
Back To The Pantry (And A Need For Accountability) [VIDEO]

Alright, y’all. I need your help. I need you to hold me accountable to get my pantry done before I take my end-of-year break and we say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019. For my own mental health, I need to have this pantry project wrapped up before this year ends, but this last week, I’ve been finding any and every excuse to avoid the pantry. There are cheesy holiday romcoms to watch, and keto ice cream recipes to perfect, and blog maintenance tasks to be performed, and outdoor lights to be installed, and on, and on, and on.

Anything to avoid the pantry.

But I’m running out of time, and I need it done. For my own sanity, I need it done, and I need my breakfast room cleaned up and usable again.

So today, we’re going to go through the punch list of things that need to be finished, and if I don’t get at least one thing crossed off the list every single day (or at least make significant progress towards getting an item finished), then y’all have my permission to scold me like a disobedient child who refuses to do her homework. Just don’t send me to my room, because I have a TV with Netflix and Hulu in there, so that wouldn’t exactly be punishment. 😀

I made a quick video to show all of the items that still need to be finished in the pantry…

(If that video doesn’t work, you can watch it here on YouTube.)

So here are the items that need to be finished…

Items left to finish in my pantry makeover project

On the tall cabinet on the right, I need a second coat of paint on the cabinet (or maybe two more on the crown moulding). I also need to add the stile to the top cabinet, and then add an electrical outlet in the open section where the microwave will go.

Items left to finish in my pantry makeover project

Then I need to do a second coat of paint around the edges of the ceiling, paint the walls and shelves, and paint the window trim.

Items left to finish in my pantry makeover project

Along the back wall, I need to finish building the new drawer fronts and get them primed and painted. (Yes, I had to build new ones because the original ones ended up being too wide once the cabinet doors were installed. And it’s very time-consuming mistakes like that one that I seem to keep making over and over on this pantry that have made me so sick of it.) I also need to paint the four cabinet doors and finish building the pull-out shelves.

Once all the pull-out shelves are built, I want to put a clear coat on all of them so they’re easier to keep clean.

Items left to finish in my pantry makeover project

On the freezer cabinet, I need to add a stile to the upper cabinet, paint a second coat on the cabinet (possibly two coats on the crown moulding), and then run the wire for the outlet to the breaker box so that it actually has electricity.

Items left to finish in my pantry makeover project

I also need to add under cabinet lighting under the lower shelves on each side.

Items left to finish in my pantry makeover project

And then I need to finish the door trim and re-install the ceiling light so that it sits flush on the ceiling.

After sharing what still needs to be done on my Instagram stories yesterday, several people suggested that I do things in order of easiest to hardest. That way I can knock off some easy things from my punch list really quickly, which will motivate me to continue on.

So I did sit down and make my list, doing a combination of easiest to hardest, as well as adding some things in where they just made more sense.

Here’s the order I came up with…

  • Finish painting the edges of the ceiling
  • Add stile on top cabinet on the right
  • Add stile on top cabinet above freezer
  • Add electrical outlet for microwave
  • Paint the second coat on the side of the right side cabinet (i.e., the tall cabinet)
  • Paint the second coat on the side of the freezer cabinet
  • Paint the walls and shelves on the back and side walls
  • Paint the window trim
  • Wire freezer outlet to the breaker box
  • Install under cabinet lighting
  • Paint four cabinet doors
  • Finish building, priming and painting new drawer fronts
  • Built three more pull-out shelves
  • Clear coat all pull-out shelves
  • Install and finish door trim
  • Paint the wall around the pantry door
  • And finally, load in all of my stuff and start using and enjoying the pantry!

