Which Dining Table Should I Use?
I need y’all to weigh in on which dining table I should use in my dining room.
You know the saga of my dining table. I built it, then I stained the top and painted the base. Then I painted the base again. Then I painted the whole table. Then I stripped the top and tried staining it. Then I painted it. Then I painted it again.
Or something like that. To be honest, I’ve lost count.
But each time I try something new, at least one person comments that perhaps it’s the table I don’t like, and that’s why I’ve gone through so many colors/combos and I’m still not satisfied.
Well, I wasn’t open to that suggestion…until yesterday. As I was proofreading yesterday’s post, I scrolled to the last picture of the dining table, and my first thought was, “Did I actually give that table a chance?”
I don’t think I did. So now I’m giving it a chance. But I have no idea which one would be better, so I need your input.
And please don’t get sidetracked by paint color. I’m just concerned about the table, and I’ll worry about color later.
Option number one is the farmhouse style table. It’s 62″ x 42″.
My draperies are down right now until I get the rest of the walls painted (they’ll all be white). But the table is the issue here. I love that this table has three leaves and very long table slides to accommodate those three leaves, and probably even one more.
The second option is this double pedestal table. It’s a bit larger than the farmhouse table, at 66″ x 43.5″. It looks a little cramped because it’s sitting in the music room right now. It’s completely sanded and ready to be painted, if I go this direction.
EDIT: This table is lower than standard dining table height, which is why it looks like it’s sitting on the arms of the chairs. It is. 🙂 If I use it, I’ll raise it up to standard table height so it doesn’t sit on the arms of the chairs.
So I had a few issues with this table, which is why I wrote it off a while back. First, I had my heart set on a stained wood table, and this table is made of so many different materials (MDF, a plastic-looking material, metal, wood veneer) that there’s no way I could get a stain to look good. But I’m over the need for a stained table now, so that’s no longer an issue.
I also didn’t like the little rectangle details on the pedestals and on the corners of the apron. Those look like Santa Claus belt buckles to me, but perhaps those would disappear once the gold-ish accents are gone and the table is painted a solid color (probably black).
And finally, I didn’t like that the table only has one leaf, and the table slides don’t open very wide to accommodate much more. But it dawned on me yesterday that if I decide to use this table, I can just switch out these table slides for the really long (and new and strong) table slides that I used on the farmhouse table.
So those are my two options at this point. What say you?
Option One! The walls will be white, this table adds a bit of color, is extremely versatile and… you built it! And I love it…. The base of the second table is visually distracting to me as there is already plenty of scroll n the fabric of the chairs. Yup, Option One.
Ditto, Option 1. Second table is way too busy and will subtract from your developing genius for other detail.
I don’t like either choice. If going pedestal do one with only one pedestal. The “farmhouse ” table legs are not attractive. Would a round table work? I’m new to your site so I don’t know your history.
Table two. It’s funny I was just reading your other post about how you initially wanted farmhouse style and changed because it was so not you. The first table is lovely, but I think you’re taking a style that isn’t you and trying to turn it into something you love.
That’s EXACTLY what I thought! “Farmhouse…hmmm…she said that’s not her style…ditch the farmhouse table.” 🙂
I agree. Option 2!!
Right! Nix the “farmhouse” table. It would go well in my home, but probably not yours.
Table #2! There are a lot of squares and rectangles in the room, I think the oval shape of the table softens the look of the room. Plus, there’s no corners to run into! Maybe I’m the only one with that problem!😄
I agree with Marsha for the reasons she states, plus the curve of Table #2 really works well with the curves in the chair that you made. Perhaps if you had a different oval table with cleaner lines, I’d like that best of all. But since you already have that one, it too can work.
Table #1 is nice too, but I prefer #2 for that particular room.
I agree. I think option 2 with the changes you said you could make to it would work better. What could it hurt to go on and paint it and see how you like it? If you don’t, you can go ahead and sell it and get more for it since it is already painted. Who knows? Maybe the details and pedestals you don’t like won’t stand out as much once they are painted. I think this style table is more formal and go with your chairs much better than the farmhouse style. Just wondering if there is anyway to change to pedestals out to something that aren’t as ornate or heavy looking or changing the little “buckle” details you don’t like to look different. If nothing else, you could sell both tables after option 2 is painted and buy something that fits better, if you’re still not happy with them. Good luck! Whatever you do, I’m sure it will be fabulous!
Option 2
It’s more in keeping with your overall style. The farmhouse table is not — and I think that’s why you keep making it over and that’s why you are just not satisfied.
I like the farmhouse table, by the way, it’s much like the one I have in my dining room. A friend built it for me. However, my style is not nearly as formal as yours.
I have to agree, it seems that your home is shaping up to be a lot more formal than the typical person who would opt for a farmhouse table. I mean your walls and cabinetry are gold leafed for goodness sake!
Though I personally preferred the farmhouse table with a stained top and black base (the wood top makes more of a lived-in look to me, instead of a magazine worthy room you don’t actually use)
Table one is more casually elegant than the second table option. The formal taste that’s developing in your home may call for something more ornate, like table 2.
The pedestal table! Definitely…looks way better for where you are going with that room.
I always prefer a pedestal table base. Easier to maneuver chairs and add extra seating if needed without cramping someone next to a table leg. It does need to be able to expand.
It wouldn’t hurt to go ahead and paint the double pedestal table and try it out in the room prior to making the the slide changes to see what you like better. If you don’t like it, then the table is all ready to sell.
I agree!
It depends a lot on your leaves. I personally do not like how leaves look without a skirt. Other than that I think I am leaning to the more formal pedestal table. The too formal appearance will be removed by painting it. I LOVE your style and reasoning. Your dining room will be perfect!
I think table one and the chair style do not match and do not coordinate well together. The table base on option two seems to match the chairs better.
I agree. The rectangular table fights with the curves on the chair.
Yes, I agree. I also think perhaps table 1 is another straight line as opposed to table 2 which would add some more curves and break up some of the strong horizontals and verticals.
I was thinking the same thing. I almost hate to make a comment because you alway turn something I think will never work to something fabulous. But you have square/rectangle window, fireplave cutains, and just the space itself, maybe a curved table would be more pleasing. Also you have these beautiful chairs but they are sizable and your farm table doesn’t feel solid enough next to them. What ever you choose will give me decorating envy and cant wait to see what you decide.
Yep, I agree with Laura. I definitely like #2 better.
Table 2 for all the above reasons!
I agree. The curve of the 2nd table repeats the curve of the chair. It also opens up the room as the “legs” are not blocking the visual of the room. Personally, I love the farmhouse table….just in that room it seems too big and overwhelming for the space. Maybe a different table all together with a simpler pedestal base.
And I also agree. The chair and the second table go extremely well together, but the chair fights with the straight lines of the first table… BUT… the first table goes with the design/lines of the room… so it’s a tossup for me! I like the chair with the second table but I like the first table in that particular space but maybe not with that chair.
I think both tables are awesome. And I love the color of the first one. I had to say that just because it’s really pretty. 😉
Looking at both pictures, I find I lean toward the oval table simply because the rectangular one is so linear. You have the striped curtains (which I love) and the lines of the windows and then the long line of the table with the lines of the fireplace. My gut reaction is you need the oval table with the soft lines of the chairs to perhaps soften the lines of the room. I do agree the base of the oval table isn’t that appealing but for me I like the rounded lines of the tabletop. 🙂
I agree! The oval lines contribute more to the room.
I agree about the shape as well. I think the oval top of the pedestal table softens the room a bit. I am not that crazy about the pedestals themselves, but you do so much magic anyways with your furniture that I am sure these will end up looking great as well.
I know that this isn’t one of the options you gave, but I think you should use the money you get from purging your other furniture and buy a table that you really love. Even if it’s expensive, find exactly the table you want and splurge on it! You have put so much time and effort into making the farmhouse table work but it still doesn’t feel right, and the other table isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. So I think you should get the perfect table that you will absolutely love and not settle for one that’s just good enough.
I actually agree with this!
The farmhouse table doesn’t fit with the symmetrical more formal look of the room. I like the oval one but the pedestal seems a bit too much with everything you’ve got going on the chairs.
Good luck, I know you will find the perfect one!
What does your gut say when you surf Houzz? Do either of these tables resemble ones on the site that you look at and say WOW!? Maybe the answer is behind door number three – neither a or b?
Having said that, I agree that the room could use some curves to soften it up, but I’m not crazy about the base (a personal opinion, of course) It seems like it’s been much harder lately for you to make decisions you’re sure of? Life’s been happening a lot – as my Grandma said “A change is as good as a rest” Maybe focus on non decorating decisions for a bit? Or do whatever will bring you peace, calm and joy? Not trying to step on your toes, just a thought.
I agree with option 3.
Me, too. I don’t think either table is going to work with those awesome chairs. They seem to dwarf both of the tables. Find a more ‘substantial’ table to bring out the beauty of the chairs. Use the cute farmhouse table with your banquette.
I agree. If you don’t absolutely love either of these go with option 3. Live with the one that requires the least amount of work until you find a table that you love. I’m with you on collecting tables I currently have 3 kitchen tables. 2 in the shed. One in use. I haven’t found my perfect table yet either.
I agree – option #3! Kristi – you will know it when you see it. And you have not seen it yet! Stop trying to make what you have fit what you want. Go find what you really want. You will have an AHA! moment when you find it. 🙂
I agree with Option #3 !!!! Sell these two tables and with all the purge money buy the table you absolutely love!
Option 3. Get what you want–you will feel so satisfied and happy in the end. The other 2 tables both have merit, but it seems you will always feel a sense of “I wish I would have done something else.” Personally, I’m not feeling farmhouse table with the beautiful drapes. They seem like two very different styles to me. Whatever you do, it will be gorgeous, as everything you do is!
I agree with SARA. I like the oval table and I think the room needs the oval for the same reasons TONIA mentioned, but I don’t care for the pedestals and from what you’ve said the pedestals are also what’s bothering you about this table. The pedestals are large and fight for attention and become a distraction. So, maybe an Option #3 is needed. Find an oval table with simpler pedestals you like and go for it! 🙂
I was going to say Option 2, because as soon as I saw it I was wondering why you didn’t use it. But Option 3 really does feel like the right thing after reading all the materials on this table.
I don’t think you’ll have any trouble selling the tables in Waco and you can Get What You Want!
