My “New” Green Console Table
When I decided to paint the walls in my living room and entryway teal, it kind of left some things up in the air about the other items in the room. While I had mentioned painting the console table the same green of the credenza, and then using the herringbone lamps on the green console table, I was no longer sure if a green table would work with the teal.
But after living with the green credenza in the living room along with the teal walls for a couple of days, I decided that I actually love the two colors together, so I decided to go ahead and paint the console table in the same green that I used on the credenza — Jungle Trail by Behr. I’m so glad I did, because it looks so much better in the darker color!
The new color definitely gives more visual weight to the table, which was definitely needed, and I think it’ll look quite stunning when I finally get to finish this wall with the beautiful white wainscoting that I have planned.
**I will be doing something with the lamp cords. But I’m not going to waste time on that right now since I’ll have to move this table at least once, but probably a couple of times, to finish the wall. I still have to paint the bottom part white, install the chair rail, and install the baseboards. Once the wall is finished, I’ll move the table back and wrangle my lamp cords.
I really love the way the lamps look sitting on green. This green just gives them much more presence than the light turquoise-ish blue did.
I did the same metallic crosshatch finish on the green as I had done on the blue, but I’m not sure it has quite the same effect on this darker color.
So obviously I decided to use the herringbone lamps on the console table rather than in the living room.
Initially, I really liked them in there, but after living with them in there for a couple of days, I decided that there was just something “off” about them. They just don’t have that same presence sitting on a glass or white table top.
But I’ve also decided that I’m not going to use my turned “wood” floor lamps over there either. They’re just too big and command way too much attention. I’ll probably end up getting something much more understated that doesn’t have a big lampshade that I’ll be tempted to put fabric on. 🙂 I’m thinking something like this floor lamp from Ballard Designs would be perfect.
And if I use something more understated like that, I think I’ll be able to also use wall sconces above my fireplace, which I would love! But more on that later. 🙂
Edit: Here’s a comparison of the table in blue and the table in green. Unfortunately, the only picture I had with the lamps sitting on the blue table doesn’t show the whole thing, but it’ll give you an idea of how the color worked (or didn’t 🙂 ) with the lamps.
I didn’t dislike the blue, but I think the visual weight of the darker green has much more impact on that wall.
oh Kristi I love your choice for the new lamps, the new paint oh heck everything it is coming together just smashingly (is that a word?) anyway you don’t need my advice but could I ask why floor lamps behind the end tables instead of a lamp ON the end tables? I love the same lamp you picked out for behind but in the table top version. You are so right no need to bring in more lamp shade color and this is just the ticket love the metal aspect to it.
The main reason is because I have cats who like to jump on tables and knock things off. 🙂 I noticed myself holding my breath any time one of them jumped on either one of those tables with the table lamps sitting on them, and watching the lamps be jostled just a bit. And then my one flame-point Siamese likes to sit up there at least five times a day to do her cleaning,and watching her lean up against the lamp while vigorously cleaning was making me on edge. I really doubt that she ever would have knocked it off (although sometimes I think they enjoy the challenge), but I’d just rather have something securely and firmly planted on the floor that they can’t send crashing to the floor. 🙂
I have cats too and i have table lamps. If you put felt on the bottom of the lamp it helps them stay. There was only one time that a lamp fell and i did it.
oh okay now I understand and makes perfect sense as I have seen your cats on the table in some of your photos. daaaahhhh to me.
Thanx for asking as I wondered that myself. 🙂
I use Quakehold museum putty to hold items on tables so my cats won’t knock everything off!
Luv…Luv…Luv your work and ingenuity! Just when I might be wondering your reason behind one of your choices…you share your reasoning with us! I’m learning you have a plan and your plans just come together beautifully! Thanks so much for blogging and sharing your plans, creations, and instructions ….I’ve just got my Kreg Jig and plan to do countertops and build a combo desk/bar for our cabin! Keep up the good work & ideas….I look forward to seeing more from you!
I changed to chandeliers over my nightstands for the same reason. Cats. Found them on Overstock and they even have a pull chain for on-off.
I would love to see them, do you have a picture you could share? I would like to do that in the guestroom/office. Love my cats, but they think they own the place. lol
Love paint… you can always choose another color!! The credenza looks beautiful that color!! And those lamps were made perfectly for that spot!! Love!!
