What Should I Do With My Wallflutters?

I admit, I have a weakness for cute little three-dimensional things that are intended for the wall. Remember these Umbra Wallflowers that I suggested for Bailey’s room?

Well, the other day when I was in Bed, Bath & Beyond, I saw that they carry a limited selection of these Wallflowers (in two colors, I think), and then they had these cute little Wallflutters!

I’ve never been really big on dragonflies, but these are just too darn cute, and I love the brushed nickel finish (although they’re really plastic).  And plus, the name is just so perfect.  Wallflutters.  I love it!  So I brought them home, hoping to use them on the wall above my bed.

The cost was $19.99 for a set of 20 (five each of four different sizes), but I had a nifty little coupon, so I only paid $15.99.

Here’s my predicament:  I don’t know how to arrange them.  I love the freeform look, shown in the picture above.  That’s what I had intended to do, but honestly, freeform is just so hard for me to do.  I always love it when other people do it.  For example, Cassandra’s plate wall is simply wonderful!!

But why is it that I can never embrace the freeform for my own home?!  I’m all about symmetry and structure.  I try to break free, but it grabs hold of me and pulls me back.

So here’s the freeform look.  I don’t know that this is how I would actually arrange them for the long term, but it’ll give you an idea…

Now here’s an IDEA of what a more structured arrangement would look like. If I went for the structured, I would NOT place them directly on the wall. I would probably opt for a framed arrangement…perhaps an arrangement of three frames, and each frame would have two or three Wallflutters in it.

So tell me your thoughts. Am I being ridiculous? I know these were intended for a more freeform look. Why is it so hard for me?! Why do I need everything so structured and symmetrical?! Aarrgghhhh!!!!

I just need someone to tell me what to do.



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  1. There was something on that TV show Gossip Girl a while back, where Blair decorated Serena's bedroom, and had a "free-form" wall application above her bed. It looked fabulous!

    I think the reason it's not working in your space is because your space is already too confined. The dragonflies can't really be zooming across/above your headboard because there's nowhere for them to (visually) enter or exit the space.

    So how about making them zoom UP? They could be coming from behind/below your headboard, and flying up toward the ceiling? In a free-form way. Or you could just move them to a different wall, where they have room to be more loose.

    A good way to organize them that might work for you is to go to a clip art web site and do a search for "brush stroke." When you find one you like, arrange the wallflutters to match it. You know… it will sort of have a trailing off point (where there would be just a few, drawn-out dragonflies) and a larger, blob-y part (where there would be a cluster). That would help you create a free-form looking shape in a structured way. 🙂

    Good luck! Love your web site.

  2. Nice designs..I must say. I also love your latest obsession..the Egg Chair 🙂

    Will keep checking your posts

  3. If you're looking for luxurious bedding to match your beautiful bedroom, I would suggest looking into a feather bed! There's nothing like sinking into a luxurious pad of down filling at the end of the day!

  4. I am the same way…I want to embrace free form, but my type A personality gets the best of me each time.
    I would suggest a sort of combination of the two. Make the middle row sit higher up on the wall, while each row next to it stair steps down a bit, to sort of mirror the shape of your headboard. Does that make sense?

  5. I like them fluttering in a more natural pattern. It just doesn't look right to me all lined up perfectly because that's not how they look in the real world.

  6. I like the free form look also. It appeared in the store sample that there were small and large ones. Maybe if you had some smaller ones to replace a few on your free form example it might look good.

    Stephanie M.

  7. I personally prefer a random pattern as opposed to structured formation.

    Sadly the structured formation looks a little aggressive as it almost references fighter jets!

    I think the reason you are struggling to get a more natural free form is mainly down to the numbers. In this case 'less is more' I know it's tempting to display all of the dragonfly's you've purchased but the area simply isn’t big enough, try with less and see how you get, maybe place a few elsewhere in the room although not too sure about that without seeing the rest of the room. Good luck and I do like them and their name!

  8. I'm an order kind of gal like you. I totally dig the grid look. I, too, have a problem trying to make things look random…I think about it too much and it ends up looking over done. 🙂

  9. I know what you mean about things being symmetrical. I want everything even! But, I think the lined up flutters look very military. Like planes in formation. I would put up the freeform and live with it for a while. It may grow on you…

  10. Go with the Free Form, Kristi.
    Free form or randomly is more the natural look.
    Just my two cents 😉
    Paula Jo

  11. Although a great adherent to classic symmetry, I feel that in this instance the insects should be allowed to fly free.

  12. Hi Kristi, Love these little guys! A little whimsy is fun and even though I'm partial to the fighter jet look :)(heheh), maybe if you used fewer flutters with lots of space in between them and free formed them in a structural sort of way–like a mirror image, or. . .OK, this is sounding so incoherent that it's not even worth 2 cents–I will give up and just wait and see what your solution will be–I know it will be cool!

  13. I vote for free form. Dragon flies don't fly in order they fly free form. Put them up on the wall and just live with it for a while. You'll get used to it.

  14. Free form! No structure with dragon flies! I normally go for even Steven structure, but not in this case. My guess is…they won't end up on that particular wall anyway! 🙂

  15. Freeform. Maybe fewer in number.When planting spring bulbs, they suggest that you just toss them onto the ground. You would definitely have to adapt this for a wall.Something to kinda mark the spots.

  16. I love the structured pattern. I like them directly on the grass cloth, too! But I would spray paint them a vibrant blue (or any bright color) for a little pinash. 🙂

  17. i also love the umbra wall flowers but i made them into a chandelier in my stairwell, used lights, fishing wire, i love them!!

  18. Laura, that is an absolutely brilliant idea!!! Do you have pictures? I'd love to see how it turned out! Do you have a blog? If not, please, please, pretty please send me some pictures!!! [email protected]

  19. Go with the Free Form, Kristi.
    Free form or randomly is more the natural look.
    Just my two cents 😉
    Paula Jo

  20. If you're looking for luxurious bedding to match your beautiful bedroom, I would suggest looking into a feather bed! There's nothing like sinking into a luxurious pad of down filling at the end of the day!

  21. Nice designs..I must say. I also love your latest obsession..the Egg Chair 🙂

    Will keep checking your posts