I think that about covers it. I’m going to share my daily progress here on the blog, and I’ll also be sharing updates on Instagram, until the pantry is finished. Y’all hold me accountable, and if a day goes by that you don’t hear from me, then come find me (probably sitting in front of a TV, buried under a comfy blanket, and watching ridiculous Netflix and Hulu holiday romcoms) and make sure I get back to work. 😀 This isn’t a time for you gentle and understanding moms to tell me that I need a break and should just relax. I’ve been doing that for days. Right now, I need you “tough love” moms to give me a swift kick in the pants and keep me on track. Okay? Okay. Here I go…


My pantry is finished! Want to see the entire project from start to finish? You can find every single post about the pantry build right here…

Or you can skip to the end and see how it turned out. Here’s a peek of the finished pantry…

Butler's pantry remodel with dark teal lower cabinets, floating corner shelves, and whitewashed wood countertop

You can see more pictures on the before and after post right here…



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  1. Aubible books are fabulous for enjoying a favorite or new book, while still getting work done. I am almost done with book 2 in the Mitford series. Highly recommend.

    1. Agreed! If you’re worried about getting too engrossed listening and getting sidetracked from your work, choose a favorite book that you’ve read a million times and know well. If you like older books, Librivox has tons of free audiobooks of various classic books. My go to is Pride and Prejudice, especially read by Elizabeth Klett on Librivox. They also have some where different people do the voices of the different characters. It could also work if you listen to a book you haven’t read but have seen the movie.

  2. Kristi,
    Sometimes when I am stuck on a project, I make the list (as you have done), then start with the easiest item, just so I can cross it off. If I can’t find something easy to check off the list, I’ll break down the list into easier steps, just so I can cross something off. The important thing is to feel like there is forward progress. Then next easiest step, and so on.
    Your pantry is absolutely incredible, please stop beating yourself up over it. It’s a tremendous amount of work that you’ve accomplished in a short amount of time.
    wishing you well and have a great holidays,

    1. I have been known to add one or two little items that I have already completed so as soon as the list is made there is already some progress. Or at least partial progress- so for instance if you need to install those stiles, but you’ve already made them, put “make stiles for upper cabinets” on your list right above “install stiles for upper cabinet”. Then as soon as you’ve made your list you can mark of a couple of little things. I don’t look at it as “cheating” because you literally cannot install them until you’ve made them. I find it motivating.

      1. yes, thank you Linda K, for stating the point more clearly. If you scan your list and every single item is unappealing, then it does help to list smaller steps, e.g., get out the appropriate paint brushes, find painters tape, etc.

        Honestly Kristi, it all depends on what your true goal is. If the goal is to complete it by a certain date, then feel no shame in hiring out the tedious/ uninteresting parts so that your goal is met. If your goal is to be able to say that you completed the pantry completely on your own, then feel good about that goal.

    2. Totally agree!!! And great idea to break that larger task into yet smaller ones to be able to cross items off list showing progress!!!

  3. Hi Kristy. I like the idea of easiest to hardest. Kind of the way they recommend paying of credit cards. Smallest to largest so you can see an accomplishment. Also we’re not going to punish you by sending you to your room we are going to punish you by sending you to the pantry!! Get on it girlfriend!! It’s looking great!!

    1. Love the idea of doing a snowball to-do list. From smaller to bigger, from easier to harder in order to capture the momentum.

  4. Do the time consuming things first, to get them out of the way, then schedule a couple or more things a day so that you can finish by the 30th. Be sure to schedule a few days off for the holidays and maybe a couple of days off for any emergency like not feeling it that day or sick days. You can do it.

  5. GET TO WORK!!! Don’t worry. I’ll harass you every day!!

    Also, maybe go from most likable to lease likable task. If there’s anything on that list that seems even remotely appealing (although compared to ice cream making I’m not sure what would be appealing), start with what you at least kind of want to do. Some folks would say do the least liked task first, but sometimes you just need to see progress.

  6. From an efficiency stsndpoint, you may want to lump like tasks together. Get all your electrical work done at once. Then your carpentry work. Then your painting. I suggest electrical first so you won’t mess up carpentry or paint when you are cutting holes and running wires. Then carpentry, so you don’t mess up painted areas. (Then you can clean up your breakfast room.) Then paint and install your handles. This way you really only have three things on your list!

    1. So much of time is used to assemble tools, etc. I agree with Karen’s suggestion. Finish the electrical work and put those tools away. Carpentry while you’re in the measuring & cutting mode, and paint all one color/paint at one time and eliminate time spent cleaning brushes. Love audio books when I’m working.

