My Beautiful Deep Purple (Eggplant) Studio Doors

When it came to the paint color decision for the doors in the back entry of my studio, I left the decision up to y’all. And after tallying over 600 votes, the deep, dark eggplant color was the clear winner. Here’s the mock-up I did showing the back doors painted white, the two side doors in the deep eggplant color, and the colorful curtains on the back door.

I was actually very excited that this color ended up being the winner. It’s a gorgeous color that I’ve used in another room in the house, so I already knew it was a color I enjoy having in our home.

I decided to use the same eggplant color that I used on the buffet in our breakfast room (i.e., current temporary sitting room). That paint color is Black Sapphire from Behr.

So with my brand new quart of Behr Black Sapphire in hand, I began painting the studio doors. I started on the door on the left, which is the one that I had previous attempted to stain. Since all of those products (the Retique It primer and the stain) were water-based, I didn’t do a lot of prep work. I just did a little sanding over the stained area, and then painted the first coat. That first coat looked pretty rough! But the color was gorgeous.

I was a little concerned that a second coat of paint might make the doors too dark. The Black Sapphire buffet in the breakfast room is sitting right by a wall of windows, so it’s always sitting in lots of natural light during the day. But the back entry of the studio doesn’t get as much natural light as the breakfast room. So I decided to wait and see.

The other door gave me a better idea of what it would look like with a second coat because this door started out black.

Here’s what that black door looked like after the first coat of Black Sapphire, which was still very wet when I took this picture.

I decided that it was a little bit too dark. Again, that color above was wet paint, and it would dry darker. Basically, I wanted the dry color to be like the wet color, so I decided to add just a little bit of white to the remaining paint in the one quart container. The entire amount of white was no more than a tablespoon. But I think it was enough to make a slight difference with the second coat of paint.

So here’s what the doors look like now that they’re dry…

It’s such an interesting color. At first glance, one might think that the doors are black. But they’re definitely not black.

I might possibly add just a little more white and do one more coat on these doors, but I’m going to wait. I think with these doors being right next to the floral pattern on the curtains, which has that dark purple color in it, the color of the doors will be more obviously deep eggplant and not black.

Here’s what the doors look like in natural light. That color is definitely not black. That is a deep, gorgeous eggplant.

I was so hoping that I could get the back doors finished as well, but after doing all of that prep work and finally getting them to a point where they were ready to be painted, I searched and searched and couldn’t find any white paint anywhere. I paint all of my trim Behr Polar Bear, and it’s very unusual for me not to have some of that color on hand. But evidently, I’m completely out of trim paint, and I wasn’t in the mood for a trip to Home Depot yesterday evening. (I’m definitely in my December slow down mode, and I just want to sit in my comfy recliner, wrap up with a blanket, and watch stupid Christmas rom-com movies. 😀 ) So I’ll get those back doors painted today.

I also bought a new curtain rod for the door. The curtain rod that used to be up there was black…

studio back entry with painted chevron floor and green walls

My first thought was to paint it gold and reuse it. I don’t have a problem with the idea of painting curtain rods. The curtain rods in our living room are painted, and I think they look great.

But painting curtain rods is such a hassle. The process is a pain, and then you have to be very careful installing them because the paint can easily scratch off until the paint is fully cured, but that takes a long time (sometimes up to 30 days).

Then I had the idea to use the acrylic curtain rods that I used in our living room years ago.

I still have the acrylic curtain rods, but I no longer have the brackets. Those brackets were such a pain, so I vowed never to use them again, and I got rid of them. So if I ever find a use for the acrylic rods, I’ll need to find new brackets that can accommodate a 1.5-inch diameter curtain rod. Those are kind of hard to find since most curtain rods are 1.5-inch diameter or smaller.

But that’s exactly what I was looking for when I came across this beautiful curtain rod on Amazon.

I love the simple design of those brackets! So I just went ahead and ordered that curtain rod and rings. They won’t be here before Christmas, but that’s okay. There’s no way I can get the curtains made by then, anyway. So that will be one of the finishing projects that I’ll have to leave for the beginning of the year.