I agree. If I’m remembering correctly, Kristi, your original inspiration was a beautiful wood table with a soft looking stained finish and you also loved a very modern looking metal table. I would revisit those inspiration photos before continuing with either of the tables under current consideration.
I agree with this choice. You really aren’t happy with either table. You originally wanted a stained table. Find one that you absolutely LOVE and buy
I think Sara has a great idea. It’s only 1 piece of furniture, you’re making your chairs, so give yourself a break. My problem with the “farmhouse” table is that it’s the only aspect of “farmhouse” in your whole house and just doesn’t work. You can love that look but it just isn’t in the cards in this instance. I bet it gets sold in less than 24 hours, it’s a great table, just doesn’t work. And, the pedestal table, nah, I see a future of 6 revisions of it too before giving up. I too tried to cram all of my must have loves in my first forever (yes there ended up being multiples) home and learned that just because you love, love, love it doesn’t mean that it will work or that there will be room in the house. 🙁
Yes. Find what you love. You’ve earned it with all your hard work!
I agree!! Buy the exact table you want!!
I agree, sometimes trying to “make do” although it is cost effective it isn’t what really works and makes the room complete. Buying a good piece might also be insentive to not want change, but instead enjoy your well thought out purchase for many years, making it a family heirloom.
I enjoy you site and only wish I lived closer so that I could hire you! As it is I will continue to follow and draw inspiration. Thank you, thank you!
Yes! You have the right idea!!! Neither table is right with those chairs. Maybe you could make do with the second option, but why? Why not find just the right table for those chairs?
GET A TOTALLY DIFFERENT TABLE!!!! Neither of those tables work.
I think you don’t love either one, or it wouldn’t be a question. Keep looking for the right one! IMHO
You might take a look back at the original legs on the farm house table top.
I agree: option #3. When this whole room began, you had a particular table in mind (from Restoration Hardware, I think?). It doesn’t look like either of these tables, and I think your first instinct is usually right.
Yes, ditch them both. They are looking like the very poor relatives of that chair. You need a bigger and and sturdier table, preferably in a darker stain. My personal favourite in these days is this one
Table one. Paint it white and paint the other chairs the soft green you have the walls painted in this photo and change curtains to white, breezy sheers. The black and white curtains look too “heavy” to me compared to the floral fabric on the chair.
Love the thought of light breezy curtains with that beautiful chair
I think the problem is option one has curvy thin legs, not enough weight for the chairs. Option two is almost too much base for the chairs. I like option two if it had a different less ornate base. I would have to see the chairs all around the table and in the room to get the complete picture. Maybe change the legs on the first table?
This change legs on able to match chair legs!
I think that because you changed the other table so much to get it just right and you’re still asking about another table, means the first one isn’t working for you.
We have a pedestal table and it is very accommodating to extra chairs. Although, I’ve always been more drawn to farm tables and simple lines. The pedestal is definitely more ornate. I’m sure whatever you choose, will look great!
I love pedestal tables because you can always add one more chair.
Give Option 2, the double pedestal, a try! Before you modify the leaves, paint it black, put it in the space and just see what you think now that you have different expectations (painted, not stained). Maybe you can fill in the ‘santa belt buckle’ detail and make it just a solid rectangle. I love your farmhouse table, but you haven’t found a way to love it in this space. So spend a day’s work and a gallon of paint on the other option to see if younmight like the look in the room. If you do, you can modify the leaves and make it work. If not, your not out too much time or effort and you know you tried.
I agree with this. I cant remember how you came to have table #2, did you choose it because you liked something about it? Actually I love that ornate pedestal and think it goes well with the chairs, and if you painted it black it would pick up the curtains very well, but I also like that blue you have on the first table. I was thinking maybe its possible to sand down those rectangle corners so they were just flat. I thought if you did decide to use the pedestal table and took the sliders from table #1, could you redo the first table in some fashion to use as the breakfast room table? If none of those options seem to fit, I would go with finding another table too because I do like the thought of the warm wood table too.
The pedestal table was actually given to me by my bonus sister when she and her family moved into a brand new home and got all new furniture. I also got the entryway buffet, an outdoor table and eight chairs, and four upholstered wingback chairs. 😀
I like both tables equally, stylewise. However when it comes to your dining room with everything being square, I lean more towards a round or table, so the pedestal appeals to me for that reason. It’s hard to believe that the pedestal table is a touch bigger than the farmhouse because the chair looks overwhelming next to it, whereas the farmhouse table looks appropriate size wise with the chair, if that makes sense. I do think either table would work really well, especially if they were painted black. You might not notice some of the details in the pedestal table once it’s painted such a dark color, then again they may come out more. But it does seem like a nice dark solid color is the way to go no matter which table you use because there’s a lot going on in other places in the room. Overall it’s coming together nicely and I think it will be beautiful when done.
I was surprised about the size, too! I thought the pedestal table was smaller. I think it looks smaller because it’s really cramped sitting in that small room, plus it’s about 1.25″ LOWER than the other table, so the apron is sitting right on the arms of the chair. I’ll definitely have to remedy that if I use that table by raising it up to proper dining table height.
Your comment about the oval table being lower was my concern when I looked at both tables. I think an oval table with the longest sliders/number of leaves that will fit your room is the way to go. However, picture this: if the table is too low, you are going to sit down in your lovely armed chair and your husband (or cough*butler*cough) isn’t helping you to scoot it in, you may smash the living hoo hah out of your fingers between the bottom of the table skirt and the top arms of your chair when you slide in your chair while sitting in it. That’s something I would check out. And if you go with option #3, I’d have the chair handy or at least determine the height the table skirt should be before you buy. Of course, then the side chairs may be too short, so you have to think about that, too. Nothing like guests feeling like they need a phone book (remember those?) to sit on and even worse when the hosts use a four letter word that’s not “golf!” when they smash their fingers at the beginning of a meal. Who knew this would be soooo complicated!?!
Kristi, I think the pedestal table is a much better fit with the chairs and design of the room. I k ow when you raise it, paint it black and put it in dining room, it will look perfect! The farmhouse table just does not fit with the rest of the room, the chairs or your house. The elegance and softness of the curves of table 2 go much better with the chairs. I think the black will look very elegant as well.
If you don’t like the pedestal, then change it to what you want. You have a vision in your mind I’m sure, I know you can make it happen if you want to.
I think table 2 (painted black) is more your style. I agree with your (and others’) assessment that perhaps it’s the style of table 1 that is the problem…your post yesterday said your “previous” design scheme was country farmhouse, and that’s what table 1 is. It doesn’t seem to go with anything you’ve done in the room. I think table 2 has the sophistication and detail that seems to be your style. Look at all the detail you put into your kitchen…I think that should flow into this adjoining dining room. Go for it! =)
I love the paint color on the farm table. It’s perfect. I really like the oval table though, and I think it would be beautiful in the blue color. Try it!!
I personally like the pedestal table better but I know whatever you choose in the end will be awesome!
While I really do love a good farmhouse table, I don’t think it goes well with the chairs. I think option 2 is a better look for that room overall.
I like the ovalness of the second option. I don’t like much else about this table, but I love the ovl over the rectangle.
I think the second table, painted, would be more in keeping with your overall look. It’s more stately, elegant than the casual farmhouse, but painting it will totally update it and make it fun. I love a good farmhouse legged table – I use several as desks and workstations, but they are very casual. Someone walking into the room will notice those pedestal legs. Is doing a new top for that table an option? I frankly love the legs more than the apron and the curly design of the table top.
They both work well with the chair! I personally love the farmhouse style, but as someone else said, maybe its just not working for you 🙂
Try imagining a family holiday/get together. What table do you see in your ideal “vision”?
I am farmhouse all the way. The other is just so darn “busy” – just my 2 cents…. Worth what it cost ya 😀
I love the base of the pedestal table. It is more formal for the dining room. But I think that the farmhouse table will be more versatile for you since it has so many leaves that you can put in it. It is just the color of both tables that throws me off. I love that the walls of the dining room will be white, but what color are you painting the table? If it were me, I think I might go with the kelly green from your kitchen. As for your other furniture, I would keep the cerused table for your breakfast room. I love that table!!!
option #2. The first table is beautiful and awesome but I think the rounded tabletop in option 2 softens the lines of all the corners in the dining room.
Don’t like either with the chair. Farm table is too informal with chair. I like the oval top with the chair, but there is too much going on below .
I agree. I think an oval pedestal table with a less ornate pedestal would look better.
I think pedestal table as well. The style of your room is very elegant and refined, and the farmhouse table isn’t… quite there I guess. You also have a lot of square angles in that room, and I think the rounded and softer corners of the pedestal table, painted black, would make a beautiful counterpoint to your chairs and complement their lines.
Well as someone with long legs, I dislike the base of the oval table simply because it looks like the leg room would be very cramped. Those pedestals are also so bulky and too heavy I think for the room. I do like the oval top better than the square top though, so if there is any way to change out the bulky pedestals for something more streamlined I think that might be the way to go. On a side note I love the color of the square table and think it pulls out the blue of the arm chairs. I think it might look better than an all black table or maybe even use it as some sort of accent with the black. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
I also agree with this–love the blue
I think it would be important to see the pedestal table in the room. With the fireplace behind it, that table may end up feeling to heavy in the room. Overall, I do like the design of Table 2 more and seems to fit your style more too. Do you have your eye on a table that makes your heart flutter? Maybe search for something inspiring that you could DIY or as another comment from above mentioned, splurge and get the “flutter” table. You always have such creative ideas/ solutions. So, I know whatever you choose will look amazing!
Unfortunately, no. I’ve looked at literally hundreds of tables online, and I’ve yet to find one that just really makes me excited. My attitude towards all of the ones I’ve liked has been more like, “Well, I guess that one would work.” :-/
Oh, I know that must be frustrating! Searching, searching, searching and no find. I’m in that dilemma with A pillow. One stinkin’ pillow for our bedroom to tie everything together.
Since you can’t find “the one,” maybe look at functionality as the trump card then. Do either of these tables fit all those needs/wants? If not, is there another table out there that does?
I love both tables…but I do especially love a pedestal table! This particular one though seems too low compared to the arms on your chair. I LOVE the side chair but that heavy table top seems to sit on the arms – so that table doesn’t work, in my opinion. I love all that you have done and all of the changes that you’re making. It will look spectacular no matter which way you go!!