I love the lamps. I would put the floor lamp by the white top table and the Task Lamp on the other table and both in Oil Rubbed Bronze. I have a thing for table and lamps. I love them. I keep wondering when you are going to take out the air conditioner?
Ummm…we don’t have central air conditioning. We kind of need those window units. We hope to get central A/C at some point, but that’s not first on the priority list right now.
Love the green on the console table with your lamps! Also that floor lamp from Ballard Designs is lovely. I see it is available in 3 great colors! 🙂 Which color is your favorite for the room?
Anything other than nickel.
Though I really like your original floor lamps, I think that you are right to go with the simpler ones for the reasons you state. The brown walls, lamps and window coverings all seemed much more formal to me than what you are doing now. Honestly, I loved it, but I will also love what you come up with in the end too. I really appreciate how you show us the process and walk us through your thoughts. It helps to know that there are those awkward stages even for experienced decorators.
Kristi, Take a quick look at this floor lamp I just bought at Lowes for $39.00 !!¤tURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_qty_sales_dollar%7C1
And that floor lamp also has a matching table lamp.
While I think the one from Ballard is nicer, one big difference I see is that the one from Ballard is going to shine right in anyone’s face who sits on the sofa. Unless that shade will point straight down, it is a big problem. The one from Lowe’s, while not as pretty, at least shines down and will not be in anyone’s eyes. I love the idea of a floor lamp and matching table lamp, but agree that something would have to be used to adhere it to the table and still not be permanent. My favorite is not the museum wax, but Quake Sure. I’ve found it to be so much better.
I read the Overview on Ballard website and this is what is says (Swan neck adjusts at the shade, so you can direct light exactly where you need it.)
Yes, I like the table in green with the blue walls and lamps! I also like the idea of using something similar to the BD lamp you posted. It’s coming along really nice!!
Lovely, as always. 🙂
Love the look.
Your room is really coming together beautifully. Love hearing your design process with it’s challenges and how you work through them…I look forward to seeing the final (although I’m sure you’ll always be tweaking)
Beautiful as usual Kristi! Love the darker green and the lamps on the console table. Can’t wait to see the “fireplace” as we are thinking about doing something similar (we just have to close in a wall first). Love seeing what you do! Have a great weekend!
I didn’t love the table at first. There was something off about it and I just couldn’t put my finger on it. But seeing it in that green color has made me change my mind completely. I specially didn’t like the metallic crosshatch finish, but even that looks a million times better in that green color. It’s given it depth and I just think it looks lovely. Great call on that one Kristy.
That’s so funny because I was the same way. Didn’t care for the table, it lacked substance for me but I was waiting to see it all tie together because it always seems to in her rooms. Now that it’s painted green I really like the table and the lamps are beautiful on it. Love how it’s all coming together.
I also slive the new color in the console. The lamps marry it well to the teal. A good color combination and maybe a braver one than some may have chosen. It reminds me very much of something my friend (designer) had chosen in her new house. She always had her signature green, but has accented with teal and a more plum orchid in just a few pieces. (She chose it before orchid was announced color of the year.)
Obviously…LOVE, not slive.
Oh, yes…the green suits so much better than the blue did. I know it’s likely my monitor…but the blue was looking sort of country blue to me. And I like that the metallic finish treatment shows up better on the green!
Funny that you say that, my monitor was reading something of a country blue on the table too.
And I think the metallic finish on the green adds something wonderful to the table. I don’t think it’s any less effective now that the table is a darker green colour, I think it just accents it differently, and beautifully.
I like the table in green and you know I love those lamps anywhere you put them~awesomeness!
Hmm, both colors are nice on the table. It’s been interesting to watch your mind work. It’s difficult sometimes to pinpoint what is just not quite working in our minds eye and you do a great job of working right through it. You’re so driven one wonders if you actually sleep, eat, bathe and all those boring things! 🙂
I know, right? Her ambition, energy, and talent knows no end!
I too am continually amazed at her stamina; she’s like the Energizer Bunny! She gets projects done in a fraction of the time I would have. You go, girl!
Loving it! so excited to see it all coming together each day/week.
I’ve been MIA for a few days dealing with doggie health issues so I’ve missed most of your posts this week. I’ve got to say, though, that the lamps really “pop” on the now-green console table and teal paint on the upper wall. I really love the lampshades on your lamps – did you already have these or did you purchase them specifically for your watercolor tile column lamps? Really pretty!
