I Have Pink Studio Cabinets!

It’s taken a long time to get to this point, but I finally have a wall of pink cabinets in the studio! The wall is not completely finished. I still have have a long list of things that still need to be done (which I’ll detail after I show you the painted cabinets). But at least this is a major step towards getting this wall finished!

And this wall being unfinished won’t stop me from admiring the wall of lower pink cabinets because just getting to this point was this was quite the feat. It was a long and drawn out process, from installing the cabinets, sanding the doors and drawer fronts, adding trim, caulking, priming and painting.

Nothing about that was particularly difficult…except this stupid 6-drawer cabinet in the middle…

I put the drawers together, disassembled them, and reassembled them so many times I lost count. I was convinced that IKEA’s instructions regarding the placement of the drawer slides were wrong, so I installed them where I thought they made sense. And they looked pretty good! (The picture above was taken after I went rogue, tossed IKEA’s instructions on the rubbish pile, and did it my own way.)

But I just couldn’t leave it alone. I couldn’t stand the thought that they weren’t put together according to the instructions. So I disassembled them one last time, and painstakingly went through every page of instructions again.

And I finally found my mistake. I had somehow missed that the very bottom drawer front goes on a different way than the other five. Once I made that correction, everything else went together perfectly. 😀 But I assembled and reassembled so many times that I’m pretty sure I now qualify as an expert at assembling IKEA Maximera drawers for the Sektion cabinets. I can assemble a Maximera drawer, drawer front and all, in about two minutes now. 😀

After I figured out that cabinet, everything else went together very easily. Here’s how it looks so far.

Like I said, I still need to finish the trim on the sides and at the floor, and the cabinet doors don’t have door pulls on them yet. But look at this gorgeous color!

I honestly couldn’t be more pleased with how this is turning out. The color is absolutely perfect for me. It’s pink and fresh and feminine without being too bright or too princess pink or too Barbie pink.

The color is from Sherwin Williams (I found it at Lowe’s), and it’s called Tuberose. I had it mixed in Behr Premium Plus paint in an eggshell finish (because I’m always at Home Depot and Behr is my favorite general purpose paint). And then I topcoated it with General Finishes High Performance Topcoat in a flat finish (affiliate link). I know many of you have asked about the painting process, and I’ll share all of those details very soon. For the whole process, I used a roller, a brush, and my little sprayer (affiliate link).

The drawer pulls are from Amazon. I used these 10-inch pulls on the drawers, and then I got these matching knobs to go on the doors, and these smaller 5-inch pulls for the cabinet by the breakfast room door. (affiliate links)

I’m so glad I waited to finish off this wall of cabinets at the bottom because I’ve changed my mind on how I want that to be done. I had originally planned on the countertop on this wall to be a standard desk height (30 inches high) with two desk areas and two desk chairs.

And then I decided to eliminate the desk areas, put cabinets all the way across, and use IKEA Sektion cabinets instead of building my own. That meant that the countertop would be higher than 30 inches.

So without those desk areas, I figured that this 20-foot countertop would be more of a storage surface where I would place things like my sewing machine that I don’t want stowed away in a cabinet. What I didn’t count on is that the new height (about 33 inches) is the perfect height for me to stand and work. I have already gotten so much use out of this countertop! Over the last few days, I’ve used just about every square inch of the 20-foot width of the countertop as a work surface, and it has been absolutely amazing.

So now, instead of adding trim to the bottom and finishing it out like I would do on a built-in bookcase, I want to move those feet back (the 3-inch-high utilitarian feet that I made and added) about 4 inches and have a toekick like kitchen cabinets have so that I can stand comfortably at this countertop to work on projects. I’m going to get so much use out of this area!! And the fact that I used hot glue to attach those feet instead of nails or screws will allow me to make this adjustment very easily even at this late stage.

In all of these pictures, the bottom trim is sitting towards the front (none of that trim is attached yet) in the position I was originally planning. This is how I would trim out the bottom of bookcases without a toekick, but not the bottom of kitchen cabinets that needs a toekick.

So I still have a few items on the checklist that I need to finish before this wall is finished. I kind of want to paint the black pendant lights gold. I like having a little bit of black in the room, but I bought these years ago. Now that I’m finally finishing the room, I’m wanting things to be more light and airy and feminine, and the black seems heavy to me. What do you think? Keep them black? Paint them gold to match the drawer pulls?

I know I’ve said many times, but I’ll say it again. I absolutely LOVE these IKEA Sektion cabinets. The two sections that have three drawer fronts actually have four drawers. There’s a fourth drawer hidden behind that top drawer front.