I forgot you had the pedestal table, but when I saw it in your post the other day I thought, “Gee, why doesn’t she use that one?” I personally always prefer pedestal tables and I think the style goes so much better with the room. There is nothing “farm house” about your dining room! Just my opinion 😉.
Option 2. Option 2, if painted one color will lend an air of sophistication to the room that will complement the curtains. Good lock!
Neither, unfortunately. You need a much more substantial table to go with the the chairs. The chairs overwhelm both tables. I agree with putting the money from the sale of your furniture toward a new dining table, something you really love. I would go with stained wood also. There is already a lot of color at play in the room. I would prefer a rectangular table. Oval tables look dated to me for some reason. I think something like this would be beautiful:
Yes…..Love this table and love the idea of a stained wood in there. I love all the color you have in this room but I think the stained wood table would bring some relief for your eyes and would give it the elegant yet homey feel I think your after. This is beautiful and would look amazing with your chairs!
I love this one!
I LOVE the Pottery Barn table for your room. It seems to fit your style more than the farmhouse table or the pedestal table that you currently have. I also think that the fact that this is made reclaimed wood makes it more casual and conductive to today’s style of entertaining. Since there is no apron on the table, it seems like it is wheel-chair friendly and would easily accommodate your intended arm chairs. And, as a tall person, I like the leg-room of the Pottery Barn table more than your current pedestal table. Once you sell everything that you are purging from your home, including the two tables you have now, you’ll be well on your way to bringing down the expense of an already made table. I know that you can make your own table, but sometimes it is worth it to find something that is already made for you. Good luck!
To my eye, the thing that seems off with the first table is that it just does not seem substantial enough with your wing chairs? If you wanted real wood for the warmth, do you think a heavier looking table would help, like this? I realize the price is up there and this may be what you were trying to achieve when you built yours. Hopefully the sale of your furniture would be enough to bring the price down.
I know you are not a “Pottery Barn want-a-be” but the pedestal on this table has solid feel you need to support the chairs. Throw an oval top on this type of pedestal and you may just have a winner. I too think you need some wood tones in this room. I do not envy you reading all these comments, they are a bit overwhelming. Good luck with your decision 🙂
Table 2 – love the base of it – so unique!!!
While very nice, the farmhouse table looks a little too informal for the space as is. Not that you need formal, just more ornate to keep pace with the rest of the room. IMHO.
My vote is for #2. Farmhouse is not you or the direction you said you want your home to go. When you posted yesterday that you were putting that pedestal table on Craig’s List I was trying to figure out how I could get it to Missouri 🙂
First of all, everyone is going to have a different opinions because we all have our own individual tastes, regardless of designer expertise. I like to solicit others opinions too just because sometimes you get a new perspective. I personally prefer the 2nd table. Looks like an expensive piece while the farmhouse table looks more like a “first apartment” piece. Based on your explantations, you probably won’t like the opaque black. I know you have most likely seen the endless postings of chalk paint and all the different looks you can achieve. One of the best things is you can paint over and redo if you don’t like…..without sanding!!! I wouldn’t use wax on the table top just cause it will naturally get lots of use, so a polycrylic of some sort. Putting a leaf (leaves) in the table will help with the bulky look of the base by pulling it apart. Once all the chairs are in place, the base will be more difficult to see. The rectangles will be less noticeable as well. While the trend is more stream lined pieces, I like having 1 piece in the room that has more character.
I’ve always preferred the pedestal. I think it is so much easier to pull up extra seating without the legs in the way. You said yesterday that you originally thought you were going in a rustic farmhouse direction, but now you aren’t. I really don’t know that I like the curvy farmhouse table legs in the clean lined dining room you have going on. The pedestal isn’t all sleek and modern (that would not be a good direction for you); it adds nice curves but doesn’t hit the same off note I feel looking at the farmhouse table in the room. I will say, the farmhouse table is beautiful, though 🙂
Ok, here goes: One thing that dismays me (as an amateur designer who has designed one home, remodeled 4 homes, amd decorated 3 friends’ homes – I’m not a pro!) is that design is frequented substituted for practicality. There is no competition here. The farm table is expandable to accommodate the one or two large gatherings a year. It can also be used as a desk. It is also solid wood. The pedastal table is an uncomfortable table for seating. Guests are never comfy when their feet and legs are blocked by table pedastals. Plus, the pedastal table LOOLS like the cheap, mass produced junk furniture that it is. Without any class at all. You can slap lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig. Lol. My 2 cents. Xoxox
So here’s a funny thing. I wholeheartedly agree with your first sentiment – that design is too frequently substituted for practicality – but come to the opposite conclusion in regards to the two tables presented. To me, it’s the farm table that looks cheap, and I have always found tables with legs on the corners to be uncomfortable and annoying (always bonking a knee on them, can’t place a chair in the corner when needed, and difficult to get in and out of your seat without backing the chair out way further than I need to with a pedestal or trestle style table). That being said, I don’t necessarily think the pedestal table here is the right choice though – since you lose width on the ends from the oval shape, it looks too narrow for those substantial wing chairs. An overall wider table would look better.
My vote is for the pedestal table! Ok, I did the ‘stand back and look at it with fresh eyes’ thing. What stood out was that the first table gives me the impression of a kitchen table, great to work at or sit and chat. When I look at the second table I see Dining Room. Its vibe is a bit more elegant/has more presence, the pedestal allows for more chairs to ‘scrunch’ around it and oval just seems more in keeping with the tone of the room and chairs. That’s just my take!
I vote for number 2. You’re house is more formal than the farmhouse table, although it’s lovely. The pedestal table will fit the style you are working towards.
While I typically lean to farmhouse, I don’t like this look for you. But I’m not a fan of the base on the other table either. ( too heavy)
I think I would keep looking while you are finishing up other projects. I don’t think rectangular should be in your thoughts though, I would lean toward round/oval.
I do like the rounded curves of the oval table, but what I like best is how easy it is to set chairs anywhere around it without legs being in the way. You want notice the ‘belt buckles’ so much when it’s painted (I don’t think). I also like that it’s wider. But the cons are, you’ll have to build new leaves, etc. The question is – which one will YOU like best?
I have almost the exact same table 2 – complete with santa belt buckles! I love that table, but I hate the legs – the part on the floor. I love the pedestal look, but the legs part that arches to the floor is always in the way and the edges get chewed up by the chairs when they get slid in and out. Invariably a guest will try to slide the chair all the way under the table, which is impossible to do if there are no leaves in the table while using 2 chairs on the sides. Once it hits the flat part of the leg, they will lift it up for some reason and try to continue to push it in, gouging the table leg with the chair leg. It’s happened so much that my table legs are all nicked and marred up. I have two leaves and my table glides effortlessly to open and add and take away; that part I love about the table.
In my remodel this table is sadly going away. It has been stripped and stained so many times I can’t remember all the different stains! It handles it beautifully – in fact it even took whitewash stain pretty well. The chairs have been recovered multiple times and the cat somewhere along the way destroyed the cane backs – so they got padded! It was my first dining table when we got married. It will get sold in my estate sale next month and I’ll be using a square counter height game table for my dining table since we are downsizing our home for retirement, I have no need for 8 chairs and a huge dining table anymore!
Good luck with the table you choose!
I am a sucker for a pedestal table. I think it looks more for a dining room and your other table for a kitchen area. Whatever you choose will be pretty, but my vote is for the pedestal.
Table two for sure! Beautiful table but, best of all, is interesting.
I think there are pros and cons to each table. Here’s what I see…
Farmhouse Table Pros
1. The height of the table seems to work better with your chairs. The apron on the oval table seems to sit right on the arms of the chairs, which makes it look cramped.
2. You made it yourself!
3. It may keep your dining room from feeling too formal/traditional
Farmhouse Table Cons
1. The rectangular shape seems too square with all the other square angles you have in the room
2. The finish on the paint is a bit too shiny which makes it look a bit cheap/plastic (try a flat paint and see if it works better)
3. It may be a bit TOO casual/country for the feel you want in the room
Oval Table Pros
1. The oval shape will help soften the room and bring in the roundness you have a hard time incorporating with all the square edges in the room
2. The style is more formal and traditional, which seems to fit better with the style of the room
Oval Table Cons
1. The height makes it look a bit squished into the arms of the chairs you built
2. It may be TOO formal/traditional for the feel you want in the room
If it were up to me I would pick the oval table just because I think the shape helps to round out the room (literally!) better than another square/rectangle does. I like the idea of painting it black, but if you do, I’d suggest going with either a super high-gloss lacquer finish or a totally matte finish on the paint. Or a combination of the two, I think a high-gloss black top would look great if the rest of the table from the apron down was a matte black. The satin/semi-gloss finish feels less intentional and more DIY/budget to me. But I know that you always end up making the right decision eventually, so go with your gut. 🙂
I would go with the oval pedestal too. Kristy is so handy she can definitely do something to make it taller so the chairs will fit nicely.
Definitely 2 – the lines of the table fit the chair, it’s more interesting and sophisticated (which I think is more your taste), and I agree that a pedestal table is easier to seat people.
The pedestal table! Your dining room is not farm house styled. It just not work with everything else in the room.
Having read your blog for awhile, I think the farmhouse table is just too simple for your tastes. You keep trying to dress it up with bold colors and gold trim but its bones are still a basic farmhouse table a little bit nicer than the ones you can buy at Walmart. Personally, I love it in 2 or 3 of the versions you did, but I don’t think it’s you. You could maybe change out the legs, but I don’t think it’d help. Your dining room is fancier with nice upholstered chairs and picture framing. Nothing about it says farmhouse or shabby chic.
The pedestal is much more ornate and I think more to your styling, but there’s just something about THOSE pedestals that’s gaudy or overstated. If they were wood, you could maybe try shaving some of the carvings off, but I’m not sure you’d really be happy. Building new pedestal feet is probably beyond DIY.
So maybe back to inspiration photos or maybe it’s time to just give up DIY on this piece and go out shopping? Visit some consignment or second hand shops? Real furniture stores?
I like the option “3” the previous comments are saying. After reading your post about the two tables , it seems you are trying to make due with what you have. Sell both tables when you have your sale of the other furniture, take the money and go shopping. Once you see that table you will know that is the one! And besides, who can resist shopping!
or you can do a “frankenfurniture” – – either the oval top with the farmhouse legs or the rectangle top with the pedestal legs. :/
I just get the feeling you not in love with either one. I hope you end up with something you love!