The lampshades came from Lowe’s. I purchased them specifically for those lamps.
In the words of Meg Ryan (in When Harry Met Sally) ..”YES, YES, YES.” Your choices are gorgeous!
I really wish I had an ounce of your ambition and talent. Wow. You continue to amaze. I know after I painted something and didn’t like it, I probably would have lived with it out of laziness. You go girl!
I am in love withe the lamps and that console together. The green complimens those laps perfectly. You have such a great vision.
Love the console table in the green! Have you thought about painting the underside of the table in the blue and storing some small stools underneath covered in a coordinating fabric? I really love the way everything is coming together. You are amazing!
Sharon, I think she said something in an earlier blog post about stools under the console table for extra seating. Can’t wait to see what she comes up with! Maybe a stripe????
You have such a great eye! I love your lamps and the new color of the console is perfect! Thanks for sharing! I’m always excited to see what you’ll do next!
I was really loving how this room was progressing and couldn’t wait for the lamps to be finished but I have to admit I am not loving the heavy use of green. It seems to be making the blue look too saturated and the room dark for my taste. The lamps along with the credenza have taken the concept over the top and it now is starting to look too theatrical and kind of tropical which I didn’t expect. I would suggest some toning down unless you love it. If you love it, of course enjoy.
Cynthia, she has already said that she is going to move the credenza out of the living room and build a fireplace there. And the console table is in the entryway. I love how the lamps look on the green table. They tie the green and teal together beautifully (in my humble opinion.)
I agree Jean. Love her work just awesome.
I really like the console table in the green much better than the blue, but I am a green lover. I do have a question though- I noticed you have one of your tables you made- the Greek Key one and one of the ones from and just wondering if you were keeping the two different tables in the room?
I was just trying them both out again. I’ll be using one or the other, but haven’t quite made a firm decision yet.
Those lamps, if even possible, look so much more awesome on the newly painted console table! I like the green so much more with the teal even though the blue was pretty. I also really like the simpler, neutral floor lamp you pictured. I think that’s perfect in the silver or ORB (?) finish!
With the teal walls, I too agree that the green on the console table is a better counterpoint than the blue. Though I loved the blue with the silver crosshatching, it works great with the green also. The green color definitely does bring out the colors of the ’tiles’ on the lamps, as well as accenting the teal wall color.
I can visualize some small stools under the console table in your lovely striped fabric to tie all the colors together. I see them as padded storage cubes covered in the vertical stripe, with maybe the top in the same fabric as your ottoman with just one button in the center of the top. I made a storage ottoman years ago from the base of an old shop vac, and covered it in brown faux leather! I handed it down to my daughter and the last I knew, it is still going strong. Of course, I’m confident that whatever you decide to do for the stools will be just perfect for the room.
Have you considered making a simple lamp finial with just one watercolor “tile” on either side? I’ve made lamp finials for all my lamps and they really do add a nice touch. Perhaps a simple rectangular piece of MDF painted bronze, with a single ’tile’ on each side, and a small hole drilled in the bottom to fit over the metal finial would work, I think. Only a suggestion!
While I loved the heft of the wood floor lamps, I also agree with the more slender lamps for the living room. They will provide lighting without drawing attention from the beautiful window shade fabric, while allowing the kitties a spot in front of the window.
I’m really enjoying seeing how this room is evolving, and I truly do appreciate your sharing your thought processes as you go. I think it really helps the rest of us to know that it’s okay to exercise the feminine prerogative to change our mind! Not to mention your mad carpentry/painting skills. You continue to amaze, and I look forward to each new post.
I went back and re-read the post and saw the picture of the ottoman with the lamps from BD. Wow! I can visualize those stools in your striped fabric, with a mitered top in the stripe and one button in the center! Whaddaya think, huh, huh, huh????? 😉
Oooohhhhh, I LOVE that idea, Alta! The striped fabric on top, mitered with a button in the middle? LOVE IT!
I’d like it to be skirted as well, with pleats on the corners. Would I do the skirt in the same fabric? Vertical stripes? Horizontal stripes? Choose a solid color fabric for the skirt?
I’m gonna have to head to Houzz and see what inspiration I can find.