But it’s coming along, and I absolutely love these eggplant-colored doors! If I had to go with paint, this was definitely the right choice.



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  1. They look awesome. I can see the purple color on them, I know what lighting does to a photograph and also throughout the day how light changes colors. I think you smacked that one out of the park. I cannot wait to see the final results with the room. I loved the part about throwing out the brackets that were a pain and then only to sort of need them again…story of my life, or if the Army moved us and lost all the curtain hardware…which happened, twice. So, I got creative with Luan and made my own brackets, but they were for very different curtain rods.
    Keep going, the efforts are beautiful. I just love all the color. Cheers.

  2. Looks better than I thought it would because I was so set on dark green. Love the curtain rod. Very pretty with all your colors and gold leaf gold. You can do just about anything. I am amazed. Hope you and Matt have a nice weekend.

  3. I would never have picked eggplant to paint doors in my house. All of my doors and wood trim are painted boring old ivory. I love your bold taste and think the color looks great with the green walls. When the drapes are up it will be even more striking!

  4. I didn’t vote because I couldn’t decide but I do like how they have turned out and look forward to seeing the area in the coming year with the curtains up.

  5. LOVE THE DOORS! I have my front and back door painted a deep purple and they bring me joy every day. Can’t wait to see the finished curtains!

  6. I’m curious as to what you used to paint the doors. I.E. brushes? rollers? foam? spray?
    I have 25 of the same style, 6 panel, doors to paint. I chose white when I bought them but they look cream color, not a bright white, so I have to paint all of them to get the white I want. Altho . . . I absolutely love the eggplant and might just go crazy on a couple closet doors and double doors into my sewing room from the garage. My 2 wall colors in the living area are pale aqua and pale gray. The sewing room is white walls.

  7. Another winner, Kristi! They look great, and I’m looking forward to seeing the French doors painted and the curtains hung. This will be a very elegant and colorful part of your studio.

  8. Doors look great. I am having a problem with viewing your posts. Don’t knowbif it’s my problem or a problem with your posts.
    I gather you have to allow ads to pop up but it’s getting so I can’t scroll past the ads and have to restart everything all over again. So I don’t want to Unsubscribe but when I have to restart 3 or 4vtimes I just give up on reading it. Any suggestions to help me or isvthisvthe way it is snd I just have to continue or ???
    Thanks for any help from viewers.

    1. Wow, I thought it was just me. As I was reading this post, your comments there were 4 pop ups. 2 on the right, 2 layer & running on the bottom. I don’t enjoy them either. It seems scrolling down the article takes longer to load.

  9. Oh my goodness Kristi those doors make your studio entryway look stunning. So Classy.
    I’m so glad you let your blog followers pick one of the colors you selected had for your choice. You did a marvelous job……well, actually you have done a marvelous on all of your projects. I’m so glad I’m one of your followers.

  10. Kristi,
    That’s beauiful! But, lm pre disposed to those colors because my bedroom comforter set has those colors. Its deep purple irises and green accents on thow pillows and skirt. Purple and irises are my favorites! My master bath cabinets are that deep purple and also the wainscoting in my bedroom. My comforter has little touches of a dark coral color in tiny flowers.Ive been useing it for 10 years and its my favorite room. So of course I’m in love with your entrance way!!

  11. Hi Kristi, I love how you go thru so many thought processes while figuring out what will work best for you! Your willingness to make changes is to be commended. Fear paralyzes so many of us and we just give up. I’m also writing because I’ve lost you on Instagram and I became worried about you and your hubby. I will try to get your feed again, but just wanted to let you know what you do is so inspiring to me!

  12. Wow, I just love that color. When it’s all done it will be spectacular for sure. Looking forward to watching things come to life next year. I’m so glad you are trying to take some time for the holidays and enjoy what ever you do! Merry Christmas to you and Matt, and all the fur babies.