I haven’t read the other comments so forgive me if someone has already said this. I like the oval table better. There’s something about the curves of the chair that don’t mesh with the straight lines of the rectangular table — I don’t think paint color would fix that for me. You have alot of straight lines in that room, I think the curves of the table and chairs would soften and give contrast. I’m sure whatever you choose, it will look wonderful.
My choice – for sure the pedestal table but you must chose what you like. Farmhouse table is too plain for your gorgeous chairs
My choice would be the pedestal table…painted a color to coordinate with your chairs. The chairs are substantial and a farmhouse table leg seems too spindly and lightweight for your chairs. New slides will be a good choice and one you won’t regret. The table and chairs are the focal point centerpiece of the room. As you say, painting over “santa’s buckles: will allow a bit of texture while blending in without beimg a prominent feature. Getting the right color on it is as important as what sheen it will have once finished…and I know you will decide the just right sheen!
While I love a farmhouse table, the chairs are more formal than the table. The oval table painted black will work much better in the dining room. The black table will also draw in the drapes? I think you will like this combination much better. Use the farmhouse table in your breakfast room. I hope the color will work in there. I love the color.
The pedestal table!
When I look at picture one, I see the table. When I look at picture two, I see the chair. You aren’t in love with either table, so paint the second table black and let your chairs be the focal point!
I agree with your readers. Paint the option two table black and live with the table in the space for a few days. If it doesn’t make the cut its ready to sell. My suggestion is to do some some searching, decide what shape you want in the space and then go for it. And my vote would be option two table.
Do you think it’s the style of legs on the tables that’s making your decision so difficult? The legs on the chairs are “streamlined” and “squared off”, but the legs on both tables are more “curved” and “carved”. Does this make sense? I like the first table, but I think I would like it more with your chairs if the legs were not so decorative. Just my two cents.
I’m a pedestal table girl. I just prefer the whole feeling of a pedestal table over the legs getting in the way. So I’d say paint it back and go with the pedestal table.
Also, I was just thinking- maybe a 3rd option that is a hybrid of the two. Not a traditional pedestal table nor legs in the outside corners but a 4 legged pedestal. If that makes any sense. This isn’t exactly what I mean but…
Table two. To my eye, the farmhouse table is too simple, it doesn’t hold it’s own against all of the surrounding detail. The double pedestal is more interesting to look at and has a more substantial presence. The details in the room won’t outshine the pedestal table.
Agree with Lorri.
I love the table that Carmen suggested above! I think it is a wonderful idea to paint the pedestal table – and then see how you like it in the space. It will then be ready to sell either way.
I think black might me a little too dark however.
Then – if you like neither – you can sell them and buy something you really love.
The oval table. It’s much more elegant and with your alterations, you will make it work!
The oval table looks much more cohesive with your chair and the look you are trying to achieve. Maybe the pedestals won’t be so obvious once chairs are in place. I love the farmhouse table, but not in your plan in that room.
I love pedestal tables, but I think the farmhouse table would look great and function better in your dining room. Isn’t it more wheelchair friendly also?
You’re not happy with either table, so why force it? I would wait until all your chairs are done and around the table to see what you prefer. Right now in the pictures you show, the table is the star, but with the chairs around it and the table set, it wouldn’t be. So even though you want to purge, perhaps you should keep both tables until the chairs are all done. Alternatively, I would replace the legs on the farmhouse so it doesnt look “farmhouse” anymore, and keep it for the functionality UNTIL you find something you like better.
I personally think that the pedestal table fits the “style” of the room. I have no doubt in your skills that you could transform the “Santa clause buckle” and anything else you do. Whatever you choose, will, and ALWAYS looks great…but I have thought that the farmhouse table looks too “farmhouse”. But you go with your instincts…they have served you well!
I love the farmhouse style personally, but it doesn’t not go with your upholstered chair… I think you should invest in a table you love because you’ll have it for a long, long time. These other tables just seem to take up a lot of your time and money, and I don’t know that compromising on the oval table will make you happy for long, although, I’d love to see what you do with it!
Option number 3 – Get rid of both of them. They have both failed to inspire you, everything else is “how could I make this work?”. Go on houzz, or pinterest, or wayfair, or wherever else you like to go for inspiration, and give yourself free reign, and find the table of your dreams. Well, actually, find your dream – I’m sure you can built the table afterwards 🙂 You could look at different materials too – are there tables with round, transparent legs like your curtain rods, for example?
If I really have to judge between the two of them, the oval one is too “heavy” in design, too old, too something. The rectangle one is nice, but those round legs against your square fireplace look kinda off. I would go with the rectangle one.
But really, it’s not the tables that deserve a chance, it’s you. Plus, if you are going to sell them, maybe you can finish them completely free from restrictions, and just follow their design to whatever looks good – that’s always a fun project (and you can say “it’s work” since it’s good for the blog, lol.
The symmetrical side of me likes the way that chairs tuck so nicely into a rectangular table. Not sure it is THAT rectangular table. I really want to see wood in there!
Oval seems old.
After reading all the comments, I am in the minority!
One last comment: I love the pedestal table and I agree with some other readers, it needs to be black.
Good luck Kristi!
Pedestal 🙂 you were just saying how farm house isn’t your style. I’d personally go with farmhouse just cause I love it, but you should do you.
OR a whole new one. Go for the love at first site
I think table number two’s lines better match the chairs, but something about it still looks off to me. Maybe I would need to see it painted. Table one’s legs don’t work with everything else in the room much as a love a farmhouse style table. I would have to say two, but if it were me, I would be looking for a third option.
I don’t think the style of your beautiful wing dining chair goes with the style of table #1. On table 2, if you don’t like the detail on the rectangular doohickeys, if you are going to paint it then maybe you could fill that in with wood putty so it’s not as noticeable.
I don’t think the style of your beautiful dining room wingback chair goes with the style of table number one. On table number 2 if you don’t like the detail doohickey things and if you are going to paint it perhaps you could fill those in with wood putty and make it less detailed.
Option 1 is my favorite.
The pedestal table looks more high-end, while the farmhouse table looks more casual. With the modifications you mentioned, the pedestal table would work design-wise. However, if I was sitting in the chair at the end of the table, I would have to rest my feet on the pedestal. Hate that! The farmhouse table leaves room for feet to rest comfortably on the floor.
Bottom line for me: Which one would facilitate Matt’s being able to ‘belly up’ to the table better?
Table 2!
Table 2! I’ve always loved that and think you could make it *you*. But, of course, it’s whatever YOU want!
How about something more like this?
I love the pedestal on your oak table. Do you think it would be worth it or possible to switch it to the farmhouse top or the oval? I am thinking maybe that the mass of the oval pedestal might be too much and compete with the fireplace.
Eh, I looked again and I don’t think the oval pedestal will compete too much with the fireplace. But, I still think the scale of the smaller pedestal would look nice. 🙂
Here is my 2 cents, the farmhose table is just too structured to go with the soft chairs and also it will be very difficult to move a wheel chair around it , especially it it is extended out filling up the space in the room .
The oval tables style goes better with the style of the rest of the room , and be much better to use with a lot of chairs around it. No legs to get in way of getting in and out of chairs. A new fresh start for a table is a good idea, but if you paint the base a dark color , similar to the color of chair legs, the shape of base will not be as obvious.
think to save money for all the other more important projects, your could make the all ready paid for table work
I totally agree with Irene. The farmhouse table just does not fit in with your fabulously remodeled room. I have had many tables in my life and my all time favorite is the oval. It is friendly to sit around as everyone can see each other. The pedestal is HUGE factor and you can squish odd chairs in when needed for extra large gatherings. You can’t do that with the legs on the farmhouse table as someone would be straddling the legs at each corner. The pedestal on this table is not so large that it creates a problem for foot placement. I agree with some of the others….choose the pedestal/oval table and then paint it a neutral color. Then finish all your chairs and see what you think. Also set a nice table with your finery! See what you think then.
Well as foot note to my opinion. Lol
I think the black color is best cause there is lots of color in room already.and add in colors of tables and different holiday decorations and table settings would be color overload.
Although I see that I am swimming against the tide, I strongly prefer table #1. Parsons tables are the most comfortable IMO. With most pedestal tables you’re always trying to find a piece of floor for your feet. Your chairs will be the “stars” of your dining room and table #1 will allow them to hold center stage.
The first table is to country styled. The chairs are more formal. Go with the oval and raise it and put extension on it. You can always change the base if your not a fan when you finish. You can do anything you put your mind to it. I believe it after seeing you build those chairs from scratch. You show all of us never give up. We all get frustrated. Some bloggers never show the process and make us feel like it comes naturally. You are one of a few who let us see the whole process good and bad and confusing. Thanks making us feel okay when we get lost in the process
I loved witnessing the process of your farmhouse table build, but when when I see it in the room, I’m aware of all the horizontal lines and rectangular shapes there. The pedestal table presents a softening counterpoint, balances the lovely curves of the arm chair and brings the eye to the natural focal point of any dining room–dining. You are so creative that if you don’t like a detail on the pedestals, I’m certain you’ll be able to transform it. On a more practical note, the pedestal table means that more chairs can be placed around it without knees or chair legs knocking into each other.
Perhaps your lovely farmhouse table will find a home in your sunroom or even on your someday front porch. In the mean time, I vote for table #2.
I like option 2, the pedestal table. I think it gives some interesting lines in contrast to all the moulding in the room, and how linear the curtains are. I loved the farmhouse table painted white with gold accents, colorwise, but it seems a bit out of place with what’s already going on in the house. The farmhouse table also looks “common,” for lack of a better word. I think the pedestal table is far more interesting and offers more detailing options. Also, the curves in the pedestal play off the curves in your wing chairs.
Kristi, I didn’t take the time to read all the responses, so this may ‘ditto’ what someone else said…
What bothers me about the rectangle table is the legs….they don’t seem to go with the rest of the room and with the chairs. I could envision legs more streamlined like the chair legs.
I like the oval table top too; but the legs seem a little ‘much’….too cluttered.
I am far from an expert at decorating; LOVE your website and what you have done with the house.
Option 2! Raise it up a bit, add your leafe, then paint it dark, or black maybe with a stain rub, or glaze just on the top for dimension. It will look great! With those chairs…Big teal bowl in the center. Yes do it!