LOL! Glad you like the idea! I’d definitely go with vertical stripes on the sides, as well as the skirt. It’ll be a little bit tricky matching them, but shouldn’t be too difficult. I’d do a welt at the top of the skirt. Since it will be cut on the bias, it will come out being diagonal. If you miter the stripe for the top of the stool, and do welting around it too, I think that would be enough without doing a contrasting welting. Between the vertical stripes on the sides and skirt, the diagonal stripes on the welting, and the mitered stripes for the top, that should make enough interest without a contrasting welting, ya think? Can’t wait to see what you decide!
Wow, just perusing a few pages on has LOTS of ideas for ottomans under a console! I’ve seen some more contemporary ones with the stripes running horizontal, more like a pouf, and some with the skirt falling all the way from the top to the bottom for a more traditional look. Can’t wait to see what your mind decides!
One word … BEAUTIFUL!!
You have now reached perfection. The colors all look rich and inviting.
Liking the new plan with the metal lamps in there. I like the table in both blue and green. Maybe you should start selling them in both colors.
I love how the beautiful colors, textures, and shapes work together in your living room. I really like the teal, green, and tan together. I’m curious to hear your ideas sometime for the long teal wall that creates a right angle to the fireplace/window wall sometime and if you are keeping the chandelier or not. Thanks for having all of us along on your design journey! I look forward to reading your posts.
I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now. I would usually never add a comment because everyone else has already said a lot of the same things I would. HOWEVER I just had to tell you that I LOVE the teal color you repainted the walls with, I LOVE that table in the darker green, love the roman shades, and I absolutely am astounded by those lamps you made! Gorgeous gorgeous room! Thanks so much for sharing!
I keep loving the evolution! You are definitely a perfectionist. Those tile lamps are the perfect thing with both the green console table and the teal wall. Hate for you to buy more lamps, but your new idea is also perfect. I’m really getting excited about sconces over the fireplace. So happy you took a day of demolition to bring you back up to par. Don’t worry about the lamp cords right now, they’ll be very easy.
And, oh, don’t buy the Ballard lamps unless the shade will pivot all the way down. The way they’re shown right now, they would cast light right into everyone’s eyes. Occasionally those lamps are just made wrong. But these are beautiful if you can get them to pivot far enough straight down. If not, the one from Lowe’s are also nice, I just like the Ballard design better.
Use one floor lamp and one table lamp and use Quake Sure to secure it to the table top. It is removable, and while I have tried museum gel, Iike the Quake Sure better.
Love the table in green! Your lamps look so much better on it. And love the Ballard lamps too.
I love the green!!!
The blue was very pretty but I agree that the green is even better, great choice. I really like those Ballard lamps too.
I agree with your comments about the green and visual weight. I loved the blue (I LOVE blue) but I think the table looks stunning now in green. I think the green and teal combo looks wonderful together as well… sometimes it just takes a little ‘living’ with it to see how you really feel, doesn’t it?!
I just went back to check out your credenza and lamps beside the windows, for some reason I noticed how the green in the fabric window treatments pops. Will there be any green on that side of the room? I really like it NOW!!
I guess being in love with the credenza – I don’t want to see it go anywhere! lol (Except MY house!)
I can hardly wait to see the room finished- although you are making such progress in such a short time. How do you do it Kristy- with everything you do blogging, building, researching and designing other people’s websites?
I have a hard time fitting in normal daily tasks if I start something- do you plan your daily schedule? any tips/ suggestions?
I’ll definitely bring some green over to that side of the room somehow once the credenza is gone.
Honestly, I’m not handling the juggling of all of my tasks very well lately. I’m going to stop designing websites so that I can free up more time for projects and blogging. My clients are having to wait far too long for me to get their websites finished, and that’s not fair to them. So as soon as I finish up the last remaining website projects, I’ll be back to working on my projects and blogging exclusively.
Kristi, check out the ottoman on Houzz named Cara and Cole Hide and Seek. I love the buttons on the side, and I think it would be a simple one to make but still look really nice. Can you see it with the mitered top with the striped fabric? Only a suggestion! 🙂
On the page where you are deciding which way you are going to do your console table, in the first picture with the console by Horchow “sasha scalloped console table” would it be possible to make those footstools under the console? I truly love those and want to figure out how to recreate them. The sides going in and then coming back out is what I love, but also need to figure out. Care to take a look & see what you think? Can the sides be done without a special tool?
PS I love the way everything is starting to fall into place. Is the fireplace next? You simply amaze me. You know what you want and you will not stop until you figure it out. Love a person like that. You go girl!!!
All I can say is AWESOME!