      1. Yep, like with like. I’d say do all the build/construction items first, then electrical, then paint. Stop bouncing around (like I’d tend to do) and focus on similar tasks.

    2. I wanted to suggest the same way to go about it as my name sister – if you lump together several identical tasks you get through your list so much quicker! I would start with the painting as a) I have the feeling you like doing that or are at least that much of a pro doing it that it should be fairly quick and then I’d progress to something you don’t like to do but will be glad to have it out of the way…
      Anyway, you can definitely get so much done in the pantry that it is ok to fill the drawers and cupboards with the stuff that is surely sitting somewhere after you took everything out of the kitchen cupboards, right?
      YOU GO, GIRL!

    3. This is a great way of looking at the tasks ahead. I too was trying to think of suggestions to help with motivation, and this is such a sensible approach!!!

  7. Kind of wondered if your recent projects, though part of the overall house projects, were a way of avoiding finishing the pantry. So glad you are determined to finish before your holiday break. Good luck.

  8. I really like what Miss Mustard Seed says about managing time/projects in this post: https://missmustardseed.com/the-big-three/
    This was actually the way I made it through my Ph.D. and the dissertation in particular. It was such an open-ended project that it always felt like I had to be working on it, even during holidays and weekends and evenings. But once I made a “big 3” list and punched those things out I felt free to go on with my day and enjoy myself. There’s only so much work you can do (and only so much relaxing as well) in a day before it becomes less productive sitting there forcing yourself to (supposedly) push through it. I always got more done when I limited myself to a small number of tasks each day.

    1. Well said! I love Miss Mustard Seed. I think tackle the worst jobs first and get them over with. Find a friend to come help you so you have companionship while cranking through it. Yes to music and audio books! Go girl, we are all anxiously waiting to see the finished project. Procrastinate, no longer! Good Luck!

  9. Put the tasks in a hat and pull them out one at a time. No cheating , whatever you pull, you do. Now put the phone, tablet, computer, down and get to work. This is serious business here and you need to quit procrastinating NOW! #oldschoolmomofboys

    (How was that?)

    1. Lol. I also thought of putting tasks in a hat and pulling one out…cant pull out another another one till first one is finished. Putting a fun spin on a day if adulting…lol

  10. Put the tasks in a hat and pull them out one at a time. No cheating , whatever you pull, you do.

    Now put the phone, tablet, computer, down and get to work. This is serious business here and you need to quit procrastinating NOW! #oldschoolmomofboys

    (How was that?)

  11. I would do the outlets and light fixture first. Then finish the building of doors and shelves. Then all the caulking and filling. Then paint everything. Then handles on doors and drawers.

  12. What about asking your brother to come over and help you finish. I bet the two of you could get it done faster. That way you will be done before the holidays.
    Just a thought.

  13. This is not a scolding, but it’s evident you are a “big picture thinker/doer” and do not care for the finer details. You like to build and construct big things but procrastinate on the finishing details. Nevertheless, you’re right in that you’ve got to just make yourself do it. Your work is so amazing but as a loyal reader, I find myself thinking over and over, “come on Kristi, finish this so we can all see your dazzling room.”
    Recognizing it is a great first step. You owe it to yourself to see this pantry through. It will be worth it and such a great addition to your home. You can do it!!! I love your home. Hugs to you!

    1. I agree! See, I commented a few days ago to “finish the pantry” but evidently it got deleted by hubby cause it never showed up. Ha
      Most of the fun of following you is seeing the end of a project. When it goes on too long I lose interest…sorry but true.

    2. Gay…I think you are so right!!! I think Im like that too..I have grand ideas, know how I want it to look like in the end, gung ho getting started and then….I loose interest..
      Kristi…you can do this!!!! You can do more in one day than anyone I know!!!!You go girl…get rockin so we can all see this beautiful pantry!!!

  14. And if necessary, I WILL send you to your room, but it won’t be the nice comfy bedroom with the TV, it will be the PANTRY! How’s that for punishment??

  15. You are so close. You are so close. You are SOOOOO close to being done. Get in there girl and finish it up….! We are rooting for you as we sit at our kitchen table drinking Diet Coke and deciding if we should do anything productive today. Well maybe that’s just me. But YOU CAN DO IT! Love your blog!