When I looked at the first pic I was overwhelmed by the rectangular table. To me it is to clunky & takes away from the beauty of the chair. To me the pedestal table allows the lines of the chair to “shine”.
Table #2 is my preference.
Could you use table #1 in your breakfast room?
After reading all the comments, I’m chuckling. I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t asked this question! I went back to previous posts to look at your credenza and your kitchen to see how everything ties together.
First a question, do you have a couple of the side chairs finished? If so, could we see photos with two side chairs and the wing chair with both tables? I think that might help see the “whole” picture.
Both table options have pluses and minuses. The farmhouse table’s legs bother me with your beautiful wing chair. But, perhaps that’s less obvious with the side chairs included.
The oval table seems to fit better with your credenza style, but the pedestals might interfere with sliding your chairs in and out.
In my home, I have a pedestal table and a table with four legs. Just for functuality, the pedestal table is easier to seat more people at. Good luck, Kristi, I love “seeing” your thought processes and your lovely finished product!
I don’t have any of the side chairs finished. 🙁 I’ve been struggling with details on those as well. I think the whole dining table issue just has me stuck and feeling like I can’t make any progress on this room.
I vote for the first table, for a few reasons:
1) Ease of sitting at the table. We have a dining table with the pedestal style legs and I hate it because the chairs have to fit “just so” around the legs underneath. Corner legs make it so much easier to fit chairs around the table, and odd numbers, and folding chairs (or wheelchairs?), etc.
2) Simplicity of profile. The second table is a much bigger piece of furniture, and makes a much bigger statement. It would most likely be in competition with everything else that you’ve put into the room to make statements, whereas the simpler lines of the first table aren’t competing, but complementing.
3) Practicality. Having a table that is “normally” not taking up a massive amount of room, but has the capacity for large/huge/insane groups of people is a plus. Our dining table has two leaves that make it nice for when we have people over, but I’m glad to keep it smaller the other 90% of the time.
I guess I would also encourage you to think about maneuverability–not just for Matt, getting around the table when it isn’t in use, but for you–having to put the leaves IN the thing before having guests. Our table is not as big as yours, but it takes two people to put the leaves in and get the table apart.
Good luck!
Personally, I like most farmhouse styles…that first table looks nice, the color is spot on for your scheme, and it would probably make an okay looking dining room. But I’m not sure that’s what you want. An okay looking dining room. How long would you be happy with that?
Yesterday you made the comment that you would love to see the pedestal table in black. Why not do it? And why couldn’t you stain the top a gorgeous walnut or something that you’d love to see with the black. Try it in there and see what you think.
Worst case scenario is that you will get more money for it finished, than in its current condition, if you end up selling it.
I’m betting you will like the look of the pedestal table best.
But, what do I know!
I looked at both tables very carefully and I can see that the Farmhouse table is at a much better height, however knowing your talents you could probably fix that some how on the pedestal table. The One thing that keeps coming into my mind is that for some reason your not really happy with the farmhouse table. You have tried many of your creative idea’s on it yet you are still looking for another look. That tells me that maybe some of the ladies are correct. What about selling both and getting another one that has more of the basic bones that you want. When you changed the direction of the house from farmhouse look this could just be what is really in the back of your creative mind.
Kristi – I don’t think either of these tables are the one for you. You would know if they were. It feels like you are making yourself choose between one of the two, when maybe something else would be much better. At this point, please don’t settle. Keep looking until something jumps out at you and makes your heart race. You have come too far to give in just because these are the two tables available to you now. ~hugs~
Option 2: oval table. I think out of the two options it fits better with the overall design/look of your finished kitchen and bathroom if you are trying for some whole house cohesiveness. You would know the Santa buckles are on the pedastools but once you put chairs around the table you are not physically going to see them. I also agree with others who said option 3: go to a furniture store and splurge on something you love with the money you earn from the sale of your past creations or re-create your dream table from that shopping trip.
What does Matt like? Can he sit comfortably at either one? I read most of the other comments; so far I’m leaning towards #2 because it is a better fit design-wise. But leave yourself open to option 3 and get one you and Matt will enjoy sitting at.
I doubt you have time to read one more comment, so I’ll make it brief. Farmhouse table is too casual. Oval top is better in the room, but the pedestals are too 1970s and, to me, ugly. I’d use the top and make my own pedestals.
Someone mentioned lucite table legs in the comments above. Modshop1.com sells lucite table legs in clear and smoke for a set of four. If you like this look I wonder if they would offset the price for you by featuring their product on your blog since you have a large following and would be doing some major advertising for them.
I agree with Phoebe, you need an option 3 because you don’t seem to love either of these tables. If you must keep one, then I’d keep number 2 and:
1. Since you’re already going to have to raise the table top height, remove the flat bases from under the curved pedestals and raise the table by adding to whatever is already connecting the pedestal to the table. Now no ones chair legs hit the clunky base and everyone has foot room. If you’re wondering if they are wide enough to support the table, the feet on my Queen Anne pedestal table form a 26 inch on each side triangle and the table is 44 x 99 with the extension in.
2. Unless the “Santa buckle” is a carved part of the skirt and pedestal, remove them and use some wood filler if necessary to smooth those places because you’re planning on painting the whole thing anyway.
3. If you’re going to need a really long table for family get togethers, leave the slide on the farmhouse table so you can sell it as a set with the extensions and buy a new slide from some place like Rockler. You can make yourself some extensions that don’t have to have skirts that match the table because you can buy or make a nice tablecloth to use on those occasions.
I’m still voting for option 3 though.
I would use the table with the pedestal base in the formal dining room (Option #2) and put the farmhouse style table in the breakfast room when you have it done. The breakfast room will be less formal and the farmhouse style might work better there than in the space that is more formal. Just my opinion.
That is exactly what I was thinking. I think the farmhouse table would work well in your breakfast room.
I was wondering if you would like table #1 better if it had different legs. I remember when you first wanted the more modern table with the marble top (or your created version), and can see why that table wouldn’t work well in your situation. But, I know you liked the clean lines of that table. I dug a little deeper and found a table you showed in Cassandra’s finished room that might fit your Dining Room better. https://www.addicted2decorating.com/cassandras-dining-room-the-reveal.html I’m sure you could keep the top of table #1 and change the legs to something similar.
I personally prefer the straight table over the round/oval. With those fabulous chairs, I would want a more “clean” (lean?) table that would melt into the background once the table was decorated and the chairs were center stage.
But, definitely don’t settle! I know that whatever way you end up going, I’ll love it – I always do!
Hi Kristi! I’m an avid reader but I have yet to comment, however I felt too strongly about this one to let it go! I think you should go with the FIRST table. In my opinion, the rectangular shape and all of the linear lines contrast the round edges of the wingback chairs nicely. With the oval and the curvy chairs together, I think it would be way too much of that shape going on. I also like the style of the farmhouse table better than the oval table, which seems way too heavy to me (even in another paint color). I do agree with Marcia that the oval top would be nice with different, more updated legs. Maybe something similar to this:
Number 1 is too plain for your chairs. Number 2- like the shape but a little too big without the leaf. I know it was a hand me down, not what you picked. So much below I don’t see much leg room. Can Matt fit comfortable under it ? I say sell both & look for new one. Do they have a unpainted furniture store near Waco. Go look. So much better in person than on line.You may find something or get inspiration. I don’t think you’ll be happy with either of these. Like you loved your pony walls but didn’t work when you did your walls. Option 3 will be your winner.
Here me out. I speak from this same experience. I’m always trying to get the color balance exactly correct. I have done this thing that you are doing. I, too, have had to walk away in confusion/frustration. I’m almost hesitant to tell you what I think because it goes against the decision you’ve made. But here goes:
For one thing, I like the pedestal table. When you have large groups of folks you can more easily seat people around the corners without having to straddle one of those legs. I’ve learned the the hard/expensive way.
And here’s the thing you’re gonna hate. Paint it white. I know. Stop frowning. Here are my reasons and, of course, I am only looking at photos and you are living in the space but……
You have color on the walls. You have color on the chairs. You have color in the drapes. You have the wood tones on the floor. If you put more color in that room, the eye doesn’t know where to go. Your brain is saying. “color.” Your heart is saying, “white.” Or vice versa. Someone is screaming, “WHITE.” Ok, it’s me, but still….. So, here’s a suggestion: Put the pedestal table in the room. Cover it in a white tablecloth. Put the chairs in the room. Picture whatever type centerpiece you will use on your table. Or…..actually put it on the dang table. But try to relax your eyes and picture the white. If you still hate it, you can come slap me for making you move that big table. But know….I had your best interests at heart! 🙂
the walls will be painted white:)
Table 2 painted the color of table 1 or add the gold to table 1 legs and top like when it was white.
To me, the style of your house is traditional with a modern spin. The farm house table, though charming, doesn’t fit with your style. I’d love to see what you can do with the 2nd table! I’m betting it will be a perfect fit!
The legs on the first table look awkward when compared with the legs of the chairs and the wall trim. The lines of the second table would look much better in the room but it still somehow looks “off” to me. Perhaps its because its not finished yet or maybe its the clunky triangular base under the legs. (Can you remove that triangular base and add height to the top of the legs?) Anyway, since you had your heart set on a wood stained top, you may never be completely satisfied with the second option either. You’ll keep spending your precious time trying to make it work just to get the room done. I think you should sell both tables and start fresh. I know that’s easier said than done!
Although I like both tables, and, really, all the iterations of them you’ve done and talked about, I’m not feeling either of them for your dining space. I think it might be the legs. The first too farmhouse, the second, too heavy. Not sure what might work better though 🙂
I like the oval table. Round tables read a bit friendlier to me. Contrast in line shape would be nice in the room, and it looks great with your chair!
You don’t seem excited about either option really. Maybe the best table isn’t either one of those. When you troll the internet which tables do you love the best?
Also, in general, it never seems to work out well for you when you ask what “we” think. 🙂 You let that sway you, often in a direction which is not where your heart is. And then you end up redoing it again and make a post about how you let us sway you and shouldn’t have. 🙂
I don’t care for the farmhouse table and I don’t like option 2. I can’t remember why you didn’t like the oval pedestal table you did the curusing finish on??? It was awhile back, so I’ve just forgotten. It is oval when the leaves are in and the pedestal is much more attractive than option 2 which isn’t attractive at all in my opinion. Sell both options 1 and 2 and find the one you love.
