirror and takes on the focus of the room at the expense of the other beauties in the room.
Absolutely gorgeous! I agree with many others here…..wait on the mirror until you have the colorful pillows etc done! I think your fabric for pillows will tone down the mirror. I love it all!
I think most of the previous photos used a wide aspect and it made the room look so large. These pictures are just gorgeous because every thing looks to scale and the room looks so cozy and comfortable. What happened to the coffee table you made? I love the one you have now, it is nice and light and not overpowering. The thing I love the most is the soft and elegant draperies. Good thing to get rid of the puddling. I tried that once and all the folds gathered every speck of dust and cat hair.
Oh my oh my. Can’t wait to see with all the finishing touches. The puddling curtains look so luxurious but I understand about the cat. So sad.
The room looks stunning, and I can’t wait to see it all put together with the finishing touches! I’m firmly on team Bright Green Mirror, but I can understand why it’s divisive. If you do decide to repaint it, I think staying in the sage family would be a good way to go, it’s very complimentary to the purple chairs.
As for myself, I’m now scrolling through your archive to find out how you made the mirror, you’ve inspired me to make a neon orange version.
*Sap green, rather.
Those chairs are gorgeous! They look great in the room with the rug tying everything together. I’m gonna wait on the mirror also, until the room is “finished” with accessories. Right now it seems a bit stark, but we shall see!
One word…..GORGEOUS!!
When I first glimpsed at the room the mirror caught my eye and immediately thought ” wow Kristi went a totally IN color scheme”!!!! Outside the box but AWESOME……Then reading i see you think it unfinished, too bad. But seeing how u work, it will be great. Looking forward to end result but now color gets my vote.
I am so happy for you and Matt as the Living Room is begging to be lived in. It is beautiful. I agree with the puddling of the drapes. Working in a professional sewing room, we rarely sew drapes this way. The challenge will be to get the perfect hem with the pleats in. But I know you can make it happen. Love your tenacity and willing to push comfort zones so many of us have.
I love the room and the colors. Except for the mirror. I would repaint it to match the fireplace color…. but you decide it is your room.
Those chairs are lovely! I clicked on the Amazon link (out curiosity) before I read the part where they had gone up to $996.58!!!! and was shocked at the difference in price. But then I remembered what my SIL (who owns his own small business and does a LOT of business thru Amazon himself) told me about the games Amazon plays (evidently on-going) with prices. They are once again available at Jennifer Taylor for less than half that price $404, but evidently purple is a popular color, because they are NOT available in that color at HD, and purple is the only color that’s over $462 on Amazon. Must be your influence Kristi!
Everything is coming together! I especially like your beautiful drapes! Also, I am looking for natural blinds right now and your blinds are so perfect. I’ve searched your archives and can’t find seem to locate information on them. I would love to get some like yours and am wondering where you got them???
A little late here and I’m not even sure if you are still reading these comments, but what if you did some sort of dry brush of gold over the mirror. It might help tone down the green some while pulling in more of the gold accents you have throughout the room. Love the purple chairs!!
Ok, I was not too sure about the purple chairs and gray sofa. But, they look good together. I do like the purple pillow on the sofa. Okay so I know this is your living room and I am a matchy, matchy type of girl. Question: From a designer standpoint how does the pink curtains tie in. Is that because that color is in the rug? My eye gets distracted by them. The room looks great. Can’t wait until you have the room finished.
It looks really great! I do like the mirror and am betting the floral fabric will pull all of it together as a finishing touch.
The colors look great together! Pillows etc will let you know what to do with the green mirror. Also, I notice lots of natural light in these shot and it’s wonderful 🙂
Love this. Can you please share the size of your living room?
Mine is same shape fireplace too and im wondering if this configuration would look as good in mine! I just dont have your vision…
Unfortunately my entry door opens right into Room so I feel I do loose usable space as a result…
Thanx in advance!
Bench made Home Furnishing Products Carefully Hand Built By Experienced Craftsmen And Women.
Too funny! This is the description on amazon! Love how it is experienced craftsmen, then women. Also, an experienced craftswoman, bought one!
Kristi, I am so grateful you post pictures of your home. I think your choices are stunning. The purple chairs (like the drapes, the art over the mantle, the color of the fireplace) are incredible.
I also appreciate that you reject “shabby chic” and modern farmhouse. I am so sick of those style I could scream!
Thank you for sharing with us!
I have followed this room from the very beginning- I LOVE this iteration! I think it epitomizes your style 🙂 I have seen decorators pull furniture away from the walls like you have in this room- what is the rationale? My amateur eye can’t figure out why it looks nicer than against the walls! Love, love love!
I get so much inspiration from your house! I recently bought curtains (I had no idea it would be so stressful!) and they are too long. I was going to do the puddling you have on yours, but one of the curtains is against a french door and each time we open it to let the dog out, I then have to fix it. I guess I’ll be doing some hemming in the near future!
I absolutely love everything this room is offering. However, personally I’m not a fan of the green mirror. Have you considered perhaps doing a gold that would match with the legs on the purple chairs? Give some sparkle? You are the pro though and whatever you decide will be perfect. Green is my favorite color by the way but I feel it’s out of place in this room. But, you do you…
LOVE IT! so glad to see you used the purple chairs, I would love to but my husband is less brave, also, while I’m pretty good for an amateur, I don’t have the skill to pull together the color scheme you’ve used throughout your home. It’s an art form. I love puddling drapes but having animals and outdoorsy guys in the house never gave it a go. I’d wait to decide on the green mirror…may be perfect when all else is in place. can’t wait to see it completed.
I have gone back to this post time and again. When I first saw it, my immediate reaction was against the green mirror and, I must say, it remains the same. It is distracting and it brings in one too many “feature” colors (the small amount of green in the art work and, the sconce shades, doesn’t count) and it doesn’t relate to the rug, the arbiter (dictator? determiner?) of the color pallet. I don’t think the rug actually has pink, but the pink relates to the light purple in it.
But my other objection to the mirror is that there doesn’t see to be a good design reason for it to be in the spot that it is in. It just seems odd there. It is a cool mirror and more deserving of a better placement. Perhaps it will work in the master bedroom, whether in its current color or in a different one.
So pretty, love how all the colors came together. Silly question from the non decorator me. Is there a reason you don’t angle the purple chairs towards each other a bit?
The chairs look great and it’s fun to see the room come together. Personally, I like the scalloped mirror color and it seems to pull green from the fireplace artwork. Great job–always fun to see what you are working on!!
The chairs are gorgeous!