  16. What about hiring a electrician for those tasks, at least that light, cuz that thing is pissing you off😡😆 I would suggest doing all the painting at once. Nothing worse than dragging out all the materials needed again and again. Curious, do you use your sprayer inside for shelves etc.? Just think of the finished product and how exciting it will be to organize and make it all pretty.

  17. I like the idea of doing all the electrical at one time, ditto the painting, carpentry, etc. That way once you’re finished with, say all the painting, the tools & cans can leave the building much as Elvis did! I think the painting should be close to last so you don’t have to retouch stuff.

  18. Kristi!
    I’ve been anxiously awaiting your pantry updates day to day, so now I actually have permission to nag you, I’m gonna do it!😆. I can’t wait to see what you post tomorrow—even if it’s just one pic and sentence about what you completed today. And normally I dont expect you to post on weekends, and even if you don’t, know I expect you to still be making progress. Painted the ceiling? Ok. Worked on wiring? Sure. You got this girl!!

    And by the way, you have a gorgeous voice! This is the first time I’ve ever watched one of your videos, even though I have been reading your blog since your condo days, and I was struck with your beautiful voice. Does that seem weird?! 😆.

  19. Hear ye, hear ye, THIS is what it’s like to live with an Artist. Big plans, big ideas, great start…and then waiting for the finished product. Kristi can’t help being this way, I swear it’s genetic.
    C’mon Kristi – we are sending you, via psychic waves, ambition to complete this project. Think of it as your Christmas gift to all your fans.

  20. I commend your determination to get this done! By Mid-December, I’ve usually adopted the “new year, new start” mentality. “Ohhh, I’ll do it in January when I’m nice and fresh!” As if I’ll magically be refreshed come January. Haha! Good luck with all your tasks. A little tip from someone else who loves lists- if you do something that is not explicitly listed, add it to your list so you can cross it off. It is sooooo satisfying 🙂

  21. YOU CAN DO IT!! I agree with tackling the easiest to the hardest task, knocking them out one by one. Call for some reinforcement to help! AND keep your eye on the prize! 🙂 New year/New BEAUTIFUL pantry/RENOVATION DONE. I repeat…YOU CAN DO IT!!! We are all cheering you on… 🙂

  22. Do you think that if you have to do a facebook live stream at the end of the month, ( so you have a deadline) it might give you motivation? Knowing we will all be watching to see the big reveal! Lol… Just a thought.

  23. Kristi, it could be me writing today’s blog. I am the Queen of anxious avoidance and procrastination. Usually because I am afraid the overall project won’t live up to my vision of it. Anxiety really sucks, hence escape to holiday movies. I suggest you stop fighting yourself and try giving yourself the reward of the rest of the day watching movies and otherwise puttering. After you do a prescribed number of tasks. And I strongly endorse the chunking suggestion. Do like work all in a row. The correct tools are laying out, the right materials are at hand, and it becomes easier to pick up something and start step one. The electrical seems like the most logical to me for starters. Give yourself three days and make a schedule of work/goof off times until the anxiety starts to come down. You can do this, and the results will be terrific.

  24. Ok, I raised eight kids. Seven boys. Street cred. Take it one day at a time. Set realistic goals. Listen to favorite music you love… stuff that keeps you moving. Don’t sweat the small stuff… keep your eye on the prize. And as my dear hubs often says… what’s the worst thing that can happen? The world will not end if it doesn’t happen… one last thing, have a grateful heart and keep remembering how blessed you are. 🙂

  25. For any part of your project that doesn’t require intense focus, such as painting, put in some earbuds and listen to a good podcast while I’m doing it. The dreaded project will actually become enjoyable, time goes by so fast, and you’ll learn something new at the same time! This is one of my recent favorites: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/way-i-heard-it-mike-rowe/id1087110764?mt=2

    Just take one thing at a time and don’t rush. Rushing equals mistakes. Just know we’re all rooting for you!

  26. I have 3 ideas that might help with accountability.

    1. PAIR: I know you like to listen to podcasts. Choose one that you have been anticipating. Plan to binge. You can ONLY listen when you are {working} in your pantry.