I like the second one. Just seems to be more…”you”. But what the heck….paint up the second option, put some risers on it and see if you like it. If not…sell the sucker cause it will be beautiful when you are done with it and you will make some $! It
I like option number 2, its looks better with the chairs.
My personal opinion, I agree with many others here. Option #3. I love the farmhouse table, but not with the chairs in that room. I like the Oval top, but hate the pedestals. They are way too heavy for the chairs, plus the lip won’t work well with wheelchair under them. IMHO. If you could make lighter looking (weight wise) pedestals to go with those chairs, it would look so much better. But I agree with others saying, sell both, and find exactly what you want. I feel neither one of these are what you’re really wanting, when you’re unsure and wanting our opinions 🙂
The pedestals could be a nuisance to people sitting at the ends of the oval table. It would be hard to cross your legs and people sitting around the table could end up with bruised shins. The simple and practical farmhouse table would be my choice by far.
I see many many “rectangles in the decorating of your dining room. If it were me I would have to have some style of “rounded” table to break up all the “rectangleness” ( I love making up words don’t you?) So I vote for a more rounded table so therefore Option 2 of some sort.
Table one. It is open and airy and visually you can place six chairs around it easily. It would continue to contribute to the open and airy room you have created without blocking the space or making it look too chunky, which would detract from all your hard work thus far. Table two does not let you do that and looks heavier. Maybe before you decide which table you need to place four or six chairs around each one just to get a feel for how it will look before you decide which table would work best.
good idea!
Hi Kristi,
I am a faithful reader I love your blog and your talent and this is my first comment. I personally hate pedestal tables due to a rocking motion of the table top over time and drinks etc sloshing around from the movement that being said I love the oval for your room what if you used the top and the other slider AND made your own four legs that mimic the curve of the chair legs you made OR just make a new pedestal that is made so it doesn’t rock in the future either way you can adjust the height to what you need for your beautiful chairs. The blue paint looks good with the chairs fabric but I think try the wall color first since your changing them to white the blue seems to stand out too much in regards to the rest of the house. To me the farm house table even though it is VERY BEAUTIFUL seems delicate in thickness size compared to the chairs and the wall trims. Can’t wait to see what you end up with 🙂 enjoy the journey !
I really love your blog. I love the honesty and if you don’t like something you realize you aren’t married to it. So don’t be married to either of these tables!
My opinion: It is interesting that the shape makes something look smaller and also less ‘boundary-like’ (I’m very country, so just go with my words. LOL). That rectangle table looks HUGE. But it also with those lines looks like you aren’t connected with the other people at the table.
I have had a rounded table and a rectangle both. I liked my round one more. Why you ask? (I was hoping you would ask LOL) Well, on a round-ed table, there aren’t sides so to speak and so it doesn’t seem like you have to crane your head to look at people around the table. PLUS I like the leg position. I didn’t bang my knees.
On my rectangle table (I busted a gut for this table so yeah, I’m married to it –ha!) It has a butterfly leaf that folds out into a perfect square when fully open. I bang my dang knees on that table or someone in the family does at least once a week. And the chairs on our ends aren’t near as large as the beautiful chairs you have.
Also, I think that it will be easier leaving the chairs on the ends (you know, when you push back from the table to get up) if you only have to push back a little bit because you won’t have to worry about the table legs.
Paint that second table black, put a 2 x 4 under the legs and see what you think. You will be able to sell it better with color on the table any way, so give it a go. If you like it better, chuck the rectangle.
From the banged knee region of Tennessee,
Dear Kristi,
Unfortunately, I’m not crazy about either one. I just don’t think either of these tables are up to your decorating standard because I think your eye for the scale and elegance you’ve already created in this room is way beyond these two choices. To me, they don’t do justice to what you’ve so beautifully accomplished in preparation for your table.
From your photo it looks like your room is square? If so, I would absolutely use a round table. You say you want a “farmhouse” look but why not “mix it up” a bit and maybe use a beautiful Victorian table…stripped and bleached? This could still give you that casual look where you could then add either wood chairs or ones that are upholstered in a natural material. I could almost see a mix of crystal and bleached wood for your chandelier?!
Good luck and I’ll be anxious to see the finished product!
My opinion is totally about function since a friend of mine has a new wheelchair that sits taller and
the hand controls are even taller, which makes actually pulling up to a table more difficult. You are
so creative and talented in all that you do. Have you thought about a multi functional height table
to adjust as needed. It seems ADA approved furniture is lacking in the world.
No time right now to read ally’s other comments, so just throwing in my two cents’ worth. I think the farm table looks out of place in your more traditional setting. But I LOVE the oval table with that beautiful wing chair. Looks very cozy to me. I can see it in black. Beauteous!
Didn’t read all of the comments. I think option 2 is best of what you have. However, if it were my dining room, I would go with a lucite base and a glass top in an oval shape. I don’t think you want such a totally traditional look. The glass will showcase your beautiful chairs. I would want a triangular base, maybe two triangles, or a cilander. You will find it, just keep looking.
Option 2 just based on the way they both look next to your gorgeous chair. 2 just seems to fit that table better.
Please don’t hate me but I see a big ‘ol round table in that room to counteract all the straight lines.
I love you, please don’t kick me off your blog. 🙂
I love the double pedestal table!!!!
Kristi, Honestly, neither table. You said it yourself in your post, “I had my heart set on….” You’re not going to be happy with either of the two. If I were to keep one temporarily, it would be the farmhouse table, but it’s not your final table I don’t think.
I think the oval table has more “substance” for the room, if that makes sense.
Definitely not the farmhouse style table. Just the name of the style gives a warning that its not perfect for this room. (I like the table in general, maybe for a kitchen/breakfast room).
The oval shape is better, but not a bright color. I feel like it should not be a “focus” piece as you already have lots of pieces and colors that catch the eye. Try black (or maybe white?)
Okay, remember you asked for it. 🙂 I personally love table number 1 but however I feel the farmhouse style is not the direction you are going in. Your style is much more formal and ornate. So I think table one is not an option as it looks now.
Table 2 I dislike. Completely. It screams plastic when looking at it, to me anyway. That is simply because of the base. The base is too bulky and takes away from the beauty of all the other pieces in your room. It’s just too much going on with the base.
With all this being said I still feel that table one is best. however I think to change it to make it less farmhouse looking and more of what you are wanting all you would need to do is change the legs out on it. The legs are what makes me think farmhouse. By changing the legs to more formal legs would change the whole look of the table. It would then fit in much better with your vision for the room. I envision legs that are more curved. It is hard for me to explain but look at the legs in this link on the table: https://www.diningroomsoutlet.com/legacy-classic-pemberleigh-leg-table-in-brandy-finish-3100-222.html?p_id=52135&vfsku=52135&vfsku=52135&gpla=pla
The farmhouse table is definitely not right for the room. Way too casual for the other elements in the room and seems to clash in my view. Also, the proportion of the apron on that table is just not right. Table 2 with the oval shape is much more harmonious, but the pedestals scream yesterday’s news, but not in a good way aka classic. I would rather see a classic pedestal with much simpler lines that would coordinate with your formal chairs but not compete with them for attention. Maybe something like this.
I suggest Table #2 with a variation…. I would take off the bottom base off the table, leave the curved portion of the legs and adjust height as needed. That base just doesn’t seem to fit the rest of the table. I agree with many that Table #1 just doesn’t go well with the chairs you have selected and doesn’t seem to fit your design personality. Good luck with your final decision!
My 2 cents: I like table two much more than Table 1 – color aside, I think the overall style and shape of table 2 go much better with what you have already going on in that room than with table 1. I do think that table 1 is an ok table, but I think for what you’ve got going on it is missing something — it’s too long and thin and the details it has don’t accentuate the other elements in the room, which I think is why you’ve had so much trouble making it work. I think black would help hide table 2’s less stellar qualities quite well, and it gives the same kind of feel as the rest of the decor you already have that you love.
I love table 2 – paint it black to go with the credenza. It will anchor the room and look fantastic – your chairs will really stand out.
Could you combine the two? Add a rectangular table top to the pedestal base?
Definitely the pedestal table! 🙂 The farmhouse table does not complement your current style at all. It looks like a misfit – way too casual. That being said, you should do what YOU love! 🙂 That pedestal table is gorgeous. Perhaps you’ve just been looking at it for too long? It elevates your chair quite nicely and brings a touch of sophistication to the room. Selling can be an idea, but you’ll likely not get anywhere close to making it worthwhile.
Option 2!! I think you’ll really like what the pedestals add to the floor since you don’t want an area rug.
The problem I have with the farmhouse table is the routed edge on the tabletop. I think it needs to be more of a squared edge to look good with the legs and skirt.
I actually really like the pedestal table! I think it would be beautiful painted all black. My vote is #2 in your dining room. And, #1 in can possibly go in your breakfast room!
Either the pedestal table, or another altogether. I wonder what the pedestal would look like with the top from the farmhouse table….
Wow, lots of comments! I would incorporate the farmhouse table into the breakfast room. It will always be available for large family gatherings. Or use it in your office. Or sell it. Paint it whatever you like.
Option 2. My pedestal table has risers under the feet that can be adjusted to make the table taller to accommodate chair arms. I discovered this accidentally and it made all the difference in the world. Check yours to see if you have them.
Paint Option two, including the leaf and put it in the room w with your chairs. I agree that the leaf will give it a lighter feel.
If you still want a wood top and the wood is marginal, go to Rockler and get some veneer and veneer that top with a pretty wood then stain. It isn’t that hard, you just have to be careful and you are great in that department.
The downside to option 2 is only 1keaf. If you put new extenders and build 2more leaves you will still be able to easily sit 8 or 10 tightly. Don’t bother with an apron because if you are seating that many changes are you would use a bright white tablecloth.
I always love what you do, Kristi
I’m thinking the pedestal table (option 2). I absolutely love farmhouse tables and I believe I read that the designs on the chairs and pedestal table would be a bit much and compete with each other but if you were thinking of painting it a solid color (especially black), it wouldn’t be bad. You’ve tried so many different things that it wouldn’t hurt to paint the pedestal table and see what happens. I know it’s a lot of work but you’ll never know until it’s done. Good luck and I’ll be back to see!
