I’m In The Times!!

Well, I’ve finally gotten my 15 minutes of fame. Oh, okay, it’s probably more like five minutes…possibly three. But hey, this may be my only chance, so I’ll take it!!

To see the whole New York Times article, just click on the picture below. And a huge thank you to Sonia Zjawinski for including me in her article!! It was a fun experience–from being interviewed, to having a photographer come to my house, and to seeing myself (and my pet station, little condo, and precious cats) in the New York Times.

There’s a great picture of my whole breakfast area with the pet station on the second page of the article, and the if you click anywhere it says “more pictures”, it’ll take you to a photo gallery, and a close up of the pet station is photo #4 in the gallery. The article is also in the print edition of the NY Times today.

Well, it was fun, but now back to the real world. 🙂 I’ll be back tomorrow with an update on J & A’s bedroom, so come back and see me!



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  1. Very cool! Enjoyed reading (and seeing) how people have accommodated their pets in style. Serious style!

  2. I'm so proud that you got to be a part of such a nice article! I'ts great info too! I am starting a project that will need a hidden cat box, so I'm looking forward to studying the article. Great ideas!

  3. Sally, I'd love to know what you're going to do to hide a cat box!! That's probably my biggest source of irritation right now in my tiny little condo…where to put the cats' litter box. Uugghh…I need a clever solution.

  4. Congratulations! Looks like you're part of a very stylish pet-owner set! Great article and pics!

  5. That is a very interesting article. It is great to see how creative we can get if we really put our minds to it. You did a great job of maximizing your space without having to compromise your decor. I would definitely love to see more innovative solutions for pet lovers.

  6. As the owner of 3 pets I have to say that your pet station is truly an inspired idea. Congrats on getting it in the Times.

  7. That is a very interesting article. It is great to see how creative we can get if we really put our minds to it. You did a great job of maximizing your space without having to compromise your decor. I would definitely love to see more innovative solutions for pet lovers.