    2. HOUR GOALS: You MUST spend at least 15 minutes every hour working on your pantry. Put a chart on the freezer and check off each hour. How many hours can you do this each day? (Even if you just spent two solid hours working, you don’t get a break. Each hour is a new goal.)

    3. INVITE: Plan to have someone come and see your progress. Show off. Invite them back in 3 days to see your new progress. Show off again. Celebrate!

  27. Matt, help us/her out! Put your supervisor cap on and just post yourself outside the pantry until she gets a task done for the day. Or give her brother a call for reinforcement. She’s SOO close.

  28. You’ve done more in a month than I have done in two years! Personally, I would hire someone to do the painting and an electrician. Check it off the list. You continue to amaze me and I feel like such a slug compared to you, so don’t beat yourself up. Would it help if I sent pictures of my hot mess? With that said, GO GET THIS DONE! You will feel such a weight off your shoulders. Big hug!

  29. You are gonna LOVE using that pantry, and more importantly, viewing it every time you are in your kitchen or breakfast room. GO KRISTI! You can do this.

  30. Try grouping things like
    * do all electrical
    * do all the painting
    * do all the carpentry
    this way you won’t go back and forth from one thing to another. And yes, music, podcasts, or books are a wonderful accompaniment to most any chore.
    Good luck, now get crackin’!

  31. There are lots of studies that show people maintain motivation better when there’s a financial “penalty” involved (like an app that donates to a charity you dislike). What if you did something where you have to give discounts on your artwork prints if you don’t finish? 🙂

  32. Your list has 17 items on it. Do one a day and even with taking Christmas Day off, you’ll be done by the end of the year. Of course that means you have to do one item on the list today! You can do it!!

  33. I was going to suggest that you invite one or more of your loyal readers down to help/motivate you! Projects often get done more easily with friends pitching in (many hands make light work or something like that). But I would also group “like” items, as has been suggested – all the electrical, all the carpentry and lastly, all the painting.

    You can do this! I have faith in you. As a mom, I’m a bit of disappointment – not much of a nagger or a punisher. Does disappointment come into play here at all??? Not in you, btw, but in not seeing the room done before the end of the year!

  34. I highly recommend Audible books or podcasts. I just got through 2 unpleasant, rather long tasks with my wireless ear pods listening to a book. It made accomplishing these tasks nearly painless.
    Congrats, all the best to you and your followers as we all bear down on our year end goals. Some stars have aligned for my own recent successes for 2018, wishing you all the same.

  35. All I can think of when I see your video is how much you have done with your home and how I still continue to look at my much smaller home and see all the unfinished kitchen/dining room projects in my own home that I wish I could be motivated to do.

  36. Another technique…pick 3 items from the master list. When 2 are done, pick two more from the master list so you’re back at 3. Repeat.

    If the 1 remaining item out of each cluster of 3 is always the same item, it may needto be broken down into smaller tall sections.

    Lau not sit everyone, but when I’m feeling overwhelmed, it helpsme very moving.

  37. I’ll add on to the other ideas.
    Like projects together.
    Do blogs or music only while you work on the pantry.
    For each reasonable group of punch items completed, you are allowed 1-2 romcoms that day only.
    For the longest, most tedious, you get a helper.
    While I don’t comment often, I do notice when you aren’t progressing.

    I too would like a nice video or just photo tour of your pantry before 2019…. Tapping foot.
    Now, you are healthy, not recovering from pneumonia, and skilled at completing all the tasks left, unlike me.
    Matt, you might need to reread these comments to her as she gets distracted.
    Give yourself a completed pantry this year; you deserve a completed custom pantry of your dreams.

  38. OMG you are so close to finishing it, just a few days and you will be done. Seems like most of your work is painting. BTW, I love the white doors on the bottom half. Looks great and breaks it up nicely.

  39. Hmmm, I wonder if the set requirements you would do by following your logical list may cause a surge of inner rebellion. Do you usually work that way? Methodical people do, but I don’t see you as that at all. It seems that you feel better following your gut. So maybe your 17 steps end up to be in some random order, but so what? Unless one or more of the waiting work steps depends on finishing something else first? Then, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. So, do it! After that, day by day, do what moves you along your list.