Ha! I am beginning to see my decorating problem. I am so afraid of commitment that I don’t make much forward motion. Paint a wall? What if I don’t like the color. I’d have to live with a color I didn’t like for years… or, in your case weeks.
I wonder if painting can be part of our homeschool day. 🙁
I’m gonna make a prediction that you bring back the turned wood floor lamps!
I love seeing you re-discover yourself in this process. It takes a brave woman to share “the process” with the world too. Good thing you have outlets like “demoing” the bathroom. 😉
My 2 cents…. I really like the lamps you are considering….but when you get them….I would suggest that you take out the side tables and see how you like it. I’m not “in” the room. But in the photos it feels crowded and something about those lovely tables just doesn’t seem quite right. I think the lamps will add a bit of that vintage feel that you want…or at least talked about sometime ago….and the tables don’t have that same feel.
The new lamps on the “new” console really do look terrific. Don’t you love it when “finally” it feels right?
Hope your weekend is Extraordinary!
Beautiful either way! An inspiration as always!
I’m no expert and would defer to your ideas over mine any day of the week…that being said, I love the way the green table makes the lamps pop. I also love, well, pretty much all your ideas but studying the living room made me think maybe I don’t care for the idea of lamps beside the chairs??? I think a beautiful chandelier would stand out and balance the room without the need for lamps if you added some framed art to the blue walls. Plus you’ll have a fireplace with decor on it and that gorgeous mirror so that might be enough. But that’s just me:) I’m not trolling, honestly, just thinking out loud.
just thought id mention but you probably have heard of these for your wire issues, there are strips that you can put on the wall and are paintable so they blend right into the wall and the wires go behind the strips, not sure what they are made of, material wise, but have seen them on many designer shows. So I guess you would run the wires, if you had a lamp on each end of the console as you do now, run the wires along the back of the table till they meet up with each other, then ‘jump’ them to the wall behind the paintable strip that goes to the outlet. wish I could make it more visual for you….lol, but it was just a way of hiding dangling wires.
I absolutely love the way you give us a lesson every time you, rationalize changing something…It’s like going to Interior Design school with each explanation. I find that, I read YOUR blog much more than all of the others that, I follow…Thank You for being such an inspiration! 🙂
You were SO right to paint the table green. I liked it blue but it has much more presence and and greater impact green. Good call! It also works much better with your beautiful lamps. Your living room is coming together very nicely. I can’t wait to see what you do with the fireplace!
In honor of this weekend’s festivities, Kristi, you SCORE again! Having fun watching this all come together. woohoo!
Just love this as always! I LOVE the green and you have such an eye for design! Once again, beautiful!
Yep. It looks much better ingreen. The color highlights the lamps blue tint, which seems to tie everything together. Knocked it out of the park again. Wish you had your own hgtv show. It would be a winner.
I have been enjoying your posts. I love your table and lamps. They are gorgeous! Here is a tip for you. They sell cord clips that you can put on the back side of your table to clip your cords on so they are not hanging down. It makes it safer and tidier. You can find them with all the other command strips and the like. Again. your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
I love the green – It brings your lamps to life. Great choice!
…and that is what makes your blog so freakin’ awesome!!! Gorgeous!!!
I tried to leave a comment earlier but it doesn’t seem like it posted so here I go again…
Ever since giving birth to my little boy a little over three weeks ago I haven’t had a chance to check my blogs. I finally had a free minute so I wanted to check my favorite blog first. =] I love reading your blog! I love your designs! I finally finished reading your last 100 posts (okay, last twenty lol). I LOVE the teal on your walls in the living room. I really liked the brown, but the teal is sooooo nice! I love the lamps too with the water color paper. I never would have thought to do that! The credenza looks amazing. Those wood stripes are awesome! That console table? You are so stinking talented it’s ridiculous! =]
Congratulations on your new little one!! 🙂 I just clicked over to your blog to see if you had posted pics. So glad you did!! He’s so stinkin’ adorable!!!! That picture of him in the green cap — perfection. 🙂
I love this table, great job! I stumbled upon your website and you are fantastic. This is going on my to do list. Although I haven’t used a jigsaw for probably 20 years. I was wondering what kind of wood you used? I have found that I can get away with using those small bottles of acrylic paint from michaels or hobby lobby and water them down to even make a sort of stain with. Anyway you did a fantastic job and I can’t wait to read more about your fantastic DIY’s and decorating ideas.