I say option 2. The farmhouse table looks way too simple. I really like the look of your chair with the oval pedestal table. They compliment each other well in my opinion. And I think painted black would look incredible with your chairs. I remember thinking how I loved the black and coral together back when your cane back chairs were black and you were trying different fabrics on them-the coral Greek key pattern. I still love how those colors looked when you tried them together.
I didn’t read all the comments so I may be repeating…
I think if you paint the pedestal of table 2 it will make some of the heaviness of the table disappear. I think you’ll be surprised how the Santa Buckles will disappear and you’ll probably like that feature once painted.
Good luck with your decision
Ok. From the heart… Stop distracting yourself with furniture, etc. Clean up and organize your tools & supplies–remember when your father-in-law came and gave you all that storage space in the garage? Try to hold back the ADHD and stick to finishing the construction projects. The right table will come. It isn’t #1 or #2. FOCUS!
You probably won’t even get to this response, but if you have to use what you have go with the oval table, although how you will raise it up, I do not know. You seem to favor the farm table because it can open so much. Realistically, you can only open the table as much as the room will allow. If you are in a position to purchase, I would suggest trying to fine one with a glass top. It would really open up the room.
I LOVE the turned legs on the farmhouse table and I think that can go with anything so I don’t really see it “not being your style”, but the top is too small or the edges too sharp or something, it just doesn’t quite work. Could you maybe use the oval top and the turned legs? That way you’d be free of at least some of the “belt buckles” and if you could use the farmhouse apron you’d be free of all of them (not sure if that’s technically possible or not). Can’t wait to see the direction you choose!
Whilst I love Table #1, and the color, IMHO, I don’t think the legs go with the new chairs. This table would look fabulous in your breakfast room with the future banquette! I like the shape of Table #2 and think the ovalness would soften the lines in your dining room and I think the style seems more suited to your elegant chairs, but I think that the base looks too old school. But you are very creative Kristi and I know you could find a way to un-Santa-buckle that base. I too think the oval table would look amazing painted/stained black. If you still don’t like the oval table once painted and with a Kristi twist to the base, like others have said, you can always sell it and put the money to your ‘dream’ table.
Table 2 – Pedestal Table
Option 2 has more of a formal style which matches the room better. Although, you probably don’t want to be extremely formal, it still makes option 1 stand out like a sore thumb. I think the base of the table 2 are fine and that you probably won’t notice the “buckles” when painted. Maybe you could use the other table in your living or den for a game table or something.
Just another thought…….could you use only one of the pedestals under the oval table?
My parents had an old round table with several leaves. Because it was a bit wobbly when all the leaves were in, my dad added two drop down support legs. When the table had only one leaf in it didn’t need the extra support.
Option 1: Farmhouse Table looks like it would make a great kitchen table. It has a more relaxed country look. Your style, I do not consider to be country. Could you use it in the breakfast room?
Option 2: Is quite ornate and looks more like a Dinning room table. Not sure it is what you need either, but since there are no other options, then my choice would be Option 2 with some work.
There are so many straight lines in the room, I love the idea of an oval table to break up the square corners.. But I think the pedestal base is too heavy for the room.
I think # 1 is too generic. I like #2. Thinking black legs to downplay the details and maybe paint the top a peach color to match the chair upholstery.
I personally am not crazy over either option. I’m not thinking the chairs go with either table that well. If I had only the choice of these two tables, the pedestal would win. That farm house table fights with those chairs. The chairs seem too formal to pair with it.
Hi Kristie, wow, you have a lot of helpful suggestions. My take is to sell both and get a table w simple and modern legs and lines. That way your curtains and chairs will be the star and not the table. Sorry but for your room and the other decor I’m not likin either.
Your oval table will be beautiful and I love the base also. It would look like a high quality table once painted black!!!
Pedestal! I like the look better for your room and I love the ease it gives for adding an extra chair or three if necessary. BTW… just the other day you said you were not a farmhouse gal. 😉 Ditch the farmhouse table. 😉
Option 1. I had an oval (one) pedestal table for decades and hated how it lopped off space and crowded diners. It was also tippy with the leaves in and inherently weak with all the weight resting on it, which is not a problem a two-pedestal table would have. I also disliked needing to find rounded placemats, which, again, are not as spacious. I like the clean, straight lines of the farmhouse table, which mimic your moldings. The fabric and chandelier will add all the necessary curves, and the clean lines of the table will call attention to what’s on, around, above it. My 2 cents, but whatever you do I’m sure it will look fabulous. It always does.
Have you considered option 1 but with the original legs? Not as they came, but placed the same way as the current ones. When I look at it as it is currently, the legs don’t look substantial enough for me. However, the otiginal legs were nice and sturdy and also curvy. I think that if you place them at the corners without the cross support (or however that is called) the table will look completly different. More substancial but not too heavy.
Just a thought. 😊
I didn’t read all the posts above so this might be redundant. But just in case it isnt…here is a another idea…switch bases. Put the pedestal base under your rectangle table top. And make the farmhouse table oval and sell it.
Double pedestal table, the farm house table is too country for your style. I would make the double pedestal table work now and if you still don’t like it later when the house is finished, you can get a new table.
I like option one however with the nature of the room I feel like the color of the table is making it feel out of place. If that table was dark and then you had your chairs the pop of color at each end and then did something simple for the rest of the chairs. I also like option 2 but the problem is I feel like the base is very heavy and that is not what you need in that room. You could do the table in a white but the problem with that is I feel it would get lost. If you did table 2 dark then it is going to be very heavy for the room. You need a dark table in the middle to anchor the room and then do your chairs and then the centerpiece of the room to soften the harshness of the table. I almost could see a dark mahogany or ebony stained table (or even that table in a black or even dark brown) with the two floral chairs at the ends with white chairs on the sides. It would have an elegance to it but yet still be very relaxed and comfortable. A room that you would enjoy being in but would also be pretty to look at. I had the same issue you did and started out with an oval table and ended up going with a ebony square table with almost the same kind of chairs at the end only in a blue with slipper chairs as my side chairs that were slip covered. I wanted something elegant and pretty to look at but something I wouldn’t be afraid to use.
Do you actually read all the comments? LOL
I prefer table 2 for your look, but I have a farmhouse table myself and I live in an old farmhouse.
(What I keep seeing whenever you show the farmhouse table is that the aprons are too narrow for those legs, the proportions are wrong)
Second table all day…I think the farm table would make a great desk if slightly narrowed…think it has always seemed not quite right to me because of the legs being flush with the table top. Seemed like it needed more of an overhang.
While I “like” the farmhouse table …i “love” the pedestal table. It shows off the beautify crafted chairs that you are doing. Whichever you decide, I know you will make it your own style.
I’d go with Table 2. The Farmhouse table is just too casual for the room. Perhaps if you painted Table 2 something other than black you could have the color punch you want in a table that’s a bit more formal than the table you have in there now.
Could you use the Farmhouse table in the breakfast room?
Definitely table 2!! The farmhouse table is too common for you. You can find those legs on tables from Target (I bought one years ago).
As always everything you do looks beautiful!! Overall, like oval tables better. You can sneak an extra person in neat the ends. The picture with the chair and the farmhouse table looks very linear, lots of up and down, no other shape to mix it up.
I prefer the pedestal table. We have one that is quite similar. But, because of the oval shape you cannot seat as many chairs around it. So, even if the two tables are the same length, depending upon the size of your side chairs, you may not be able to seat as many. I personally wish I had a round table because our dining room is square. We bought the oval table when we lived in a different house or I would have chosen a round one.! Good luck!
Definitely the oval, first one looks out of place for some reason. I just need to know, where on earth do you get the endless energy for these projects you tackle. I am exhausted just reading them ……
Kristi, I am one of the ones who originally suggested that you might be struggling with your farmhouse table color because I didn’t think a farmhouse table really fit into your current décor, so I’m really glad that you’ve taken a step back to reconsider using it. I think that of the two tables, the oval table is a much better fit – oval will soften all of the angles you have going on in that room, and the “formality” (for lack of a better word) just fits in better with your house. Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE farmhouse tables – I actually swapped out a formal dining room set for a simple farmhouse table a couple of years ago, but my house is not the magazine worthy house that yours is turning out to be(!), so I think you would be happier with the oval table. However, having said that, I have to agree with some of the other commenters – maybe you should consider selling both of the tables when you make your super purge, then find something you really LOVE! I’ve been reading your blog for years, and I think that you’re like me, you find something you “like”, spend time making it better, but you still end up with something you like, but not love, then you’re really not happy with it… So, girlfriend, find something you LOVE and make yourself happy! Best of luck – whatever you choose will be beautiful!
Why don’t you change the legs of the farmhouse table to straight? It would be sleek and modern.
My input would be the oval table. 🙂 It goes more with the feeling of the chairs and I love the feeling of that room with that table. Ditch the pedestals and make them yourself perhaps by incorporating the design of the back legs on the wing back chairs. Your excellent at letting your imagination run wild and end up with the perfect thing. You can then also raise the height of the table . Not saying it may not be a challenge but if anyone meets challenges you do! I’d love to see that. I’ve seen three pedestals on extra long tables. I believe it was incorporated with one of the added leaves. Not sure how many leaves you said you had with that table. I love the country look of the blue table but not with those more formal chairs. Those chairs are gorgeous! Those with the ones you have yet to finish I think would perhaps all fit about that table and the lines look more “correct” in my minds eye!
Have you thought of a black stain rather than a black paint n that formal dining room. It wold be elegant and a bit country without being too formal. Excited to see what you come up with!
The double pedestal table gets my vote.
HI. I agree with Southern Susie about the formality and softening curves of the oval table fitting in well with your home. I like how the curve of the oval plays off the curve in the side of the wing chair. It looked like a vintage table to me; I was surprised that you said it had MDF in it–so obviously it is a modern “knock off”, but it could pass for an antique. I think all those curves and details would look great with a little bit of distressing. ( I know you said you didn’t like chalk painting, though. If you did end up chalk painting it, I would definitely put an acrylic poly sealer rather than wax over the top for durability.)
That said, however, at least in the photo the chair appears to be too wide for the oval end of the table. ( I didn’t have time to read through everyone’s comments, so perhaps someone else already noted this.)
You could always finish the table, and if it doesn’t work out, sell it on Craigslist and buy another one that you like better, LOL!