    The following is not woo woo. It works. Sit down and VISUALIZE the finished result and see everything in place in that pantry. Down to the toothpicks. Do what you ‘see.’ DONE. Clean up the mess in there, and in the breakfast room. Take pictures/videos.

    Then, back out of that space and smile along with Matt because you did it! The visualization pulls you forward and makes it a ‘want to’ not the onerous ‘have to’ that your present plea for accountability makes it out to be.

    I know you can do it. If, for some reason you don’t, remember that moving from Dec. 31, 2018 to Jan. 1, 2019 signifies the transition to just another day of life, not a penance for being short of finishing a goal within one year.

    While you are concluding, VISUALIZE the next major project. (Although, first, I would like to see you finish up the small ones you have not mentioned for a long time. For example, the Greek key trim on the drape: sewn and hung. And a few other niggly pesky waiting tasks. Remember, you asked to be nagged. “Yes, but not about that!” ) So suffah. 🙂

    Then, get on with the next biggie. The Studio?

    However it goes, we are all cheering you on.

    I’m all eyes and ears in expectation.

    Hugs from Ecuador.

  40. Whenever I’m doing house projects, cooking, or anything I don’t want to be doing I bring my iPad and all the predictable, eye rolling, and addictive Hallmark movies with me.

    It really does make the projects less boring.

  41. I have a mission, if you wish to accept it. (CUE Mission Impossible music!)

    I need to finish my master bedroom. Like you, I am SO close. I’m stuck and I need the motivation too. It really is holding up everything else in the house, including decorating for Christmas.

    Here’s my punch list:

    1. Paint final coat in master walls.
    2. Remove clothing from master closet and paint 2 coats, including the closet door.
    3. But everything back in closet.
    4. Paint and install new trim around windows and install new baseboards.
    5. Install new curtain rod and dress the room.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  42. For right now, you should hire an electrician and ask your brother to come and help you finish the rest of the items on your list. Moving forward, have you ever considered hiring an apprentice/assistance to help you with your projects? Honestly, I don’t know how you do all this by yourself.

  43. Goodness Kristi your pantry looks awesome even not completed.. I would love to be in that room…!!! Those tiles, those colors.. wow. and yes listening to your voice was pretty neat too. Like we are besties and your showing me your room. I’m the complete opposite I guess. I always want whatever I start finished right then and there, course I definitely don’t do anything near what you have accomplished. You are amazing.
    I’m going to be one of those softies and say, “you’ll get it done when you get it done” don’t kill yourself over it..!!

  44. Looking at your blog is my reward each day for getting some of my tasks done. So, I am always a little disappointed when there is no post for the day. (though I understand!) I am SO excited you are going to be posting each day’s progress on the Pantry until it is done! So if there is no post I will be tracking you down little missy! Whatever you get done,…paint, an outlet wired, tools cleaned up….POST IT! I’ll be watching! 🙂

  45. My boss used to say, “Ready, Fire, Aim!” He meant, quit planning and just do something. Doing something will lead to something else, and so on. As much as I love lists, they can be over rated. Just pick something you enjoy to work on in the pantry, and go from there. Remember, you like this stuff, and you’re great at it. 🙂

  46. If you’ve read this far down through comments —-GET TO WORKING!!!! See, I can be tough! Matt, change the code for Netflix and Hulu, and don’t tell her!

  47. You and I have the same illness right now. I’m supposed to be finishing up a Powerpoint for a group I belong to. I’m mainly producing the Powerpoint to say I’ve done it, as I doubt the group will ever use it in a class room setting. I need to count the time I’ve spent and email the leader recording how many hours I’ve donated/volunteered in this project, but instead I’m reading your blog post and every single comment. Plus, behind me are 11 boxes of Christmas decorations and a half lit Christmas tree (my reward project for completing the dreaded Powerpoint.) Christmas is at our home this year and I can’t decorate until the Powerpoint is finished. Yes, the Powerpoint won’t be finished until I encourage you to work on your pantry. Get going girl!! I’m setting a timer at my house, 4 pm is my self-imposed deadline. On your mark, get set, GO!! We’re all looking forward to your Progress Report Posts.