And all of the drawers come with little plastic pieces that cover those areas on the sides of the drawer boxes that don’t look so pretty right now. That’s where the screws are that you use to do the fine adjustments on the drawer fronts (moving them left and right, or up and down). As soon as all of my adjustments are done, and everything is perfectly spaced, I’ll pop those covers on and it’ll look much more finished.

And I’m absolutely giddy about this middle section with the six shallow drawers. These will be perfect for organizing art pens and pencils, pads of watercolor and yupo paper, sewing items and spools of thread, and so much more.

I feel like I could sit in here and just stare at this wall all day. 😀 And it’s not even finished yet! But that mural and the cabinet color make me so happy.

So what still needs to be done on this wall? There are quite a few things!

  1. Finish the countertop (i.e., the two missing pieces in the back corners),
  2. Install the toe kick, paint and clear coat,
  3. Install the side trim on the cabinets, paint and clear coat,
  4. Finish the side strips on the mural and finish trimming the mural,
  5. Install the knobs on the doors,
  6. Finish wiring the outlets (three to go) inside the cabinets,
  7. Install the countertop grommet outlets,
  8. Add the shelves inside the cabinets,
  9. Wood fill, sand, caulk, prime, and paint the window trim,
  10. Paint the pendant lights (maybe),
  11. Clean the windows,
  12. Install the window shades.

And that’s just one wall. 😀 Then I have three more walls, a back entry, a bathroom, and a storage closet to finish. It’s a really big room! At least I’m to a point where I can actually see some pretty significant progress and I no longer feel like I’m stuck in my own version of the movie Groundhog Day, so I’m feeling more motivated with each passing day.

I’ll leave you with one more look. (And please note that the lights aren’t even installed right now. They’re literally hanging by the wires. I had to undo them to paint the ceiling, but once they’re installed, they’ll be raised at least six inches, as you can see by the placement of the canopy. And the final height will be determined after they’re properly installed, and will be based on my height and where they work best for me.)



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  1. Love the color. Absolutely love that you did not put gold ink etc to the cabinet fronts. Yes, paint the black lights and raise them.

      1. I agree with her. Gold pendants and I think gold trim would take away from the mural and feel. Your wouldn’t know where too look

        1. I agree with above comments. Do not put the gold on the cabinet and drawer front. I believe this is a case of less is more!

  2. Oh my goodness, my jaw dropped. It’s beautiful! I love the color, especially with the gold hardware, sorry to your Mom ;). It’s looking so good! Keep up the hard work.

  3. Wow, the tuberose color is perfect, and I’m so happy the height functions so well for your work space. I think I am on team gold for the lights, but I might would wait till the end to be sure. I am excited to see all the organization of your tools in your drawers and cabinets.. probably a weird thing to look forward to, but can’t wait!

  4. Maybe raise the height of the lights. I know they may work for you but if a tall person were to stand there the lights would hit them in the nose, lol. The first thing my eye goes to is the low height of the lights, not focusing on the pretty mural or cabinets.

  5. Ahhhhh so good!! I like the black lights right now because I agree about having a hit of black in a room. Not sure where else black would go right now? I’d just wait for now.

  6. It really looks pretty! And I would suggest painting the lights and maybe raise them just a tad bit, so you don’t bonk your head! I know you had wanted them to line up with the center window frame, but I don’t think that matters! I would center them in the upper window glass area.

  7. It’s almost perfect! Absolutely love it! Yes, paint the lights, then it will be perfect. You are amazing , following you is so much fun!

  8. I think painting the lights gold is a brilliant idea! The black is a bit to masculine and the gold will be just the right touch!

  9. Wow! Gorgeous – I could work in that room all day or just sit with a friend and have a cup of coffee and dream of projects. You nailed it! Again, Wow!

  10. I’m not surprised that you are adding a toe kick to the cabinets. It looks like a great work surface. Beautiful.

  11. I love those lamps – I’ve been meaning to ask several times – where did you get them from? They are lovely, I’m looking for something exactly like that for my kitchen, but tough luck.

  12. Gorgeous! Yes to painting the pendants. It will be easy-thus immediate gratification! (Unlike most of your projects). Wish I had your skills!!!!

  13. Oh my gosh! This room will be STUNNING! I wasn’t sure about the pink cabinets, but that I see them painted and in place, I don’t see how you could have chosen any other color. I love it! And my vote is to definitely paint the shades gold.