The farmhouse table doesn’t have a special look about it with a plain paint job, imho. Maybe that is why you aren’t quite happy about it—you want something as gorgeous as the rest of the room and chairs. Maybe staining it (again!)would help, or more of a rustic finish for a bit of contrast with the rest of the room? I’m sure you will figure it out!
If you do decide to go with the farmhouse table, I remember seeing a similar style table with a painted top and stained legs. I forget if the top was painted white or black (can’t find the picture anymore), but that would allow for the wood stained look and let you hide the wonky top.
On the other hand, I think the second table painted black would be more complimentary to the chairs you built. They look very large compared the farmhouse table.
Either way, you’ve got some great possibilities!
Ack! I read a comment here and then went back to read about cerusing your oak table, and then I couldn’t find it again to say that I agree. The commenter said that you should go with the cerused table, and I wholeheartedly agree. To me, that table looks way less farmhouse than the rectangular one. And you could refinish the top (and bottom), if you’re not happy with them. I am not a huge fan of pedestal tables in general, but I think that with wingback chairs, they do look better. I don’t like the second table’s legs at all.
I like the first one. At the very least, painting that one the way you want it will probably give you a new perspective on the original one.
My vote for you is Option 2. Your chairs are so elegant and the farmhouse table does not do them justice. I know what you do to table # 2 will be outstanding. If you still don’t like your current options there always option #3 – look for something else. You are doing such a fabulous job on your house. I know you will make the right decision. I am waiting anxiously for what your decide will be.
I am not fond of either table but if you are choosing one of them, wouldn’t it be easier for Matt’s wheelchair to fit under option one?
The table I think would work best is the cerused oak table that you originally did.
I think with a graphite near black chalk base. That table is not so much a farm house style but more like the urban traditional style that Restoration Hardware is featuring.
Which then begs the question how often do you and Matt entertain host large meals? Will you and Matt be eating in the dining room on a regular basis? I imagine not, since for most people that feels more formal than most of actually live. Do you have a place where you can have the small table in a “breakfast nook” for everyday meals.
I don’t think the heavy double pedestal table works there are a lot of large items in your dining room and something a bit lighter will work lift up the whole room. I wonder if cerusing the top of the double pedestal table would help lighten it up perhaps with a white base and cerused top?
It does sound like the rectangular table is the one that is most versatile but it is the one that has the most challenges in terms of fitting in your dining room in terms of style. Again I would go with the cerused top, and perhaps white legs. I have to admit that I generally am not a fan of shades of orange including the lovely shade of coral on your chairs next to black, but that is just a personal style choice.
It has been fun watching the evolution of your house!
Here’s the real problem: you’re fighting competing decorating styles. I’ve noticed this room has some of the more formal elements of your kitchen but some of the more floral farmhouse elements that kind of remind me of your last place. The walls in the dining room with the molding look formal, the fireplace formal but the art and color scheme and chairs are floral farmhouse. Your first table is flroal farmhouse, your second table an overcorrection. I think you’re worried that the formal style is too formal for your everyday life but I think the two styles you’ve chosen to mix are incompatible. Think traditional over formal. I also think a long table in what was a living room is causing confusion with how to use the space best.
I like your idea to soften some of the harsh edges you have. A round table and upholstered chairs would be great, something like this: http://imgur.com/a/qSr1j but to take it back from formal you should have a less dramatic light fixture, something more every day. Table surface and base could be swapped for other styles but stay away from the farm. Something a little more dressed down with a square table (with softer features) is this: http://imgur.com/a/YHlfD and you’d want to keep your room accessories in check to avoid going too floral.
Choose solid colored chairs or a pattern that isn’t competing with all the other elements of the room. Your kitchen is a mix of neutrals and jewel tones and you’ve moved away from that in this space for some reason. The lack of cohesiveness is why it will never feel finished.
I am too indecisive to give a clear, specific vote… oddly I thought the buckles matched the moulding on the walls. Paint it black and see if not, then sell it. Personally I’d decide on how many you want to seat. My husband told me if we ever invested in a new table, it’s got to be a pedestal one, he hates hitting table legs and moving around them. Now I’m on the quiet search for diy plan for a big pedestal table for gaming (we attend a regular gaming group, whenever the current hosts wants we’ll take over).
The farmhouse table does not match the visual weight of the chairs so no paint color will compensate that (for me), it just looks off. The 2nd table does compliment the chairs much better. However, if you paint the pedestal table black…now the paint will appear too heavy against the beautiful colors of the chair fabric. Too bad you can’t stain that table! What about a gel stain that *should* marry the MDF/vaneer/plastic look and give you a wood tone? Never tried it myself but I do think you need a wood tone to bring the room together.
Hi Kristie – I’m going to ask a question that’s a little off topic. This all started because Matt wants the house insulated and to do so you have to replace your ceilings. You said everything was going to be dry walled as well. I was wondering how bad the dry wall is in your office & Matt’s office ? I know these are very private rooms so could you replace the ceilings & Windows in those rooms. Paint, update the trim , spruce it up and move on. I’m thinking once you move Matt out he’ll never move out again & wont want to be out for long. That’s just male. Creatures of habit. Same with your office. Save time & money also. Your bedroom will become the new master bath so you’ll probally live with it for a while
Kristi, I thought you really wanted the famhouse table. You specifically installed new legs just so you could have the perfect table for you, to your specifications. Actually I think that the stained top looked very nice. Both stains looked good. But if you dont like the stained top, the table looks good in the blue-green that you have in your photo. I’m not sure what is going on, why you dislike the table so much. I have been following you for two years and have never seen you so indecisive! Maybe you do need to take a break and work on the hallway / mudroom. Then maybe you can look at your dining room options with a fresh outlook.
I like them both and think either would be okay. However I do not think you will be happy with either of them because neither of them are truly what you want. I would say go ahead and spend the money on the table you want and save yourself time and headache. From all the things you have mentioned I believe you are looking for a restoration hardware type farmhouse table. I will say I know those are REALLY pricey. However places like world market and Ikea have a some with a similar vibe that could work for a lot less money and they are extendable so you can have the size you want. You will do yourself a huge disservice by continuing to try and make something you don’t love work!
Or, you can build your own easily with one of Anna White’s plans. That’s what I did and I love mine.
Table 1. You’ve already got so much going on in the room with stripes, colors, moulding, etc. Less is more for the table. I think it would look better in black.
Besides… as a diner, I hate sitting at a table that has a pedestal underneath. It invariably gets in the way.
I think Table 2 for the same reasons pointed out by others – you’re making very formal dining chairs with a hand painted chinoiserie mural in the room as well. The windows, window treatments and chairs are all squares or rectangles – the oval shape of the second table works much better in that space. If you don’t like the ornate details, you can remove them and the paint will camaflage that. Your style is traditional, not country/farmhouse. Which is the same reason you decided against using the cerused round table even after all the hours of labor you invested in it. Whenever you struggle with something like the table, it’s always been because you are trying to do something out of keeping with your decorating character (so to speak) and are not being true to your taste and style.
I love the rectangular table in that room. I think it helps to ground the room.
My vote is for Option 2, the double pedestal table for several reasons. I think it is more in keeping with your overall style. Option 1, the farmhouse table, is just not you. Secondly, I don’t feel like you will ever be really pleased with option one. Its been several colors and combinations of colors already and you have never been really pleased with any of them. Perhaps the problem isn’t the finish but, instead, the table just doesn’t give the look you are going for. With Option 2, you can determine how formal or informal it appears by the colors and techniques you decide to use. From a personal angle, I prefer pedestal tables because they allow more people to sit at the table comfortably. With table legs, someone sitting by the leg always seems to be struggling to get comfortable especially if you have a large group. If Option 2 doesn’t do it for you, I’d start on the hunt for something else, one where you can have the stained wooden top with the remainder painted…just not a farmhouse style. If this were a chest, you really wouldn’t pay that much attention to the style. You’d just go ahead and stain the top and paint the rest. You can do the same with any style of table, too.
P.S. I forgot to say that I really like that option 2 is an oval shape. I think it softens the room and that is really a convenient, usable table shape.
I don’t care for the Farm House Table…..too plain and square. I like the oval table but the base it too fussy, try a different base and I think it would work.
I like the simplicity of the farmhouse table and the fact that it gives you such versatility with 3 leaves makes it a smart choice. I like the clean lines of it and I actually like the color too, especially with your chair. I like how it looks so crisp (another word I use to describe ‘classic’) with your drapes, which are fabulous by the way! The pedestal table might be a nice table, but it is clearly not your style used on what I have seen on your blog up till now. Just too stodgy.
I’m in the option 3 category. Read your comments about table # 2 the oval one. You pointed out a whole bunch of reasons you didn’t like it, so basically you answered your own question about that one. You can’t seem to make table #1 look just right. I know you’ve looked and looked online, but are you looking for things to buy or just for inspiration photos. Go back to looking at inspiration rooms and try and figure out what you like about them. Then get rid of the oval table, it will never be right for you or the space and it’s way too much work to get it to a place you might think about liking, then leave the rectangle table where it is and don’t touch it while you work on the other things in your room and clean out the area by the kitchen. Then go back to it and start looking again. There’s no reason you have to replace it or paint it again right this minute.
Option 2. Simplify the base a bit as you raise it up using your woodworking talents. Love the base painted black. Then I would gel stain the top using General Finishes gel stain. I have had a lot of success gel staining lots of pieces and they turn out wonderful.
Eeek! Too many comments to read, so forgive me if I say what probably a number of people have said above. I love farmhouse tables! But I don’t think this one looks right in this space. Partly because the room has become more formal over time, but also because it doesn’t have the visual weight to stand up to the wide horizontal stripes of your curtains. They make it look petite by compare. I think the pedestal table brings that visual weight. I also think you could go a route you’d mentioned long ago (didn’t you have a photo of a glass topped table wth a brass x-base, or am I dreaming?). Either go big, or go for visual weightlessness.
2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the first table has cleaner lines, looks nice in the room, and seems more practical as you’ve said it has 3 leaves, but to me the top looks more modern yet with traditional style legs. For me, the second table is more interesting, authentic and has more character. If there were a picture of it in the dining room, I think I’d have a better idea of how it would suit the room. Either choice will look great when you finish, I’m sure!
I think Option 2 is better for the style you’re going for. However, those chairs are competing with it. If you’re set on those chairs then go for option 1. Good luck! They’re both beautiful options.