  48. I wish I was in Texas, not Ohio. I would come over and we could tag team that project together. I have plenty of things to do at my own home but I find it more fun to dig through other people’s messes. Now quit reading this stuff and looking up mustard seeds and get to it! #anotheroldschoolmomof3boys

  49. Kristi,

    You got this!! You have lost a ton of weight this year, started to LOVE organizing and now….the pantry!! Get up early tomorrow, work your butt off and knock this project out of this year. Now dang it…get to work so we can all “come over” for the reveal.


  50. Kristi, you CAN DO IT. I agree with so many other comments, to do all like minded stuff together, electrical, carpentry and painting. That way you get a satisfaction of completing that task and a reward of putting those tools away out of your pantry. You are SO close, it would be a great gift to yourself to get your pantry completely finished and what a way to finish the year with it done and an equally great gift to us your readers, who love following you and all your incredible work. Now get in there and get it done Kristi. Remember you´re a superwoman, you´ve got this, you CAN DO IT.

  51. Hi Kristi…
    You’ve got this girl!!!! You have come to far and have.done a magnificent job. Becuse you know you can do things yourself, and probably do a better job, it probably does take you longer.. But that is OK!!!! Your work is something to be over the moon proud about!!!!
    Remember to give yourself Grace!! Your projects are big and take time…remember…you started with only 4 walls in your pantry!!! Take a minute and see how much you have done!!!
    How many hours a day do you work on your house??? More than 8??? I’ve read many a posts that you are just quitting way way late into the evening!!!
    Most of our days jobs are 8 hrs/ day….are you working more than that!!!!
    I’ve worked with special needs children and this is how we word things to help with motivation…when ______ then _____. So take a task. WHEN you finish that task THEN you get a reward…maybe a 1 netflix show..no bing watching allowed…lol
    You got this girl…we are all waiting to see it completed and cleaned up

  52. I would start at the top and work down doing the biggest projects first. Paint ceiling and walls. Move on the two biggest cabinets. Electrical, spray pull-outs, and paint. Now you just have the detail work on the center lower cabinets and are more than half done.

  53. You can do it! I’m so excited to see you finish this. Sometime when I have a big project and there are so many things that need to be done, I go from one end of the room to the other completing everything in one area before moving to the next. It isn’t the most efficient, but if I’m in a slump, being able to start seeing parts of the room that are completely finished motivates me to get the rest done quicker. Like just working on the right cabinet and getting that complete so that every time you go in, or look from the kitchen, that would be what you see. Then working on everything to the right of the window and so on. At least the area you need to focus on would be getting smaller and smaller. Like I said, not the most efficient, but can be very motivating. Good luck. And if you do find yourself slipping and end up perfecting that keto ice cream recipe, I wouldn’t mind you sharing it. 🙂

  54. I believe about now I would call brother to help. Sometimes someone stepping in can make a difference. You have so many comments you may not get to this one. Good luck. I know you can do it. Follow that list and it will go faster than you think! You are amazing!!!

  55. You are almost there, Kristi! You can do it! Put on the music that makes you hum, sing and jig along. Put it on out loud, not in your ears. Especially when you’re painting! Is there a CD or playlist that is an instant energizer for you? We all have one. Play it out loud and proud! Who knows, maybe just a few hyper focused hours each day will suffice and then disconnect and watch another movie or show that you like to help you renew your ganas for the next day. 🙂
    We’ll be here, cheering you on!

  56. Now close your eyes for me–visualize the pantry all beautified and organized. Next, turn around and “see” your completed breakfast room all uncluttered with some hot tea & yummy treats for you and Matt to share while you both admire the newest space in your lovely home.

    This is soooooooooooooo doable for you- I believe in you!!

  57. I always do my projects hardest to easiest; it always feels good to have the thing I dread the most out of the way first. But whatever order you do them in, remember it’s one at a time; just focus on the task at hand. Your pantry is beautiful and you made all of those cabinets and tiles, not just installed them, so give yourself a big pat on the back. And then get back to work already!! LOL