  14. Absolutely stunning. Beautiful place to work. Congratulations on a VERY attractive space. Yes to gold lights. More feminine. More you.

  15. No wonder you are absolutely giddy about the middle section with all of the drawers. And…no wonder you absolutely love those IKEA cabinets. With your beautiful wall mural and the color of pink you have painted those cabinets, you have created a masterpiece. It’s all beautiful. You’re right about the lights too. They will be outstanding painted gold. The gold and pink look fabulous. All I can say now is WOW!

  16. I love the pink and gold! I think you should paint the lights gold. Can’t wait to see the final!! Looks beautiful and functional!

  17. INCREDIBLE 💖 your patience certainly pays off and it couldn’t be more perfect. I’d eat all my meals sitting on the floor taking in that view!

  18. I think it depends on if you want the pendants to be a feature or to blend. The black kind of fades into the window (at least at night, lol) so they aren’t drawing my eye. Gold would be more of a look-at-these! look, which works if you want them to be a bright feature.

  19. This is the wall of cabinets of my dreams!!! Everything about this is so great! Congrats on getting to this point!

  20. I would paint the inside part of the light gold, and highlight the outer edge, and maybe a band or two of gold toward the top. I like some black in the room, but agree it could be lightened a bit.

    Fantastic progress. What a thrill for us to watch the stages unfold; this room is incredible!

    1. The black seems to help ground all of the color, especially if you intend to incorporate it throughout the space. I was also going to suggest painting the inside of the pendants gold. I agree that adding the gold accent to the rim, and maybe the banded area toward the top, would be a nice touch.

      It’s all coming together perfectly!!

  21. If it were me, I would paint the shades gold and wait until I finished everything to make the decision about adding gold to cabinets. So excited for you. I love it!

  22. Cabinet color and gold pulls look beautiful! I vote yes to painting the lights gold too. I’m try to figure out how you will move the feet back on the cabinets without damaging the cabinets or the counter top. I know you glued them on but aren’t the cabinets attached to the back wall?

  23. I really like that you plan to make a standing height work bench. I thonk that will be very useful. I am also so happy that you will be trimming the cabinets and light in gold. (Although your kitchen is perfect for you, I miss those gorgeous green and gold cabinets!) This studio is going to be awesome! I am so very happy for you!
    Sheila F.

  24. I truly enjoy reading your posts when you are so happy and excited about how a project is going. Congratulations!

  25. It all looks beautiful!! I would paint the lights a different color or a different metal, like copper, hammered finish maybe? Can’t wait to see what you decide.

  26. I’m not a pink-loving person but even I love that color! Looking forward to seeing the finished view. I also definitely agree the lamps should be gold. the black right now puts in a too sober note, for me. Have fun finishing.

  27. I hope you’ll show how you move the feet back to create your toekick area. I can’t picture how you’d do that without destroying the makeshift feet (unless hot-glued surfaces easily detach from one another?). Nor how you’d slide them back without raising the cabinets (unless the cabinets are so securely attached to the back wall that they essentially “float”?). Part of the appeal of your blog is that you teach readers how to do things they might not think they were capable of doing.

  28. YESSS! Just beautiful. Sorry Mom. Gold for the win. 🤷‍♂️ And yes to the gold pendant lights also. Pink and gold work perfectly together. Its coming along so nicely, can’t wait to see it totally finished with toe kick in place too. You are so amazing!!

  29. I was thinking to myself last week that you wouldn’t leave those pendant shades black. LOL. I also figured you’d end up changing the drum shade over your desk to the colour balance of so many other things have changed now.

    And weren’t you thinking of recovering your desk chair …

    1. I will be changing the drum shade and recovering the chair. I just can’t decide what I want to use on the chair. Or the drum shade. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll probably have a smaller version of the bathroom wallpaper printed on fabric for the desk chair. Still not sure about the shade, though.

  30. I love this area. It is bright, fun and inspiring. I would just sit in here and stare at the wall and be in my happy space. Awesome already and can’t wait to see the rest finished . I have been a follower for 10 years and love everything you have done, this is my favorite.

  31. Gorgeous!

    For those lights, rather than gold, how about the darker purple in your floral walls?
    Checks the feminine box and still gives you a darker color for another box checked.

    I suspect gold will call more attention to the lights instead of those flowers behind them.

  32. I think the cabinets turned out great. I like the light fixtures in black but also think gold would be pretty. Definitely raise the lights so the bottom is at the top of the window glass or the mullion that divides the top window in half. Is there someone who could hold them and raise and lower them while you stand back to see what height you like best?

  33. It’s amazing that after (involuntarily) looking at all the Barbie pics, these pink pictures make my heart sing instead of them being too much 😉 I wouldn’t have thought that I like the colour so much, but I do! As to your lampshades, how about painting them gold on the inside so that the light is reflected off it and is warmer, but leave them black on the outside? I do love those shades! I recommend that you to put them to a convenient height to not bump your head on them while working in that area – try it with different tasks before deciding on the height (I keep bumping my head on the lamps over our dinner table and it is so annoying!).
    That is such serendipity that the height of the cabinets is so perfect for you – I always thought it a shame to let this be “only” storage.
    I finished the book shelves I painted (thanks again for your tip re the brush!!) and installed them tonight and finally managed to store away the mountains of books which had accumulated on the floor. It made me so so happy – I have a clear idea of how happy you will be to fill all these drawers! Having a place for all your stuff might be one of the best things for organizing our homes.

  34. The cabinet color is gorgeous! Yep, paint the lights gold. Can’t go wrong with that. But “gilding the lily” on the cabinets would add yet another detail, compelling the eye to bounce around the room to take it all in.

    As you have explained, there will be yet more embellishment on the ‘furniture’ piece on the wall by the door. And I suspect more of something will be added to the walls. How about holding back until everything else is done and then making the decision about trimming the cabinets with gold?

    As for your assembling practice sessions, I laughed as I remembered the adage, “if all else fails, read directions.”

  35. Just absolutely beautiful! So happy feeling yet soft. Love it. Yes I think the lights should match drawer pulls but black isn’t bad at all. Great job!

  36. How about painting the trim on the pendants gold so they don’t get lost when looking at that wall.

    Have you thought about painting the toe kicks black? That really grounds cabinets and would give you another place for black.

    Beautiful cabinets!

  37. I would forgo the gold trim and do larger gold pulls on the cabinet doors instead of knobs. I think the gold on the trim will look dated. And yes, do the lights in gold. So happy this is turning out to match your vision perfectly! It looks gorgeous .

  38. Love, love, love the cabinets and the color! Gorgeous. We’ve been waiting years to see those cabinets. LOL! It was worth the wait!

  39. So beautiful darling! truly inspiring.
    I’d be painting the shades gold too. 100%.
    but your gut is always exactly spot on – so whatever you decide i KNOW – from following you for ever – it will be perfect!
    big celebratory hugs and happy dance!

  40. Every time I look at one of your posts I am in awe of your fabulous choices. This is lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  41. So gorgeous!!! I would sit and look at it all day for real!! I’m on Team Gold Lights, but for another reason. If they’re left black, you’ll be a slave to a dust cloth!! Gold will show dust less than black.

  42. Looks great! And as a long-time IKEA Sektion fan (two kitchens, assembled by myself), I’m glad to hear you are, too. After my first kitchen, I spent days just opening and closing the doors like a simpleton. And IKEA is NEVER wrong in their instructions, it’s always you (or me, I should say, haha). As for the pendant lights, why not give them a little design moment of their own? If this was my space, I’d pull out that lovely citrusy-green from the wallpaper and paint the lights in a more saturated version of that color. Or maybe go with the blue-ish color. The black definitely has to go, but I think gold would just be too tastefully “expected.” be bold!

  43. LOVE!
    As to the light fixtures, gold sounds pretty but I’d wait until the room is more finished before deciding.

  44. GIIIIIRL… I’m scrolling through, reading the post, and I get to the first photo of the wall of pink cabinets. My jaw LITERALLY DROPPED.

    This is such a FANTASTIC space!!!

  45. I have never commented on your blog but after seeing the cabinets I had to say they are STUNNING! Simply beautiful!

  46. My thoughts are to wait on the lite color till your room comes together, then make that call. It will be simple to do later, and you may really like the black in the finished room, I do!

  47. Gorgeous so far. I agree with others on waiting on the pendant shade color, as there is plenty left to do in the room and you may end up liking them as is when it’s all said and done. I always like a black accent, so long as there are a few other black elements (rolling work stool?) when it’s fully finished. However, perhaps you would consider a DEEEEP, dark plum/indigo? Color pulled from the mural, and I mean barely indistinguishable to the eye from regular black except in certain lighting, yet would covertly take the harsh edge off the current full-blown black 😀

  48. Maybe paint the pendants one of the purples or blues from the wallpaper? The contrast is nice, but I agree the black is too harsh.